using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using SafeNetLib; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Threading; using System.Collections; namespace PAL_SOC { // --------------------------------------------------- // This class handles a client connection // --------------------------------------------------- class ConnectionThread { public TcpClient client; private static int connections = 0; private static int MAX_IMEI = 14; private static int MAX_XML = 600; private static int MAX_BUFFER = 2000; string imei = ""; enum ERR { NO_ERROR, CRC_ERROR, LEN_ERROR }; enum CLIENT { GPRS, COMMAND }; enum CMD_RSP { IMEI_NOT_REG, IMEI_PROCESSING_CMD, CMD_ACCEPTED }; CLIENT threadType; // ------------------------------------------------------ public ConnectionThread() { } ~ConnectionThread() { } static string old = ""; public void HandleConnection() { byte[] data = new byte[2048]; NetworkStream ns = client.GetStream(); ns.ReadTimeout = 60000; //Console.WriteLine("read timeout = " + ns.ReadTimeout); connections++; Utils.ConsWrite(DebugMSG_Type.Debug, "New client accepted: " + connections + " active connections"); while (true) { try { if (ns.CanRead) { byte[] myReadBuffer = new byte[2048]; StringBuilder myCompleteMessage = new StringBuilder(); int numberOfBytesRead = 0; Thread.Sleep(1); // check for new data available on the socket try { do { numberOfBytesRead = ns.Read(myReadBuffer, 0, myReadBuffer.Length); old = ProcessPacket(myReadBuffer, numberOfBytesRead, old); } while (ns.DataAvailable); if (myCompleteMessage.Length == 0) { break; } } catch (Exception ee) { //Console.WriteLine(ee.ToString()); break; } Utils.ConsWrite(DebugMSG_Type.GPS, "Recived : (len=" + numberOfBytesRead + ")\n"); } else { Utils.ConsWrite(DebugMSG_Type.Debug, "Sorry. You cannot read from this NetworkStream."); break; } } catch (Exception ex) { Utils.ConsWrite(DebugMSG_Type.always, "HandleConnection ERRROR!!! \n: " + ex.ToString()); break; } } ns.Close(); client.Close(); connections--; Utils.ConsWrite(DebugMSG_Type.Debug, "Client disconnected: " + connections + " active connections"); } float ProcessGPSLat(String latitude, String lat_dir) { try { long LAT, LAT2; char LAT3; long llat, grade, zec; char[] param = new char[50]; String[] latList; float flat; param = lat_dir.ToCharArray(); if (param[0] != 'N' && param[0] != 'S') return 0; //Console.WriteLine("Latitude " + latitude + " dir " + lat_dir); latList = latitude.Split('.'); LAT = Convert.ToInt32(latList[0]); if (latList[1].Length > 4) latList[1] = latList[1].Remove(4); LAT2 = Convert.ToInt32(latList[1]); LAT3 = param[0]; // process the lat and lng for display grade = (LAT / 100L); zec = (LAT % 100L) * 1000L + LAT2 / 10; // get MMMMM*1000, from MM.mmmmm by MM*1000+mmm (0-59999) zec = (zec * 100L) / 60L; // translate MMMMM*1000 to DD * 100 * 1000 (0-99998) grade = grade * 100000 + zec; // translate all to DDddddd llat = grade; flat = (float)llat / 100000; if (param[0] == 'S') flat = -flat; if (flat < -90 || flat > 90) { Console.WriteLine("[warning \"overflow lat\": flat={0} llat={1}]", flat, llat); return 0; } return flat; } catch (Exception ee) { Console.WriteLine("Error in ProcessGPSLat" + ee.ToString()); return 0; } } float ProcessGPSLong(String longitude, String lng_dir) { try { long LNG, LNG2; char LNG3; long llng, grade, zec; char[] param = new char[50]; String[] lngList; float flong; param = lng_dir.ToCharArray(); if (param[0] != 'E' && param[0] != 'W') return 0; lngList = longitude.Split('.'); LNG = Convert.ToInt32(lngList[0]); if (lngList[1].Length > 4) lngList[1] = lngList[1].Remove(4); LNG2 = Convert.ToInt32(lngList[1]); LNG3 = param[0]; grade = LNG / 100; // get DD (0-90) zec = (LNG % 100L) * 1000L + LNG2 / 10; // get MMMMM*1000, from MM.mmmmm by MM*1000+mmm (0-59999) zec = (zec * 100L) / 60L; // translate MMMMM*1000 to DD * 100 * 1000 (0-99998) grade = grade * 100000 + zec; // translate all to DDddddd llng = grade; flong = (float)llng / 100000; if (param[0] == 'W') flong = -flong; if (flong < -180 || flong > 180) { Console.WriteLine("[warning \"overflow lng\": flng={0} llng={1}]", flong, llng); return 0; } return flong; } catch (Exception ee) { Console.WriteLine("Error in ProcessGPSLong" + ee.ToString()); return 0; } } // --------------------------------------------------- // Packet and command processing // --------------------------------------------------- public string ProcessPacket(byte[] data, int len, String remains) { try { int i, pos, pos1, itime70, xmlnr; string xml = "", auxStr = ""; // this is the xml message that will be feeded into the DB char[] dataC = new char[30000]; char[] auxC = new char[3500]; String[] pList; ArrayList xmls = new ArrayList(); String cmdCS = "", latDir = "", longDir = "", param; String imei = "", pTime, pLat, pLong, hdop, alt, fix, cog, skmh, sknt, date, nsat, gpio = "", gpi = "", gpo = "", RFID = "",Alarm =""; int year = 0, mon = 0, day = 0, hour = 0, min = 0, sec = 0; pLong = "0.0"; pLat = "0.0"; float flat, flong; double fhdop; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { dataC[i] = (char)data[i]; auxStr += dataC[i]; } //add unprocessed string bits from last command //Console.WriteLine("\r\nLength:{0}:\r\n({1})\r\n({2})\r\n", len, remains, auxStr); auxStr = remains + auxStr; xmlnr = 0; i = 0; while (auxStr.Contains("<<<") && auxStr.Contains(">>>")) { i++; pos = auxStr.IndexOf("<<<"); pos1 = auxStr.IndexOf(">>>"); cmdCS = auxStr.Substring(pos + 3, pos1 - pos - 3); auxStr = auxStr.Substring(pos1 + 3, auxStr.Length - pos1 - 3); Console.WriteLine("got{0}:<{1}>", i, cmdCS); //valid... pList = cmdCS.Split(','); if (pList[1].IndexOf("gna") == 0) continue; pTime = pList[1]; date = pList[10]; nsat = pList[11]; //get only the integer part pos = pList[8].IndexOf("."); if (pos > 0) skmh = pList[8].Remove(pos); else skmh = "0"; //Console.WriteLine("ID param: " + pList[0]); //extract '<<<' from the imei if (pList[0].Contains("<<<")) { //!!!! testez daca e imei de telit //ar trebui +3 - din cauza ca db are 14 lungime imei si telit are 15 if (pList[0].Length == 18) { pos = pList[0].IndexOf("<<<") + 4; } else { pos = pList[0].IndexOf("<<<") + 3; } pList[0] = pList[0].Substring(pos, pList[0].Length - pos); } else { //!!!! testez daca imei de telit //ar trebui 0 nu 1 - din cauza ca db are 14 lungime imei si telit are 15 if (pList[0].Length == 15) { //pList[0] = pList[0].Substring(1, pList[0].Length - 1); } } //extract '>>>' from the gpio gpi = "0"; gpo = "0"; imei = pList[0]; //if the fix is valid - 2d or 3d if (pList[6].Contains("2") || pList[6].Contains("3")) { hdop = pList[4]; if (pList[2].Length > 1) { pos = pList[2].Length - 1; latDir = pList[2].Substring(pos, 1); pLat = pList[2].Remove(pos); } else { latDir = "N"; pLat = "0.0"; } if (pList[3].Length > 1) { pos = pList[3].Length - 1; longDir = pList[3].Substring(pos, 1); pLong = pList[3].Remove(pos); } else { longDir = "E"; pLong = "0.0"; } param = pTime.Substring(0, 2); hour = Convert.ToInt32(param); param = pTime.Substring(2, 2); min = Convert.ToInt32(param); param = pTime.Substring(4, 2); sec = Convert.ToInt32(param); param = date.Substring(0, 2); day = Convert.ToInt32(param); param = date.Substring(2, 