mirror of https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor synced 2025-03-14 04:10:35 +00:00

Merge branch 'master' of anonymous/no_cloudflare into master

This commit is contained in:
themusicgod1 2019-11-18 08:59:01 +01:00 committed by Gitea
commit 5ee822d219
27 changed files with 1968 additions and 178 deletions

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@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
### License
* globalist (Globalist) -- [GNU GPLv3](globalist/LICENSE)
* pdf/* -- Unknown (you can find a copy everywhere. Thanks to authors)
* /globalist/* (Globalist) -- [GNU GPLv3](globalist/LICENSE)
* /addon/* -- [MIT](addon/README.md)
* /pdf/* -- Unknown (you can find a copy everywhere. Thanks to authors)
* Else -- [PUBLIC DOMAIN (CC0)](https://web.archive.org/web/https://creativecommons.org/share-your-work/public-domain/cc0/)

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@ -1,14 +1,31 @@
# Other Voices
# "Cloudflare, we have a problem"
!["Cloudflare is not an option."](image/cfisnotanoption.jpg)
"_It's endangering the WWW and you're blocking readers who are protecting their privacy by using Tor._" -- [Mr. Jeff Cliff, BSc](https://twitter.com/jeffcliff1/status/992571841406537728)
"_You shouldn't use it if you value visitor's privacy._" -- [Searxes](https://searxes.eu.org/)
Table of contents
- [News](PEOPLE.md#news)
- [Blog](PEOPLE.md#blog)
- [Forum / Wiki](PEOPLE.md#forum-wiki)
- [Microsoft Github](PEOPLE.md#microsoft-github)
- [Twitter](PEOPLE.md#twitter)
- [Mastodon](PEOPLE.md#mastodon)
- [Telegram](PEOPLE.md#telegram)
###### News
### News
"[CloudflareのDNSだと「5ちゃんねる」に接続できない ネットで話題に](https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/articles/1908/09/news108.html)" by [itmedia](https://www.itmedia.co.jp/news/)
@ -46,14 +63,18 @@
###### Blog
### Blog
(Just don't add Medium.com articles. It's Cloudflared. Whether the content is good or not doesn't matter.)
"[WARP is not a VPN for privacy](https://www.piavpnaymodqeuza.onion/blog/2019/09/warp-is-not-a-vpn-for-privacy/)" by [Private Internet Access](https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/)
"[Cloudflare - why the fuss?](https://decentralize.today/decentralization/cloudflare-why-the-fuss)" by [O S Layman](https://decentralize.today/cryptocurrency/blogger/big-h)
"[Cloudflare considered harmful](https://www.devever.net/~hl/cloudflare)"
"[Cloudflares WARP VPN isnt private nor safe; Dont use it](https://blog.kareldonk.com/cloudflares-warp-vpn-isnt-private-nor-safe-dont-use-it/)" by [Karel Donk](https://blog.kareldonk.com/)
"[Does Cloudflare help my WordPress site?](https://seravo.com/blog/does-cloudflare-help-my-wordpress-site/)" by [Seravo](https://seravo.com/)
"[Say no to Cloudflare](https://robinwils.gitlab.io/articles/say-no-to-cloudflare/)" by [Robin Wils](https://robinwils.gitlab.io/contact/)
@ -118,7 +139,13 @@
###### Forum / Wiki
### Forum / Wiki
"[The Great Cloudwall](https://lobste.rs/s/xkwcl3)" by [caioalonso](https://lobste.rs/u/caioalonso)
"[Proposal: Remove Cloudflare from the official Bitcoin Cash website](https://www.reddit.com/r/btc/comments/docdui/proposal_remove_cloudflare_from_the_official/)" by [LeoBeltran](https://www.reddit.com/user/LeoBeltran/)
"[Now that Cloudflare Warp has gone public, is it still the worst thing EVER?](https://www.reddit.com/r/privacytoolsIO/comments/da1lx3/now_that_cloudflare_warp_has_gone_public_is_it/)" by [Anaranovski](https://www.reddit.com/user/Anaranovski)
"[That's not how the web works, sorry. Cheers](https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=941394)"
@ -126,6 +153,10 @@
"[...Cloudflare DOES TLS termination, directly having access to all the data in clear.](https://www.reddit.com/r/privacy/comments/ckwlem/cloudflare_does_tls_termination_directly_having/)" by [JustCondition4](https://www.reddit.com/user/JustCondition4/)
"[What makes CloudFlare bad?](https://www.reddit.com/r/privacy/comments/cki0s5/what_makes_cloudflare_bad/)" by [Spadey0](https://www.reddit.com/user/Spadey0/)
"[The Great Cloudwall](https://sebsauvage.net/links/?beq2fA)" by [sebsauvage](https://framapiaf.org/@sebsauvage)
"[DNS over HTTPS](http://oxwugzccvk3dk6tj.onion/tech/res/1082196.html)"
"[Cloudflare = CIA](http://oxwugzccvk3dk6tj.onion/tech/res/1032001.html)"
@ -160,6 +191,8 @@
"[Cloudflare Is Not An Option!](https://www.reddit.com/r/privacy/comments/bhag8s/cloudflare_is_not_an_option/)" by [FVz7Ftt83m](https://www.reddit.com/user/FVz7Ftt83m)
"[All Captchas seem to be broken for me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CloudFlare/comments/7cqb60/all_captchas_seem_to_be_broken_for_me/)" by [da_sechzga](https://www.reddit.com/user/da_sechzga/)
"[Fastest DNS from Cloudflare + privacy first? Hmmm](https://www.reddit.com/r/privacy/comments/88qqjf/fastest_dns_from_cloudflare_privacy_first_hmmm/)" by [deleted](https://www.reddit.com/r/privacy/comments/88qqjf/fastest_dns_from_cloudflare_privacy_first_hmmm/)
"[Tor says CloudFlare's claim that 94% of requests from Tor are malicious is likely based on flawed methodology, asks for explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/4d21p5/tor_says_cloudflares_claim_that_94_of_requests/)" by [autotldr](https://www.reddit.com/user/autotldr/)
@ -258,7 +291,19 @@
###### Microsoft GitHub
### Microsoft GitHub
"[Handle new cloudflare blocking](https://github.com/krues8dr/lazuli/issues/29)" by [krues8dr](https://github.com/krues8dr)
"[Add cloudflare to blocked services](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdGuardHome/pull/1155/commits/d42d475d1b4376055adee3e6181c9a5624af7525)" by [AdguardTeam](https://github.com/AdguardTeam)
"[Cloudflare blocks feed update](https://github.com/QuiteRSS/quiterss/issues/1076)" by [QuiteRSS](https://github.com/QuiteRSS)
"[[Bug] API blocked by CloudFlare](https://github.com/angel-penchev/globaloffensive-predictor/issues/4)" by [angel-penchev](https://github.com/angel-penchev)
"[Cloudflare blocks me when trying to include jQuery](https://github.com/jsperf/jsperf.com/issues/518)" by [jsperf](https://github.com/jsperf)
"[Cloudflare blocks this client library](https://github.com/apixu/apixu-java/issues/1)" by [apixu](https://github.com/apixu)
"[blocked by cloudflare](https://github.com/thinkle/gourmet/issues/885)" by [imesg](https://github.com/imesg)
@ -315,12 +360,50 @@
###### Twitter (aka "Birdsite")
### Twitter
> Too many to list here. It is IMPOSSIBLE to list them all! [See for yourself](https://twitter.com/search?q=Cloudflare).
"I fail to see how Cloudflare would be any improvement for me, even without DoT." by @[jornbaer](https://twitter.com/jornbaer/status/1184895606373961734)
"don't send my traffic via Cloudflare, where the NSA can definitly read it." by @[jornbaer](https://twitter.com/jornbaer/status/1184896773086744576)
"Cloudflare responses 502 Bad gateway. So,I cannot access my account." by @[Lain_Wired_Net](https://twitter.com/Lain_Wired_Net/status/1195191788153298944)
