const utils = require('./utils'); const Request = require('request'); const async = require('async'); const io = require(''); const Mumble = require('./mumble'); const currentPath = require('path').dirname(require.main.filename); const fs = require('fs'); const lame = require('lame'); const Speaker = require('speaker'); const Resampler = require('libsamplerate.js'); const chunker = require('stream-chunker'); const Transform = require('stream').Transform; const Throttle = require('stream-throttle').Throttle; const chalk = require('chalk'); const OpusEncoder = require('node-opus').OpusEncoder; const log = require('./utils').log class Asset { constructor(id, configs) { = id; this.configs = configs this._processConfigs(); this.startTime = +new Date(); this.pttEndSuccessfully = false; this.assetProps = {}; utils.writeLog(`Creating asset ${id}`) // Do async work: Init asset. async.waterfall([ this._getDataFromApi.bind(this), this._connectToHub.bind(this), this._connectToMurmur.bind(this), this._register.bind(this), this._moveToChannel.bind(this), ], (err, result) => { utils.writeLog(`Asset ${} was successfully initialized`) if (err) { utils.writeLog(`Asset ${} was not successfully initialized`, err); return; } // Start simulating... this._start(); }); } _processConfigs() { let apiConfig = this.configs.api; this.apiEndpoint = apiConfig.use_secure ? 'https' : 'http'; this.apiEndpoint += '://' + + (apiConfig.port ? (':' + apiConfig.port) : ''); this.soundPath = currentPath // this.soundPath += '/sounds/sound.mp3'; this.soundPath += '/sounds/' + this.configs.sounds['sound']; // if (this.configs.sounds['custom' +]) { // // Custom path sound. // this.soundPath += '/sounds/' + this.configs.sounds['custom' +]; // } else { // // Normal path sound. // this.soundPath += '/sounds/sample' + ( % this.configs.sounds.sounds_total_number) + '.mp3'; // } } _getDataFromApi(callback) { Request.get( this.apiEndpoint + '/asset/' +, {}, (error, response, body) => { utils.writeLog(`Get informations about asset ${}`) if (!error && (response.statusCode === 200 || response.statusCode === 201)) { let bodyObj = JSON.parse(body); // Here are the asset fields. this.assetProps =; return this._getGroupsFromApi(callback); } else { utils.writeLog(`ERROR getting informations about asset ${}`, error); utils.writeErrorLog(`ERROR_API`); return callback(error); } } ); } _getGroupsFromApi(callback) { Request.get( this.apiEndpoint + '/asset/ ' + + '/groups', {}, (error, response, body) => { if (!error && (response.statusCode === 200 || response.statusCode === 201)) { let bodyObj = JSON.parse(body); this.groups =; // Find what group this asset is monitoring. this.groups.forEach((g) => { if (g.is_talk_group && g.monitoring.indexOf( != -1) { this.groupId =; this.groupSipId = g.sip_id; this.groupName =; } }); if (!this.groupId) { return callback('No talk group assigned to ' +; } utils.writeLog(`Informations about asset ${} received`) return callback(); } else { utils.writeLog(`Error getting informations about asset ${}`, error); utils.writeErrorLog(`ERROR_API`); return callback(error); } } ); } _connectToHub(callback) { let hubAddress = this.configs.hub.address; let options = {rejectUnauthorized: false, secure: true}; let hub = io(hubAddress, options); this.hub = hub; // Disconnect event hub.on('disconnect', () => { utils.writeLog(`Asset ${} disconnected from HUB`); }); hub.on('connect_timeout', () => { utils.writeLog(`Asset ${} connect_timeout from HUB`); utils.writeErrorLog(`ERROR_HUB`); }); hub.on('connect_error', () => { utils.writeLog(`Asset ${} connect_error from HUB`); utils.writeErrorLog(`ERROR_HUB`); }); hub.once('connect', () => { return callback(); }); hub.on('connect', () => { utils.writeLog(`Asset ${} connected to HUB`); this._sendArs(); }); hub.on('ptt-press', data => { // this._log('ptt-press received'); }); hub.on('ptt-release', data => { // this._log('ptt-release received'); }); hub.on('reload', data => { // this._log('reload received'); }); } _sendArs() { let hub = this.hub; if (hub && hub.connected) { utils.writeLog(`Asset ${} sending ARS`) hub.emit('ars', JSON.stringify({ ars: true, userAgent: 'android', asset_id:, account_id: this.assetProps.account_id, asset_sip_id : this.assetProps.sip_id, fake: false })); } } _connectToMurmur(callback) { this.mumble = new Mumble(, this.configs, (err) => { if (err) { utils.writeLog(`Asset ${} Murmur connection error`, err); utils.writeErrorLog(`ERROR_MURMUR`); return callback(err); } else { return callback(); // setTimeout(()=> { // return callback(); // }, 1000); } }); } _register(callback) { this.apiEndpoint + '/audio/register/' +, {}, (error, response, body) => { if (!error && (response.statusCode === 200 || response.statusCode === 201)) { utils.writeLog(`Asset ${} audio registered`); return callback(); } else { utils.writeLog(`Asset ${} audio registered error`, error); utils.writeErrorLog(`ERROR_API`); return callback(error); } } ); } _moveToChannel(callback) { this.apiEndpoint + '/audio/enter-group/' + + '/' + this.groupId, {}, (error, response, body) => { if (!error && (response.statusCode === 200 || response.statusCode === 201)) { let hub = this.hub; if (hub && hub.connected) { hub.emit('group-monitoring', JSON.stringify( { asset_id:, asset_sip_id : this.assetProps.sip_id, asset_alias :, request_ptt_groups_status: false, group_sip_id: this.groupSipId, group_id: this.groupId, group_name: this.groupName, scan_group_ids: null } )); utils.writeLog(`Asset ${} mmonitoring group ${this.groupId}`) return callback(); } else { return callback('Cannot send group-monitoring: Hub not connected'); } } else { utils.writeLog(`Asset ${} audio enter group error`, error); utils.writeErrorLog(`ERROR_API`); return callback(error); } } ); } _start() { if(this.configs.settings.send_voice) { this._makePtt(() => { if(this.pttEndSuccessfully) { this._verifyRecorder(); } }); } if(this.configs.settings.send_gps) { this._sendGPS(); } } _verifyRecorder(callback) { console.log(`Check to see if a record was created for the unit id: ${} | name: ${}`)); let startDate = parseInt(this.startTime) - 5000; let stopDate = parseInt(+new Date() + 60 *(1000000 * 60)); setTimeout(() => { this._getRecord(startDate, stopDate); }, 3000); } _getRecord(startDate, stopDate) { console.log(this.apiEndpoint + `/history-pagination/1/300/${}/${startDate}/${stopDate}/0/0/0/1`) Request.get( this.apiEndpoint + `/history-pagination/1/300/${}/${startDate}/${stopDate}/0/0/0/1`, {}, (error, response, body) => { if (!error && (response.statusCode === 200 || response.statusCode === 201)) { let bodyObj = JSON.parse(body); // console.log('bodyObj', bodyObj) if( > 0) { // Get the latest record let latest = { id: 0 } => { if( > { latest = e; } }) console.log(`[RECORDER] Record found(${}) for asset ${} | description: ${latest.description} ✓`)); utils.writeLog(`[RECORDER] Record found(${}) for asset ${} | description: ${latest.description}`) } else { console.log(chalk.yellow(`[RECORDER] for asset ${} not found`)); } } else { utils.writeLog(`Error getting record for asset ${}`); utils.writeErrorLog(`ERROR_RECORDER`); throw error; } // DEBUG // console.log('', // console.log('Math.max(...this.configs.assets.ids', Math.max(...this.configs.assets.ids)) // console.log(' === Math.max(...this.configs.assets.ids', === Math.max(...this.configs.assets.ids)) if( === Math.max(...this.configs.assets.ids)) { setTimeout(() => { utils.writeLog('STOP') .then(() => { process.exit(0); }); }, 15000); } } ); } _makePtt(callback) { // Send ptt-press, transmit all the sound then send ptt-release. // Check hub. let hub = this.hub; if (!hub || !hub.connected) { return callback(); } // Send ptt-press and wait for it to be accepted. this._sendPttPress((isAccepted) => { if (!isAccepted) { return callback(); } // Ptt accepted. We can send voice. // Mp3 read stream. var mp3 = fs.createReadStream(this.soundPath); mp3.on('error', (e) => { utils.writeErrorLog(`Error _makePtt asset ${}`, e); }); mp3.on('data', (data) => { }); // Decoded mp3. var lameDecoder = mp3 .pipe(new lame.Decoder) .on('data', (data) => { }) // On format we continue pipeing in. We need the mp3 format to know what to do next. Eg: To resample the mp3 we need to know the current sample rate. .on('format', (format) => { // Create resampler. var resampler = new Resampler({ unsafe: false, type: Resampler.Type.ZERO_ORDER_HOLD, ratio: 48000 / format.sampleRate, channels: format.channels }) // Create mumble voice stream. var voiceStream = this.mumble.client.createVoiceStream(0, format.channels); // Send ptt-release on voice end. voiceStream.on('end', () => { this.pttEndSuccessfully = true; setTimeout(() => { this._sendPttRelease(); callback(); }, 1500); // Hangtime }); // @TODO: Ugly hack for the voice to work with mp3 (The fix is to remove float32ToInt16 conversion). It is the _transform function from OpusEncoderStream class (mumble-client-codecs-node project). voiceStream._readableState.pipes._transform = function(chunk, encoding, callback) { if (!this._opus) { this._opus = new OpusEncoder(48000, chunk.numberOfChannels); } callback(null, { target:, codec: 'Opus', frame: this._opus.encode(chunk.pcm), position: chunk.position }); } // This is used to slow down the mp3 transmision. Murmur will drop packages that are too early. This will make the mp3 transmision real time, just like it is a microphone stream. var throtler = new Transform({ transform (data, _, callback) { setTimeout(() => { callback(null, data) }, 16 / format.channels) }, readableObjectMode: true }); // Used for converting buffer to float32. Needed for Murmur. const buffer2Float32Array = new Transform({ transform (data, _, callback) { callback(null, new Float32Array(data.buffer, data.byteOffset, data.byteLength / 4)) }, readableObjectMode: true }); // Pipe on. lameDecoder // Make 4096 chunks to be like the microphone stream. .pipe(chunker(4096, {flush: true, align: true})) // Resample to 48000 hz. .pipe(resampler) // Make 4 * 480 chunks for Murmur purposes. .pipe(chunker(4 * 480, {flush: true, align: true})) // Slow down the stream. .pipe(throtler) // Convert to float 32. .pipe(buffer2Float32Array) // Used for testing in nodejs speaker. // .pipe(new Speaker) // Mumble voice stream. .pipe(voiceStream); }); }) } _sendGPS(callback) { let hub = this.hub; if (hub && hub.connected) { let lat = this.configs.settings.gps_lat_start_point; let lng = this.configs.settings.gps_lng_start_point; setInterval(() => { var new_lat = this._randomCoordinates(lat); var new_lng = this._randomCoordinates(lng); hub.emit('gps', JSON.stringify( { unix_time: 1467126677000, asset_id:, asset_sip_id: this.assetProps.sip_id, speed_kmh: 16, lat: new_lat, lng: new_lng, accuracy: 20.3, activity_type: "driving", activity_confidence: 90 } )); lat = new_lat; lng = new_lng; }, this.configs.settings.gps_report_interval); } } _randomCoordinates(coordinate) { if(Math.round(Math.random()) === 0) { return parseFloat(parseFloat(coordinate) - parseFloat((Math.random() * (0.01 - 0.005) + 0.005).toFixed(4))).toFixed(6); } else { return parseFloat(parseFloat(coordinate) + parseFloat((Math.random() * (0.01 - 0.005) + 0.005).toFixed(4))).toFixed(6); } } _sendPttPress(callback) { let hub = this.hub; if (hub && hub.connected) { var pttAcceptHandler = (data) => { data = JSON.parse(data); if (data.asset_id != { return; } utils.writeLog(`Asset ${} sending PTT-PRESS to group ${this.groupId}`) hub.removeListener('ptt-deny', pttDenyHandler); callback(true); }; hub.once('ptt-accept', pttAcceptHandler); var pttDenyHandler = (data) => { data = JSON.parse(data); if (data.asset_id != { return; } utils.writeLog(`Asset ${} received PTT-DENY`); hub.removeListener('ptt-accept', pttAcceptHandler); callback(false); }; hub.once('ptt-deny', pttDenyHandler); hub.emit('ptt-press', JSON.stringify( { destination_group_id: this.groupId, destination_group_sip_id: this.groupSipId, destination_asset_id: 0, destination_asset_sip_id: 0, asset_id:, asset_sip_id: this.assetProps.sip_id, asset_alias :, priority : this.assetProps.priority, portable_asset_id: 0, portable_alias: null, } )); } } _sendPttRelease() { let hub = this.hub; if (hub && hub.connected) { utils.writeLog(`Asset ${} sending PTT-RELEASE to group ${this.groupId}`); hub.emit('ptt-release', JSON.stringify( { destination_group_id: this.groupId, destination_group_sip_id: this.groupSipId, destination_asset_id: 0, destination_asset_sip_id: 0, asset_id:, asset_sip_id: this.assetProps.sip_id, asset_alias :, priority : this.assetProps.priority, portable_asset_id: 0, portable_alias: null, } )); } } } module.exports = Asset;