
791 lines
41 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using SafeMobileLib;
using System.Threading;
using SafeMobileLib.MessageDecoders;
using System.Collections;
using System.Net.Mail;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace AppServer
class LocationThread
private InterthreadMessageQueue<CallOut> callOutQueue;
private DBsettingsManager DBSettings;
private volatile Boolean BeforeWriteDB;
private volatile LocationDecoder dec2;
private volatile DBsubsOperationManager dbsubsoperManage;
private volatile DBvehiclesManager dbvehs;
private DBvehiclesManager DBvehInfo;
public static volatile Int32 LocationCheckQueuesCount = 0;
Int64 count = 0;
private bool sendCalloutStop;
public LocationThread(/*GatewayID_IP trboID_IP, UInt16 arsPort, Boolean capPlus, String multicastIP, String multicastPort*/)
callOutQueue = new InterthreadMessageQueue<CallOut>();
Console.WriteLine("1:cfg.DB_IP:" + Program.cfg.DB_IP);
Console.WriteLine("2:cfg.DB_schema:" + Program.cfg.DB_schema);
Console.WriteLine("3:cfg.DB_user:" + Program.cfg.DB_user);
Console.WriteLine("4:cfg.DB_pass:" + Program.cfg.DB_passwd);
Console.WriteLine("5:cfg.DB_port:" + Program.cfg.DB_port);
dbsubsoperManage = new DBsubsOperationManager(Program.cfg.DB_IP, Program.cfg.DB_schema, Program.cfg.DB_user, Program.cfg.DB_passwd, Program.cfg.DB_port);
dbvehs = new DBvehiclesManager(Program.cfg.DB_IP, Program.cfg.DB_schema, Program.cfg.DB_user, Program.cfg.DB_passwd, Program.cfg.DB_port);
DBSettings = new DBsettingsManager(Program.cfg.DB_IP, Program.cfg.DB_schema, Program.cfg.DB_user, Program.cfg.DB_passwd, Program.cfg.DB_port);
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("Erorr conver port:"+ex.ToString());
public void PushStatus(String IMEI, Status_for_tab stat)
Utils.WriteLine("Send PushStatus:" + stat + " Imei:" + IMEI, ConsoleColor.Yellow);
byte[] cmd = Utils.Convert_text_For_multicast("#0.0#153#" + IMEI + "#" + (Int32)stat + "#");
MainForm.udp.Send(cmd, cmd.Length);
public void handleConnection()
DBvehInfo = new DBvehiclesManager(Program.cfg.DB_IP, Program.cfg.DB_schema, Program.cfg.DB_user, Program.cfg.DB_passwd, Program.cfg.DB_port);
SM.Debug("Location Thread - Waiting for Position");
if (MainForm.VehListWithGroupDetails.Count == 0 && dbvehs != null)
List<Vehicles> list = dbvehs.getAllVehicles();
foreach (Vehicles veh in list)
// remove old object if still exists
if (MainForm.VehListWithGroupDetails.Contains(veh.Imei))
MainForm.VehListWithGroupDetails.Add(veh.Imei, veh);
for (int i = 0; i < 70; i++)
ThreadStart action = () =>
Thread t = new Thread(action) { IsBackground = true };
//Task.Factory.StartNew(() => Consume());
while (MainForm.isRunning)
// keep the Location Thread running for receiving and other stuffs
Utils.WriteLine("ENDING RRRRRR ", ConsoleColor.Green);
private void Consume()
while (MainForm.isRunning)
string line = MainForm.LocationQueue.GetItem(50);
bool prevGps = false;
// search for position in the previous Location queue if no new one is received
if (line == default(string))
line = MainForm.prevLocationQueue.GetItem(1);
// flag that this gps position is from a previous instance of App Server and don't need to
// generate alerts on message bus for geofence, landmark, speeding and also will not update
