update web client
This commit is contained in:
@ -29,6 +29,17 @@
<noscript>You need to enable JavaScript to run this app.</noscript>
<noscript>You need to enable JavaScript to run this app.</noscript>
<div id="root"></div>
<div id="root"></div>
<!-- <div class="text-center" id="videoCard">
<span id="receivedMessage"></span>
<video width="100%"id="videoStream"></video>
<div id="floatingCam">
<div id="floatingCamheader">LIVE</div>
<video id="myCamera" width="100%"></video>
</div> -->
LOCAL VIDEO<video id="localVideo" autoplay></video>
LOCAL VIDEO<video id="localVideo" autoplay></video>
REMOTE VIDEO<video id="remoteVideo" autoplay></video>
REMOTE VIDEO<video id="remoteVideo" autoplay></video>
@ -4,53 +4,44 @@ import './App.css';
const io = require("socket.io-client");
const io = require("socket.io-client");
let localStream = new MediaStream();
var socket, stream;
let remoteStream = new MediaStream();
let rtcPeerConnection = null;
var config = {
// let navigator = null;
iceServers: [{
urls: [ "stun:dev.linx.safemobil.com:3478" ]
}, {
username: "sergiu ",
credential: "test123",
urls: [
// var config = {
// iceServers: [{
// urls: [ "stun:numb.viagenie.ca" ]
// }, {
// username: "claudiustancu@outlook.com",
// credential: "Parola123",
// urls: [
// "turn:numb.viagenie.ca"
// ]
// }],
// rtcpMuxPolicy:"negotiate"
// }
var pc = new RTCPeerConnection(config)
let localStream, remoteStream
let localVideo = document.getElementById("localVideo");
let localVideo = document.getElementById("localVideo");
let remoteVideo = document.getElementById("remoteVideo");
let remoteVideo = document.getElementById("remoteVideo");
// var windowObjectReference;
// var popupUrl = "file:///C:/projects/safemobile/hub-test/src/PopupWindow.html";
var socket;
(() => {
setInterval(() => {
// if(rtcPeerConnection != null) { console.log('1'); }
// if(rtcPeerConnection && rtcPeerConnection.hasOwnProperty('signalingState')) { console.log('[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[2'); }
// if(rtcPeerConnection && rtcPeerConnection.hasOwnProperty('signalingState')) {
if(rtcPeerConnection !== null) {
console.log('[--------------STATE------------]', rtcPeerConnection.signalingState)
// }
}, 100)
// rtcPeerConnection.setConfiguration(
// { iceServers: [{
// urls: "turn:dev.linx.safemobile.com:19302",
// username: "sergiu",
// credential: "test123"
// }]
// }
// );
// ({iceRestart: true}) // offer
// rtcPeerConnection.addTrack(localStream.getTracks()[1], localStream) // audio
// "urls": "turn:dev.linx.safemobile.com:19302?transport=udp",
const streamConstraints = {
audio: false,
video: true
class App extends Component {
class App extends Component {
constructor() {
constructor() {
@ -62,7 +53,7 @@ class App extends Component {
hubStatus: 0, // 0 uninitialized | 1 connecting | 2 connected | 3 connection error
hubStatus: 0, // 0 uninitialized | 1 connecting | 2 connected | 3 connection error
socket: null,
socket: null,
arsSent: false,
arsSent: false,
dest_asset_id: '66',
dest_asset_id: '1',
isCaller: false,
isCaller: false,
callId: null,
callId: null,
// rtcPeerConnection: null,
// rtcPeerConnection: null,
@ -73,18 +64,30 @@ class App extends Component {
componentDidMount() {
componentDidMount= async () => {
// var windowObjectReference;
// var windowObjectReference;
// var windowFeatures = "menubar=yes,location=yes,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,status=yes";
// var windowFeatures = "menubar=yes,location=yes,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,status=yes";
