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ALTER TABLE lastpos ADD COLUMN altitude double precision NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
CREATE TABLE jobtickets (ticket_id serial,name text,job_status integer,sc_id integer,comment text,dispatcher text,priority text,end_time_planned integer,creation_time integer,start_time integer,end_time integer,is_expired boolean DEFAULT false NOT NULL,deleted integer,share_with text,seq_id character varying(40),status integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,sched_timegmt integer DEFAULT 0);
ALTER TABLE public.jobtickets OWNER TO postgres;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS jobtickets_log;
CREATE TABLE jobtickets_log ( id serial, ticket_id integer, modified_date integer,job_status integer, sc_id integer, comment text) WITH ( OIDS=FALSE);
ALTER TABLE jobtickets_log OWNER TO postgres;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS jobticketstatusesset;
CREATE TABLE jobticketstatusesset ( status_id serial, status character varying(45), color character varying(45), sound_on integer, sound_file character varying(250), is_first_state integer, is_last_state integer, CONSTRAINT jobticketstatusesset_pkey PRIMARY KEY (status_id))WITH ( OIDS=FALSE);
ALTER TABLE jobticketstatusesset OWNER TO postgres;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS definejobticket;
CREATE TABLE definejobticket ( name character varying(200) NOT NULL, text character varying(200) NOT NULL, comment character varying(200), priority character varying(200), expire_date integer, idx serial NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT definejobticket_pkey PRIMARY KEY (idx))WITH ( OIDS=FALSE);
ALTER TABLE definejobticket OWNER TO postgres;
ALTER TABLE registration ADD COLUMN has_ticketing boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false;
DELETE FROM jobticketstatusesset;
INSERT INTO jobticketstatusesset (status_id, status, color, sound_on, sound_file, is_first_state, is_last_state) VALUES (1, 'Assigned', '3D8584', 0, '', 1, 0);
INSERT INTO jobticketstatusesset (status_id, status, color, sound_on, sound_file, is_first_state, is_last_state) VALUES (2, 'Accepted', '3D7171', 0, '', 0, 0);
INSERT INTO jobticketstatusesset (status_id, status, color, sound_on, sound_file, is_first_state, is_last_state) VALUES (3, 'In progress', '3D5B85', 0, '', 0, 0);
INSERT INTO jobticketstatusesset (status_id, status, color, sound_on, sound_file, is_first_state, is_last_state) VALUES (4, 'Completed', '5E853D', 0, '', 0, 1);
INSERT INTO jobticketstatusesset (status_id, status, color, sound_on, sound_file, is_first_state, is_last_state) VALUES (5, 'Rejected', 'A93D47', 0, '', 0, 0);
INSERT INTO jobticketstatusesset (status_id, status, color, sound_on, sound_file, is_first_state, is_last_state) VALUES (6, 'Overdue', 'B29F3D', 0, '', 0, 0);
ALTER TABLE definejobticket ADD COLUMN handled_by text;
ALTER TABLE definejobticket ADD COLUMN schedule_date integer;
ALTER TABLE definejobticket ADD COLUMN share_with text;
CREATE TABLE sequences( name character varying(32) NOT NULL, value integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, idx serial NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT sequences_pkey PRIMARY KEY (idx))WITH ( OIDS=FALSE);
ALTER TABLE sequences OWNER TO postgres;
INSERT INTO sequences(name, value) VALUES('jobticketing',1);
CREATE TABLE icon_theme( id serial NOT NULL, \"name\" text, prefix text) WITH ( OIDS=FALSE);
ALTER TABLE icon_theme OWNER TO postgres;
INSERT INTO icon_theme(id, \"name\", prefix)VALUES (1, 'Classic', 'classic'),(2, 'Pin', 'pin');
CREATE TABLE car(\"name\" character varying(100) NOT NULL, id serial NOT NULL, pattern text, displayed_name text, CONSTRAINT car_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id))WITH ( OIDS=FALSE);
ALTER TABLE car OWNER TO postgres;
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('minibus', 102, 'minibus_01', 'Van 1');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('Minicar', 103, 'minicar_01', 'MiniCar 1');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('people_08', 35, 'people_08', 'People 8');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('Minicar2', 104, 'minicar_02', 'MiniCar 2');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('police', 105, 'police_01', 'Police 1');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('Police1', 106, 'police_02', 'Police 2');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('schoolbus', 107, 'school_bus_01', 'School Bus 1');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('taxi_02', 131, 'taxi_02', 'Taxi 2');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('schoolbus2', 108, 'school_bus_02', 'School Bus 2');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('moto_01', 132, 'moto_01', 'Moto 1');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('moto_02', 133, 'moto_02', 'Moto 2');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('TowTruckYellow', 110, 'tow_truck_01', 'Tow Truck');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('TractorUnitBlack', 111, 'tractor_unit', 'Tractor Unit');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('moto_03', 134, 'moto_03', 'Moto 3');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('moto_04', 135, 'moto_04', 'Moto 4');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('Classic-Car-66', 92, 'classic_car_01', 'Classic Car 1');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('truck0', 112, 'truck_01', 'Truck 1');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('classycar', 93, 'classic_car_02', 'Classic Car 2');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('peopleblue', 1, 'people_01', 'People 1');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('peoplegreen', 2, 'people_02', 'People 2');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('peoplegrey', 3, 'people_03', 'People 3');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('peoplepink', 4, 'people_04', 'People 