// the unit status
prevGps = true;
while (line != default(string))
BeforeWriteDB = true;
string[] tempArr = line.Split("#".ToCharArray());
string radioID2 = tempArr[0];
String[] locString = new String[tempArr.Length - 1];
for (int i = 0; i < (tempArr.Length - 1); i++)
locString[i] = tempArr[i + 1];
bool active = false;
// check if radio id is assigned and active
if (!MainForm.VehList.ContainsKey(radioID2.ToString())
|| (MainForm.VehList.ContainsKey(radioID2.ToString())
&& !((active = ((Vehicle_Data)MainForm.VehList[radioID2.ToString()]).active))))
Utils.WriteLine($"Skipping position {line} because {radioID2} is not in the vehicle list [{active}]", ConsoleColor.Yellow);
line = MainForm.LocationQueue.GetItem(1);
prevGps = false;
else if ( MainClass.isGPSCheckboxChecked && !(((VehicleStatus)MainForm.VehicleHashStat[radioID2]).curentStatus == Status_for_tab.EMERG))
Utils.WriteLine($"Skipping position for unit: {radioID2} because EmergencyOnly Checkbox is checked and the unit is not in emergency!", ConsoleColor.Yellow);
line = MainForm.LocationQueue.GetItem(1);
prevGps = false;
LocationDecoder dec2 = new LocationDecoder(radioID2, locString);
if ( != null)
Utils.WriteLine($"GPS [time: {dec2.cell.location_time:HH:mm:ss}][{}, {dec2.cell.lng}] from {radioID2}[{dec2.cell.spd} kmh]", ConsoleColor.DarkGreen);
Utils.WriteLine($"Received invalid GPS position from {radioID2}", ConsoleColor.DarkRed);
BeforeWriteDB = false;
// display the number of unadded positions after each 50 positions added
if (count++ % 10 == 0)
Utils.WriteLine($"{MainForm.LocationQueue.Count} live gps & {MainForm.prevLocationQueue.Count} prev gps waiting to be added to db", ConsoleColor.White);
//get alarms settings
if (MainForm.VehList.ContainsKey(radioID2.ToString()) && ( != null))
Vehicle_Data v_data = (Vehicle_Data)MainForm.VehList[radioID2.ToString()];
Alarm alarm = v_data.alm;
bool zone = (alarm.Zone != "") ;
bool landMark = (alarm.Landmark != "") ;
String SpeedProccess = "";
if (zone || landMark)
SpeedProccess = processZoneAlarm(radioID2, dec2.cell, zone, landMark, alarm.Email, !prevGps);
// if don't have limit's in area I take general alarm
if (SpeedProccess == "")
SpeedProccess = alarm.Speed;
if (SpeedProccess != "")
string[] temp = SpeedProccess.Split("_".ToCharArray());
int speedT = (int)Convert.ToDouble(temp[0]);
string speedU = temp[1];
processSpeedAlarm(radioID2, dec2.cell, speedT, speedU, alarm.Email, !prevGps);
catch (Exception ex)
Utils.WriteLine("Error and add Alarm:" + ex.ToString(), ConsoleColor.Red);
throw new ArgumentException("AlarmError");
#region STOLEN
if (MainForm.VehList.ContainsKey(radioID2) && (MainForm.VehStolen.ContainsKey(radioID2.ToString())) && ( != null))
int status2 = Convert.ToInt32(MainForm.VehStolen[radioID2]);
if (status2 == 1)
bool shouldDisableUnit = false;
double lat = 0;
double lng = 0;
Double.TryParse(, out lat);
Double.TryParse(dec2.cell.lng, out lng);
// get settings value for Stolen on No GPS Fix Location
string value = MainForm.dbSettings.getSettingValue(0, Utils.StolenNoGPSFix);
bool stolenNoGPSFix = false;
bool.TryParse(value, out stolenNoGPSFix);
if (stolenNoGPSFix && Math.Abs(lat) < 0.1 && Math.Abs(lng) < 0.1)
