mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 09:31:46 +00:00
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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
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[Matthew Prince (@eastdakota)](https://twitter.com/eastdakota)
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
"*Watching hacker skids on Github squabble about trying to bypass Cloudflare's new anti-bot systems continues to be my daily amusement.* 🍿" [t](https://twitter.com/eastdakota/status/1273277839102656515)


@ -36,9 +36,9 @@
Sincoma ukuthi uxhumane nabaphathi ngezinsizakalo ezithile noma amasayithi ongena enkingeni ngawo futhi wabelane ngolwazi lwakho.
[Uma ungayiceli, umnikazi wewebhusayithi akayazi le nkinga.](PEOPLE.md)
[Uma ungayiceli, umnikazi wewebhusayithi akayazi le nkinga.](../PEOPLE.md)


[Isibonelo esiphumelelayo](https://counterpartytalk.org/t/turn-off-cloudflare-on-counterparty-co-plz/164/5).<br>
Unenkinga? [Phakamisa izwi lakho manje.](https://github.com/maraoz/maraoz.github.io/issues/1) Isibonelo esingezansi.
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/
Lesi yisibonelo senqubomgomo yobumfihlo engenalo igama elithi Cloudflare.
[Liberland Jobs](https://archive.is/daKIr) [privacy policy](https://docsend.com/view/feiwyte):


ICloudflare inenqubomgomo yayo yobumfihlo.
[I-Cloudflare ithanda abantu abenza ama-doxing.](https://www.reddit.com/r/GamerGhazi/comments/2s64fe/be_wary_reporting_to_cloudflare/)
@ -84,17 +84,17 @@ Uma i-Cloudflare ivuza imininingwane yakho noma ingakuvumeli ukuthi uxhume kumas
[ Bhalisela ] [ angivumi ]
[*] [PEOPLE.md](PEOPLE.md)
[*] [PEOPLE.md](../PEOPLE.md)
- Zama ukungasebenzisi insizakalo yabo. Khumbula ukuthi ubukwa yi-Cloudflare.
- ["I'm in your TLS, sniffin' your passworz"](image/iminurtls.jpg)
- ["I'm in your TLS, sniffin' your passworz"](../image/iminurtls.jpg)
- Sesha enye iwebhusayithi. Kunezinye izindlela nethuba kwi-intanethi!
- Kholisa abangane bakho ukuthi basebenzise iTor nsuku zonke.
- Ukungaziwa kufanele kube yindinganiso ye-intanethi evulekile!
- [Qaphela ukuthi iphrojekthi yeTor ayithandi le phrojekthi.](HISTORY.md)
- [Qaphela ukuthi iphrojekthi yeTor ayithandi le phrojekthi.](../HISTORY.md)
@ -112,10 +112,10 @@ Uma i-Cloudflare ivuza imininingwane yakho noma ingakuvumeli ukuthi uxhume kumas
| Igama | Unjiniyela | Ukusekela | Ingavimba | Ungazisa | Chrome |
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| [Bloku Cloudflaron MITM-Atakon](subfiles/about.bcma.md) | #Addon | [ ? ](README.md) | **Yebo** | **Yebo** | **Yebo** |
| [Ĉu ligoj estas vundeblaj al MITM-atako?](subfiles/about.ismm.md) | #Addon | [ ? ](README.md) | Cha | **Yebo** | **Yebo** |
| [Ĉu ĉi tiuj ligoj blokos Tor-uzanton?](subfiles/about.isat.md) | #Addon | [ ? ](README.md) | Cha | **Yebo** | **Yebo** |
| [Block Cloudflare MITM Attack](https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/attachment/ticket/24351/block_cloudflare_mitm_attack-<br>[**DELETED BY TOR PROJECT**](HISTORY.md) | nullius | [ ? ](tool/block_cloudflare_mitm_fx), [Link](README.md) | **Yebo** | **Yebo** | Cha |
| [Bloku Cloudflaron MITM-Atakon](../subfiles/about.bcma.md) | #Addon | [ ? ](README.md) | **Yebo** | **Yebo** | **Yebo** |
| [Ĉu ligoj estas vundeblaj al MITM-atako?](../subfiles/about.ismm.md) | #Addon | [ ? ](README.md) | Cha | **Yebo** | **Yebo** |
| [Ĉu ĉi tiuj ligoj blokos Tor-uzanton?](../subfiles/about.isat.md) | #Addon | [ ? ](README.md) | Cha | **Yebo** | **Yebo** |
| [Block Cloudflare MITM Attack](https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/attachment/ticket/24351/block_cloudflare_mitm_attack-<br>[**DELETED BY TOR PROJECT**](../HISTORY.md) | nullius | [ ? ](tool/block_cloudflare_mitm_fx), [Link](README.md) | **Yebo** | **Yebo** | Cha |
| [TPRB](http://34ahehcli3epmhbu2wbl6kw6zdfl74iyc4vg3ja4xwhhst332z3knkyd.onion/) | Sw | [ ? ](http://34ahehcli3epmhbu2wbl6kw6zdfl74iyc4vg3ja4xwhhst332z3knkyd.onion/) | **Yebo** | **Yebo** | Cha |
| [Detect Cloudflare](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/detect-cloudflare/) | Frank Otto | [ ? ](https://github.com/traktofon/cf-detect) | Cha | **Yebo** | Cha |
| [True Sight](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/detect-cloudflare-plus/) | claustromaniac | [ ? ](https://github.com/claustromaniac/detect-cloudflare-plus) | Cha | **Yebo** | Cha |
@ -139,38 +139,38 @@ Uma i-Cloudflare ivuza imininingwane yakho noma ingakuvumeli ukuthi uxhume kumas


