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2019-09-18 08:11:16 +00:00
* The ProtoBuf namespace.
* @exports ProtoBuf
* @namespace
* @expose
var ProtoBuf = {};
* @type {!function(new: ByteBuffer, ...[*])}
* @expose
ProtoBuf.ByteBuffer = ByteBuffer;
* @type {?function(new: Long, ...[*])}
* @expose
ProtoBuf.Long = ByteBuffer.Long || null;
* ProtoBuf.js version.
* @type {string}
* @const
* @expose
ProtoBuf.VERSION = "/*?= VERSION */";
* Wire types.
* @type {Object.<string,number>}
* @const
* @expose
ProtoBuf.WIRE_TYPES = {};
* Varint wire type.
* @type {number}
* @expose
* Fixed 64 bits wire type.
* @type {number}
* @const
* @expose
ProtoBuf.WIRE_TYPES.BITS64 = 1;
* Length delimited wire type.
* @type {number}
* @const
* @expose
* Start group wire type.
* @type {number}
* @const
* @expose
* End group wire type.
* @type {number}
* @const
* @expose
* Fixed 32 bits wire type.
* @type {number}
* @const
* @expose
ProtoBuf.WIRE_TYPES.BITS32 = 5;
* Packable wire types.
* @type {!Array.<number>}
* @const
* @expose
* Types.
* @dict
* @type {!Object.<string,{name: string, wireType: number, defaultValue: *}>}
* @const
* @expose
ProtoBuf.TYPES = {
// According to the protobuf spec.
"int32": {
name: "int32",
wireType: ProtoBuf.WIRE_TYPES.VARINT,
defaultValue: 0
"uint32": {
name: "uint32",
wireType: ProtoBuf.WIRE_TYPES.VARINT,
defaultValue: 0
"sint32": {
name: "sint32",
wireType: ProtoBuf.WIRE_TYPES.VARINT,
defaultValue: 0
"int64": {
name: "int64",
wireType: ProtoBuf.WIRE_TYPES.VARINT,
defaultValue: ProtoBuf.Long ? ProtoBuf.Long.ZERO : undefined
"uint64": {
name: "uint64",
wireType: ProtoBuf.WIRE_TYPES.VARINT,
defaultValue: ProtoBuf.Long ? ProtoBuf.Long.UZERO : undefined
"sint64": {
name: "sint64",
wireType: ProtoBuf.WIRE_TYPES.VARINT,
defaultValue: ProtoBuf.Long ? ProtoBuf.Long.ZERO : undefined
"bool": {
name: "bool",
wireType: ProtoBuf.WIRE_TYPES.VARINT,
defaultValue: false
"double": {
name: "double",
wireType: ProtoBuf.WIRE_TYPES.BITS64,
defaultValue: 0
"string": {
name: "string",
wireType: ProtoBuf.WIRE_TYPES.LDELIM,
defaultValue: ""
"bytes": {
name: "bytes",
wireType: ProtoBuf.WIRE_TYPES.LDELIM,
defaultValue: null // overridden in the code, must be a unique instance
"fixed32": {
name: "fixed32",
wireType: ProtoBuf.WIRE_TYPES.BITS32,
defaultValue: 0
"sfixed32": {
name: "sfixed32",
wireType: ProtoBuf.WIRE_TYPES.BITS32,
defaultValue: 0
"fixed64": {
name: "fixed64",
wireType: ProtoBuf.WIRE_TYPES.BITS64,
defaultValue: ProtoBuf.Long ? ProtoBuf.Long.UZERO : undefined
"sfixed64": {
name: "sfixed64",
wireType: ProtoBuf.WIRE_TYPES.BITS64,
defaultValue: ProtoBuf.Long ? ProtoBuf.Long.ZERO : undefined
"float": {
name: "float",
wireType: ProtoBuf.WIRE_TYPES.BITS32,
defaultValue: 0
"enum": {
name: "enum",
wireType: ProtoBuf.WIRE_TYPES.VARINT,
defaultValue: 0
"message": {
name: "message",
wireType: ProtoBuf.WIRE_TYPES.LDELIM,
defaultValue: null
"group": {
name: "group",
defaultValue: null
* Valid map key types.
