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# Nga Huihuinga Tangata
"_E kore e tautoko i tenei kamupene kua ngaro i te matatika_"
"_Ko to kamupene he pono. Kei te kii koe kia whakapumautia a DMCA engari he maha nga ture mo te kore e pena."
"_Ki te uiui noa te hunga e pa ana ki a raatau tikanga._"
"_Ki taku whakaaro he harikoa te pono, he pai te huna i te tirohanga a te iwi." -- [phyzonloop](https://twitter.com/phyzonloop)
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## CloudFlare tutaki iwi
Kei te tuku a Cloudflare i nga imeera panui ki nga kaiwhakamahi kore-Cloudflare.
- Me tuku noa nga imeera ki nga kaihauturu kua uru mai ki roto
- Ka kii te kaiwhakamahi "mutu", kia mutu ki te tuku imeera
Ko te kuware. Engari kaore a Cloudflare i aro.
I kii a Cloudflare ma te whakamahi i ta raatau ratonga [ka aukati i nga kaituhi katoa ki te hunga whakaeke ranei) (https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/200170066-Will-activating-Cloudflare-stop-all-spammers-or-attackers- ).
Me pehea e taea ai e matou te aukati i nga tuhinga-a-tuhi-_mamaiho me te kore e whakahohe i a Cloudflare?
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## Tangohia te arotake kaiwhakamahi
Cloudflare censor [he arotake kino](https://web.archive.org/web/20191116004046/https://www.trustpilot.com/reviews/5aa6ee0ed5a5700a7c8cf853). Mena ka tuku atu koe i te tuhinga tuhinga _anti-Cloudflare_ i runga i te Twitter, he tupono ki te tiki i te [whakautu](https://twitter.com/CloudflareHelp/status/1126051764917145601) mai i [kaimahi Cloudflare](cloudflare_inc/cloudflare_members.txt) me "_[No, ehara i te mea](PEOPLE.md) _ "karere. Mena ka whakairi e koe he arotake kino ki runga i tetahi papanga arotake, ka ngana ratou ki te [censor](https://twitter.com/phyzonloop/status/1178836176985366529) [it](https://twitter.com/dxgl_org/status/1178722159432220672 ).
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| ![](https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/cfcenrev_01.jpg)<br>![](https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/cfcenrev_02.jpg) | ![](https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/cfcenrev_03.jpg) |
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## Kaiwhakamahi Doxxing
He nui te raru o Cloudflare (https://web.archive.org/web/20171024040313/http://www.businessinsider.com/cloudflare-ceo-suggests-people-who-report-online-abuse-use -whaka-ingoa-2017-5).
Cloudflare [tohatoha korero whaiaro](https://archive.ph/ePdvi) o te hunga [who](https://twitter.com/ZJemptv/status/898299709634248704) [amuamu](https://twitter.com/TinyPirate/status/554718958176067584) [about](https://twitter.com/remembrancermx/status/1010329041235148802) [hosted](https://twitter.com/Bridaguy/status/915003769280172037) [pae](https://twitter) .com/HelloAndrew/mana/897260208845500416). I etahi wa ka tono koe kia whakaratohia
tou ID pono. Mena kaore koe e hiahia ki te whakawehi, [whakaekea](https://twitter.com/NiteShade925/status/1158469203420205056), [swatted](https://boingboing.net/2015/01/19/invasion-boards -set-out-to-rui.html) ranei [patua](https://twitter.com/RusEmbUSA/status/1187363092793040901), pai atu koe i te noho mai i nga paetukutuku a Cloudflared.
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| ![](https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/cfdox_what.jpg) | ![](https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/cfdox_swat.jpg) |
| ![](https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/cfdox_kill.jpg) | ![](https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/cfdox_threat.jpg) |
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## Te tono rangahautanga mo nga mahi atawhai
Kei te tono a CloudFlare (https://web.archive.org/web/20191112033605/https://opencollective.com/cloudflarecollective#section-about) mo nga takoha atawhai. Kei te tino miharo kei te hiahia tetahi roopu o Amerika ki te tono aroha me nga whakahaere kore-whai hua he pai nga kaupapa. Mena kei te pirangi koe ki [te aukati i te taangata ki te taangata ranei i te waa o etahi atu](PEOPLE.md), ka hiahia pea koe ki te tono i etahi pihi ki nga kaimahi Cloudflare.