Utils.WriteLine("No GPS fix location received for a stolen vehicle " + radioID2, ConsoleColor.Cyan);
shouldDisableUnit = true;
// get settings value for Stolen on No GPS Fix Location
value = MainForm.dbSettings.getSettingValue(0, Utils.StolenValidGPS);
bool stolenGPSFix = false;
bool.TryParse(value, out stolenGPSFix);
if (stolenGPSFix && (Math.Abs(lat) > 0.1 || Math.Abs(lng) > 0.1))
Utils.WriteLine("GPS location received for a stolen vehicle " + radioID2, ConsoleColor.Cyan);
shouldDisableUnit = true;
if (shouldDisableUnit)
// skip sending enable/disable if the unit is not in the vehicles list
if (!MainForm.VehList.ContainsKey(radioID2))
//get unit system position
int unitSC_ID = ((Vehicle_Data)MainForm.VehList[radioID2]).sc_id;
UnitSysPosition sysPos = DBvehInfo.getSystemPosition(unitSC_ID);
string dest = "0.0." + radioID2;
if (sysPos != null) dest = sysPos.Gw_id + "." + sysPos.R_gw_id + "." + radioID2;
//send radio disable to GW
Utils.WriteLine("Radio disable was sent on " + sysPos.Gw_id + "." + sysPos.R_gw_id + " gateway", ConsoleColor.Cyan);
string test2 = $"#{(int)MessageBusCmds.RadioEnableDisableRequest}#" + dest + "#0#";
byte[] dataToSend = Utils.Convert_text_For_multicast("#0.0" + test2);
MainForm.udp.Send(dataToSend, dataToSend.Length);
catch (Exception ex)
Utils.WriteLine("Error and add Stolen:" + ex.ToString(), ConsoleColor.Red);
throw new ArgumentException("StolenError");
//Calculate status
if (MainForm.VehicleHashStat.ContainsKey(radioID2.ToString()) && !prevGps)
VehicleStatus vehicleStatus = (VehicleStatus)MainForm.VehicleHashStat[radioID2];
//MADE ON status when is the case
if ((vehicleStatus.curentStatus == Status_for_tab.MADEOFF)
|| (vehicleStatus.curentStatus == Status_for_tab.OFF))
vehicleStatus.curentStatus = Status_for_tab.MADEON;
PushStatus(radioID2, Status_for_tab.MADEON);
// update last status location and position time
vehicleStatus.lastPositionTime = DateTime.Now; = dec2.cell.d_lat;
vehicleStatus.lng = dec2.cell.d_lng;
// do not push any status update if the current status is emergency
if (vehicleStatus.curentStatus != Status_for_tab.EMERG)
if ( != "0" && != "0.00000")
if (vehicleStatus.curentStatus != Status_for_tab.GPS_ON)
vehicleStatus.curentStatus = Status_for_tab.GPS_ON;
//SM.Debug("Push Status GPS ON for radio:"+radioID2);
PushStatus(radioID2, Status_for_tab.GPS_ON);
if (vehicleStatus.curentStatus != Status_for_tab.NOGPSFIX)
vehicleStatus.curentStatus = Status_for_tab.NOGPSFIX;
PushStatus(radioID2, Status_for_tab.NOGPSFIX);
Status_for_tab status = ((VehicleStatus)MainForm.VehicleHashStat[radioID2]).curentStatus;
String heading = dec2.cell.heading ?? "";
//add position to MainForm.websocketLocationQueue
if (MainForm.hasDBAccess && != null)
MainForm.CheckLocationQueueAndSendToWebSocket(radioID2, Convert.ToDouble(, Convert.ToDouble(dec2.cell.lng),
Convert.ToInt32(dec2.cell.spd), DateTo70Format(dec2.cell.location_time),
heading, status);
catch (Exception ex)
Utils.WriteLine("Error on add location mess to DB: " + ex.ToString(), ConsoleColor.Red);
if ((!ex.ToString().Contains("23505")) && (BeforeWriteDB))
string test2 = "#210#1#Can't write GPS data in DB#";
if (ex.Message == "AlarmError")
test2 = "#210#5#Can't write Alarm data in DB#";