- Ungasebenzisi isisombululo se-Cloudflare, Isikhathi.
- Ungenza okungcono kunalokho, akunjalo? [Nakhu ukuthi ungakususa kanjani okubhaliselwe kwe-Cloudflare, izinhlelo, izizinda, noma ama-akhawunti.](https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/200167776-Removing-subscriptions-plans-domains-or-accounts)
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- Ufuna amakhasimende amaningi? Uyakwazi okufanele ukwenze. Ukusikisela "kungaphezulu komugqa".
- [Sawubona, ubhale ukuthi "Sithatha ubumfihlo bakho ngokungathi sína" kepha ngithole "Iphutha 403 Ummeleli Ongaziwa Ongavunyelwe Ongavunyelwe".](https://it.slashdot.org/story/19/02/19/0033255/stop-saying-we-take-your-privacy-and-security-seriously) Kungani uvimba iTor Or VPN? [Futhi kungani uvimba ama-imeyili wesikhashana?](http://nomdjgwjvyvlvmkolbyp3rocn2ld7fnlidlt2jjyotn3qqsvzs2gmuyd.onion/mail/)


- Ukusebenzisa i-Cloudflare kuzokwandisa amathuba okuphela. Izivakashi azikwazi ukufinyelela kuwebhusayithi yakho uma iseva yakho iphansi noma i-Cloudflare iphansi.
- [Ngabe ucabanga ukuthi iCloudflare ayikaze yehle?](https://www.ibtimes.com/cloudflare-down-not-working-sites-producing-504-gateway-timeout-errors-2618008) [Another](https://twitter.com/Jedduff/status/1097875615997399040) [sample](https://twitter.com/search?f=tweets&vertical=default&q=Cloudflare%20is%20having%20problems). [Need more](PEOPLE.md)?
- [Ngabe ucabanga ukuthi iCloudflare ayikaze yehle?](https://www.ibtimes.com/cloudflare-down-not-working-sites-producing-504-gateway-timeout-errors-2618008) [Another](https://twitter.com/Jedduff/status/1097875615997399040) [sample](https://twitter.com/search?f=tweets&vertical=default&q=Cloudflare%20is%20having%20problems). [Need more](../PEOPLE.md)?


- Usebenzisa i-Cloudflare ukwenza ummeleli wakho "wensizakalo ye-API", "iseva yokuvuselela isoftware" noma i- "RSS feed" kuzolimaza ikhasimende lakho. Ikhasimende likubizile lathi "Angisakwazi ukusebenzisa i-API yakho", futhi awazi ukuthi kwenzekani. I-Cloudflare ingavimba buthule ikhasimende lakho buthule. Ngabe ucabanga ukuthi kulungile?
- Kunamakhasimende amaningi we-RSS reader ne-RSS reader online service. Kungani ushicilela okuphakelayo kwe-RSS uma ungavumeli abantu ukuthi babhalise?


