
49 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace LumiSoft.Media.Wave.Native
/// <summary>
/// This class represents WAVEOUTCAPS structure.
/// </summary>
internal struct WAVEOUTCAPS
/// <summary>
/// Manufacturer identifier for the device driver for the device.
/// </summary>
public ushort wMid;
/// <summary>
/// Product identifier for the device.
/// </summary>
public ushort wPid;
/// <summary>
/// Version number of the device driver for the device.
/// </summary>
public uint vDriverVersion;
/// <summary>
/// Product name in a null-terminated string.
/// </summary>
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr,SizeConst = 32)]
public string szPname;
/// <summary>
/// Standard formats that are supported.
/// </summary>
public uint dwFormats;
/// <summary>
/// Number specifying whether the device supports mono (1) or stereo (2) output.
/// </summary>
public ushort wChannels;
/// <summary>
/// Packing.
/// </summary>
public ushort wReserved1;
/// <summary>
/// Optional functionality supported by the device.
/// </summary>
public uint dwSupport;