4');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('peoplepurple', 5, 'people_05', 'People 5');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('peoplered', 6, 'people_06', 'People 6');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('army', 79, 'army_01', 'Army');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('bigcar0', 80, 'car_01', 'Car 1');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('bigcar1', 81, 'car_02', 'Car 2');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('bigcar2', 82, 'car_03', 'Car 3');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('moto_05', 136, 'moto_05', 'Moto 5');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('bicycle_01', 137, 'bicycle_01', 'Bicycle');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('car0', 87, 'car_04', 'Car 4');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('car1', 88, 'car_05', 'Car 5');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('car2', 89, 'car_06', 'Car 6');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('car3', 90, 'car_07', 'Car 7');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('CarGrey', 91, 'car_08', 'Car 8');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('dodge', 94, 'dodge_01', 'Dodge');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('FireEscape', 95, 'firetruck_01', 'FireTruck 1');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('truck1', 113, 'truck_02', 'Truck 2');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('firefighters2', 96, 'firetruck_02', 'Fire Truck 2');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('ambulance_01', 36, 'ambulance_01', 'Ambulance 1');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('firetruck1', 97, 'firetruck_03', 'Fire Truck 3');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('truck2', 114, 'truck_03', 'Truck 3');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('firetruck2', 98, 'firetruck_04', 'Fire Truck 4');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('Jeep', 99, 'jeep_01', 'Jeep');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('CabrioletRed', 86, 'cabriolet_01', 'Carbriolet');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('truck3', 115, 'truck_04', 'Truck 4');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('Longhaul', 100, 'longhaul_01', 'Long Haul');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('truck4', 116, 'truck_05', 'Truck 5');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('LorryGreen', 101, 'lorry_01', 'Lorry');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('ambulance_02', 78, 'ambulance_02', 'Ambulance 2');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('truck5', 117, 'truck_06', 'Truck 6');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('truck6', 118, 'truck_07', 'Truck 7');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('TruckYellow', 119, 'truck_08', 'Truck 8');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('wagon', 120, 'wagon_01', 'Wagon');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('bus', 83, 'tour_bus_01', 'Tour Bus 1');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('bus0', 84, 'bus_01', 'Bus 1');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('bus2', 85, 'bus_02', 'Bus 2');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('number_01', 121, 'number_01', '1');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('number_02', 122, 'number_02', '2');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('number_04', 124, 'number_04', '4');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('number_03', 123, 'number_03', '3');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('number_05', 125, 'number_05', '5');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('number_06', 126, 'number_06', '6');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('number_07', 127, 'number_07', '7');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('number_08', 128, 'number_08', '8');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('number_09', 129, 'number_09', '9');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('number_10', 130, 'number_10', '10');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('taxi', 109, 'taxi_01', 'Taxi 1');
INSERT INTO car (name, id, pattern, displayed_name) VALUES ('people_07', 34, 'people_07', 'People 7');
insert into \"userSettings\" (user_id, key, value) select userid, 'reportTime', '0' from users where userid not in (select user_id from \"userSettings\" where key = 'reportTime') order by userid;
insert into \"userSettings\" (user_id, key, value) select userid, 'iconTheme', 'pin' from users where userid not in (select user_id from \"userSettings\" where key = 'iconTheme') order by userid;
ALTER TABLE reports ADD COLUMN userid integer;
UPDATE reports SET userid = (SELECT MAX(userid) FROM users);
ALTER TABLE reports ADD COLUMN ticket_status character varying(250);
ALTER TABLE reports ADD COLUMN ticket_date_type character varying(250);
ALTER TABLE reports ADD COLUMN type text;
ALTER TABLE reports ADD COLUMN day text;
ALTER TABLE reports ADD COLUMN is_activated boolean;
ALTER TABLE sms ADD COLUMN color character varying(7);
CREATE TABLE placetype ( type_name character varying(100) NOT NULL,type_id integer NOT NULL,icon_name character varying(70));
ALTER TABLE public.placetype OWNER TO postgres;
ALTER TABLE public.placetype_type_id_seq OWNER TO postgres;
ALTER SEQUENCE placetype_type_id_seq OWNED BY placetype.type_id;
SELECT pg_catalog.setval('placetype_type_id_seq', 156, true);
ALTER TABLE place ADD COLUMN icon_size character varying(20);
ALTER TABLE place ADD COLUMN color character varying(7);
ALTER TABLE zonename ADD COLUMN fill_color character varying(7);
ALTER TABLE zonename ADD COLUMN fill_opacity double precision;
ALTER TABLE zonename ADD COLUMN border_color character varying(7);
ALTER TABLE zonename ADD COLUMN border_opacity double precision;
ALTER TABLE zonename ADD COLUMN border_width integer;
ALTER TABLE placetype ALTER COLUMN type_id SET DEFAULT nextval('placetype_type_id_seq'::regclass);
