/* for creating a new polygon -- new polygon, name, color -- then when user press save getPolygon,name -- if cancel deletePolygon,name for canceling an edit -- deletePolygon, xx -- setPolygon, xx, ... for canceling the creation of a new polygon -- deletePolygon, tempName to update a polygon -- deletePolygon,name -- setPolygon,newName,{new settings} */ var DEBUG = false; var Parser = function(sets, mapProperties, polys) { console.log('creating parser'); return { parseCommand: function(commandText) { if (!commandText) return; var args = commandText.split(','); if (args && args.length > 0) { var type = args.shift().toLowerCase(); if (this[type]) this[type].apply(this, args); else { var m = 'WARNING: method [' + type + '] is not defined in Parser.'; console.error(m); throw new Error(m); } } }, _parsePointsPoly: function(pointsArray) { var points = []; if (pointsArray.length % 2 != 0) { console.error('Wrong number of args when parsing poly points:' + pointsArray); return null; } for (var i = 0; i < pointsArray.length; i += 2) points.push(new DataSetPoint(pointsArray[i], pointsArray[i + 1])); return points; }, _parsePoints : function(pointsArray){ // console.log("Parsing points:... new function..." + pointsArray); // console.dir(pointsArray); var points = Utils.parsePoints(pointsArray); // .map(function(p) { // return new DataSetPoint().merge(p); // }); // console.dir(points); return points; }, _parsePoints2: function(pointsArray) { console.log("_parsePoints: " + pointsArray); var points = []; if (pointsArray.length % 11 !== 0) { console.error('Wrong number of point parameters at ' + JSON.stringify(pointsArray)); return null; } for (var i = 0; i < pointsArray.length - 4; i += 5) points.push({ latitude: +pointsArray[i], longitude: +pointsArray[i + 1], time : new Date(pointsArray[i+2]), id: pointsArray[i + 3], speed : pointsArray[i+4], altitude : +pointsArray[i+5], address : pointsArray[i+6], icon : pointsArray[i+7], hasVoice : pointsArray[i+8], hasText : pointsArray[i+9], isInCall : pointsArray[i+10] }); points.map(function(e) { return new DataSetPoint().merge(e); }); return points; }, _getDataset: function(name) { return this._getModel(sets, name); }, _getPolygon: function(name) { return this._getModel(polys, name); }, _getModel: function(collection, name) { //use collection.get(name) if name is id var ds = collection.where({ id: name }); if (ds.length > 0) return ds[0]; //else console.error('Could not find element with name : ' + name); return null; }, setdataset: function(name /*, ...*/ ) { //parse points = la1,lng1,name1,speed1_time1,adresa1,icon_name1... var points = this._parsePoints([].slice.call(arguments, 1)); if (points) { var dataSet = new DataSet({ id: name, points: points.map(function(p){p.dataset = name;return p}) }); if (sets.get(name)) this.removedataset(name); sets.add(dataSet); } // console.log('There are ' + sets.length + ' sets now.'); }, //will update a dataset based on points name updatedataset: function(name /*,...*/ ) { var points = this._parsePoints([].slice.call(arguments, 1)); if (points) { var ds = sets.where({ id: name }); if (ds.length == 1) ds[0].updatePoints(points); else console.error("can't find dataset in updateDataset : " + name); } }, //autosize = true | false putonmap: function(autoSize, name) { var ds = this._getDataset(name); if (ds) ds.set({ isAutosize: (autoSize === 'true'), isVisible: true, lastUpdated : new Date() }); }, clearfrommap: function(name) { var ds = this._getDataset(name); if (ds) ds.set({ isVisible: false }); }, removedataset: function(name) { //var toRemove = this._getDataset(name); var toRemove = sets.get(name); if (toRemove) sets.remove(toRemove); }, deletefromdataset: function(name, pointName) { var ds = this._getDataset(name); if (ds) ds.removePoint(pointName); }, centerzoom: function(latitude, longitude, zoom) { mapProperties.set({ center: [latitude, longitude], zoom: zoom }); }, reset: function() { //should it remove all datasets and polygons and polylines ???? mapProperties.set('isReset', new Date()); sets.reset(); }, resize: function(width, height) { mapProperties.set("dimmensions", [height, width]); }, openinfo: function(name) { if (name !