## JSON The _JSON_ object provides the c++ versions of the methods offered by the `JSON` object in javascript. V8 exposes these methods via the `v8::JSON` object. - Nan::JSON.Parse - Nan::JSON.Stringify Refer to the V8 JSON object in the [V8 documentation](https://v8docs.nodesource.com/node-8.11/da/d6f/classv8_1_1_j_s_o_n.html) for more information about these methods and their arguments. ### Nan::JSON.Parse A simple wrapper around [`v8::JSON::Parse`](https://v8docs.nodesource.com/node-8.11/da/d6f/classv8_1_1_j_s_o_n.html#a936310d2540fb630ed37d3ee3ffe4504). Definition: ```c++ Nan::MaybeLocal Nan::JSON::Parse(v8::Local json_string); ``` Use `JSON.Parse(json_string)` to parse a string into a `v8::Value`. Example: ```c++ v8::Local json_string = Nan::New("{ \"JSON\": \"object\" }").ToLocalChecked(); Nan::JSON NanJSON; Nan::MaybeLocal result = NanJSON.Parse(json_string); if (!result.IsEmpty()) { v8::Local val = result.ToLocalChecked(); } ``` ### Nan::JSON.Stringify A simple wrapper around [`v8::JSON::Stringify`](https://v8docs.nodesource.com/node-8.11/da/d6f/classv8_1_1_j_s_o_n.html#a44b255c3531489ce43f6110209138860). Definition: ```c++ Nan::MaybeLocal Nan::JSON::Stringify(v8::Local json_object, v8::Local gap = v8::Local()); ``` Use `JSON.Stringify(value)` to stringify a `v8::Object`. Example: ```c++ // using `v8::Local val` from the `JSON::Parse` example v8::Local obj = Nan::To(val).ToLocalChecked(); Nan::JSON NanJSON; Nan::MaybeLocal result = NanJSON.Stringify(obj); if (!result.IsEmpty()) { v8::Local stringified = result.ToLocalChecked(); } ```