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('calculator', 45, 'calculator.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('calendar', 46, 'calendar.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('camera', 47, 'camera.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('cancel', 48, 'cancel.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('factory', 4, 'factory.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('airport', 1, 'airport.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('cd', 49, 'cd.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('hospital', 6, 'hospital.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('bank', 2, 'bank.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('school', 15, 'school.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('supermarket', 17, 'supermarket.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('shopping', 16, 'shopping.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('office', 18, 'office.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('post_office', 13, 'post_office.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('restaurant', 14, 'restaurant.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('home', 9, 'home.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('fire_department', 7, 'fire_department.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('repair_shop', 3, 'repair_shop.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('garage', 5, 'garage.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('hotel', 10, 'hotel.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('gas_station', 8, 'gas_station.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('military_base', 11, 'military_base.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('police_station', 12, 'police_station.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('chair', 50, 'chair.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('check', 51, 'check.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('cinema', 52, 'cinema.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('add', 20, 'add.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('coffee', 53, 'coffee.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('alert', 22, 'alert.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('anchor', 23, 'anchor.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('announce', 24, 'announce.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('antivirus', 25, 'antivirus.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('arrow_down', 26, 'arrow_down.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('compass', 54, 'compass.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('arrow_down_left', 27, 'arrow_down_left.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('computer', 55, 'computer.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('arrow_down_right', 28, 'arrow_down_right.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('arrow_left', 29, 'arrow_left.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('construction', 56, 'construction.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('repair_shop_2', 102, 'repair_shop_2.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('rip', 103, 'rip.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('roundabout', 104, 'roundabout.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('ruby', 105, 'ruby.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('save', 106, 'save.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('arrow_right', 30, 'arrow_right.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('arrow_up', 31, 'arrow_up.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('arrow_up_left', 32, 'arrow_up_left.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('arrow_up_right', 33, 'arrow_up_right.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('baggage', 34, 'baggage.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('banned', 35, 'banned.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('science', 107, 'science.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('search', 108, 'search.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('servers', 109, 'servers.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('settings', 110, 'settings.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('shape_circle', 111, 'shape_circle.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('shape_ellipse', 112, 'shape_ellipse.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('shape_hexagon', 113, 'shape_hexagon.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('shape_kite', 114, 'shape_kite.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('shape_parallelogram', 115, 'shape_parallelogram.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('battery', 36, 'battery.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('bicycle', 37, 'bicycle.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('bluetooth', 38, 'bluetooth.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('book', 39, 'book.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('bookmark', 40, 'bookmark.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('brush', 41, 'brush.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('bug', 42, 'bug.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('bussiness_card', 43, 'bussiness_card.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('cake', 44, 'cake.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('credit_card', 57, 'credit_card.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('cross', 58, 'cross.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('database', 59, 'database.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('directions', 60, 'directions.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('directions_2', 61, 'directions_2.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('doctor', 62, 'doctor.