else if (ex.Message == "StolenError")
test2 = "#210#6#Can't write Stolen data in DB#";
byte[] dataToSend = Utils.Convert_text_For_multicast("#0.0" + test2);
MainForm.udp.Send(dataToSend, dataToSend.Length);
catch (Exception ex2)
SM.Debug("Error on sending Message to SD that APPServer has problem: " + ex2.ToString());
line = MainForm.LocationQueue.GetItem(1);
prevGps = false;
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("##### Error on proccess Location #########\n" + e.ToString());
//CallOut stop request on msgBus
private void ConsumeCallOutClear()
while (MainForm.isRunning)
CallOut callout = callOutQueue.Peek(100);
if(callout != null)
callout = callOutQueue.GetItem(1);
sendCalloutStop = false;
while (!sendCalloutStop)
// check time and send if > 5 seconds
if (DateTime.Now >= callout.Time.AddSeconds(5)) //Checks if 5 seconds passed since a Callout was sent
sendCalloutStop = true;
if (sendCalloutStop)
// send callout clear
string test = "#178#" + callout.RadioID.ToString() + "#" + callout.Severity + "#";
byte[] dataToSend = Utils.Convert_text_For_multicast("#0.0" + test);
MainForm.udp.Send(dataToSend, dataToSend.Length);
Utils.WriteLine($"Sent CallOut Stop request with Severity [{callout.Severity}] for unit {callout.RadioID.ToString()} ");
private void sendMailGeo(string mes, String subj, string mailAdr)
if (Program.cfg.enableEmailService)
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Program.cfg.emailAddress) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(mailAdr))
if (MainForm.IsBlacklistedAddress(mailAdr))
Utils.WriteLine($"sendMailGeo : The email '{subj}' was not sent. Email address '{mailAdr}' is in blacklist count = {MainForm.blackListAddress[mailAdr]}");
MailAddress from = new MailAddress(Program.cfg.emailAddress);
String[] address = mailAdr.Split(";".ToCharArray());
MailAddress to = new MailAddress(address[0]);
MailMessage message = new MailMessage(from, to);
if (address.Count() > 1)
Boolean skipeFirst = true;
foreach (String obj in address)
if (skipeFirst)
{ skipeFirst = false; }
message.To.Add(new MailAddress(obj));
message.Subject = subj;
message.Body = mes;
EmailServerSSL.sendEmail(Program.cfg.smtpServer, Program.cfg.smtpPort, Program.cfg.emailAddress, Program.cfg.emailPassword, message, Program.cfg.smtpSSLState);
catch (Exception ex)
if (ex.ToString().Contains("timed out") ||
ex.ToString().Contains("the client was not authenticated"))
Utils.WriteLine($"Exception in sendMailGeo: {ex.ToString()}");
Utils.WriteLine($"Missing email address From = {Program.cfg.emailAddress} To = {mailAdr})", ConsoleColor.Cyan);
Utils.WriteLine("Email Server not Set", ConsoleColor.Cyan);
private void sendAlarmMail(string title, string mes, string mailAdr)
if (Program.cfg.enableEmailService)
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Program.cfg.emailAddress) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(mailAdr))
if (MainForm.IsBlacklistedAddress(mailAdr))
Utils.WriteLine($" sendAlarmMail : The email '{title}' was not sent. Email address '{mailAdr}' is in blacklist count = {MainForm.blackListAddress[mailAdr]}");
MailAddress from = new MailAddress(Program.cfg.emailAddress);
MailAddress to = new MailAddress(mailAdr);
MailMessage message = new MailMessage(from, to);