== 'null') mapProperties.set("openedMarker", name); }, putlabels: function(name) { var ds = this._getDataset(name); if (ds) ds.set('isShowLabels', true); }, removelabels: function(name) { var ds = this._getDataset(name); if (ds) ds.set('isShowLabels', false); }, setmaptype: function(type) { mapProperties.set('mapType', type); }, setpolygon: function(name, fillColor, fillOpacity, borderColor, borderOpacity, borderWidth /*,points...*/ ) { var pointsArray = this._parsePointsPoly([].slice.call(arguments, 6)); if (pointsArray) { var poly = new Polygon({ id: name, color: fillColor, opacity : fillOpacity, borderColor : borderColor, borderOpacity : borderOpacity, borderWidth : borderWidth, points: pointsArray }); polys.add(poly); console.log('Added a polygon. No of polygons:' + polys.length); } }, //starts the creation of a new polygon on the map newpolygon: function(name, fillColor, fillOpacity, borderColor, borderOpacity, borderWidth) { var poly = new Polygon({ id: name, color: fillColor, opacity : fillOpacity, borderColor : borderColor, borderOpacity : borderOpacity, borderWidth : borderWidth, isNew: true }) polys.add(poly); }, getpolygon: function(name) { mapProperties.set('polygonToGet', { name: name, date: new Date() }); } , deletepolygon: function(name) { if (name != "ALL") { var p = this._getPolygon(name); if (p) polys.remove(p); }else polys.reset(); }, starteditpolygon: function(name) { var p = this._getPolygon(name); if (p) p.set('isEditing', true); }, endeditpolygon: function(name) { var p = this._getPolygon(name); if (p) p.set('isEditing', false); }, poly: function(autoZoom, color, thickness, datasetName) { var ds = sets.get(datasetName); if (ds){ ds.set("color",color); ds.set("thickness", thickness); ds.set("isPolyline",true); } }, getmaptype : function(){ //document.getElementById('response_string').innerHTML = ; }, clearresponse : function(){ ['response_string','click_string'].forEach(function(divid){ document.getElementById(divid).innerHTML = ''; }); }, showconsole : function(on){ mapProperties.set('console',JSON.parse(on.toLowerCase())); }, setlegacyicons : function(isLegacy){ mapProperties.set('legacyicons', isLegacy); }, setcall : function(name,state){ sets.forEach(function(s){ var p = _.clone(s.get('points'), true); var point = _.find(p,{id:name}); point.isInCall = JSON.parse(state.toLowerCase()); // console.dir(point); // console.log("Set isInCall for "+point.id+" in set "+s.id +' value = '+point.isInCall); s.updatePoints([point]); }); }, updatepolygonstyle : function(name,fillColor,fillOpacity,borderColor,borderOpacity,borderWidth){ var p = this._getPolygon(name); if (p){ p.set('color', fillColor); p.set('opacity', fillOpacity); p.set('borderColor', borderColor); p.set('borderOpacity', borderOpacity); p.set('borderWidth', borderWidth); } } }; }; //this should stay next to the SfmbMapsOL definition function bindEvents(map, properties, sets, polys) { function centerZoom(p, newParams) { var center = properties.get('center'); var zoom = properties.get('zoom'); map.centerZoom(center[0], center[1], zoom); // console.log('centerzoom evetn'); } properties.on('change:center change:zoom', centerZoom); properties.on('change:dimmensions', function(o, newDim) { map.resize(newDim[0], newDim[1]); console.log('dimmensions changed to:' + newDim); }); properties.on('change:polygonToGet', function(p, polyName) { var name = polyName.name; map.getPolygon(name); }); properties.on('change:openedMarker', function(p, markerName) { if (markerName) { map.openInfoBubble(markerName); properties.set('openedMarker', ''); } }); properties.on('change:isReset', function(p, reset) { map.resetAll(); }); properties.on('change:console', function(p,consoleValue){ var show = consoleValue?"show":"hide"; $('#log-area')[show](); }); properties.on('change:traffic', function(p, tValue){ map.setTraffic(tValue); }); properties.on('change:legacyicons', function(p, legacyiconsvalue){ map.setLegacyIcons(legacyiconsvalue); }); sets.on('add', function(set) { // console.log('dataset added : ' + set.get('id')); set.on('change:isVisible change:lastUpdated', function(o, visible) { // console.log('Making dataset: '+this.get('id')+' visible?'