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('drill', 63, 'drill.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('elevator', 64, 'elevator.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('facebook', 65, 'facebook.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('fan', 66, 'fan.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('favorite', 67, 'favorite.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('flag', 68, 'flag.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('food', 69, 'food.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('gameboy', 70, 'gameboy.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('shape_pentagon', 116, 'shape_pentagon.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('shape_rhombus', 117, 'shape_rhombus.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('shape_square', 118, 'shape_square.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('shape_trapezoid', 119, 'shape_trapezoid.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('shape_triangle', 120, 'shape_triangle.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('pool_game', 98, 'pool_game.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('alarm', 21, 'alarm.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('games', 71, 'games.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('gift', 72, 'gift.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('glasses', 73, 'glasses.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('grid', 74, 'grid.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('hairdresser', 75, 'hairdresser.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('hammer', 76, 'hammer.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('hardware', 77, 'hardware.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('headphones', 78, 'headphones.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('hedge', 79, 'hedge.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('help', 80, 'help.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('help_2', 81, 'help_2.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('icecream', 82, 'icecream.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('info', 83, 'info.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('key', 84, 'key.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('map', 85, 'map.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('marker', 86, 'marker.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('microphone', 87, 'microphone.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('moon', 88, 'moon.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('newspaper', 89, 'newspaper.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('padlock_closed', 90, 'padlock_closed.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('padlock_open', 91, 'padlock_open.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('paintroller', 92, 'paintroller.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('park_bench', 93, 'park_bench.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('phone', 94, 'phone.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('pill', 95, 'pill.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('pinetree', 96, 'pinetree.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('pollution', 97, 'pollution.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('print', 99, 'print.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('refreshment', 100, 'refreshment.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('remote_control', 101, 'remote_control.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('stamp', 121, 'stamp.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('star', 122, 'star.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('stop', 123, 'stop.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('stop_2', 124, 'stop_2.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('stopwatch', 125, 'stopwatch.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('store', 126, 'store.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('tag', 127, 'tag.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('tent', 128, 'tent.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('tie', 129, 'tie.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('time', 130, 'time.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('trafficlight', 131, 'trafficlight.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('trafficlight_green', 132, 'trafficlight_green.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('trafficlight_red', 133, 'trafficlight_red.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('trafficlight_yellow', 134, 'trafficlight_yellow.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('trash', 135, 'trash.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('trophy', 136, 'trophy.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('truck', 137, 'truck.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('typewritter', 138, 'typewritter.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('user', 139, 'user.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('users', 140, 'users.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('water', 141, 'water.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('weather_cloud', 142, 'weather_cloud.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('weather_clouds', 144, 'weather_clouds.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('weather_rain', 145, 'weather_rain.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('weather_sun', 146, 'weather_sun.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('weather_snow', 147, 'weather_snow.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('weather_thunder', 148, 'weather_thunder.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('wi_fi', 149, 'wi_fi.png');
INSERT INTO placetype (type_name, type_id, icon_name) VALUES ('weather_cloud_sun', 143, 'weather_cloud_sun.png');
ALTER TABLE messages ADD COLUMN altitude double precision; |