node-lame ========= ### NodeJS native bindings to libmp3lame & libmpg123 [![Build Status](]( For all your async streaming MP3 encoding/decoding needs, there's `node-lame`! This module hooks into libmp3lame, the library that the `lame` command uses, to provide `Encoder` and `Decoder` streams to NodeJS. Installation ------------ `node-lame` comes bundled with its own copy of `libmp3lame` and `libmpg123`, so there's no need to have them installed on your system. Simply compile and install `node-lame` using `npm`: ``` bash $ npm install lame ``` Example ------- Here's an example of using `node-lame` to encode some raw PCM data coming from `process.stdin` to an MP3 file that gets piped to `process.stdout`: ``` javascript var lame = require('lame'); // create the Encoder instance var encoder = new lame.Encoder({ // input channels: 2, // 2 channels (left and right) bitDepth: 16, // 16-bit samples sampleRate: 44100, // 44,100 Hz sample rate // output bitRate: 128, outSampleRate: 22050, mode: lame.STEREO // STEREO (default), JOINTSTEREO, DUALCHANNEL or MONO }); // raw PCM data from stdin gets piped into the encoder process.stdin.pipe(encoder); // the generated MP3 file gets piped to stdout encoder.pipe(process.stdout); ``` See the `examples` directory for some more example code. API --- ### Decoder class The `Decoder` class is a `Stream` subclass that accepts MP3 data written to it, and outputs raw PCM data. It also emits a `"format"` event when the format of the MP3 file is determined (usually right at the beginning). ### Encoder class The `Encoder` class is a `Stream` subclass that accepts raw PCM data written to it, and outputs a valid MP3 file. You must specify the PCM data format when creating the encoder instance. Only 16-bit signed samples are currently supported (rescale before passing to the encoder if necessary)...