"hey! I cannot access any of my apps for extra life, says cloudflare has banned me :(" by @[MatthewDaleC](https://twitter.com/MatthewDaleC/status/1190819639263137797)
"was just perusing looking for some info using Tor and your website wouldnt load due to CloudFlare DDoS protection." by @[PupGhost](https://twitter.com/PupGhost/status/1196098648846819328)
"Is the Tor DNS resolver down? I can't hit it or the favicon. It's okay, I just want to know so I can stop trying to get this working" by @[RenoMcK](https://twitter.com/RenoMcK/status/1195556205927600128)
"This is the page that loads when I try to load KSR :( " by @[NickNafster79](https://twitter.com/NickNafster79/status/1191427322261495814)
"Me: visiting a website with tor traffic Cloudflare: (chuckles) I'm in danger." by @[LinuxKodachi](https://twitter.com/LinuxKodachi/status/1190654141036523520)
"I love Tor, but too many sites are inaccessible when using it, thanks to CDNs imposing captchas on Tor connections, which dont render properly because they all use Google stalkertech. Artificial creation of false security vs privacy dichotomy. Looking at YOU, Cloudflare" by @[MissIG_Geek](https://twitter.com/MissIG_Geek/status/1189186672270819328)
"Not to mention, of course, that Cloudflare is also the prime target for mass surveillance" by @[TheBlueMatt](https://twitter.com/TheBlueMatt/status/1178424585244553216)
"Their dns infrastructure just became a prime target for all intelligence agencies. And I think we can safely assume that NSA / Five Eyes will have, or allready have access to that data. With or without cloudflare's cooperation." by @[HackyScientress](https://twitter.com/HackyScientress/status/1188161788619251712)
"البته اگر حریم خصوصی مهم باشه اصلا توصیه نمیشه CloudFlare استفاده کرد به دلایل زیر" by @[Snbig_](https://twitter.com/Snbig_/status/1171836697694351360)
"bitte kein cloudflare benutzen. niemals jemals. einfach nein. cloudflare ist ein big no no." by @[krizpin](https://twitter.com/krizpin/status/1176757352093106178)
"You getting a Cloudflare error too?" by @[michaeldexter](https://twitter.com/michaeldexter/status/1193326043899158528)
"Heck, I spent an hour re-submitting THIS CFP submission. Turns out Cloudflare blocked any submission containing "cmd.exe"" by @[danielhbohannon](https://twitter.com/danielhbohannon/status/1194978231142645760)
"The cause was identified as an error in an automatic update received from Cloudflare" by @[MCMarket_org](https://twitter.com/MCMarket_org/status/1194954194479792129)
"why do you trust cloudflare more than your ISP?" by @[bmarwell](https://twitter.com/bmarwell/status/1194872808435847168)
"Cloudflare is the largest mitm attack on TLS as we know it, why is this not discussed more?" by @[adrians_reality](https://twitter.com/adrians_reality/status/1187400617402208258)
"Here's what I have, was going to comment on how Cloudflare's SSH services are an MITM on SSH." by @[dxgl_org](https://twitter.com/dxgl_org/status/1187775624322191360)
""We have blocked you from visiting a webpage so contact the webpage owner to resolve the issue". Ummm…. how do you contact the webpage owner when you have blocked everyone in Singapore from seeing the webpage's "contact us"?" by @[MichaelSmithSG](https://twitter.com/MichaelSmithSG/status/1194515123903164416)
"hi, what's wrong with ASN 12714 that you're blocking on Cloudflare?" by @[cjmaxik](https://twitter.com/cjmaxik/status/1193842746605408256)
@ -329,6 +412,8 @@
"Cloudflare attempted to CENSOR this negative review on Trustpilot." by @[phyzonloop](https://twitter.com/phyzonloop/status/1194458264026660864)
"Ukrainian extremist website Myrotvorets still operates protected by Cloudflare. It contains doxxed info on thousands of people disagreeable to Ukrainian extremists, including #US journalists who visited Donbas. Several persons, who were on this portal, were killed." by @[RusEmbUSA](https://twitter.com/RusEmbUSA/status/1187363092793040901)
"Also, can anyone from UKLabour or Cloudflare explain why I haven't been able to access the Labour Party website for a day?" by @[BernieSnell](https://twitter.com/BernieSnell/status/1194688395164950528)
"You having a bad day ? I am having voip trouble, tried logging in to your customer-zone and getting cloudflare errors.." by @[4t4ri](https://twitter.com/4t4ri/status/1194613025535381505)
@ -337,6 +422,10 @@
"I've been trying for almost 1,5 hour to order something in the outlet store. Keep getting "Cloudflare error 524" or "503 Service Unavailable"." by @[JWestra11](https://twitter.com/JWestra11/status/1192416998065627138)
"Don't install Cloudflare's WARP "VPN". This is NOT A VPN by their own admission, and is a privacy MINEFIELD. This is a jaw dropping TOS, and I'm only a few paragraphs in." by @[notdan](https://twitter.com/notdan/status/1178339685795598336)
"Consumers simply do not stand a chance in hell these days understanding the technology surrounding them." by @[notdan](https://twitter.com/notdan/status/1178384818352066563)
"cant checkout online, tried cards from three different banks and always get a cloudflare error after card verification. Any idea?" by @[rossburton](https://twitter.com/rossburton/status/1192808969250717696)
"Hey Pinterest, you're DNS is down Origin DNS error" by @[DemosthenesPol](https://twitter.com/DemosthenesPol/status/1192831438707548160)
@ -1078,12 +1167,26 @@
"but because weve centralized the Internet so much, companies like Cloudflare, Google, and Facebook become arbiters of who speaks" by @[Pinboard](https://twitter.com/Pinboard/status/897983409552740352)
"I dumped Cloudflare years ago. I would get messages saying, "Cloudflare fine, site down," then i would go to the backend and disable Cloudflare, and guess what? Suddenly the site was accessible again! Happened several times on two different sites!" by @[The__Pigman](https://twitter.com/The__Pigman/status/1146208287408287744)
"my site is suddenly gone -- what can I do to determine what has happened and retrieve the configuration??" by @[lordscarlet](https://twitter.com/lordscarlet/status/1046785164792205314)
"cloudflare had a site hosted on your free plan for years and it was suddenly deleted. no changes to the hosting. had to re-add it." by @[derivativeburke](https://twitter.com/derivativeburke/status/903755267053117440)
"Suddenly required to pass a CAPTCHA when visiting my web site." by @[ColinTheMathmo](https://twitter.com/ColinTheMathmo/status/858708744003358720)
"I am suddenly confronted with an Error 1104, CNAME Cross-User Banned. " by @[WBommel](https://twitter.com/WBommel/status/834865647339331588)
"Yes, my site is suddenly down with the same error as well." by @[grempe](https://twitter.com/grempe/status/834856452296630272)
"the Internet giants make decisions that affect elections, political speech, violent protests—and are answerable only to themselves" by @[Pinboard](https://twitter.com/Pinboard/status/897984010562949120)
"annoying part was cloudflare" by @[AltichaDev](https://twitter.com/AltichaDev/status/1113892225472192512)