* @type {!Array.<!Object.<string,{name: string, wireType: number, defaultValue: *}>>}
* @const
* @expose
ProtoBuf.MAP_KEY_TYPES = [
* Minimum field id.
* @type {number}
* @const
* @expose
ProtoBuf.ID_MIN = 1;
* Maximum field id.
* @type {number}
* @const
* @expose
ProtoBuf.ID_MAX = 0x1FFFFFFF;
* If set to `true`, field names will be converted from underscore notation to camel case. Defaults to `false`.
* Must be set prior to parsing.
* @type {boolean}
* @expose
ProtoBuf.convertFieldsToCamelCase = false;
* By default, messages are populated with (setX, set_x) accessors for each field. This can be disabled by
* setting this to `false` prior to building messages.
* @type {boolean}
* @expose
ProtoBuf.populateAccessors = true;
* By default, messages are populated with default values if a field is not present on the wire. To disable
* this behavior, set this setting to `false`.
* @type {boolean}
* @expose
ProtoBuf.populateDefaults = true;
//? include("ProtoBuf/Util.js");
//? include("ProtoBuf/Lang.js");
//? if (DOTPROTO) include("ProtoBuf/DotProto.js");
//? include("ProtoBuf/Reflect.js");
//? include("ProtoBuf/Builder.js");
//? include("ProtoBuf/Map.js");
//? if (DOTPROTO) {
* Loads a .proto string and returns the Builder.
* @param {string} proto .proto file contents
* @param {(ProtoBuf.Builder|string|{root: string, file: string})=} builder Builder to append to. Will create a new one if omitted.
* @param {(string|{root: string, file: string})=} filename The corresponding file name if known. Must be specified for imports.
* @return {ProtoBuf.Builder} Builder to create new messages
* @throws {Error} If the definition cannot be parsed or built
* @expose
ProtoBuf.loadProto = function(proto, builder, filename) {
if (typeof builder === 'string' || (builder && typeof builder["file"] === 'string' && typeof builder["root"] === 'string'))
filename = builder,
builder = undefined;
return ProtoBuf.loadJson(ProtoBuf.DotProto.Parser.parse(proto), builder, filename);
* Loads a .proto string and returns the Builder. This is an alias of {@link ProtoBuf.loadProto}.
* @function
* @param {string} proto .proto file contents
* @param {(ProtoBuf.Builder|string)=} builder Builder to append to. Will create a new one if omitted.
* @param {(string|{root: string, file: string})=} filename The corresponding file name if known. Must be specified for imports.
* @return {ProtoBuf.Builder} Builder to create new messages
* @throws {Error} If the definition cannot be parsed or built
* @expose
ProtoBuf.protoFromString = ProtoBuf.loadProto; // Legacy
* Loads a .proto file and returns the Builder.
* @param {string|{root: string, file: string}} filename Path to proto file or an object specifying 'file' with
* an overridden 'root' path for all imported files.
* @param {function(?Error, !ProtoBuf.Builder=)=} callback Callback that will receive `null` as the first and
* the Builder as its second argument on success, otherwise the error as its first argument. If omitted, the
* file will be read synchronously and this function will return the Builder.
* @param {ProtoBuf.Builder=} builder Builder to append to. Will create a new one if omitted.
* @return {?ProtoBuf.Builder|undefined} The Builder if synchronous (no callback specified, will be NULL if the
* request has failed), else undefined
* @expose
ProtoBuf.loadProtoFile = function(filename, callback, builder) {
if (callback && typeof callback === 'object')
builder = callback,
callback = null;
else if (!callback || typeof callback !== 'function')
callback = null;
if (callback)
return ProtoBuf.Util.fetch(typeof filename === 'string' ? filename : filename["root"]+"/"+filename["file"], function(contents) {
if (contents === null) {
callback(Error("Failed to fetch file"));
try {
callback(null, ProtoBuf.loadProto(contents, builder, filename));
} catch (e) {
var contents = ProtoBuf.Util.fetch(typeof filename === 'object' ? filename["root"]+"/"+filename["file"] : filename);
return contents === null ? null : ProtoBuf.loadProto(contents, builder, filename);
* Loads a .proto file and returns the Builder. This is an alias of {@link ProtoBuf.loadProtoFile}.
