6.9.7 - Changed default SSL mode to Preferred in connection string. Now the server connections will be using SSL if server allows it by default but it's possible to override this configuration. - Changed handshake process to use bytes instead of encoded strings. - Fix for Fabric connections (Oracle Bug #20983968). - Fix for Fabric plugin: fabric server selection is broken when master is faulty (Oracle Bug #21203824). 6.9.6 - Fix for Incorrect query result with Entity Framework 6 (MySql bug #74918, Oracle bug #20129927). - Fix for GetTimeZoneOffset to use date and time to calculate timediff (MySQL Bug #74905, Oracle Bug #20065691). - Fix for MySqlSimpleMembershipProvider keeps database connections open on some operations (MySQL Bug #74662, Oracle Bug #20109419) - Fix for Any Call to RoleExists() returns true whether or not the role exists (MySql bug #75397, Oracle bug #20325391). - Fix for all dateTimes set as UTC Kind (MySQL Bug #74134, Oracle Bug #20200662). - Fix for Invalid SQL query when eager loading two nested collections (MySQL Bug #70941, Oracle bug #18049862). - Fix for chinese characters used in the connection string when connecting to MySql Server (MySQL Bug #70041, Oracle Bug #18141356). 6.9.5 - Disabled installation on-demand in Installer (Oracle Bug #19670596). - Fix for Generated SQL requests column that doesn't exist in LINQ to Entities (MySql bug #72004, Oracle bug #19681348). - Fix for MySQL Connector/NET generates incorrect SQL for LINQ 'StartsWith' queries (MySql bug #72058, Oracle bug #19680236). - Fix for Exception when using IEnumerable.Contains(model.property) in Where predicate (MySql bug #73643, Oracle bug #19690370). - Fix for Generated Sql does not contain ORDER BY statement whose is requested by LINQ (MySql bug #73549, Oracle bug #19698010). - Fix for Web providers registration in machine.config (removed v20 suffix) (MySQL Bug #74080, Oracle Bug #19715398) - Fix for Error of "Every derived table must have an alias" in LINQ to Entities when using EF6 + DbFirst + View + Take (MySql Bug #72148, Oracle bug #19356006). - Fix for 'the method or operation is not implemented' when using linq with orderby (MySQL Bug #70722, Oracle Bug #19681723). - Fix for Exception "The given key was not present in the dictionary" when using utf16le charset in a query. (MySql #72737, Oracle Bug #19355906) - Fix for Memory leak in a loop opening a connection to the database and executing a command (MySql Bug #73122, Oracle Bug #19467233). - Fix for Multiple issues caused by trailing and leading white space character in params using MySql Membership Provider (MySql Bug #73411, Oracle Bug #19453313) - Fix for bad assumption leads to modify query adding CALL statement to the beginning of the sql query even when CommandType.Text is specified (MySql Bug #72736, Oracle Bug #19325120). 6.9.4 - Added a new plugin for MySql Fabric 1.5 support 6.9.3 - Fix for Web Parts Personalization provider - Fix for changing the PK between two int columns (MySql Bug #71418, Oracle bug #18923294). - Fix for Error when Calling MySqlConnection.GetSchema("PROCEDURES WITH PARAMETERS", ...) (Oracle bug #19285959). - Fix for EF provider reports ManifestProviderToken = 5.6 for server 5.7 (Oracle bug #19453814). - Fix for Fluent API DbModelBuilder.HasColumnType is ignored in EF6 (Oracle bug #19456229). - Fix for Setting a PK GUID identity in Code First in EF6 no longer works in Server 5.7 (Oracle bug #19456452). - Non PKs declared as Identity GUID have no GUID autogenerated (Oracle bug #19456415). 6.9.2 - Add async/await compatible methods - Fix for Unable to read geometry column when it has been set with a SRID value. (MySql Bug #71869, Oracle Bug #19137999) - Fix for Exception adding a new column to an existing model as identity and PK fails when applying the migration (MySql Bug #71418, Oracle bug #18923294). - Added SiteMap and Personalization configuration web providers to MySql.Web Nuget Package. 6.9.1 - Fix for Exception of "duplicate entry" in MySqlSessionProvider (MySql Bug #70409, Oracle bug #18657550). 6.9.0 - Added implementation of MySQLPersonalizationProvider. - Added SiteMap Web provider. - Added Simple Membership Web Provider. - Fix for open sockets connections left when connection open fails, the error happens when the client try to get a connection when the max number of connections is reached in the server. (MySql #72025, Oracle Bug #18665388).