2); mon = Convert.ToInt32(param); param = date.Substring(4, 2); year = Convert.ToInt32(param); System.DateTime dateTime = new DateTime(2000 + year, mon, day, hour, min, sec, DateTimeKind.Utc); if (2000 + year != DateTime.Now.Year) { Console.WriteLine("{0}:::::{1}", 2000 + year, DateTime.Now.Year); return auxStr; } TimeSpan diff = new DateTime(2000 + year, mon, day, hour, min, sec, DateTimeKind.Utc) - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc); DateTime d = new DateTime(); if (d.IsDaylightSavingTime()) { Console.WriteLine("Time: Is daylight"); itime70 = Convert.ToInt32(diff.TotalSeconds) + 3600; } else itime70 = Convert.ToInt32(diff.TotalSeconds); flat = ProcessGPSLat(pLat, latDir); flong = ProcessGPSLong(pLong, longDir); cog = pList[7].Remove(pList[7].IndexOf(".")); if (pList.Length > 13) { gpio = pList[13]; if (gpio.Length == 5) { int tmpgp = 0; if (gpio[0] == '1') tmpgp = tmpgp + 1; if (gpio[1] == '1') tmpgp = tmpgp + 2; gpo = tmpgp.ToString(); tmpgp = 0; if (gpio[2] == '1') tmpgp = tmpgp + 1; if (gpio[3] == '1') tmpgp = tmpgp + 2; if (gpio[4] == '1') tmpgp = tmpgp + 4; gpi = tmpgp.ToString(); } } //check for alarm if (pList.Length > 14) { Alarm = pList[14]; } String plat, plong; plat = Convert.ToString(flat); plong = Convert.ToString(flong); plat = plat.Replace(',', '.'); plong = plong.Replace(',', '.'); xml += "\" time=\"" + itime70.ToString() + "\" latitude=\"" + plat + "\" longitude=\"" + plong; xml += "\" speed=\"" + skmh + "\" dgr=\"" + cog; xml += "\" ai1=\"" + "0" + "\" ai2=\"" + "0"; xml += "\" ai3=\"" + "0" + "\" ai4=\"" + "0"; xml += "\" ai5=\"" + "0" + "\" ai6=\"" + "0"; xml += "\" ai7=\"" + "0" + "\" ai8=\"" + "0"; xml += "\" di=\"" + gpi + "\" do=\"" + gpo; xml += "\" RFID=\"" + RFID + "\""; //add data to location QUEUE try { //locManager.SendLoc2messagebus(imei, (Int32)(itime70/1000), iSpeed.ToString(), pLat, pLong); htCell_t cell = new htCell_t(); cell.suid = imei; cell.spd = skmh.ToString(); = pLat; cell.lng = pLong; cell.d_lat = flat; cell.d_lng = flong; cell.location_time = dateTime;//Utils.UnixTimeStampToDateTime(itime70 / 1000); Utils.ConsWrite(DebugMSG_Type.GPS, "GPS for SUID: " + imei + " with time: " + cell.location_time + " lat: " + pLat + " lng: " + pLong); SN_Queues.DBQueueLocation.PostItem(cell); Utils.ConsWrite(DebugMSG_Type.GPS, "Message added to queue!!!"); //process ALERTS if (SN_Queues.ht_SUInfo.ContainsKey(imei)) { Utils.ConsWrite(DebugMSG_Type.ALERTS, "Processing alerts for: " + imei); Utils.ConsWrite(DebugMSG_Type.ALERTS, "Message mask: " + gpi); Utils.ConsWrite(DebugMSG_Type.ALERTS, "Message contains alarm token: " + Alarm); SUinfo sui = (SUinfo)SN_Queues.ht_SUInfo[imei]; foreach (Alert alert in sui.alertList) { if (Alarm.Contains("!") || Alarm.Contains("ALARM")) { if (alert.Type == Alert_TYPE.DI) if (alert.DImask1 == Convert.ToInt32(gpi)) { SN_Queues.alertQueue.PostItem(alert); Utils.ConsWrite(DebugMSG_Type.ALERTS, "********* Alert (DI): " + alert.Alert_name + " added to queue ********"); } } if (alert.Type == Alert_TYPE.SPEED) { if (((alert.Speed *16)/10) < Int32.Parse(skmh)) { SN_Queues.alertQueue.PostItem(alert); Utils.ConsWrite(DebugMSG_Type.ALERTS, "@@@@@@@@@@ Alert (SPEED): " + alert.Alert_name + " added to queue @@@@@@@@"); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Utils.ConsWrite(DebugMSG_Type.always, "ConnectionThread.cs =>> Error adding location to queue!!!"); Utils.ConsWrite(DebugMSG_Type.always, ex.ToString()); } } } // while return auxStr; } catch (Exception ee) { Console.WriteLine("Erorr in Procces packet" + ee.ToString()); return " "; } } } }