// console.log('11111');
// console.log('11111');
// setTimeout(() => {
// setTimeout(() => {
// windowObjectReference = window.open("http://www.cnn.com/", "CNN_WindowName", windowFeatures);
// windowObjectReference = window.open("http://www.cnn.com/", "CNN_WindowName", windowFeatures);
// }, 500)
// }, 500)
stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({video:true, audio:false})
localStream = stream
localVideo.srcObject = stream
pc.ontrack = this.onAddStream;
// pc.addTrack(localStream.getTracks()[0], localStream);
pc.addTrack(localStream.getTracks()[0], localStream)
// pc.addTrack(localStream.getTracks()[1], localStream)
onAddStream = (event) => {
console.log('onAddStream', event);
remoteVideo.srcObject = event.streams[0]
remoteStream = event.streams[0]
handleLoginClick = async () => {
handleLoginClick = async () => {
const loginRequest = await fetch('https://dev.linx.safemobile.com/api/login', {
const loginRequest = await fetch('https://dev.linx.safemobile.com/api/login', {
// const loginRequest = await fetch('http://localhost:41418/login', {
method: 'POST',
method: 'POST',
headers: {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
@ -97,7 +100,6 @@ class App extends Component {
const loginResponseJson = await loginRequest.json();
const loginResponseJson = await loginRequest.json();
this.setState({ user: loginResponseJson.data }, () => {
this.setState({ user: loginResponseJson.data }, () => {
// Connect to HUB
// Connect to HUB
// this.setState({ socket: io("localhost:41414", {reconnect:true, transports: ['websocket']}) }, () => {
this.setState({ socket: io("https://hub.dev.linx.safemobile.com/", {reconnect:true, transports: ['websocket']}) }, () => {
this.setState({ socket: io("https://hub.dev.linx.safemobile.com/", {reconnect:true, transports: ['websocket']}) }, () => {
socket = this.state.socket;
socket = this.state.socket;
socket.on('connect', () => {
socket.on('connect', () => {
@ -109,197 +111,121 @@ class App extends Component {
account_id: this.state.user.account.id
account_id: this.state.user.account.id
this.setState({ arsSent: true });
this.setState({ arsSent: true });
// var windowFeatures = "menubar=yes,location=yes,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,status=false,resizable=yes,titlebar=false,width=640,height=640";
// // setTimeout(() => {
// window.socket = socket;
// windowObjectReference = window.open(popupUrl, "TEST", windowFeatures);
// windowObjectReference.addEventListener("message", (event) => {
// console.log('[WINDOW] event', event)
// console.log('[WINDOW] event.source.opener', event.source.opener.socket);
// event.source.opener.socket.emit('ars', JSON.stringify({
// ars: true,
// asset_id: this.state.user.asset.id,
// account_id: this.state.user.account.id
// }));
// // console.log('B', B);
// }, false);
// windowObjectReference.document.close();
// windowObjectReference.focus();
// windowObjectReference.postMessage('[WINDOW] messageeeeeeeeeeeeee', popupUrl)
// }, 2000)
// window.addEventListener("message", (event) => {
// console.log('[MAIN] event', event)
// // Do we trust the sender of this message? (might be
// // different from what we originally opened, for example).
// if (event.origin !== popupUrl)
// return;
// // event.source.postMessage("hi there yourself! the secret response " + "is: rheeeeet!", event.origin);
// // event.source is popup
// // event.data is "hi there yourself! the secret response is: rheeeeet!"
