{ "auto_complete": { "selected_items": [ [ "parse", "parseBooleanOrInt" ], [ "cha", "changedProp" ], [ "change", "changedAttributes" ], [ "mar", "markerName" ], [ "live", "liveErrors" ], [ "lab", "labelColor" ], [ "existing", "existingMarker" ], [ "Simoco", "SimocoPortable" ], [ "info", "infoWindowView" ], [ "shou", "shouldUpdate" ], [ "lon", "longitude" ], [ "sho", "shouldNotUpdate" ], [ "points", "pointsArray" ], [ "landma", "landmarkErrors" ], [ "last", "lastUpdated" ], [ "mouse", "mousedown" ], [ "infoW", "infoWindowModel" ], [ "fast", "fastCommandCallback" ], [ "fa", "fastCommandCallback" ], [ "data", "dataSetPoint" ], [ "pro", "properties" ], [ "proto", "prototype" ], [ "SfmbM", "SfmbMapsGoogle" ], [ "bor", "borderWidth" ], [ "exist", "existingMarker" ], [ "get", "getAllMessagesLatestIdFormatted" ], [ "De", "DebugServer" ], [ "comma", "commandsCache" ], [ "border", "borderOpacity" ], [ "bo", "borderOpacity" ], [ "borde", "borderWidth" ], [ "geo", "geoText" ], [ "point", "pointsArray" ], [ "inser", "insertPosition" ], [ "priv", "privateFunc" ], [ "pri", "privateFunc" ], [ "create", "createEventObject" ], [ "comp", "computeSpeedAlerts" ], [ "P", "PositionMessage" ], [ "posi", "position_message_unit_id" ], [ "refe", "referenceskey" ], [ "refer", "references" ], [ "mes", "message_time" ], [ "me", "message_time" ], [ "position_", "position_message_unit_id" ] ] }, "buffers": [ { "file": "src/models.js", "settings": { "buffer_size": 10353, "line_ending": "Unix" } }, { "file": "src/libs/backbone.js", "settings": { "buffer_size": 71365, "line_ending": "Unix" } }, { "file": "src/cs/Utils.coffee", "settings": { "buffer_size": 3770, "line_ending": "Unix" } }, { "file": "src/Parser.js", "settings": { "buffer_size": 19605, "line_ending": "Unix" } }, { "contents": "Searching 82 files for \"DEBUG\"\n\n/Users/cristi/work/projects/SDMaps/src/debug-server/Server.coffee:\n 27 \n 28 \n 29: class DebugServer\n 30 cache = new Cache\n 31 constructor : (@port=9000) ->\n 32 @server = restify.createServer\n 33: name : \"SafeDispatch Map Debug Server\"\n 34 @server.pre restify.pre.sanitizePath()\n 35 @server.use restify.queryParser()\n ..\n 85 # setInterval (-> queue.push \"Message #{i++}\"), 4000\n 86 \n 87: new DebugServer\n 88 \n 89 \n ..\n 91 To do:\n 92 \n 93: - intelligent management of the debug-server on the client\n 94 - don't consume resources if it's not available\n 95 - don't clog memory with cache if it runs for a long time\n\n/Users/cristi/work/projects/SDMaps/src/libs/coffee-script.js:\n \n\n/Users/cristi/work/projects/SDMaps/src/libs/lodash.js:\n 10627 * **Note:** In the development build `_.template` utilizes\n 10628 * [sourceURLs](http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/developertools/sourcemaps/#toc-sourceurl)\n 10629: * for easier debugging.\n 10630 *\n 10631 * For more information on precompiling templates see\n .....\n 10743 , 'g');\n 10744 \n 10745: // Use a sourceURL for easier debugging.\n 10746 var sourceURL = '//# sourceURL=' +\n 10747 ('sourceURL' in options\n\n/Users/cristi/work/projects/SDMaps/src/libs/OpenLayers/OpenLayers.debug.js:\n 2238 /**\n 2239 * Namespace: OpenLayers.Console\n 2240: * The OpenLayers.Console namespace is used for debugging and error logging.\n 2241 * If the Firebug Lite (../Firebug/firebug.js) is included before this script,\n 2242 * calls to OpenLayers.Console methods will get redirected to window.console.\n 2243 * This makes use of the Firebug extension where available and allows for\n 2244: * cross-browser debugging Firebug style.\n 2245 *\n 2246 * Note:\n ....\n 2274 \n 2275 /**\n 2276: * APIFunction: debug\n 2277 * Writes a message to the console, including a hyperlink to the line\n 2278 * where it was called.\n ....\n 2283 * object - {Object}\n 2284 */\n 2285: debug: function() {},\n 2286 \n 2287 /**\n\n/Users/cristi/work/projects/SDMaps/src/libs/OpenLayers/OpenLayers.js:\n 78 OpenLayers.Util.toFloat(a),this.lat+OpenLayers.Util.toFloat(b))},equals:function(a){var b=!1;null!