using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Text; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Threading; using System.Collections; using SafeNetLib; using SN_Server.ServerMSGS; using SN_Server; /* < rsp sid="SID" id="100111" mode="MOD" HW_Type="Hw_type" subscriber="Phone_nr" RFID="RFID" time="TIME" Latitude="" Longitude="" Speed="" ai1="" ai2="" ai3="" ai4="" ai5="" ai6="" ai7="" ai8="" di="" ao1="" ao2="" do=""> */ namespace MotoRepeater_SOC { class ReceiveSMSThread { public UInt16 port; //public MotoTRBOGW parent; public ReceiveSMSThread(ushort p_port) { port = p_port; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Main // ------------------------------------------------------------------- public void HandleConnection() { while (true) { try { //IPEndPoint object will allow us to read datagrams sent from any source. IPEndPoint RemoteIpEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0); Utils.ConsWrite(DebugMSG_Type.SMS, "Init SMS Thread on port " + port +" ..waiting for SMS:"); // Blocks until a message returns on this socket from a remote host. Byte[] receiveBytes = MotoRepeater_GW.smsUDPclient.Receive(ref RemoteIpEndPoint); string returnData = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(receiveBytes); // Uses the IPEndPoint object to determine which of these two hosts responded. Utils.ConsWrite(DebugMSG_Type.SMS, "\n--------------------"); Utils.ConsWrite(DebugMSG_Type.SMS, "SMSThRecv(" + port + "): " + LocationThread.Byte2String(receiveBytes, 0, receiveBytes[1] + 2)); Utils.ConsWrite(DebugMSG_Type.SMS, "From " + RemoteIpEndPoint.Address.ToString() + ":" + RemoteIpEndPoint.Port.ToString()); header_T hret = DecodePacket(receiveBytes, RemoteIpEndPoint); //we got ACK for message add it to DB if ((hret.header == 0xBF) || (hret.header == 0x9F)) { Utils.ConsWrite(DebugMSG_Type.SMS, "Got ACK with header:" + hret.header + " with seq_id :" + hret.seq_no); lock (SM_SMS.waitConfSMSList.SyncRoot) { int index = -1; int count = 0; foreach (SMS msg in SM_SMS.waitConfSMSList) { if (msg.seq_no == hret.seq_no) { Utils.ConsWrite(DebugMSG_Type.SMS, "Posting in confSMSQueue:"); index = count; SM_SMS.confSMSQueue.PostItem(msg); } count++; } if (index > -1)//we've found the message { Utils.ConsWrite(DebugMSG_Type.SMS, "Removing from waitConfSMSList"); SM_SMS.waitConfSMSList.RemoveAt(index); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Utils.ConsWrite(DebugMSG_Type.always, "Exception in SMSThread:HandleConnection()" +ex.ToString()); } Thread.Sleep(1); } // end while } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Aux functions // ------------------------------------------------------------------- struct header_T { public string address; public bool ext, ext2, ack, cntl; public byte pdu_type; public byte seq_no; public byte encoding; public byte header; } header_T DecodePacket(Byte[] data, IPEndPoint RemoteIpEndPoint) { header_T hret = new header_T(); int i, j, pdata; char[] separator = { '.' }; string[] su = RemoteIpEndPoint.Address.ToString().Split(separator); uint radioID = (Convert.ToUInt32(su[1])) * 256 * 256 + (Convert.ToUInt32(su[2])) * 256 + Convert.ToUInt32(su[3]); string suid = radioID.ToString(); pdata = (int)data[0]; pdata <<= 8; pdata |= (int)data[1]; /* Utils.ConsWrite(DebugMSG_Type.SMS,"Length =" + pdata + "(0x" + data[0].ToString("X") + "," + data[1].ToString("X") + ")"); Console.Write("Data: "); for (i = 2; i < pdata + 2; i++) Console.Write(" 0x" + data[i].ToString("X")); Utils.ConsWrite(DebugMSG_Type.SMS,); */ // parse header int header = data[2]; hret.header = data[2]; //Utils.ConsWrite(DebugMSG_Type.SMS,"Header: " + header.ToString("X")); if ((header & 0x80) != 0) hret.ext = true; else hret.ext = false; if ((header & 0x40) != 0) { hret.ack = true; } else hret.ack = false; if ((header & 0x10) != 0) hret.cntl = true; else hret.cntl = false; // txt message hret.pdu_type = (byte)(header & 0x0f); // parse address int addrsize = data[3]; i = 4; Console.Write("Address: "); for (j = 0; j < addrsize; j++) { Console.Write(data[i + j].ToString("X")); } i += j; if (addrsize == 0) Utils.ConsWrite(DebugMSG_Type.SMS,"no len"); else Utils.ConsWrite(DebugMSG_Type.SMS,""); // parse rest of headers if (hret.ext) { byte h2 = data[i]; if ((h2 & 0x80) != 0) hret.ext2 = true; else hret.ext2 = false; hret.seq_no = (byte)(h2 & 0x1F); i++; Utils.ConsWrite(DebugMSG_Type.SMS,"Seq no: " + hret.seq_no); if (hret.ext2) { // parse third header hret.encoding = (byte)(data[i] & 0x0f); //Utils.ConsWrite(DebugMSG_Type.SMS,"Encoding: " + hret.encoding); i++; } } if (hret.ack) { Thread.Sleep(500); // The client needs an ACK Byte[] sendBytes = new Byte[10]; sendBytes[0] = 0x00; // len (2B) sendBytes[1] = 0x03; sendBytes[2] = 0xBF; // first header (req) sendBytes[3] = 0x00; // addr len sendBytes[4] = hret.seq_no; // 2nd header (opt) MotoRepeater_GW.smsUDPclient.Send(sendBytes, sendBytes[1] + 2, RemoteIpEndPoint.Address.ToString(), RemoteIpEndPoint.Port); Utils.ConsWrite(DebugMSG_Type.SMS,"SMS ACK sent"); } int crc = 0; if ((!hret.cntl) && (hret.pdu_type == 0)) { // the rest is the txt message //Console.Write("SMS Message: "); Char[] cs = new Char[100]; int k; for (j = i, k = 0; j < pdata + 2; j++) { //Console.Write(" 0x" + data[j].ToString("X")); if (data[j] != 0) { cs[k++] = (Char)data[j]; crc |= (Char)data[j]; } } // save message in inbox ht string s = new string(cs, 0, k); s.Replace("\r\n", ""); s = s.Replace(System.Environment.NewLine, string.Empty); Utils.ConsWrite(DebugMSG_Type.SMS,"Message [" + s + "]"); if (s.StartsWith("Rfid")) { string rfid_string = new string(cs, 4, s.Length - 4); Utils.ConsWrite(DebugMSG_Type.SMS,"RFID detected:" + rfid_string); OC4Jrfid rfid = new OC4Jrfid(); rfid.suid = suid; rfid.rfid = rfid_string; //MotoTRBOGW.DBQueueRFID.PostItem(rfid); } else { //insert message into queue SMS sms = new SMS(); sms.RadioID = suid; sms.SUDBid = MotoRepeater_GW.unitList.GetDBid(suid); sms.Msg = s; SM_SMS.recvSMSQueue.PostItem(sms); } } //Utils.ConsWrite(DebugMSG_Type.SMS,"i=" + i); return hret; } } }