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## Putu kaainga
Ka aha koe mena ka heke to paetukutuku ki _suddenly_? Kei kona etahi ripoata ko Cloudflare kei te [tango] twitter.com/lordscarlet/status/1046785164792205314) pe [ratonga whakamutu kaore he whakatupato](https://twitter.com/svolentin/status/1227324408475344896), [muhu noa) (https://twitter.com/BlnaryMlke/status/1194339461984854018). Ka kii atu maau kia kitea e koe [te kaiwhakarato pai](what-to-do.md).
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## Kei te pehirotiro kaihoko kaihoko
Ka tukuna e CloudFlare nga maimoatanga pai ki te hunga e whakamahi ana i a Firefox i te wa e whakaekea ana e ia nga kaiwhaiwhai kaore i te Tor-Browser mo te Tor.
Ko nga kaiwhakamahi Tor o te hunga e kore e pai ki te mahi i nga javascript koreutu e whiwhi hoki i nga maimoatanga whakaharahara.
Ko te whakaurunga ki te whakauru i tenei mahi he kohinga korekore whakahoahoa me te whakakino i te mana.
- Tau maui: `Tor Pūtirotiro ', Tika:` Chrome`. He rite te Wāhitau IP.
- Tau maui: '[Tor Pūtirotiro] Haakoriko Javascript, Pihikete Whakahohe'
- Tika: `[Chrome] Ka whakahohea te Javascript, Pihikete Kuki '
- QuteBrowser (kaitirotiro iti) kaore he Tor (Clearnet IP)
| *** Te Kaitirotiro *** | *** Te maimoatanga uru *** |
| --- | --- |
| Torotahi Tor (Javascript whakahohea) | uru whakauru |
| Firefox (Javascript whakahohea) | uru urunga |
| Chromium (whakahohea Javascript) | uru ki te aukati (ka peia a Google reCAPTCHA) |
| Chromium ko Firefox ranei (Javascript he aukati) | uru whakakahore (pana ana * pakaru * Google reCAPTCHA) |
| Chromium, Firefox ranei (Kuki ngoikore) | uru whakakahore |
| KuawhiwhiTanui | uru whakakahore |
| lynx | uru whakakahore |
| w3m | uru whakakahore |
| waipo | uru whakakahore |
"_Kahore koe e whakamahi i te pātene Oro hei whakaoti i nga wero ngawari? _"
Ae, tera ano te paoho oro, engari ko _always_ [kaore e mahi mo Tor](https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/23840). Ka whiwhi koe i tenei karere ka paatohia e koe:
Whakamātauhia te muri
Tō rorohiko, whatunga rānei ka tuku tono aunoa.
Hei tiaki i o maatau kaiwhakamahi, kaore e taea te tukatuka i to tono i tenei wa.
Mo etahi atu korero taapiri ki to maatau whaarangi awhina
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## Te aukati a te kaipōti
Ko nga Kaoti pooti i nga whenua o Amerika kua rēhita ki te pooti i te paetukutuku a te hēkeretari a te kawanatanga i te whenua o to raatau noho.
Ko nga tari o te kawanatanga o Republican e whakahaeretia ana i te rehitatanga o te kawanatanga e uru ana ki te aukati i nga kaipōti ma te tirotiro i te paetukutuku a te hekeretari o te kawanatanga ma Cloudflare.
Ko te maimoatanga nanakia a Cloudflare ki nga kaiwhakamahi Tor, tona tūranga MITM hei wāhi nui o te tirohanga o te ao, me tana kaupapa kino.
e aukati te hunga pooti i te rehita. Kei te awhi nga Ripipeti mo te taha ki te noho muna. Ko nga puka rehitatanga o nga pooti e kohikohi ana i nga korero taangata e pa ana ki te whakamananga o te ao tōrangapū, te wahitau tinana whaiaro, te tau haumaru hapori, me te ra whanau.
Ko te nuinga o nga whenua ka kii noa i tetahi korero mo te iwi ka kitea, engari ka kite a Cloudflare i nga *** katoa o nga korero i te wa e rēhita ana tetahi hei pooti.
Kia mahara kaore te rehitatanga o te pepa e haehae ki a Cloudflare na te mea na nga kaimahi o te urunga tuhinga a te whenua e whakamahi pea
Paetukutuku Cloudflare kia uru ki nga raraunga.