"A Cloudflare issue caused this for me. Check your firewall settings. Super annoying!" by @[zackkatz](https://twitter.com/zackkatz/status/1110375889978548224)
"Oh. Captchas get new meaning! They should change "prove you're not a robot", to "prove you're a human"." by @[majek04](https://twitter.com/majek04/status/790835167317360640)
"I keep being unable to login to your site. It's throwing this annoying error. Credentials are correct for sure." by @[tsopicland](https://twitter.com/tsopicland/status/1111368061368631297)
"The error 502s I keep getting when using your site are getting annoying. Cloudflare says its a host issue - "Server reported a bad gateway" Please sort this out!" by @[mrfuzzy](https://twitter.com/mrfuzzy/status/1099438055755313152)
@ -1230,6 +1333,8 @@
"Cloudflare deleted my domain config I lost all my DNS settings no wonder why my emails were not working." by @[stefan_eady](https://twitter.com/stefan_eady/status/1126033791267426304)
"If you file a complaint, its sent to the folks hosting Kiwifarms & they give the complaint directly to Kiwifarms to dox victims further." by @[remembrancermx](https://twitter.com/remembrancermx/status/1010329041235148802)
"We're about to find out if #Cloudflare keeps your #IPAddress anywhere." by @[shadesmaclean](https://twitter.com/shadesmaclean/status/1125516351966027776)
"Cloudflare, if you don't know this; we have seriously misplaced our trust in you." by @[ADoug](https://twitter.com/ADoug/status/1125266988966739968)
@ -1260,8 +1365,12 @@
"We are trusting one secretive, private company with censoring the web. Were essentially centralising a decentralised system once again." by @[steve228uk](https://twitter.com/steve228uk/status/1061949645113511939)
"They dox anyone who complains. They are the world's top spambot host." by @[HelloAndrew](https://twitter.com/HelloAndrew/status/897260208845500416)
"Chiming in here, of course, but Cloudflare ARE censoring people." by @[misslolahunt](https://twitter.com/misslolahunt/status/1106745032722137088)
"Just as a warning to others. Because if you fill out a cloudflare complaint, itll dox anyone else to the site." by @[Bridaguy](https://twitter.com/Bridaguy/status/915003769280172037)
" I do not appreciate "Cloud flare" unilaterally censoring conservative sites I choose to visit and comment on" by @[Suchindranath](https://twitter.com/Suchindranath/status/1086253299064438784)
"Cloudflare's CEO and abuse head block me over arguing about their support of abusive websites. Trolls fear transparency." by @[dxgl_org](https://twitter.com/dxgl_org/status/1123622959124549632)
@ -1274,6 +1383,8 @@
"CloudFlare is breaking everything." by @[sukarodo](https://twitter.com/sukarodo/status/1124283685304512512)
"New, let CloudFlare MITM your SSH . With an install and a some small .ssh/config changes you can forget all your SSH belong to them. " by @[dontlook](https://twitter.com/dontlook/status/1067408174007881728)
"Thought my Website was a Phishing Suspect, Cloudflare decided to force a Nasty Don't Enter notice on my E-store domain. No notifications to me at all!" by @[modaitalysuits](https://twitter.com/modaitalysuits/status/1122986421109682176)
"RSS Feed is behind the Cloudflare DDoS protection. My RSS Reader is self hosted, so it is impossible for it to retrieve any feeds" by @[GarcaMan2](https://twitter.com/GarcaMan2/status/1121234101657321474)
@ -1350,6 +1461,8 @@
"They've doxxed someone who reported pedoporn in the past so I'm not expecting miracles" by @[jpetazzo](https://twitter.com/jpetazzo/status/897554355368456193)
"Hi! Attached is the screen shot of my mobile browser when I try to access fitbit.com . Due to this, the app does not sync as it cannot get past this CloudFlare captcha." by @[rahul7280](https://twitter.com/rahul7280/status/935288633375916032)
"I reported a website for hosting illegal content. CloudFlare doxxed me to Brennan. Brennan doxxed me to 8chan" by @[petercoffin](https://twitter.com/petercoffin/status/554728016480182272)
"Cloudflare who are free speech to the point of doing nothing. You can't safely report valid abuse to them without it being forwarded to the hosts and you getting doxxed. Then cloudflare wash hands." by @[plambrechtsen](https://twitter.com/plambrechtsen/status/1125980039814606849)
@ -1466,6 +1579,10 @@
"Hey I can't seem to access the site, getting a cloudflare 522 error" by @[nemo2966](https://twitter.com/nemo2966/status/1100530567999823877)
"Unfortunately inaccessible from this IP. Cloudflare's captchas block not just bots but human beings. :(" by @[ErgoOne](https://twitter.com/ErgoOne/status/698513443314241537)
"you're not protecting your customers this way but making them lose money. go figure another way to block bots instead of human" by @[dtdw](https://twitter.com/dtdw/status/541462915434287104)
"I can't access your site. I'm getting a cloudflare error 552 connection timed out" by @[Abdul201388](https://twitter.com/Abdul201388/status/1101851412961611777)
"Im fucking tired of cloudflare and their nonsense grandstanding about DoH." by @[JumpyBirdBird](https://twitter.com/JumpyBirdBird/status/1065536618667270145)
@ -1692,6 +1809,8 @@
"threatening to harass and dox my partners because I told them to remove our address" by @[ZJemptv](https://twitter.com/ZJemptv/status/898299709634248704)
"The people behind cloudflare used to make network honeypots before starting cloudflare. I'd think twice before using this service." by @[twiet](https://twitter.com/twiet/status/980798126800982017)
"Your cloudflare-hosted site blocks my VPN so I can't even buy your VPN while using a competitor." by @[focusaurus](https://twitter.com/focusaurus/status/942968457909456898)
"Most use Cloudflare+CAPTCHAs to filter." by @[r0h1n](https://twitter.com/r0h1n/status/778788564519845888)
@ -1700,6 +1819,8 @@
"One large company (CloudFlare) deciding who can visit what." by @[OhNoItsFusl](https://twitter.com/OhNoItsFusl/status/680144362773319681)
"I am not a robot. TURN OFF YOUR FUCKING #CLOUDFLARE BULLSHIT. #CloudflareIsEvil" by @[AnalSystemist](https://twitter.com/AnalSystemist/status/810912761035313154)
"So CloudFlare you block my surf because I'm behind a vpn protection?" by @[manuzful](https://twitter.com/manuzful/status/677474770867351553)
"In hindsight, I'm an idiot for not taking the decrypt/recrypt into account" by @[Firesphere](https://twitter.com/Firesphere/status/756693331762184192)
@ -1766,6 +1887,8 @@
"I am tired of this stupid Cloudflare Human Verification. Even though I am logged in and been using Agar.io without any issue why does this human verification comes in annoying way that I have to verify in each and every gaming session? Has robot grown so much?" by @[mysterychemical](https://twitter.com/mysterychemical/status/1059297971387408385)
"Why am I being blocked all the time ? I am NOT a robot !" by @[JorgSchaper](https://twitter.com/JorgSchaper/status/697465639238246400)