// }, false);
// window.postMessage("hello there!", popupUrl);
// HUB 'video' event handler
// HUB 'video' event handler
socket.on('video', (data) => {
socket.on('video', async (data) => {
const parseDate = JSON.parse(data);
console.log('[VIDEO]', parseDate);
if(parseDate.type === 'notify-request') {
const parseData = JSON.parse(data);
// console.error('11111111 navigator', navigator);
console.log('[VIDEO]', parseData);
.then(stream => {
if(parseData.type === 'notify-request') {
localStream = stream
await pc.setLocalDescription(await pc.createOffer())
localVideo.srcObject = stream
this.setState({ dest_asset_id: parseInt(parseDate.origin_asset_id), callId: parseInt(parseDate.video_call_id) });
socket.emit('video', JSON.stringify({
socket.emit('video', JSON.stringify({
origin_asset_id: this.state.user.asset.id,
origin_asset_id: this.state.user.asset.id,
dest_asset_id: parseInt(parseDate.origin_asset_id),
dest_asset_id: parseInt(parseData.origin_asset_id),
type: 'notify-answer',
type: 'offer',
origin_asset_priority: this.state.user.asset.priority,
origin_asset_priority: this.state.user.asset.priority,
origin_asset_type_name: this.state.user.user_role.name,
origin_asset_type_name: this.state.user.user_role.name,
origin_asset_name: this.state.user.name,
origin_asset_name: this.state.user.asset.name,
video_call_id: parseDate.video_call_id,
video_call_id: parseData.video_call_id,
answer: 'accepted' // answer: 'rejected'
answer: 'accepted', // answer: 'rejected'
sdp: pc.localDescription
this.setState({ callId: parseInt(parseData.video_call_id), dest_asset_id: parseInt(parseData.origin_asset_id) })
.catch(err => {
console.log('An error occured', err)
else if(parseData.type === 'offer') {
// Handler for 'notify-end'(when the video closed)
if(parseData.sdp.type === 'offer') {
if(parseDate.type === 'notify-end') {
this.setState({ callId: parseInt(parseData.video_call_id) })
} else if(parseData.sdp.type === 'answer') {
// Handler for 'notify-answer'
await pc.setRemoteDescription(parseData.sdp)
if(parseDate.type === 'notify-answer') {
pc.onicecandidate = ({candidate}) => {
if(parseDate.answer === 'rejected') {
console.log('candidate1', candidate);
} else if(parseDate.answer === 'accepted') {
navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(streamConstraints).then(stream => {
localStream = stream;
localVideo.srcObject = stream;
rtcPeerConnection = new RTCPeerConnection(this.calculateIceServers());
rtcPeerConnection.onicecandidate = this.onIceCandidate;
rtcPeerConnection.ontrack = this.onAddStream;
rtcPeerConnection.addTrack(localStream.getTracks()[0], localStream);
.then(async (sessionDescription) => {
await rtcPeerConnection.setLocalDescription(sessionDescription);
socket.emit('video', JSON.stringify({
origin_asset_id: this.state.user.asset.id,
type: 'offer',
sdp: sessionDescription,
dest_asset_id: parseInt(this.state.dest_asset_id),
video_call_id: parseDate.video_call_id
this.setState({ isCaller: true, callId: parseInt(parseDate.video_call_id) })
.catch(e => { console.log('[-------------ERROR-------------]', e); })
.catch(err => {
console.log('An error occured', err);
// Handler for 'offer'
if(parseDate.type === 'offer') {
if(!this.state.isCaller) {
rtcPeerConnection = new RTCPeerConnection(this.calculateIceServers());
rtcPeerConnection.onicecandidate = this.onIceCandidate;
rtcPeerConnection.ontrack = this.onAddStream;
rtcPeerConnection.addTrack(localStream.getTracks()[0], localStream);
rtcPeerConnection.setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(parseDate.sdp))
.then(async (sessionDescription) => {
socket.emit('video', JSON.stringify({
origin_asset_id: this.state.user.asset.id,
type: 'offer',
sdp: sessionDescription,
dest_asset_id: parseInt(this.state.dest_asset_id),
video_call_id: parseDate.video_call_id
.catch(e => { console.log('[-------------ERROR-------------]', e); })
} else {
rtcPeerConnection.setRemoteDescription(new RTCSessionDescription(parseDate.sdp));
if(parseDate.type === 'candidate') {
if(rtcPeerConnection) {
const candidate = new RTCIceCandidate({
sdpMLineIndex: parseDate.label,
candidate: parseDate.candidate
calculateIceServers = () => {
const obj = {
"iceServers": [
"urls": this.state.stunUrl,
"username": "",