message.Subject = title;
message.Body = mes;
EmailServerSSL.sendEmail(Program.cfg.smtpServer, Program.cfg.smtpPort, Program.cfg.emailAddress, Program.cfg.emailPassword, message, Program.cfg.smtpSSLState);
catch (Exception ex)
if ( ex.ToString().Contains("timed out") ||
ex.ToString().Contains("the client was not authenticated"))
Utils.WriteLine("Exception in sendMailAlarm2: {0}" + ex.ToString(), ConsoleColor.Red);
Utils.WriteLine($"Missing email address From = {Program.cfg.emailAddress} To = {mailAdr})", ConsoleColor.Cyan);
Utils.WriteLine("Email Server not Set", ConsoleColor.Cyan);
private String processZoneAlarm(string radioID, htCell_t cell, bool zone, bool landMArk, string mailAdr, bool sendOnMsgBus)
double lat = double.Parse(;
double lng = double.Parse(cell.lng);
uint time = DateTo70Format(cell.location_time);
Int32 speed = Int32.Parse(cell.spd); // in kmh
String Speedtoproccess = "";
DBalarmManager DBalarm = new DBalarmManager(Program.cfg.DB_IP, Program.cfg.DB_schema, Program.cfg.DB_user, Program.cfg.DB_passwd, Program.cfg.DB_port);
// I don't procces Lat=0 and LNG=0 NO FIX GPS
if (!((Math.Round(lat) == 0) && (Math.Round(lng) == 0)))
if (!MainForm.ZonesBussy)
if (MainForm.VehList[radioID.ToString()] != null)
if (zone)
foreach (ZoneClass obj2 in ((Vehicle_Data)MainForm.VehList[radioID.ToString()]).zonelist)
Int32 position = 0;
Boolean validAlarm = false;
String tmpresp = obj2.CheckZone(lat, lng, out position);
String speedMiles = Convert.ToString((int)Math.Round(speed * 0.621371192));
//speed check on zone
// OBS : speed limit defined in a geofence is alwats saved in km in the DB
// OBS : spped received from the message bus is always in KM/H
if ((position == 2) && (obj2.speed > 0) && (obj2.speed < speed))
if (obj2.speedUnit.Equals("m"))
Speedtoproccess = (obj2.speed / 0.621371) + "_m";
Speedtoproccess = obj2.speed.ToString() + "_k";
//end speed check in zone
if (tmpresp.Length > 1)
if (obj2.AlarmType == 3) validAlarm = true;
else if ((obj2.AlarmType == 1) && (position == 2)) validAlarm = true;
else if ((obj2.AlarmType == 2) && (position == 1)) validAlarm = true;
else if (obj2.AlarmType == 4) validAlarm = false;
if (validAlarm)
DBalarm.Insert_Zone_Alarm(((Vehicle_Data)MainForm.VehList[radioID.ToString()]).sc_id, time, obj2.zone_id, obj2.action, true);
// send Alert by email if the emailServer is configured
if (Program.cfg.enableEmailService && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(Program.cfg.emailAddress) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(mailAdr))
string veh_name = ((Vehicle_Data)MainForm.VehList[radioID.ToString()]).Name;
string speed_km_or_mph = obj2.speedUnit.Equals("k") ? $"{speed} km/h" : $"{speedMiles} mph";
string message = $"Zone alarm for {veh_name} {tmpresp}. Unit speed {speed_km_or_mph} at time: {Utils.UnixTimeStampToDateTime(time).ToLocalTime()} [{},{cell.lng} ]";
string title = $"Zone alarm for {veh_name}";
Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
sendAlarmMail(title, message, mailAdr);
String test = "";
if (sendOnMsgBus)
//send alarm on message buss
test = "#136#" + radioID.ToString() + "#" + tmpresp + "#";
byte[] dataToSend = Utils.Convert_text_For_multicast("#0.0" + test);