"People are increasingly getting tired of little tyrants like you attempting to take away their freedoms." by @[Flavius_Amalek](https://twitter.com/Flavius_Amalek/status/1062372493946769408)
"Cannot access this site with TOR due to cloudflare. i got tired after having to do 20 verifications. No story's worth that kinda nonsense." by @[TheOnlyHapax](https://twitter.com/TheOnlyHapax/status/1045901955393097728)
@ -1852,6 +1975,8 @@
"why does a 403 response state we banned access because of browser signature?" by @[friedcell](https://twitter.com/friedcell/status/562634060057821185)
"cloudflare dox's people who report illegal customer activity. Silicon Valley morality" by @[TinyPirate](https://twitter.com/TinyPirate/status/554718958176067584)
"I would have to whitelist pretty much my entire readership. It is banning based on "browser signature"" by @[skinnypupp](https://twitter.com/skinnypupp/status/113637917741678592)
"You can't contact the host. Cloudflare proxy servers hide the IP of the website making it impossible to determine who's hosting. You can report to their abuse, but I reported 100s of scammers sites and they did nothing" by @[phyzonloop](https://twitter.com/phyzonloop/status/1071901410307031040)
@ -1892,6 +2017,8 @@
"Cloudflare won't help future me dox and harass complainants! Whatever will I do?!" by @[yaelwrites](https://twitter.com/yaelwrites/status/860518424144887809)
"What the fuck happened why does cloudflare have to ask me if I'm a robot every single time I want to browse the web." by @[Oosran_ebooks](https://twitter.com/Oosran_ebooks/status/588615228067164160)
"Why am I unable to get past your home page? Few attempts, not even captcha loads...says 'attention required Cloudflare'" by @[uxgravy](https://twitter.com/uxgravy/status/1117395094041243651)
"If i ever meet a cloudflare employee in real life, they are going to get a finger in the eye" by @[dcuthbert](https://twitter.com/dcuthbert/status/685127882776129537)
@ -1924,12 +2051,16 @@
###### Mastodon
### Mastodon
> Too many to list here. It is IMPOSSIBLE to list them all! [See for yourself](https://mastodon.social/tags/cloudflare).
"wenn sich der Tagesspiegel nicht hinter #cloudflare verstecken würde, würde ich ihn wahrscheinlich auch lesen" by @[kromonos](https://metalhead.club/@kromonos/103136278965173255)
"Not that I expect Cloudflare to be doing anything malicious, I'm just a little uncomfortable where passwords or anything sensitive are involved." by @[IceWolf](https://meow.social/@IceWolf/103116651269844076)
"To MITM an entire domain with CF you give Cloudflare authority over the entire domains DNS resolution. This is the best indicator of a full domain MITMing." by @[Trysdyn Black](https://marf.space/objects/6a07884a-cfe8-4eeb-9486-63ffe791259f)
"The corp., project + devs lost my trust once they pushed EME, Pocket, Studies, censorship and #Cloudflare crap." by @[NullWhereMan](https://social.bobcall.me/@NullWhereMan/103115226792755635)
@ -1938,6 +2069,16 @@
"interessant, eine Website a la github, die die Umtriebe von #cloudflare dokumentiert" by @[alm10965](https://social.bau-ha.us/@alm10965/102670940812325433)
"plz avoid imgur.com - It's #CloudFlare'd." by @[aktivismoEstasMiaLuo](https://activism.openworlds.info/@aktivismoEstasMiaLuo/103131170879379868)
"The bad side-effect is that *many* are registering on mastodon.social, which is centralized on #Cloudflare & ultimately detrimental." by @[batalanto](https://todon.nl/@batalanto/103127670786580635)
"I suggest leaving mastodon.social & choosing a different #Mastodon node. Mastodon is about #decentralization, and the mastodon.social node is #centralized on #CloudFlare" by @[aktivismoEstasMiaLuo](https://activism.openworlds.info/@aktivismoEstasMiaLuo/103127507035816683)
"it's despicable that some mastodon & #gnusocial nodes appear on CF. Those admins either don't grasp the #netneutrality purpose of federating or they fail to realize that CF is entirely counter to net-neutrality." by @[resist1984](https://social.privacytools.io/@resist1984/102598306130420507)
"99%+ have no clue why the #greatcloudwall is dangerous, probably 33%+ don't even know what it is." by @[jeffcliff](https://niu.moe/@jeffcliff/102599290674949891)
"OK #cloudflare hat mich blacklisted. Hmm, von cloudflare habe ich schon so manch schlechtes gehört ! Irgendwie ahnte ich doch so etwas, daß ich XXX.com nicht mehr nutzen kann." by @[alm10965](https://social.bau-ha.us/@alm10965/102670832938054598)
"GitLab sits behind Cloudflare and is hosted by Google while Codeberg runs on Codeberg hardware and has no MITM. Much valued, especially for privacy reasons. Want more reasons against Cloudflare?" by @[IzzyOnDroid](https://mastodon.technology/@IzzyOnDroid/102662955566633818)
@ -1986,6 +2127,8 @@
"Google reCaptcha nicht erreichbar? ... Na dann viel Spaß in der #Hölle, freunde von #Cloudflare" by @[kromonos](https://metalhead.club/@kromonos/102543497886371728)
"the internet is a huge place even once you disable javascript and many websites stop working, and you use tor so the #greatcloudwall auto-blocks you." by @[jeffcliff](https://niu.moe/@jeffcliff/101894104472506869)
" Ich surf inzwischen fast ausschließlich über #TOR. Außer bei Betreibern, denen ic traue. Deswegen hab ich so oft ärger mit #CloudFlare. Nur wenige machen es z.B. wie nipos und deaktivieren den "TOR Schutz"." by @[kromonos](https://metalhead.club/@kromonos/102501955975549073)
"na klasse. Noch so eine deutsche Firma, die glaubt, der Datenschutz sei gewährleistet, wenn man den kompletten Traffic durch einen proxy in den USA leitet. Also das Linux Magazin, nicht tuxedocomputers
@ -2015,6 +2158,8 @@ Ich als Anbieter könnte echt nicht mit dem Gewissen leben,meine Besucher so zu
"Even the main instance uses Cloudflare. New users will probably just use the main instance for convenience." by @[RMW](https://linuxrocks.online/@RMW)
"I use to think it was cool that you can pay a little bit and have your own instance but it sucks that they put every instance behind Cloudflare." by @[amolith](https://masto.nixnet.xyz/@amolith/101918685210269597)
"Don't laugh when #cloudflare says “the network is the computer.” They mean #surveillance and they mean the surveillance goes all the way to the endpoints. Boycott them and their nefarious agenda." by @[roy](https://pleroma.site/objects/1ddf444d-0f2c-4d0d-bc11-e06f28efd5bc)
"I think I've found an alternative to #Cloudflare Liberapay. I'm going to set #Fosspay up this evening and start replacing Liberapay links on my website" by @[amolith](https://masto.nixnet.xyz/@amolith/102436150784521976)
@ -2162,7 +2307,7 @@ Jede Seite, die mich dazu drängt, ein #Google #Captcha zu lösen, damit ich mir
###### Telegram
### Telegram
Screenshot provided by [@NoGoolag](https://t.me/NoGoolag), [@privacytoday](https://t.me/privacytoday), etc
@ -2196,4 +2341,8 @@ Screenshot provided by [@NoGoolag](https://t.me/NoGoolag), [@privacytoday](https
!["Cloudflare is not an option."](image/cfisnotanoption.jpg)

