## Has been tested and developed using: > ubuntu 16.04.6
> openssl: 1.0.2g
> node: 8.16.0 ## Requirements: ```sh curl -sL [https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_8.x](https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_8.x) | sudo -E bash - sudo apt-get install -y nodejs sudo apt-get install -y build-essential install python 2.7 rm package-lock.json && rm -rf node_modules && rm -rf ~/.node-gyp only **(if package-lock.json/node_modules or node was installed)** sudo apt-get install libasound2-dev sudo npm i -g node-gyp sudo npm install --unsafe-perm ``` ## How to guide how to configure units and the simulator
**1. Insert Groups**
Groups will be inserted using the following script directly on the database: ```sql set search_path to public; do $$ declare i INTEGER := 1; declare sipid integer; declare ressql varchar; declare acc_id integer = 1; declare p_account_name varchar := 'AIRWizard'; declare number_of_groups INTEGER := 100; -- How many groups we create declare dispatcher_name varchar := 'Dispatcher Sergiu'; declare groups_name varchar := 'sim-test-'; BEGIN -- Create groups WHILE i <= number_of_groups LOOP SELECT get_new_sipid(acc_id) INTO sipid; SELECT insert_update_groups(acc_id, Null, groups_name || i, '1', '1', '0', '0', '0', sipid, 0,'','') INTO ressql; i = i + 1; end loop; -- Assign dispatcher on the groups insert into public.asset_group (asset_id, group_id) select (select id from public.asset where name = dispatcher_name), id from public."group" g where name like groups_name || '%'; end; $$; ```
**2. Insert units**
The units will be inserted from the provisioning(**Units -> Import from file**) and the **file_name.xlsx** file will have the following format: ![FILE.XLSX Format](./doc/units-xlsx.png)
**3. Simulator configuration:**
For the simulation to simulate **in a period**, we must put the **testing_period setting in settings** (the value is in milliseconds).
Example in **config**:
```toml [settings] max_fails = 3 send_voice = true send_gps = true gps_report_interval = 10000 gps_lng_start_point = 24.776126 testing_period = 7000 // we will simulate all the units in a period of 7 seconds** ```
**4. To start the simulator**
To start the simulator we must specify which config file we want to use. ``` node index.js --path="./config/stage" ```