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| ![](https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/cfvotm_01.jpg) | ![](https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/cfvotm_02.jpg) |
- He paetukutuku rongonui a Change.org mo te kohikohi pooti me te mahi. "Kei te tiimata nga [iwi ki nga waahi katoa, ki te whakahohe i nga kaitautoko, me te mahi tahi me nga kaihanga whakatau ki te taraiwa whakatau.](https://web.archive.org/web/20200206120027/https://www.change.org/about)"
Heoi, kaore he maha o nga tangata e kaha ki te tiro i te huri.org mo te tātari taikaha a Cloudflare. Kei te aukati ratou ki te haina i te pitihana, na kona kehe i te tikanga manapori. Ma te whakamahi i etahi atu papaaho-kapua kaore i te kapua pērā i [OpenPingan](https://www.openpetition.eu/content/about_us) ka awhina i te rongoa o te raru.
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| ![](https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/changeorgasn.jpg) | ![](https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/media/branch/master/image/changeorgtor.jpg) |
- "Ma [Athenian Kaupapa]" a Cloudflare (https://www.cloudflare.com/athenian/) "e tiakina ana te parenga koreutu ki nga papaa-a-rohe me nga paetukutuku pooti a rohe. I kii ratou "ka taea e nga kaiwhakauru te uru ki nga korero pooti me te rehitatanga o nga kaipōti" engari he korero teka tenei na te mea kaore e taea e te hunga maha te tirotiro i te papaanga.
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## Kei te maarama i te hiahia o te kaiwhakamahi
Mena ka tohua e koe tetahi mea, ka whakaaro koe kaore koe i te imeera mo runga. Kei warewarehia e Cloudflare te hiahia o te kaiwhakamahi me te tiri i nga raraunga ki nga umanga tuatoru-waahanga [kaore he whakaae a te kaihoko](https://twitter.com/thexpaw/status/1108424723233419264). Mena kei te whakamahi koe i ta raatau mahere koreutu, ka tukuna e ratou etahi imeera ki a koe kia tono koe ki te hoko i te ohaurunga marama.
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## Te teka e pa ana ki te whakakore raraunga o te kaiwhakamahi
E ai ki tenei blog [ex-cloudflare kaihoko) (https://shkspr.mobi/blog/2019/11/can-you-trust-cloudflare-with-your-personal-data/), kei te korero a Cloudflare mo te whakakore i nga putea. I tenei wa, he maha nga [kamupene e pupuri ana i au raraunga](https://justdeleteme.xyz/) i muri i te kati i to tango i to putea ranei. Ko te nuinga o nga kamupene pai e korero ana mo ta raatau kaupapa here. Kapahaka? Kare.
2019-08-05 I tukuna e CloudFlare te haamau kua nekehia e raatau taku putea.
2019-10-02 Kua whiwhi ahau i te imeera mai i CloudFlare "na te mea he kaihoko ahau"
Kaore a Cloudflare i mohio mo te kupu "tango". Mena kei te tino _removed_, he aha te mea kua whiwhi email tenei kaihoko-a-hoa? I kii ano ia ko te kaupapa here a Cloudflare kaore e kii mo taua mea.
Kaore a ratau kaupapa here hou e whakahua i te pupuri raraunga mo te tau.
Me pehea e whakawhirinaki ai koe ki a Cloudflare mēnā [he kaupapa here tūmataiti he LIE](https://twitter.com/daviddlow/status/1197787135526555648)
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## Kia mau ki to korero whaiaro
Ko te whakakore i te putea Cloudflare ko [te taumata uaua](https://justdeleteme.xyz/).
Tukuna tetahi tikiti tautoko ma te whakamahi i te waahanga "Kaute",
me te tono whakakore i te kaute i roto i te tinana karere.
Kaua e whai hea whenua, kāri nama ranei ka piri ki to putea i mua i te tono kia mukua.
Ka [whiwhi koe i tenei imeera whakaū) (https://twitter.com/originalesushi/status/1199041528414527495).
"Kua tiimata matou ki te tukatuka i to tono mukua" engari "Ka whakapumautia e matou ki te rokiroki i o korero whaiaro"
Ka taea e koe "whakawhirinaki" tenei?
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## Tēnā haere tonu ki te whārangi e whai ake nei: "[Nga Manu Kōrerorero Reo](../PEOPLE.md)"