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@ -1,13 +1,23 @@
# The Great Cloudwall
Table of contents
- [No Cloudflare](README.md#no-cloudflare)
- [Next: Cloudflare Ethics](README.md#next-cloudflare-ethics)
- [Data & More Information](README.md#data-more-information)
- [What can you do?](README.md#what-can-you-do)
## No Cloudflare
"The Great Cloudwall" is [Cloudflare Inc.](https://www.cloudflare.com/), the [U.S. company](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloudflare).
It is the world's [largest](https://w3techs.com/technologies/history_overview/proxy) MITM proxy([reverse proxy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reverse_proxy)).
It is the [world's](https://almanac.httparchive.org/en/2019/cdn) [largest](https://w3techs.com/technologies/history_overview/proxy) MITM proxy([reverse proxy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reverse_proxy)).
It sits between you and origin webserver, acting like a [border patrol agent](https://www.cbp.gov/careers/bpa).
The origin webserver administrator allowed the agent to decide [who can access](https://gitlab.com/iblech/tor-appeal/issues/1) to their "_web property_" and define "_restricted area_".
@ -69,40 +79,6 @@ Tor _was_ developed by US Army, but current Tor is developed by the [Tor project
Cloudflare also has a massive [harassment problem](https://web.archive.org/web/20171024040313/http://www.businessinsider.com/cloudflare-ceo-suggests-people-who-report-online-abuse-use-fake-names-2017-5).
Cloudflare [shares personal information](https://archive.ph/ePdvi) of those who complain about hosted sites. They sometimes ask you to provide
your true ID. If you don't want to get harassed, assaulted, [swatted](https://boingboing.net/2015/01/19/invasion-boards-set-out-to-rui.html) or killed, you better stay away from Cloudflared websites.
Let's talk about another harassment problem. Cloudflare is sending spam emails to non-Cloudflare users.
`Only send emails to subscribers whove opted in.`
`When the user say "stop", then stop sending email.`
It's that simple. But Cloudflare don't care.
Cloudflare said using their service [can stop all spammers or attackers](https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/200170066-Will-activating-Cloudflare-stop-all-spammers-or-attackers-).
How can we stop _Cloudflare spammers_ without activating Cloudflare?
And their DNS service, [](, is also filtering out users from visiting the website by returning fake IP address owned by Cloudflare, localhost IP such as "127.0.0.x", or just return nothing. Cloudflare DNS also break online software from smartphone app to computer game because of their fake DNS answer.
@ -182,8 +158,12 @@ You might already know about the [PRISM](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PRISM_(su
!["Cloudflare is not an option."](image/cfisnotanoption.jpg)
### Next: **[Cloudflare Ethics](README_ethics.md)**
## Data & More Information
This repository is a list of websites that are behind "_The Great Cloudwall_", and also blocking Tor users.
@ -196,7 +176,7 @@ This repository is a list of websites that are behind "_The Great Cloudwall_", a
**More Information**
* [Short version of README](README_short.md)
* [Padlock icon indicates a secure SSL connection established w MITM-ed](https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=831835) by Anonymous
* [Block Global Active Adversary Cloudflare](https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/24351) by nym-zone
@ -205,18 +185,17 @@ This repository is a list of websites that are behind "_The Great Cloudwall_", a
* [Cloudflare Watch](http://www.crimeflare.org:82/) (cons: _down quite a lot, old data, search restricted to EU only_)
* [Another landmark day in the war to control, centralize and censor the internet.](https://www.reddit.com/r/privacy/comments/b8dptl/another_landmark_day_in_the_war_to_control/) by TheGoldenGoose8888
* [Disadvantage of relying on only one service](https://twitter.com/w3Nicolas/status/1134529316904153089) ([DO is CF](https://www.digwebinterface.com/?hostnames=ns1.digitalocean.com%0D%0Ans2.digitalocean.com%0D%0Ans3.digitalocean.com%0D%0Awww.digitalocean.com&type=A&ns=resolver&useresolver=
* [CloudFlare is asking for charitable contributions.](https://web.archive.org/web/https://opencollective.com/cloudflarecollective#section-about)
# What can you do?
## What can you do?
* Read [our list of recommended actions](what-to-do.md) and share it with your friends.
* Read [other user's voice](PEOPLE.md) and write your thoughts.
* Search something on [Ansero](http://ansero.xgwglrypkjbgecns2zru5ekyu7tnqgg7l5blojlq7roohxbwkr5k77id.onion/) or [Searxes](http://searxes.nmqnkngye4ct7bgss4bmv5ca3wpa55yugvxen5kz2bbq67lwy6ps54yd.onion/). ([clearnet](https://searxes.eu.org/))
* Search something on [Ansero](http://ansero.xgwglrypkjbgecns2zru5ekyu7tnqgg7l5blojlq7roohxbwkr5k77id.onion/)<sub><sup> [ᶜˡᵉᵃʳⁿᵉᵗ](https://ansero.eu.org/)</sup></sub> or [Searxes](http://searxes.nmqnkngye4ct7bgss4bmv5ca3wpa55yugvxen5kz2bbq67lwy6ps54yd.onion/)<sub><sup> [ᶜˡᵉᵃʳⁿᵉᵗ](https://searxes.eu.org/)</sup></sub>.
* Update the domain list: [List instructions](instructions.md).