=a&&(b=this.lon==a.lon&&this.lat==a.lat||isNaN(this.lon)&&isNaN(this.lat)&&isNaN(a.lon)&&isNaN(a.lat));return b},transform:function(a,b){var c=OpenLayers.Projection.transform({x:this.lon,y:this.lat},a,b);this.lon=c.x;this.lat=c.y;return this},wrapDateLine:function(a){var b=this.clone();if(a){for(;b.lona.right;)b.lon-=a.getWidth()}return b},CLASS_NAME:\"OpenLayers.LonLat\"});\n 79 OpenLayers.LonLat.fromString=function(a){a=a.split(\",\");return new OpenLayers.LonLat(a[0],a[1])};OpenLayers.LonLat.fromArray=function(a){var b=OpenLayers.Util.isArray(a);return new OpenLayers.LonLat(b&&a[0],b&&a[1])};OpenLayers.Pixel=OpenLayers.Class({x:0,y:0,initialize:function(a,b){this.x=parseFloat(a);this.y=parseFloat(b)},toString:function(){return\"x=\"+this.x+\",y=\"+this.y},clone:function(){return new OpenLayers.Pixel(this.x,this.y)},equals:function(a){var b=!1;null!=a&&(b=this.x==a.x&&this.y==a.y||isNaN(this.x)&&isNaN(this.y)&&isNaN(a.x)&&isNaN(a.y));return b},distanceTo:function(a){return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this.x-a.x,2)+Math.pow(this.y-a.y,2))},add:function(a,b){if(null==a||null==b)throw new TypeError(\"Pixel.add cannot receive null values\");\n 80: return new OpenLayers.Pixel(this.x+a,this.y+b)},offset:function(a){var b=this.clone();a&&(b=this.add(a.x,a.y));return b},CLASS_NAME:\"OpenLayers.Pixel\"});OpenLayers.Size=OpenLayers.Class({w:0,h:0,initialize:function(a,b){this.w=parseFloat(a);this.h=parseFloat(b)},toString:function(){return\"w=\"+this.w+\",h=\"+this.h},clone:function(){return new OpenLayers.Size(this.w,this.h)},equals:function(a){var b=!1;null!=a&&(b=this.w==a.w&&this.h==a.h||isNaN(this.w)&&isNaN(this.h)&&isNaN(a.w)&&isNaN(a.h));return b},CLASS_NAME:\"OpenLayers.Size\"});OpenLayers.Console={log:function(){},debug:function(){},info:function(){},warn:function(){},error:function(){},userError:function(a){alert(a)},assert:function(){},dir:function(){},dirxml:function(){},trace:function(){},group:function(){},groupEnd:function(){},time:function(){},timeEnd:function(){},profile:function(){},profileEnd:function(){},count:function(){},CLASS_NAME:\"OpenLayers.Console\"};\n 81 (function(){for(var a=document.getElementsByTagName(\"script\"),b=0,c=a.length;b 2000) commandsCache.shift();\n ...\n 596 try {\n 597 log(text);\n 598: if (!DEBUG) executeCommand(text);\n 599 } catch (e) {\n 600 console.error(e);\n ...\n 645 command = commandsCache.shift();\n 646 //post the command to cors server\n 647: var url = 'http://'+debugServer+'/api/command/'+instanceId+'/'+encodeURIComponent(command);\n 648 $.ajax({\n 649 type : 'POST',\n ...\n 654 }\n 655 \n 656: if (!DEBUG)\n 657 $.ajax({\n 658: url : 'http://'+debugServer+\"/api/status\",\n 659: success : function(r){log('start seeding to'+debugServer);startSeeding();}\n 660 });\n 661 \n ...\n 665 // log(\"IP=\"+localIP.ip);\n 666 // $.ajax({\n 667: // url : 'http://'+debugServer+\"/api/status\",\n 668: // success : function(r){log('start seeding to'+debugServer);startSeeding();}\n 669 // });\n 670 \n\n/Users/cristi/work/projects/SDMaps/src/tests/TestCommands.js:\n 833 ]\n 834 \n 835: var DEBUG = true;\n 836 \n 837 function test(messages) {\n ...\n 852 function wsRemote(){\n 853 \n 854: var ws = new WebSocket(\"ws://\"+debugServer);\n 855 ws.onmessage = function(event) {\n 856 console.log(\"Received message: \" + event.data);\n\n29 matches across 7 files\n\n\nSearching 82 files for \"navigate\"\n\n/Users/cristi/work/projects/SDMaps/src/libs/backbone.js:\n 1486 \n 1487 // Simple proxy to `Backbone.history` to save a fragment into the history.\n 1488: navigate: function(fragment, options) {\n 1489: Backbone.history.navigate(fragment, options);\n 1490 return this;\n 1491 },\n ....\n 1657 // in a browser where it could be `pushState`-based instead...\n 1658 } else if (this._hasPushState && this.atRoot()) {\n 1659: this.navigate(this.getHash(), {replace: true});\n 1660 }\n 1661 \n ....