stats-incremental ===== [![NPM](]( A light statstical package for incremental (i.e. rolling, streaming) sets of numbers. E.g. given a source of numbers of unknown length that you would like to at any given time know any of: * count * min * max * sum * variance * standard_deviation * simple moving average This module can be used either with Node `streams` via a wrapper such as `through2` or without being streaming. Example --- Non-streaming: ```javascript var Stats = require("stats-incremental") var dice = require("dice") var s = Stats() var rolls = [] for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) { s.update(dice.sum(dice.roll("2d6"))) console.log(s.getAll()) } /* E.g. { n: 97, min: 2, max: 12, sum: 673, mean: 6.938144329896907, variance: 5.851843979168881, standard_deviation: 2.419058490233107, sma50: 6.82 } */ console.log(s.mean) console.log(s.standard_deviation) ``` With streams: ```js var spigot = require("stream-spigot") var through2 = require("through2") var terminus = require("terminus") var Stats = require("stats-incremental") var s = Stats() var statStream = through2.obj(function (chunk, encoding, callback) { s.update(chunk) if (s.n % 100000 === 0) { console.log(s.getAll()) } this.push(chunk) callback() }) spigot.sync({objectMode: true}, Math.random) .pipe(statStream) .pipe(terminus.devnull({objectMode: true})) /* { n: 100000, min: 2.0884908735752106e-7, max: 0.9999937505926937, sum: 49861.06196602131, mean: 0.49861061966021336, variance: 0.08331362954827709, standard_deviation: 0.28864100462040576, sma50: 0.5422519558777934 } { n: 200000, min: 2.0884908735752106e-7, max: 0.9999937505926937, sum: 99904.73041411326, mean: 0.49952365207056687, variance: 0.08316120223669865, standard_deviation: 0.2883768406732736, sma50: 0.4396136475716979 } */ ``` API === ## `const Stats = require("stats-incremental")` ## `var stats = new Stats(smaBins)` Create a new incremental stats aggregator. The `smaBins` argument is optional (default 50) and will choose the size of recent window to retain to calculate the Simple Moving Average on the recent data. ## `stats.update(value)` Update the aggregator with a value. Converted to a Number via parseFloat. If this results in NaN the update is skipped. ## `stats.getAll()` Get a up-to-date clone of all of the stats stored. E.g. ```js { n: 97, min: 2, max: 12, sum: 673, mean: 6.938144329896907, variance: 5.851843979168881, standard_deviation: 2.419058490233107, sma50: 6.82 } ``` ## `stats.n` The count of observations. ## `stats.min` The min value observed. ## `stats.max` The max value observed. ## `stats.sum` The sum of all values observed. ## `stats.mean` The arithmetic mean of the observations. ## `stats.variance` The variance from the mean. ## `stats.standard_deviation` The standard deviation of the values from the mean. ## `stats.smaXX` Get the Simple Moving Average of the recent data. Default is to store 50 recent records and expose an `sma50` property with the simple moving average. If the `Stats` object is created with an argument of a number of SMA bins, the property will reflect the number of bins, e.g. `Stats(100)` will have an `sma100` instead of `sma50` property. Alternatives --- [stats-lite]( Operates on complete sets of numbers. [stream-statistics]( Is a similar module dedicated to streams. LICENSE ======= MIT