MainForm.udp.Send(dataToSend, dataToSend.Length);
String date = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().DateTo70Format().ToString();
///send SMS
UnitSysPosition tmpX = null;
if (obj2.sentmsg)
String listOfUnits = obj2.unitids;
String listOfImeis = obj2.imeilist;
String[] tmpunits = listOfUnits.Split(",".ToCharArray());
String[] tmpimeis = listOfImeis.Split(",".ToCharArray());
Hashtable tmpHashName = new Hashtable();
if (tmpunits.Count() > 1)
for (Int32 i = 0; i < tmpunits.Count() - 1; i++)
tmpHashName.Add((String)tmpunits[i], (String)tmpimeis[i]);
foreach (String keyobj in tmpHashName.Keys)
int obj = -1;
Int32.TryParse(keyobj, out obj);
if (obj > -1 && sendOnMsgBus)
tmpX = dbvehs.getSystemPosition(Convert.ToInt32(keyobj));
test = "#142#" + tmpX.Gw_id + "." + tmpX.R_gw_id + "." + (String)tmpHashName[keyobj] + "#" + /*"Message from unit " + ((Vehicle_Data)MainForm.VehList[radioID.ToString()]).Name + " :" +*/ obj2.msgbody + "#" + date + "#";
byte[] dataToSend = Utils.Convert_text_For_multicast("#0." + date + test);
MainForm.udp.Send(dataToSend, dataToSend.Length);
Utils.WriteLine($"Zone alert sms request [{obj2.msgbody}] for unit {(String)tmpHashName[keyobj]} on gw [{(tmpX.Gw_id + "." + tmpX.R_gw_id)}]");
if (obj2.sentmsg2 && sendOnMsgBus)
tmpX = dbvehs.getSystemPositionIMEI(radioID);
test = "#142#" + tmpX.Gw_id + "." + tmpX.R_gw_id + "." + radioID + "#" + obj2.msgbody2 + "#" + DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().DateTo70Format().ToString() + "#";
byte[] dataToSend = Utils.Convert_text_For_multicast("#0." + date + test);
MainForm.udp.Send(dataToSend, dataToSend.Length);
Utils.WriteLine($"Zone alert sms request [{obj2.msgbody2}] for unit {radioID} on gw [{(tmpX.Gw_id + "." + tmpX.R_gw_id)}]");
//send Callout
if(obj2.callout && tmpresp.ToString().Contains("IN "))
tmpX = dbvehs.getSystemPositionIMEI(radioID);
test = "#177#" + radioID.ToString() + "#" + obj2.calloutSeverity + "#" + + "#";
byte[] dataToSend = Utils.Convert_text_For_multicast("#0." + test);
MainForm.udp.Send(dataToSend, dataToSend.Length);
callOutQueue.PostItem(new CallOut() { RadioID = radioID, Severity = obj2.calloutSeverity, Time = DateTime.Now});
Utils.WriteLine($"Zone CallOut request with Severity [{obj2.calloutSeverity}] for unit {radioID} on gw [{(tmpX.Gw_id + "." + tmpX.R_gw_id)}]");
// send by email if the emailServer is configured
if (Program.cfg.enableEmailService && obj2.sentemail)
Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
sendMailGeo(obj2.body, "Message from unit " + ((Vehicle_Data)MainForm.VehList[radioID.ToString()]).Name + ": " + obj2.subj,;
if (landMArk)
foreach (LandMark obj2 in ((Vehicle_Data)MainForm.VehList[radioID.ToString()]).landlist)
String tmpresp = obj2.CheckPosition(lat, lng);
String speedMiles = Convert.ToString((int)Math.Round(speed * 0.621371192));
if (tmpresp.Length > 1)
int sc_id = ((Vehicle_Data)MainForm.VehList[radioID.ToString()]).sc_id;
// insert Alert into database
Utils.WriteLine("Insert Landmarks Alarm " + radioID.ToString() + " " + sc_id);
DBalarm.Insert_Zone_Alarm(sc_id, time, obj2.land_id, obj2.action, false);
// send alert by email if the emailServer is configured
