; config.ini ; This file is used to run the SafeNet Hytera Gateway application ; Please do not modify if you are not an admin ;GATEWAY INFO ;id - gateway identifier ;report - default reporting intervall in seconds ;MasterRadioIP - Hytera base station IP (set in DMR) ;MasterRadioIMEI - Hytera base station ID(set in DMR) ;MR_subnet - Hytera base station sub network value(set in DMR)(ex:if MR_subnet=10 and MasterRadioIMEI=80 then Hytra internal IP will be ;ping_interval - Time(in seconds) that is used to check the connection between Hytera base station and the gateway application ;UseRadioTime - uses the radio time for GPS messages. If it set to false it will use the Computer time [GATEWAY] id = 81000 report = 30 MasterRadioIP = MR_subnet = 10 MasterRadioIMEI = 101 ping_interval = 60000 UseRadioTime = true gw_restart = False ;MySQL_SMS INFO ;SERVER - mysql server IP ;DATABASE - mysql schema ;UID - mysql user ID ;PASSWORD -mysql password [MySQL] SERVER = safenet.crnnlkxkkb0y.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com DATABASE = safenet301 UID = safenet PASSWORD = sE4reg3Q active = true restartTime = 10 [EmailService] Enable = false User = bigutransfer@gmail.com Pass = gigelamd01 Pop3Server = pop.gmail.com SmtpServer = smtp.gmail.com EnableSSL = True Pop3Port = 995 SmtpPort = 587