var toml = require('../'); var fs = require('fs'); var assert = require("nodeunit").assert; assert.parsesToml = function(tomlStr, expected) { try { var actual = toml.parse(tomlStr); } catch (e) { var errInfo = "line: " + e.line + ", column: " + e.column; return"TOML parse error: " + e.message, errInfo, null, "at", assert.parsesToml); } return assert.deepEqual(actual, expected); }; var exampleExpected = { title: "TOML Example", owner: { name: "Tom Preston-Werner", organization: "GitHub", bio: "GitHub Cofounder & CEO\n\tLikes \"tater tots\" and beer and backslashes: \\", dob: new Date("1979-05-27T07:32:00Z") }, database: { server: "", ports: [8001, 8001, 8003], connection_max: 5000, connection_min: -2, max_temp: 87.1, min_temp: -17.76, enabled: true }, servers: { alpha: { ip: "", dc: "eqdc10" }, beta: { ip: "", dc: "eqdc10" } }, clients: { data: [ ["gamma", "delta"], [1, 2] ] } }; var hardExampleExpected = { the: { hard: { another_test_string: ' Same thing, but with a string #', 'bit#': { multi_line_array: [']'], 'what?': "You don't think some user won't do that?" }, harder_test_string: " And when \"'s are in the string, along with # \"", test_array: ['] ', ' # '], test_array2: ['Test #11 ]proved that', 'Experiment #9 was a success'] }, test_string: "You'll hate me after this - #" } }; var easyTableArrayExpected = { "products": [ { "name": "Hammer", "sku": 738594937 }, { }, { "name": "Nail", "sku": 284758393, "color": "gray" } ] }; var hardTableArrayExpected = { "fruit": [ { "name": "durian", "variety": [] }, { "name": "apple", "physical": { "color": "red", "shape": "round" }, "variety": [ { "name": "red delicious" }, { "name": "granny smith" } ] }, {}, { "name": "banana", "variety": [ { "name": "plantain" } ] }, { "name": "orange", "physical": { "color": "orange", "shape": "round" } } ] } var badInputs = [ '[error] if you didn\'t catch this, your parser is broken', 'string = "Anything other than tabs, spaces and newline after a table or key value pair has ended should produce an error unless it is a comment" like this', 'array = [\n \"This might most likely happen in multiline arrays\",\n Like here,\n \"or here,\n and here\"\n ] End of array comment, forgot the #', 'number = 3.14 pi <--again forgot the #' ]; exports.testParsesExample = function(test) { var str = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + "/example.toml", 'utf-8') test.parsesToml(str, exampleExpected); test.done(); }; exports.testParsesHardExample = function(test) { var str = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + "/hard_example.toml", 'utf-8') test.parsesToml(str, hardExampleExpected); test.done(); }; exports.testEasyTableArrays = function(test) { var str = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + "/table_arrays_easy.toml", 'utf8') test.parsesToml(str, easyTableArrayExpected); test.done(); }; exports.testHarderTableArrays = function(test) { var str = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + "/table_arrays_hard.toml", 'utf8') test.parsesToml(str, hardTableArrayExpected); test.done(); }; exports.testSupportsTrailingCommasInArrays = function(test) { var str = 'arr = [1, 2, 3,]'; var expected = { arr: [1, 2, 3] }; test.parsesToml(str, expected); test.done(); }; exports.testSingleElementArrayWithNoTrailingComma = function(test) { var str = "a = [1]"; test.parsesToml(str, { a: [1] }); test.done(); }; exports.testEmptyArray = function(test) { var str = "a = []"; test.parsesToml(str, { a: [] }); test.done(); }; exports.testArrayWithWhitespace = function(test) { var str = "[versions]\nfiles = [\n 3, \n 5 \n\n ]"; test.parsesToml(str, { versions: { files: [3, 5] } }); test.done(); }; exports.testEmptyArrayWithWhitespace = function(test) { var str = "[versions]\nfiles = [\n \n ]"; test.parsesToml(str, { versions: { files: [] } }); test.done(); }; exports.testDefineOnSuperkey = function(test) { var str = "[a.b]\nc = 1\n\n[a]\nd = 2"; var expected = { a: { b: { c: 1 }, d: 2 } }; test.parsesToml(str, expected); test.done(); }; exports.testWhitespace = function(test) { var str = "a = 1\n \n b = 2 "; test.parsesToml(str, { a: 1, b: 2 }); test.done(); }; exports.testUnicode = function(test) { var str = "str = \"My name is Jos\\u00E9\""; test.parsesToml(str, { str: "My name is Jos\u00E9" }); var str = "str = \"My name is Jos\\U000000E9\""; test.parsesToml(str, { str: "My name is Jos\u00E9" }); test.done(); }; exports.testMultilineStrings = function(test) { var str = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + "/multiline_strings.toml", 'utf8'); test.parsesToml(str, { key1: "One\nTwo", key2: "One\nTwo", key3: "One\nTwo" }); test.done(); }; exports.testMultilineEatWhitespace = function(test) { var str = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + "/multiline_eat_whitespace.toml", 'utf8'); test.parsesToml(str, { key1: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.", key2: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.", key3: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." }); test.done(); }; exports.testLiteralStrings = function(test) { var str = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + "/literal_strings.toml", 'utf8'); test.parsesToml(str, { winpath: "C:\\Users\\nodejs\\templates", winpath2: "\\\\ServerX\\admin$\\system32\\", quoted: "Tom \"Dubs\" Preston-Werner", regex: "<\\i\\c*\\s*>" }); test.done(); }; exports.testMultilineLiteralStrings = function(test) { var str = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + "/multiline_literal_strings.toml", 'utf8'); test.parsesToml(str, { regex2: "I [dw]on't need \\d{2} apples", lines: "The first newline is\ntrimmed in raw strings.\n All other whitespace\n is preserved.\n" }); test.done(); }; exports.testIntegerFormats = function(test) { var str = "a = +99\nb = 42\nc = 0\nd = -17\ne = 1_000_001\nf = 1_2_3_4_5 # why u do dis"; test.parsesToml(str, { a: 99, b: 42, c: 0, d: -17, e: 1000001, f: 12345 }); test.done(); }; exports.testFloatFormats = function(test) { var str = "a = +1.0\nb = 3.1415\nc = -0.01\n" + "d = 5e+22\ne = 1e6\nf = -2E-2\n" + "g = 6.626e-34\n" + "h = 9_224_617.445_991_228_313\n" + "i = 1e1_000"; test.parsesToml(str, { a: 1.0, b: 3.1415, c: -0.01, d: 5e22, e: 1e6, f: -2e-2, g: 6.626e-34, h: 9224617.445991228313, i: 1e1000 }); test.done(); }; exports.testDate = function(test) { var date = new Date("1979-05-27T07:32:00Z"); test.parsesToml("a = 1979-05-27T07:32:00Z", { a: date }); test.done(); }; exports.testDateWithOffset = function(test) { var date1 = new Date("1979-05-27T07:32:00-07:00"), date2 = new Date("1979-05-27T07:32:00+02:00"); test.parsesToml("a = 1979-05-27T07:32:00-07:00\nb = 1979-05-27T07:32:00+02:00", { a: date1, b: date2 }); test.done(); }; exports.testDateWithSecondFraction = function(test) { var date = new Date("1979-05-27T00:32:00.999999-07:00"); test.parsesToml("a = 1979-05-27T00:32:00.999999-07:00", { a: date }); test.done(); }; exports.testDateFromIsoString = function(test) { // var date = new Date(), dateStr = date.toISOString(), tomlStr = "a = " + dateStr; test.parsesToml(tomlStr, { a: date }); test.done(); }; exports.testLeadingNewlines = function(test) { // var str = "\ntest = \"ing\""; test.parsesToml(str, { test: "ing" }); test.done(); }; exports.testInlineTables = function(test) { var str = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + "/inline_tables.toml", 'utf8'); test.parsesToml(str, { name: { first: "Tom", last: "Preston-Werner" }, point: { x: 1, y: 2 }, nested: { x: { a: { b: 3 } } }, points: [ { x: 1, y: 2, z: 3 }, { x: 7, y: 8, z: 