2019-09-18 11:11:16 +03:00

365 lines
11 KiB

var util = require('util'),
Transform = require('stream').Transform;
* @typedef {('Opus'|'Speex'|'CELT_Alpha'|'CELT_Beta')} Codec
* The mode of voice transmission.
* 0 is normal talking.
* 31 is server loopback.
* 1-30 when sent from the client is the whisper target.
* 1-30 when sent from the server: 1 for channel whisper, 2 for direct whisper
* @typedef {number} VoiceMode
* Data for a Mumble voice packet.
* The {@link #source source property} is ignored if this packet is not
* clientbound otherwise it is required.
* @typedef {object} VoiceData
* @property {number} [source] - Session ID of source user
* @property {VoiceMode} mode - Mode of the voice transmission
* @property {Codec} codec - Codec used for encoding the voice data
* @property {number} seqNum - Sequence number of the first voice frame
* @property {boolean} end - Whether this is the last packet in this transmission
* @property {Buffer} frames[] - Encoded voice frame
* @property {object} [position] - Spacial position of the source
* @property {number} position.x - X coordinate
* @property {number} position.y - Y coordinate
* @property {number} position.z - Z coordinate
* Data for an audio channel ping packet.
* @typedef {object} PingData
* @property timestamp The timestamp for this ping packet.
* Transform stream for encoding {@link VoiceData Mumble voice packets}
* and {@link PingData audio channel ping packets}.
* @constructor
* @constructs Encoder
* @param {('server'|'client')} dest - Where encoded packets are headed to.
function Encoder(dest) {
// Allow use without new
if (!(this instanceof Encoder)) return new Encoder(dest);
if (dest != 'server' && dest != 'client') {
throw new TypeError('dest has to be either "server" or "client"');
}, {
writableObjectMode: true
this._dest = dest;
util.inherits(Encoder, Transform);
Encoder.prototype._transform = function(chunk, encoding, callback) {
var buffer;
var offset = 0;
// Special case: Ping packets
if (chunk.timestamp !== undefined) {
// Header byte + Timestamp
buffer = new Buffer(1 + 9);
offset += buffer.writeUInt8(0x20, offset); // Ping packet header
offset += toVarint(chunk.timestamp).value.copy(buffer, offset);
return callback(null, buffer.slice(0, offset));
var codecId; // Network ID of the codec
var voiceData; // All voice frames encoded into a single buffer
if (chunk.codec == 'Opus') {
if (chunk.frames.length > 1) {
return callback(new Error('Opus only supports a single frame per packet'));
var endBit = chunk.end ? 0x2000 : 0
if (chunk.frames.length == 0) {
voiceData = toVarint(endBit).value;
} else {
var frameSize = toVarint(chunk.frames[0].length | endBit);
// Opus packets are just the size and the data concatenated
voiceData = Buffer.concat([frameSize.value, chunk.frames[0]]);
codecId = 4;
} else if (['CELT_Alpha', 'CELT_Beta', 'Speex'].indexOf(chunk.codec) >= 0) {
codecId = {'CELT_Alpha': 0, 'Speex': 2, 'CELT_Beta': 3}[chunk.codec]
voiceData = []
if (chunk.frames.length == 0 && !chunk.end) {
return callback(new Error('No frames given but end bit is not set'));
for (var i = 0; i < chunk.frames.length; i++) {
var frame = chunk.frames[i]
if (frame.length > 127) {
return callback(new Error('Frame size is greater than 127 bytes'));
voiceData.push(Buffer.from([frame.length | 0x80]))
// Append empty frame if end bit is set
if (chunk.end) {
// Unset continuation bit of last frame
voiceData[voiceData.length - 2][0] &= 0x7F
// Concat all frames
voiceData = Buffer.concat(voiceData)
} else {
return callback(new TypeError('Unknown codec: ' + chunk.codec));
// Header byte + Source Session Id + Sequence Number + Voice + Position Data
buffer = new Buffer(1 + 9 + 9 + voiceData.length + 3 * 4);
offset += buffer.writeUInt8(codecId << 5 | chunk.mode, offset);
if (this._dest == 'client') {
// Only server needs to send the source as the client is not allowed
// to send voice for anyone besides itself
offset += toVarint(chunk.source).value.copy(buffer, offset);
offset += toVarint(chunk.seqNum).value.copy(buffer, offset);
offset += voiceData.copy(buffer, offset);
if (chunk.position) {
offset += buffer.writeFloatBE(chunk.position.x, offset);
offset += buffer.writeFloatBE(chunk.position.y, offset);
offset += buffer.writeFloatBE(chunk.position.z, offset);
// Trim buffer to actual length and pass through
callback(null, buffer.slice(0, offset));
* Transform stream for decoding {@link VoiceData Mumble voice packets}
* and {@link PingData audio channel ping packets}.