"credential": ""
"urls": this.state.turnUrl,
"username": this.state.turnUsername,
"credential": this.state.turnCredential,
console.log('calculateIceServers-----------------------', obj);
return obj;
onAddStream = (event) => {
remoteVideo.srcObject = event.streams[0];
remoteStream = event.streams[0];
onIceCandidate = (event) => {
if(event.candidate) {
console.log('sending ice candidate', event.candidate);
this.state.socket.emit('video', JSON.stringify({
this.state.socket.emit('video', JSON.stringify({
type: 'candidate',
type: 'candidate',
label: event.candidate.sdpMLineIndex,
id: event.candidate.sdpMid,
dest_asset_id: parseInt(this.state.dest_asset_id),
candidate: event.candidate.candidate,
test: '222222222222'
dest_asset_id: this.state.dest_asset_id
} else if(parseData.type === 'candidate') {
console.log('candidate parseData', parseData);
if(parseData.candidate) {
console.log('parseData.candidate', parseData.candidate)
pc.addIceCandidate(parseData.candidate).catch(e => {console.log(e)})
offerReceived = async (offer) => {
console.log('Received offer', offer)
await pc.setRemoteDescription(offer.sdp)
pc.onicecandidate = ({candidate}) => {
this.state.socket.emit('video', JSON.stringify({
type: 'candidate',
candidate: candidate,
dest_asset_id: parseInt(this.state.dest_asset_id),
test: '1111111111'
await pc.setLocalDescription(await pc.createAnswer())
pc.onnegotiationneeded = async () => {
try {
await pc.setLocalDescription(await pc.createOffer());
// socket.emit('signal', {destination:remoteUser, data:pc.localDescription})
socket.emit('video', JSON.stringify({
origin_asset_id: this.state.user.asset.id,
dest_asset_id: parseInt(this.state.dest_asset_id),
type: 'offer',
origin_asset_priority: this.state.user.asset.priority,
origin_asset_type_name: this.state.user.user_role.name,
origin_asset_name: this.state.user.asset.name,
video_call_id: this.state.callId,
sdp: pc.localDescription
} catch (err) {
origin_asset_id: this.state.user.asset.id,
dest_asset_id: parseInt(this.state.dest_asset_id),
type: 'offer',
origin_asset_priority: this.state.user.asset.priority,
origin_asset_type_name: this.state.user.user_role.name,
origin_asset_name: this.state.user.asset.name,
video_call_id: null,
sdp: pc.localDescription
this.state.socket.emit('video', JSON.stringify({
origin_asset_id: this.state.user.asset.id,
dest_asset_id: parseInt(this.state.dest_asset_id),
type: 'offer',
origin_asset_priority: this.state.user.asset.priority,
origin_asset_type_name: this.state.user.user_role.name,
origin_asset_name: this.state.user.asset.name,
video_call_id: null,
sdp: pc.localDescription
console.log('---------onnegotiationneeded END--------');
handleChangeLogin = (e) => {
handleChangeLogin = (e) => {
this.setState({ login: e.target.value});
this.setState({ login: e.target.value});
@ -339,6 +265,13 @@ class App extends Component {
origin_asset_name: this.state.user.name,
origin_asset_name: this.state.user.name,
video_call_id: null
video_call_id: null
// var userToCall = document.getElementById('calluser').value
// remoteUser = userToCall
// document.getElementById('invitestatus').innerHTML = " INVITATIE TRIMISA"
// document.getElementById('loadingOverlay').style.display = "block"
// var x = document.getElementById('calluser');
// x.style.display = "none";
// socket.emit('call', userToCall)
closeVideo = () => {
closeVideo = () => {
@ -351,19 +284,12 @@ class App extends Component {
cleanVideoStreams = () => {
rtcPeerConnection != null && rtcPeerConnection.close();
// this.setState({ callId: null, rtcPeerConnection: null });
localVideo.srcObject = null;
remoteVideo.srcObject = null;
render() {
render() {
const { login, password, user, hubStatus, arsSent, dest_asset_id, isCaller, callId, stunUrl, turnUrl, turnUsername, turnCredential } = { ...this.state };
const { login, password, user, hubStatus, arsSent, dest_asset_id, isCaller, callId, stunUrl, turnUrl, turnUsername, turnCredential } = { ...this.state };
return (
return (
<div className="App">
<div className="App">
<h1>WebRTC Client 0.8</h1>
<h1>WebRTC Client 0.8 - {Math.random()}</h1>
<h2><u>STUN and TURN servers</u></h2>
<h2><u>STUN and TURN servers</u></h2>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user