9 }, { x: 2, y: 4, z: 8 } ], arrays: [ { x: [1, 2, 3], y: [4, 5, 6] }, { x: [7, 8, 9], y: [0, 1, 2] } ] }); test.done(); }; exports.testEmptyInlineTables = function(test) { // var str = "a = { }"; test.parsesToml(str, { a: {} }); test.done(); }; exports.testKeyNamesWithWhitespaceAroundStartAndFinish = function(test) { var str = "[ a ]\nb = 1"; test.parsesToml(str, { a: { b: 1 } }); test.done(); }; exports.testKeyNamesWithWhitespaceAroundDots = function(test) { var str = "[ a . b . c]\nd = 1"; test.parsesToml(str, { a: { b: { c: { d: 1 } } } }); test.done(); }; exports.testSimpleQuotedKeyNames = function(test) { var str = "[\"ʞ\"]\na = 1"; test.parsesToml(str, { "ʞ": { a: 1 } }); test.done(); }; exports.testComplexQuotedKeyNames = function(test) { var str = "[ a . \"ʞ\" . c ]\nd = 1"; test.parsesToml(str, { a: { "ʞ": { c: { d: 1 } } } }); test.done(); }; exports.testEscapedQuotesInQuotedKeyNames = function(test) { test.parsesToml("[\"the \\\"thing\\\"\"]\na = true", { 'the "thing"': { a: true } }); test.done(); }; exports.testMoreComplexQuotedKeyNames = function(test) { // test.parsesToml('["the\\ key"]\n\none = "one"\ntwo = 2\nthree = false', { "the\\ key": { one: "one", two: 2, three: false } }); test.parsesToml('[a."the\\ key"]\n\none = "one"\ntwo = 2\nthree = false', { a: { "the\\ key": { one: "one", two: 2, three: false } } }); test.parsesToml('[a."the-key"]\n\none = "one"\ntwo = 2\nthree = false', { a: { "the-key": { one: "one", two: 2, three: false } } }); test.parsesToml('[a."the.key"]\n\none = "one"\ntwo = 2\nthree = false', { a: { "the.key": { one: "one", two: 2, three: false } } }); // test.parsesToml('[table]\n\'a "quoted value"\' = "value"', { table: { 'a "quoted value"': "value" } }); // test.parsesToml('[module]\n"foo=bar" = "zzz"', { module: { "foo=bar": "zzz" } }); test.done(); }; exports.testErrorOnBadUnicode = function(test) { var str = "str = \"My name is Jos\\uD800\""; test.throws(function() { toml.parse(str); }); test.done(); }; exports.testErrorOnDotAtStartOfKey = function(test) { test.throws(function() { var str = "[.a]\nb = 1"; toml.parse(str); }); test.done() }; exports.testErrorOnDotAtEndOfKey = function(test) { test.throws(function() { var str = "[.a]\nb = 1"; toml.parse(str); }); test.done() }; exports.testErrorOnTableOverride = function(test) { test.throws(function() { var str = "[a]\nb = 1\n\n[a]\nc = 2"; toml.parse(str); }); test.done() }; exports.testErrorOnKeyOverride = function(test) { test.throws(function() { var str = "[a]\nb = 1\n[a.b]\nc = 2"; toml.parse(str); }); test.done() }; exports.testErrorOnKeyOverrideWithNested = function(test) { // test.throws(function() { var str = "[a]\nb = \"a\"\n[a.b.c]"; toml.parse(str); }, "existing key 'a.b'"); test.done(); }; exports.testErrorOnKeyOverrideWithArrayTable = function(test) { test.throws(function() { var str = "[a]\nb = 1\n[[a]]\nc = 2"; toml.parse(str); }); test.done() }; exports.testErrorOnKeyReplace = function(test) { test.throws(function() { var str = "[a]\nb = 1\nb = 2"; toml.parse(str); }); test.done() }; exports.testErrorOnInlineTableReplace = function(test) { // test.throws(function() { var str = "a = { b = 1 }\n[a]\nc = 2"; toml.parse(str); }, "existing key 'a'"); test.done(); }; exports.testErrorOnArrayMismatch = function(test) { test.throws(function() { var str = 'data = [1, 2, "test"]' toml.parse(str); }); test.done(); }; exports.testErrorOnBadInputs = function(test) { var count = 0; for (i in badInputs) { (function(num) { test.throws(function() { toml.parse(badInputs[num]); }); })(i); } test.done(); }; exports.testErrorsHaveCorrectLineAndColumn = function(test) { var str = "[a]\nb = 1\n [a.b]\nc = 2"; try { toml.parse(str); } catch (e) { test.equal(e.line, 3); test.equal(e.column, 2); test.done(); } };