; config.ini ; This file is used to run the ConnectPlus_SOC Gateway application ; Please do not modify if you are not an admin [MotoTRBO_ports] LocationPort = 4001 ARSPort = 4005 SMSPort = 4007 ;GPS_trig_refresh - in hours [GATEWAY] id = 95100 report = 30 GPS_trig_refresh = 4 gw_restart = False ;[MySQL] ;SERVER = safenettest29july.crnnlkxkkb0y.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com ;DATABASE = safenet301 ;UID = safenet ;PASSWORD = sE4reg3Q ;active = true [MySQL] SERVER = ;SERVER = safenet.crnnlkxkkb0y.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com DATABASE = safenet301 UID = safenet PASSWORD = sE4reg3Q active = true [EmailService] Enable = false User = bigutransfer@gmail.com Pass = gigelamd01 Pop3Server = pop.gmail.com SmtpServer = smtp.gmail.com EnableSSL = True Pop3Port = 995 SmtpPort = 587 [Test] active = false freq = 20 startLat = 41.8819 startLng = -87.6278