* @function
* @param {string|{root: string, file: string}} filename Path to proto file or an object specifying 'file' with
* an overridden 'root' path for all imported files.
* @param {function(?Error, !ProtoBuf.Builder=)=} callback Callback that will receive `null` as the first and
* the Builder as its second argument on success, otherwise the error as its first argument. If omitted, the
* file will be read synchronously and this function will return the Builder.
* @param {ProtoBuf.Builder=} builder Builder to append to. Will create a new one if omitted.
* @return {!ProtoBuf.Builder|undefined} The Builder if synchronous (no callback specified, will be NULL if the
* request has failed), else undefined
* @expose
ProtoBuf.protoFromFile = ProtoBuf.loadProtoFile; // Legacy
//? } // DOTPROTO
* Constructs a new empty Builder.
* @param {Object.<string,*>=} options Builder options, defaults to global options set on ProtoBuf
* @return {!ProtoBuf.Builder} Builder
* @expose
ProtoBuf.newBuilder = function(options) {
options = options || {};
if (typeof options['convertFieldsToCamelCase'] === 'undefined')
options['convertFieldsToCamelCase'] = ProtoBuf.convertFieldsToCamelCase;
if (typeof options['populateAccessors'] === 'undefined')
options['populateAccessors'] = ProtoBuf.populateAccessors;
return new ProtoBuf.Builder(options);
* Loads a .json definition and returns the Builder.
* @param {!*|string} json JSON definition
* @param {(ProtoBuf.Builder|string|{root: string, file: string})=} builder Builder to append to. Will create a new one if omitted.
* @param {(string|{root: string, file: string})=} filename The corresponding file name if known. Must be specified for imports.
* @return {ProtoBuf.Builder} Builder to create new messages
* @throws {Error} If the definition cannot be parsed or built
* @expose
ProtoBuf.loadJson = function(json, builder, filename) {
if (typeof builder === 'string' || (builder && typeof builder["file"] === 'string' && typeof builder["root"] === 'string'))
filename = builder,
builder = null;
if (!builder || typeof builder !== 'object')
builder = ProtoBuf.newBuilder();
if (typeof json === 'string')
json = JSON.parse(json);
builder["import"](json, filename);
return builder;
* Loads a .json file and returns the Builder.
* @param {string|!{root: string, file: string}} filename Path to json file or an object specifying 'file' with
* an overridden 'root' path for all imported files.
* @param {function(?Error, !ProtoBuf.Builder=)=} callback Callback that will receive `null` as the first and
* the Builder as its second argument on success, otherwise the error as its first argument. If omitted, the
* file will be read synchronously and this function will return the Builder.
* @param {ProtoBuf.Builder=} builder Builder to append to. Will create a new one if omitted.
* @return {?ProtoBuf.Builder|undefined} The Builder if synchronous (no callback specified, will be NULL if the
* request has failed), else undefined
* @expose
ProtoBuf.loadJsonFile = function(filename, callback, builder) {
if (callback && typeof callback === 'object')
builder = callback,
callback = null;
else if (!callback || typeof callback !== 'function')
callback = null;
if (callback)
return ProtoBuf.Util.fetch(typeof filename === 'string' ? filename : filename["root"]+"/"+filename["file"], function(contents) {
if (contents === null) {
callback(Error("Failed to fetch file"));
try {
callback(null, ProtoBuf.loadJson(JSON.parse(contents), builder, filename));
} catch (e) {
var contents = ProtoBuf.Util.fetch(typeof filename === 'object' ? filename["root"]+"/"+filename["file"] : filename);
return contents === null ? null : ProtoBuf.loadJson(JSON.parse(contents), builder, filename);