\n 1740 \n 1741 if (current === this.fragment) return false;\n 1742: if (this.iframe) this.navigate(current);\n 1743 this.loadUrl();\n 1744 },\n ....\n 1766 // route callback be fired (not usually desirable), or `replace: true`, if\n 1767 // you wish to modify the current URL without adding an entry to the history.\n 1768: navigate: function(fragment, options) {\n 1769 if (!History.started) return false;\n 1770 if (!options || options === true) options = {trigger: !!options};\n ....\n 1809 \n 1810 // If you've told us that you explicitly don't want fallback hashchange-\n 1811: // based history, then `navigate` becomes a page refresh.\n 1812 } else {\n 1813 return this.location.assign(url);\n\n/Users/cristi/work/projects/SDMaps/src/libs/OpenLayers/OpenLayers.debug.js:\n 63429 * Class: OpenLayers.Control.EditingToolbar \n 63430 * The EditingToolbar is a panel of 4 controls to draw polygons, lines, \n 63431: * points, or to navigate the map by panning. By default it appears in the \n 63432 * upper right corner of the map.\n 63433 * \n\n/Users/cristi/work/projects/SDMaps/src/Parser.js:\n 455 function initialize() {\n 456 \n 457: function navigate(url){\n 458 log('setting the URL to: ' + url);\n 459 // location = \"app://\"+url;\n ...\n 486 }).join();\n 487 document.getElementById('click_string').innerHTML = res;\n 488: navigate('points/' + res);\n 489 \n 490 },\n ...\n 497 \n 498 document.getElementById('response_string').innerHTML = res;\n 499: navigate(\"polygon/\" + res);\n 500 },\n 501 landmarkCallback: function landmarkCallback(point) {\n 502 var res = point.latitude + \",\" + point.longitude\n 503 document.getElementById('click_string').innerHTML = res;\n 504: navigate(\"landmark/\" + res);\n 505 },\n 506 fastCommandCallback : function(type, unitId, message){\n ...\n 510 \n 511 if(type == 'ptt')\n 512: navigate(\"ptt-command/\"+unitId+','+message);\n 513 else if(type == 'text')\n 514: navigate(\"text-command/\"+unitId+','+message);\n 515 else if(type == 'fast')\n 516: navigate(\"fast-command/\"+unitId);\n 517 \n 518 },\n 519 mapLoaded : function(){\n 520: navigate(\"map-loaded\");\n 521 },\n 522 streetViewOpen : function(visible){\n 523: navigate('street-view-open/'+visible);\n 524 },\n 525 mapType : mapType,\n\n16 matches across 3 files\n\n\nSearching 82 files for \"'fast'\"\n\n/Users/cristi/work/projects/SDMaps/src/Parser.js:\n 521 else if(type == 'text')\n 522 navigate(\"text-command/\"+unitId+','+message);\n 523: else if(type == 'fast')\n 524 navigate(\"fast-command/\"+unitId);\n 525 \n\n1 match in 1 file\n\n\nSearching 82 files for \"GWTCallback\"\n\n/Users/cristi/work/projects/SDMaps/src/Parser.js:\n 507 \n 508 if (type == 'ptt' && message == 'off')\n 509: GWTcallback(\"setCall,\"+unitId+\",False\");\n 510 message = encodeURIComponent(message);\n 511 var translate : {\n ...\n 596 var commandsCache = [];\n 597 \n 598: function GWTcallback(text) {\n 599 if (DEBUG) executeCommand(text);\n 600 \n\n/Users/cristi/work/projects/SDMaps/src/tests/TestCommands.js:\n 842 if (messages[index].length) {\n 843 console.log(index + '/' + messages.length + ' : executing => ' + messages[index]);\n 844: GWTcallback(messages[index]);\n 845 }\n 846 else console.log(\"Skipping empty command... \" + messages[index]);\n ...\n 855 ws.onmessage = function(event) {\n 856 console.log(\"Received message: \" + event.data);\n 857: GWTcallback(event.data.split(':')[1]);\n 858 }\n 859 ws.onerror = function(event) {console.log(\"Error\");ws.close();}\n\n4 matches across 2 files\n", "settings": { "buffer_size": 12446, "line_ending": "Unix", "name": "Find Results", "scratch": true } }, { "file": "docs/README.md", "settings": { "buffer_size": 6455, "line_ending": "Unix" } }, { "file": "docs/readme.sh", "settings": { "buffer_size": 219, "line_ending": "Unix", "name": "echo \"create html readme file\"" } }, { "file": "Gruntfile.js", "settings": { "buffer_size": 5627, 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