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@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
# Ethical Issues
"_Don't support this company which is void of ethics_" -- [phyzonloop](https://twitter.com/phyzonloop)
Table of contents
- [Unwanted spam emails](README_ethics.md#unwanted-spam-emails)
- [Remove user's review](README_ethics.md#remove-users-review)
- [Doxxing users](README_ethics.md#doxxing-users)
- [Charitable contributions](README_ethics.md#charitable-contributions)
- [Terminating sites](README_ethics.md#terminating-sites)
### Unwanted spam emails
Cloudflare is sending spam emails to non-Cloudflare users.
- Only send emails to subscribers whove opted in
- When the user say "stop", then stop sending email
It's that simple. But Cloudflare don't care.
Cloudflare said using their service [can stop all spammers or attackers](https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/200170066-Will-activating-Cloudflare-stop-all-spammers-or-attackers-).
How can we stop _Cloudflare spammers_ without activating Cloudflare?
### Remove user's review
Cloudflare censor [negative reviews](https://web.archive.org/web/20191116004046/https://www.trustpilot.com/reviews/5aa6ee0ed5a5700a7c8cf853). If you post _anti-Cloudflare_ text on Twitter, you have a chance to get a [reply](https://twitter.com/CloudflareHelp/status/1126051764917145601) from [Cloudflare employee](cloudflare_inc/cloudflare_members.txt) with "_[No, it's not](PEOPLE.md)_" message. If you post a negative review on any review site, they will try to [censor](https://twitter.com/phyzonloop/status/1178836176985366529) [it](https://twitter.com/dxgl_org/status/1178722159432220672).
### Doxxing users
Cloudflare has a massive [harassment problem](https://web.archive.org/web/20171024040313/http://www.businessinsider.com/cloudflare-ceo-suggests-people-who-report-online-abuse-use-fake-names-2017-5).
Cloudflare [shares personal information](https://archive.ph/ePdvi) of those [who](https://twitter.com/ZJemptv/status/898299709634248704) [complain](https://twitter.com/TinyPirate/status/554718958176067584) [about](https://twitter.com/remembrancermx/status/1010329041235148802) [hosted](https://twitter.com/Bridaguy/status/915003769280172037) [sites](https://twitter.com/HelloAndrew/status/897260208845500416). They sometimes ask you to provide
your true ID. If you don't want to get harassed, [assaulted](https://twitter.com/NiteShade925/status/1158469203420205056), [swatted](https://boingboing.net/2015/01/19/invasion-boards-set-out-to-rui.html) or [killed](https://twitter.com/RusEmbUSA/status/1187363092793040901), you better stay away from Cloudflared websites.
### Charitable contributions
CloudFlare is asking for [charitable contributions](https://web.archive.org/web/20191112033605/https://opencollective.com/cloudflarecollective#section-about). Its quite appalling that an American corporation would ask for charity alongside non-profit organizations that have good causes. If you like [blocking people or wasting other people's time](PEOPLE.md), you might want to order some pizzas🍕 for Cloudflare employees.
### Terminating sites
What will you do if your site goes down _suddenly_? There are reports that Cloudflare is [deleting](https://twitter.com/stefan_eady/status/1126033791267426304) [user's](https://twitter.com/derivativeburke/status/903755267053117440) [configuration](https://twitter.com/lordscarlet/status/1046785164792205314) [silently](https://twitter.com/BlnaryMlke/status/1194339461984854018). We suggest you find [better provider](what-to-do.md).
### Next: **[Cloudflare Voices](PEOPLE.md)**
!["Cloudflare is not an option."](image/cfisnotanoption.jpg)