* @constructor
* @constructs Decoder
* @param {('server'|'client')} orig - Where encoded packets are coming from.
function Decoder(orig) {
// Allow use without new
if (!(this instanceof Decoder)) return new Decoder(orig);
if (orig != 'server' && orig != 'client') {
throw new TypeError('orig has to be either "server" or "client"');
}, {
readableObjectMode: true
this._orig = orig;
util.inherits(Decoder, Transform);
Decoder.prototype._transform = function(chunk, encoding, callback) {
var self = this
var reject = function(reason) {
self.emit('debug', 'Failed to parse voice packet', reason, chunk);
var packet = {};
try {
if (chunk.length == 0) return reject('empty');
var codecId = chunk[0] >> 5;
if (codecId == 1) { // Ping packet
var val = fromVarint(chunk.slice(1));
if (!val) return reject('invalid timestamp');
packet.timestamp = val.value;
} else { // Voice packet
var target = chunk[0] & 0x1f = ['normal', 'shout', 'whisper'][target] || 'loopback';
var offset = 1;
// Parse source if this packet originated from the server
if (this._orig == 'server') {
var source = fromVarint(chunk.slice(offset));
if (!source) return reject('invalid source');
offset += source.length;
packet.source = source.value;
// Parse the sequence number of the first audio packet
var sequenceNumber = fromVarint(chunk.slice(offset));
if (!sequenceNumber) return reject('invalid sequence number');
offset += sequenceNumber.length;
packet.seqNum = sequenceNumber.value;
// Parse the voice frames depending on the audio codec
if (codecId == 4) {
var voiceLength = fromVarint(chunk.slice(offset));
if (!voiceLength) return reject('invalid voice length');
packet.end = (voiceLength.value & 0x2000) > 0;
voiceLength.value &= 0x1fff;
offset += voiceLength.length;
if (chunk.length < offset + voiceLength.value) {
return reject('not enough voice data')
var voice = chunk.slice(offset, offset + voiceLength.value);
offset += voiceLength.value;
packet.frames = voice.length ? [voice] : [];
packet.codec = 'Opus';
} else if (codecId == 0 || codecIf == 2 || codecId == 3) {
packet.codec = ['CELT_Alpha', '', 'Speex', 'CELT_Beta'][codecId];
packet.frames = [];
while (true) {
if (chunk.length < offset + 1) return reject('missing frame header');
var header = chunk[offset++];
if (header == 0) {
packet.end = true;
var more = (header & 0x80) > 0;
var frameLength = header & 0x7F;
if (chunk.length < offset + frameLength) {
return reject('not enough voice data');
packet.frames.push(chunk.slice(offset, offset += frameLength));
if (!more) {
packet.end = false;
} else {
this.emit('unknown_codec', codecId)
return reject('unknown codec ' + codecId)
// Parse positional data if existent
if (chunk.length > offset + 12) {
packet.position = {
x: chunk.readFloatBE(offset),
y: chunk.readFloatBE(offset + 4),
z: chunk.readFloatBE(offset + 8)
} catch (e) {
return callback(e);
return callback(null, packet);
module.exports = {
Encoder: Encoder,
Decoder: Decoder
// Functions below from node-mumble
* @summary Converts a number to Mumble varint.
* @see {@link}
* @param {number} i - Integer to convert
* @returns {Buffer} Varint encoded number
function toVarint( i ) {
var arr = [];
if( i < 0 ) {
i = ~i;
if( i <= 0x3 ) { return new Buffer( [ 0xFC | i ] ); }
arr.push( 0xF8 );
if( i < 0x80 ) {
arr.push( i );
} else if( i < 0x4000 ) {
arr.push( ( i >> 8 ) | 0x80 );
arr.push( i & 0xFF );
} else if( i < 0x200000 ) {
arr.push( ( i >> 16 ) | 0xC0 );
arr.push( ( i >> 8 ) & 0xFF );
arr.push( i & 0xFF );
} else if( i < 0x10000000 ) {
arr.push( ( i >> 24 ) | 0xE0 );
arr.push( ( i >> 16 ) & 0xFF );
arr.push( ( i >> 8 ) & 0xFF );
arr.push( i & 0xFF );
} else if( i < 0x100000000 ) {
arr.push( 0xF0 );
arr.push( ( i >> 24 ) & 0xFF );
arr.push( ( i >> 16 ) & 0xFF );
arr.push( ( i >> 8 ) & 0xFF );
arr.push( i & 0xFF );
} else {
throw new TypeError( 'Non-integer values are not supported. (' + i + ')' );
return {
value: new Buffer( arr ),
length: arr.length
* @summary Converts a Mumble varint to an integer.
* @see {@link}
* @param {Buffer} b - Varint to convert
* @returns {number} Decoded integer
function fromVarint( b ) {
if (b.length == 0) return null;
var length = 1;
var i, v = b[ 0 ];
if( ( v & 0x80 ) === 0x00 ) {
i = ( v & 0x7F );
} else if( ( v & 0xC0 ) === 0x80 ) {
i = ( v & 0x3F ) << 8 | b[ 1 ];
length = 2;
} else if( ( v & 0xF0 ) === 0xF0 ) {
switch( v & 0xFC ) {
case 0xF0:
i = b[ 1 ] << 24 | b[ 2 ] << 16 | b[ 3 ] << 8 | b[ 4 ];
length = 5;
case 0xF8:
var ret = fromVarint( b.slice( 1 ) );
if (!ret) return ret;
return {
value: ~ret.value,
length: 1 + ret.length
case 0xFC:
i = v & 0x03;
i = ~i;
return null
} else if( ( v & 0xF0 ) === 0xE0 ) {
i = ( v & 0x0F ) << 24 | b[ 1 ] << 16 | b[ 2 ] << 8 | b[ 3 ];
length = 4;
} else if( ( v & 0xE0 ) === 0xC0 ) {
i = ( v & 0x1F ) << 16 | b[ 1 ] << 8 | b[ 2 ];
length = 3;
return {
value: i,
length: length