if (Program.cfg.enableEmailService && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(Program.cfg.emailAddress) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(mailAdr))
string veh_name = ((Vehicle_Data)MainForm.VehList[radioID.ToString()]).Name;
string speed_km_or_mph = obj2.speedUnit.Equals("k") ? $"{speed} km/h" : $"{speedMiles} mph";
string message = $"Landmark alarm for {veh_name} {tmpresp}. Unit speed {speed_km_or_mph} at time: {Utils.UnixTimeStampToDateTime(time).ToLocalTime()} [{},{cell.lng} ]";
string title = $"Landmark alarm for {veh_name}";
Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
sendAlarmMail(title, message, mailAdr);
//send Alert on message buss
if (sendOnMsgBus)
//send alarm on message buss
string test = "#137#" + radioID.ToString() + "#" + tmpresp + "#";
byte[] dataToSend = Utils.Convert_text_For_multicast("#0.0" + test);
MainForm.udp.Send(dataToSend, dataToSend.Length);
//send CallOut
if(obj2.callout && tmpresp.ToString().Contains("IN "))
string test = "#177#" + radioID + "#" + obj2.calloutSeverity + "#" + + "#";
byte[] dataToSend = Utils.Convert_text_For_multicast("#0.0" + test);
MainForm.udp.Send(dataToSend, dataToSend.Length);
callOutQueue.PostItem(new CallOut() { RadioID = radioID, Severity = obj2.calloutSeverity, Time = DateTime.Now });
Utils.WriteLine($"Landmark CallOut request with Severity [{obj2.calloutSeverity}] for unit {radioID} ");
return Speedtoproccess;
private uint DateTo70Format(DateTime param)
long nOfSeconds;
System.DateTime dt70 = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
TimeSpan span = param - dt70;
nOfSeconds = (long)span.TotalSeconds;
return ((uint)nOfSeconds);
#region speed alarm
private void processSpeedAlarm(string radioID, htCell_t cell, int speedTreshold, string speedUnits, string mailAdr, bool sendOnMsgBus)
DBalarmManager DBalarm = new DBalarmManager(Program.cfg.DB_IP, Program.cfg.DB_schema, Program.cfg.DB_user, Program.cfg.DB_passwd, Program.cfg.DB_port);
int treshold = (int)Convert.ToDouble(speedTreshold);
if (speedUnits == "m")
treshold = (int)(treshold * 1.609);
int speed = (int)Convert.ToDouble(cell.spd);
if (speed >= treshold)
uint time = DateTo70Format(cell.location_time);
// insert alert into database
DBalarm.Insert_Speed_Alarm(radioID, time, speed,, cell.lng);
//send Alert by email if EmailServer si configured
if (Program.cfg.enableEmailService && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(mailAdr))
int speedMiles = (int)Math.Round(speed * 0.621371192);
string veh_name = ((Vehicle_Data)MainForm.VehList[radioID.ToString()]).Name;
string speed_km_or_mph = (speedUnits != "m") ? $"{speed} km/h" : $"{speedMiles} mph";
string message = $"Speed alarm for {veh_name}. Unit speed {speed_km_or_mph} at time: {Utils.UnixTimeStampToDateTime(time).ToLocalTime()} [{},{cell.lng}]";
string title = $"Speed alarm for unit {veh_name}";
Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
sendAlarmMail(title, message, mailAdr);
//send Alert on message buss
if (sendOnMsgBus)
//send alarm on message buss
string speed4send = $"{speed}_{speedUnits}";
string test = "#135#" + radioID.ToString() + "#" + speed4send + "#";
MainForm.udp.Send(Utils.Convert_text_For_multicast("#0.0" + test), Utils.Convert_text_For_multicast("#0.0" + test).Length);