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# CrimeFlarE
***Why you should say no to Cloudflare***
***Why you should say "NO" to Cloudflare***
`This is a draft`
# `This is a draft`
![CrimeFlarE logo](image/crimeflare-logo.png)
@ -81,9 +81,9 @@ We created a
to make your life easier if you agree with us.
## Solutions
### Blocking Cloudflare request or IPs
- [Add-ons](subtext/solutions/add-ons.md)
- [Cloudflare IPs to block](subtext/solutions/cloudflare-ips.md)
- [Change default DNS provider of firefox](subtext/solutions/change-firefox-dns.md)
- [Add-ons](subtext/add-ons.md)
- [Cloudflare IPs to block](cloudflare_inc/)
- [Change default DNS provider of firefox](subtext/change-firefox-dns.md)
### Share information about the problem
Many supporters of CrimeFlarE have written some

addon/README.md Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
- Ĉi tiuj estas spegulaj datumoj. Por plej novaj informoj, bonvolu viziti nian retejon.
- Vi povas legi fontkodon en nia retejo. Ankaŭ vi ĉiam povas ĉerpi la dosieron por vidi fontkodon.
Copyright [Searxes](https://searxes.eu.org/)
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

addon/about.bcma.md Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
### Block Cloudflare MITM Attack
`Take action against Cloudflare`
This add-on will block, notify, or redirect your request if the target website is using Cloudflare.
Submit to global surveillance or resist. The choice is yours.
This add-on never send any data.
Your cloudflare-domain collection is yours.
"Options" in English (not official)
Take Action
- Block request immediately
- Block request immediately (3rd party only. Ignore 1st party)
- Redirect to Internet Archive (ignore 3rd party)
- Redirect to alternative URL (ignore 3rd party)
- Just change add-on's icon color
Your alternative URL
%%URL%% will be replaced to URL which you want to visit.
[ input URL here ]
[ Save ]
[ ] Do not show notification when redirecting to alternative site
[ ] Do not show notification when Cloudflare is blocked
Your Cloudflare domain collection (last 500)
( domains )
[ Export ]
[ Empty list ]
Your whitelist (Not recommend)
( domains )
[ Apply ]
Useful links
Download add-on
- [Firefox ESR](https://api.searxes.eu.org/_/addon.php?dl=dl&for=bcma) (Recommend)
- [Chromium](https://api.searxes.eu.org/_/addon.php?dl=cr&for=bcma) (Drag & drop it to `chrome://extensions/`)

addon/about.ismm.md Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
### Are links vulnerable to MITM attack?
`Scan FQDN using Searxes API`
Youve found something on the internet.
Are these links or images vulnerable to MITM attack or not?
This add-on is using Searxes Public API to scan FQDN.
e.g. ekzemplo.com/page.html → "ekzemplo.com"
This add-on never send other information.
- Information: [About Cloudflare domain list](../instructions.md#about-cloudflare-base-domain-list)
"Options" in English (not official)
[ ] Ignore first party FQDN (Not recommend)
[ ] Ignore infected images (Not recommend)
[ ] Also scan links which added by Javascript
[ ] Replace infected links to archive links
[ ] Show request in browser console (_Firefox only_)
Information about cache
[ Show my statistics ] *
* clicked
Infected: XX (YY%)
Not infected: XX (YY%)
Total: XXX
Download add-on
- [Firefox ESR](https://api.searxes.eu.org/_/addon.php?dl=dl&for=ismitmlink) (Recommend)
- [Chromium](https://api.searxes.eu.org/_/addon.php?dl=cr&for=ismitmlink) (Drag & drop it to `chrome://extensions/`)

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# CrimeFlarE
***Why you should say "No" to Cloudflare***
## Solutions - Add-ons

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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
# CrimeFlarE
***Why you should say "No" to Cloudflare***
## Self-hosting
Self-hosting often works great, but it requires some effort to setup. It is
more aimed at technical people.
We might create a guide for some self-hosting basics which don't require
`to consider: Is user---incapsula---origin really okay?`
## Alternatives
| Alternative | Drawback | Price | Link |
| ----------------- | --------------------------------- | ------ | ---- |
| PerimeterX | not gratis | ? | - |
| Impurva incapsula | not gratis | Paid | - |
| Github pages | uses Microsoft servers | Free | https://pages.github.com/ (WARNING: Tor/VPN users will get their [account blocked automatically](https://github.com/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor) by Github) |
| Gitlab pages | uses Google servers | Free | https://gitlab.com/pages/ (WARNING: Some area of Gitlab is Cloudflare) |
## Not researched yet
CDNJS is sponsored by Cloudflare. It might use it in the background.
## Why X is not included
| X | Reason |
| ------- | ------ |
| Netlify | Uses Amazon AWS which is also a content delivery network. It would be hypocritical to include it. |
| Siteground | Tor-hostile people. |
|jsDelivr | Uses Cloudflare, see their [network page](https://www.jsdelivr.com/network) |

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# CrimeFlarE
***Why you should say "No" to Cloudflare***
## More Cloudflare problems

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
# CrimeFlarE
***Why you should say "No" to Cloudflare***
## Single point of failure problem
A single point of failure is a point which will stop the entire system from
working if it fails.
Sites or other things which use Cloudflare go down if Cloudflare goes down.
### Examples
### Image collection
### More things about this problem

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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
# CrimeFlarE
***Why you should say "No" to Cloudflare***
## Why Tor matters.
### Your users matter
Every visitor helps. Think about their experience. Cloudflare lets them wait.
Even users who don't use Tor get the "wait several seconds" messages. Users
often leave sites when they have to wait too long.
## Articles
- [7 thing you should know about Tor - EFF](https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2014/07/7-things-you-should-know-about-tor)
- [Who uses Tor - Tor Project](https://www.torproject.org/about/torusers.html.en)