- Udinga isitifiketi se-HTTPS? Sebenzisa "Masibethele" noma vele uyithenge enkampanini ye-CA.
- Udinga iseva ye-DNS? Awukwazi ukusetha iseva yakho? Kanjani ngabo: [Hurricane Electric Free DNS](https://dns.he.net/), [Dyn.com](https://dyn.com/dns/), [1984 Hosting](https://www.1984hosting.com/), [Afraid.Org (Umlawuli susa i-akhawunti yakho uma usebenzisa i-TOR)](https://freedns.afraid.org/)
- Ufuna insizakalo yokubamba? Mahhala kuphela? Kanjani ngabo: [Onion Service](http://vww6ybal4bd7szmgncyruucpgfkqahzddi37ktceo3ah7ngmcopnpyyd.onion/en/security/network-security/tor/onionservices-best-practices), [Free Web Hosting Area](https://freewha.com/), [Autistici/Inventati Web Site Hosting](https://www.autinv5q6en4gpf4.onion/services/website), [Github Pages](https://pages.github.com/), [Surge](https://surge.sh/)
- [Ezinye izindlela zokusebenzisa i-Cloudflare](subfiles/cloudflare-alternatives.md)
- [Ezinye izindlela zokusebenzisa i-Cloudflare](../subfiles/cloudflare-alternatives.md)
- Ingabe usebenzisa i- "cloudflare-ipfs.com"? [Uyazi ukuthi i-Cloudflare IPFS ayilungile?](PEOPLE.md)
- Ingabe usebenzisa i- "cloudflare-ipfs.com"? [Uyazi ukuthi i-Cloudflare IPFS ayilungile?](../PEOPLE.md)
- Faka i-Web Application Firewall efana ne-OWASP neFail2Ban kuseva yakho bese uyilungiselela kahle.
- Ukuvimba iTor akusona isixazululo. Musa ukujezisa wonke umuntu ngenxa yabasebenzisi abancane ababi.
@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ Akukho okuphephile okungu-100% noma okungu-100% kwi-inthanethi nakubuchwepheshe.
- Awufuni ukusebenzisa iTor? Ungasebenzisa noma isiphi isiphequluli ngeTor daemon.
- [Qaphela ukuthi iphrojekthi yeTor ayikuthandi lokhu.](https://support.torproject.org/tbb/tbb-9/) Sebenzisa i-Tor Browser uma ukwazi ukwenza kanjalo.
- [Ungayisebenzisa kanjani i-Chromium nge-Tor](subfiles/chromium_tor.md)
- [Ungayisebenzisa kanjani i-Chromium nge-Tor](../subfiles/chromium_tor.md)
Masikhulume ngobumfihlo besinye isoftware.
@ -377,12 +377,12 @@ Ngakho-ke sincoma itafula elingenhla kuphela. Akukho okunye.
- ~~Bika isiphazamisi ku-tracker ye-mozilla, ubatshele ukuthi bangasebenzisi i-Cloudflare.~~ Kube khona umbiko wesiphazamisi ku-bugzilla. Abantu abaningi bathumele ukukhathazeka kwabo, kepha isiphazamisi sifihliwe ngumlawuli ku-2018.
- Ungakhubaza i-DoH kuFirefox.
- [Shintsha umhlinzeki we-DNS ozenzakalelayo we-firefox](subfiles/change-firefox-dns.md)
- [Shintsha umhlinzeki we-DNS ozenzakalelayo we-firefox](../subfiles/change-firefox-dns.md)


- [Uma ungathanda ukusebenzisa i-non-ISP DNS, cabanga ukusebenzisa insiza ye-OpenNIC Tier2 DNS noma yiziphi izinsizakalo ezingezona eze-Cloudflare DNS.](https://wiki.opennic.org/start)


- Vimba i-Cloudflare nge-DNS. [Crimeflare DNS](https://dns.crimeflare.eu.org/)
- Ungasebenzisa iTor njengesisombululo se-DNS. [Uma ungeyena uchwepheshe weTor, buza umbuzo lapha.](https://tor.stackexchange.com/)
@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ Ngakho-ke sincoma itafula elingenhla kuphela. Akukho okunye.
- Lapho kufanele khona, xhumanisa nala maqembu akule ndawo yokugcina - lokhu kungaba yindawo yokuxhumanisa ukusebenza ngokubambisana njengamaqembu.
- [Qala ihhoko elinganikeza okunye okunenjongo okungeyona yenkampani ku-Cloudflare.](subfiles/cloudflare-alternatives.md)
- [Qala ihhoko elinganikeza okunye okunenjongo okungeyona yenkampani ku-Cloudflare.](../subfiles/cloudflare-alternatives.md)
- Sazise nganoma iziphi ezinye izindlela zokusiza okungenani ukuhlinzeka ngokuzivikela okungamatshe amaningi ku-Cloudflare.
@ -464,4 +464,4 @@ Akukho lutho lwekusasa ngalokhu. Sesivele silahlekile.
### Manje wenzeni namhlanje?


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