+(!!visible)); if (visible){ if (!this.get('isPolyline')) map.putPoints(this.get('points'), this.get('isAutosize')); } else { map.removePoints(this.get('points')); if (this.get('isPolyline')) map.deletePoly(this.id); } }, set); set.on('change:isShowLabels', function(s, show) { var action = show? "put":"remove"; map[action+"Labels"](this.get('points')); // if (show) map.putLabels(this.get('points')); // else map.removeLabels(this.get('points')); }, set); set.on('change:isPolyline change:color',function(s,isPoly){ if (isPoly){ map.setPoly(true,s.get('color'),s.get('thickness'),s.get('points'),s.id); s.set('isVisible',true); } }); }); sets.on('remove', function(set) { set.set('isVisible', false); console.log('removed dataset =' + set.get('id')); }); polys.on('add', function(poly) { console.log('polygon added'); //TODO: newPolygon is different than setpolygon if (!poly.get('points') || poly.get('points').length ==0){ //name, fillColor, fillOpacity, borderColor, borderOpacity, borderWidth map.newPolygon( poly.get('id'), poly.get('color'), poly.get('opacity'), poly.get('borderColor'), poly.get('borderOpacity'), poly.get('borderWidth') ); } else map.setPolygon( poly.get('id'), poly.get('color'), poly.get('points'), poly.get('opacity'), poly.get('borderColor'), poly.get('borderOpacity'), poly.get('borderWidth') ); poly.on('change:isEditing', function(p, isEditing) { if (isEditing) map.startEditPolygon(p.get('id')); else map.endEditPolygon(p.get('id')); }); poly.on('change:color change:opacity change:borderColor change:borderWidth change:borderOpacity', function(p,propValue){ var propName = Object.keys(p.changedAttributes())[0]; // console.log(p.get('id')+" polygon changed prop "+ propName + " = " +propValue ); map.updatePolygon(p.get('id'),propName, propValue); }); }); polys.on('remove', function(p) { map.deletePolygon(p.get('name')); }); polys.on('reset', function(models, options) { map.deleteAllPolygons(); }); } //-----------------------moved from html file ------------------------- function initialize() { function navigate(url){ log('setting the URL to: ' + url); // location = "app://"+url; //object set by the host application and intercepted in cefsharp try{ typeof callbackObj != 'undefined' && callbackObj!=null && callbackObj.callBackMethod("app://"+url); }catch(e){log(e);} } var mapTypes = { SfmbMapsMainSatelitte : 'satellite', SfmbMapsMain : 'hybrid', SfmbMapsMainMap : 'map', SfmbMapsMainTerrain : 'terrain' }; var htmlFileName = location.href.split('/').pop().split('.').shift(); var mapType = mapTypes[htmlFileName] ||"hybrid"; var properties = new MapProperties(); var sets = new DataSetCollection(); var polys = new PolygonCollection(); var mapOpts = { divObject: document.getElementById('Map'), polyPointCallback: function getPoints(points) { var res = points.map(function (p) { return p.latitude + "," + p.longitude }).join(); document.getElementById('click_string').innerHTML = res; navigate('points/' + res); }, getPolygonCallback: function getPolygon(poly) { //this is not used var points = poly.points && poly.points.map(function (p) { return p.latitude + "," + p.longitude }).join(); var res = "[" + poly.name + "," + poly.color + "," + points + "]"; document.getElementById('response_string').innerHTML = res; navigate("polygon/" + res); }, landmarkCallback: function landmarkCallback(point) { var res = point.latitude + "," + point.longitude document.getElementById('click_string').innerHTML = res; navigate("landmark/" + res); }, fastCommandCallback : function(type, unitId, message){ if (type == 'ptt' && message == 'off') GWTcallback("setCall,"+unitId+",False"); message = encodeURIComponent(message); var translate = { ptt : 'ptt-command', text : 'text-command', fast : 'fast-command' } var url = translate[type]+"/"+unitId+","+message; // var url = [translate[type],unitId,message].join("/"); navigate(url); // if(type == 'ptt') // navigate("ptt-command/"+unitId+','+message); // else if(type == 'text') // navigate("text-command/"+unitId+','+message); // else if(type == 'fast') // navigate("fast-command/"+unitId); }, mapLoaded : function(){ navigate("map-loaded"); }, streetViewOpen : function(visible){ navigate('street-view-open/'+visible); }, mapType : mapType, properties : properties } var map = new SfmbMaps(mapOpts); bindEvents(map, properties, sets, polys); window.parser = Parser(sets, properties, polys); var width = $('#tools').width()-$('#open').width(); $('#tools').animate({right:"-"+width+"px"},400); $('input:text:first').focus(function(){$(this).val('')}); //var show = map.getMapKind()==='OSM' ? "hide":"show"; var show = _.isFunction(map.setTraffic) ? "show":"hide"; $('#traffic')[show](); $('#traffic').parent()[show](); $('#traffic').change(function(){ properties.set('traffic',$(this).is(':checked')); }); $('input:text:first').keyup(function(ev){ if (ev.which === 13) { console.log('enter pressed'); var search = $(this).val(); map.geocode(search); } }) $('#open').click(function(){ var width = $('#tools').width()-$('#open').width(); console.log(''); var isOpen = $('#open').attr('src').indexOf('close') === -1; var label = isOpen?'images/close_vertical.png':'images/tools.png'; $('#open').attr("src",label); $('#tools').animate({ right:isOpen?"0px":"-"+width+"px" }, 700); }) // properties.set("dimmensions",[$(window).height(), $(window).width()]); $(window).resize(function(){ var newDim = [$(this).height(), $(this).width()]; // newDim=[300,300]; properties.set("dimmensions",newDim); }); $(window).trigger('resize'); if (DEBUG) { properties.set("console", true); } } var debugServer = ""; var commandsCache = []; function GWTcallback(text) { if (DEBUG) executeCommand(text); if (commandsCache.length > 2000) commandsCache.shift(); commandsCache.push(text); try { log(text); if (!DEBUG) executeCommand(text); } catch (e) { console.error(e); log(e.toString()); } } function log(message) { var ta = document.getElementById('log-area'); var isVisible = ta && ta.style.display != 'none'; if (!isVisible) return; if (message.indexOf('Error') > -1) message = ' ' + message; if (message.indexOf('URL') > -1) message = ' ' + message; var val = ''; var content = ta.value; var index = content.lastIndexOf('\n') + 1; var lastLine = content.substr(index); if (lastLine === message) val = ta.value + ' x 1'; else { var groups = /(.*)\sx\s(\d*)/.exec(lastLine); if (groups) { var line = groups[1]; var count = +groups[2]; if (line === message) val = ta.value.substr(0, index) + line + ' x ' + (count + 1); else groups = null; } if (!groups) val = ta.value + '\n' + message; } ta.value = val; ta.scrollTop = ta.scrollHeight; } function executeCommand(text) { window.parser.parseCommand(text); } console.warning = log localIP = null function startSeeding(){ instanceId = Date.now(); id = setInterval(function(){ if (commandsCache.length < 1) return; // var ip = (localIP && localIP.ip) || '' command = commandsCache.shift(); //post the command to cors server var url = 'http://'+debugServer+'/api/command/'+instanceId+'/'+encodeURIComponent(command); $.ajax({ type : 'POST', url : url, success : function(r){console.log("command sent.")} }); },10); } if (!DEBUG) $.ajax({ url : 'http://'+debugServer+"/api/status", success : function(r){log('start seeding to'+debugServer);startSeeding();} }); // setTimeout (function(){ // Utils.getLocalIP(function(ip){ // if (!localIP || localIP.priority > ip.priority) localIP=ip; // log("IP="+localIP.ip); // $.ajax({ // url : 'http://'+debugServer+"/api/status", // success : function(r){log('start seeding to'+debugServer);startSeeding();} // }); // }); // }, 5000); // console.log = log