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@ -73,15 +73,15 @@ If Cloudflare leak your information or won't let you to connect to our servers,
| Name | Developer | Support | Can Block | Can Notify |
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| **[Bloku Cloudflaron MITM-Atakon](https://searxes.eu.org/)** | Searxes | [Link](https://searxes.eu.org/) | **Yes** | **Yes** |
| **[Ĉu ligoj estas vundeblaj al MITM-atako?](https://searxes.eu.org/)** | Searxes | [Link](https://searxes.eu.org/) | No | **Yes** |
| **[Bloku Cloudflaron MITM-Atakon](addon/about.bcma.md)** | Searxes | [Link](https://searxes.eu.org/) | **Yes** | **Yes** |
| **[Ĉu ligoj estas vundeblaj al MITM-atako?](addon/about.ismm.md)** | Searxes | [Link](https://searxes.eu.org/) | No | **Yes** |
| [Block Cloudflare MITM Attack](https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/attachment/ticket/24351/block_cloudflare_mitm_attack- | nullius | [Link](https://github.com/nym-zone/block_cloudflare_mitm_fx) | **Yes** | **Yes** |
| [Detect Cloudflare](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/detect-cloudflare/) | Frank Otto | [Link](https://github.com/traktofon/cf-detect) | No | **Yes** |
| [Cloud Firewall](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/cloud-firewall/) | Gokulakrishna Sudharsan | [Link](https://web.archive.org/web/https://gitlab.com/gkrishnaks/cloud-firewall/) | **Yes** | No |
- Convince your friends to use [Tor Browser](https://www.torproject.org/) on the daily basis. Anonymity should be the standard of the open internet!
- If you cannot use Tor for some reason, you can use Tor Browser without Tor. We'll show you how below.
- Convince your friends to use [Tor](https://www.torproject.org/download/tor/) on the daily basis. Anonymity should be the standard of the open internet!
@ -209,16 +209,19 @@ die();
| Name | Developer | Support | Comment |
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| [*Tor Browser*](https://www.torproject.org/download/) | Tor Project | [Link](https://support.torproject.org/) | PC (Win, Mac, Linux) |
| **[Ungoogled-Chromium](https://ungoogled-software.github.io/ungoogled-chromium-binaries/)** | Eloston | [Link](https://codeberg.org/Eloston/ungoogled-chromium/) | PC (Win, Mac, Linux) _Not Tor_ |
| **[Bromite](https://www.bromite.org/fdroid)** | Bromite | [Link](https://github.com/bromite/bromite/issues) | Android _Not Tor_ |
| [Tor Browser](https://www.torproject.org/download/) | Tor Project | [Link](https://support.torproject.org/) | PC (Win, Mac, Linux) |
| [Tor Browser Android](https://www.torproject.org/download/) | Tor Project | [Link](https://support.torproject.org/) | Android |
| [Onion Browser](https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/onion-browser/id519296448?mt=8) | Mike Tigas | [Link](https://github.com/OnionBrowser/OnionBrowser/issues) | Apple iOS |
| [Ungoogled-Chromium](https://ungoogled-software.github.io/ungoogled-chromium-binaries/) | Eloston | [Link](https://codeberg.org/Eloston/ungoogled-chromium/) | PC (Win, Mac, Linux) _Not Tor_ |
| [Bromite](https://www.bromite.org/fdroid) | Bromite | [Link](https://github.com/bromite/bromite/issues) | Android _Not Tor_ |
Other software's privacy is imperfect. This doesn't mean Tor browser is "perfect".
There is no 100% secure nor 100% private on the internet and technology.
- Don't want to use "Tor"? You can use Tor Browser without Tor, and this is the best option for you.
- Don't want to use "Tor"? You can use _any browser_ with [Tor daemon](https://packages.debian.org/search?searchon=names&keywords=tor).
- It may be possible to use "Tor Browser" without Tor:
> **How?**
> 1. Download [Tor Browser](https://www.torproject.org/) and launch it.
@ -226,15 +229,13 @@ There is no 100% secure nor 100% private on the internet and technology.
> 3. Open about:config and search "*extensions.torbutton.use_nontor_proxy*". Set it to "*true*".
> 4. Create new boolean "*extensions.torlauncher.start_tor*". Set it to "*false*".
> 5. Close Tor Browser.
> (In version 9.0, Tor project suddenly removed the ability to set custom proxy. Ask your friend for help if you still unable to disable Tor.)
> Other guide is [here](https://www.whonix.org/wiki/Tor_Browser_without_Tor#Disabling_Tor).
Let's talk about _other software's privacy_...
- If you really need to use Firefox, pick "[Firefox ESR](https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/organizations/)". ESR is developed for company and organizations, thus _some_ spyware code is disabled by default. Portable version is [here](https://portableapps.com/apps/internet/firefox-portable-esr). But we tell you, Firefox is [horrible for privacy](https://www.reddit.com/r/privacytoolsIO/comments/81om92/what_are_the_differences_between_privacytoolsio/dv4orve/) in [many ways](https://spyware.neocities.org/articles/firefox.html).
- **If you really need to use Firefox, pick "[Firefox ESR](https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/organizations/)"**. ESR is developed for company and organizations, thus _some_ spyware code is disabled by default. Portable version is [here](https://portableapps.com/apps/internet/firefox-portable-esr). But we tell you, Firefox is [horrible for privacy](https://www.reddit.com/r/privacytoolsIO/comments/81om92/what_are_the_differences_between_privacytoolsio/dv4orve/) in [many ways](https://spyware.neocities.org/articles/firefox.html).
- Remember, Mozilla is [using Cloudflare service](https://www.robtex.com/dns-lookup/www.mozilla.org). They're also using [Cloudflare's DNS service on their product](https://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/03/21/mozilla_testing_dns_encryption/) D'oh!
@ -273,6 +274,7 @@ Therefore we recommend above table only. Nothing else.
> "*://*.mozilla.com/*",
> "*://*.mozilla.net/*",
> "*://*.mozilla.org/*",
> "*://webcompat.com/*",
> "*://*.firefox.com/*",
> "*://*.thunderbird.net/*",
> "*://*.cloudflare.com/*"
@ -280,7 +282,7 @@ Therefore we recommend above table only. Nothing else.
> },
- ~~Report a bug on mozilla's tracker, telling them not to use Cloudflare/TRR.~~ There was a bug report on bugzilla. Many people were posted their concern, however the bug was hidden by the admin last year.
- ~~Report a bug on mozilla's tracker, telling them not to use Cloudflare/TRR.~~ There was a bug report on bugzilla. Many people were posted their concern, however the bug was hidden by the admin in 2018.
- To disable DOH, enter *about:config?filter=network.trr* in the address bar then set "*network.trr.mode*" to 5 to completely disable it. The value "5" [means "Off by choice"](https://gist.github.com/bagder/5e29101079e9ac78920ba2fc718aceec).
@ -322,8 +324,6 @@ Therefore we recommend above table only. Nothing else.
- If you are a Cloudflare customer, set your privacy settings, and wait for them to violate them. Then bring them under [anti-spam / privacy violation charges](https://twitter.com/thexpaw/status/1108424723233419264).
- Try using [globalist](globalist.txt) to maintain this list.
- If you are in the **United States of America** and the website in question is a bank or an accountant, try to bring legal pressure under the [GrammLeachBliley Act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gramm%E2%80%93Leach%E2%80%93Bliley_Act), or the [Americans with DIsabilities Act](https://www.ada.gov/cguide.htm) and report back to us how far you get.
- If the website is a government site, try to bring legal pressure under the [1st Amendment of the US Constitution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution).