using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using Nini.Config; using System.Windows.Forms; using Telerik.WinControls; using SafeMobileLib; using System.Net; namespace Safedispatch_4_0 { public class Config { private IConfigSource source = null; private string CFG_FILE = "config.ini"; //DB public string APPLICATION_SERVER_IP, DB_IP, DB_schema, DB_user, DB_passwd, DB_port; //Recording server public string REC_IP, REC_port, REC_audio_port; //Message bus public string MSG_BUS_IP,MSg_BUS_port; //Voice message buss public string V_MSG_BUS_port; //Login and Pass public string Login,Pass,Lang; //Regsitration port public Int32 RegsPort; public Int32 MapCallTimeout = 10; public Boolean MapDebugConsole = false; public Boolean MapRestart = false; public Int64 MapRestartMinutes = 60; public static string defaultOSM = ""; public string ReverseGeoOSM = defaultOSM; public int maxPositionsForMap = 300; public int maxAlertsNumber = 25; public bool autoupdate = true; public bool isDevelope = false; public bool hasFailover = false; public bool appServerMonitoring = true; public bool appServerPopUp = true; public string LocalIP { get; private set; } = ""; public void LoadConfig() { try { source = new IniConfigSource(CFG_FILE); APPLICATION_SERVER_IP = source.Configs["Server"].Get("IP"); //DB_schema = source.Configs["Database"].Get("Schema"); //DB_user = source.Configs["Database"].Get("User"); //DB_passwd = source.Configs["Database"].Get("Passwd"); //DB_port = source.Configs["Database"].Get("Port"); MainForm2.googlemaptype = source.Configs["Google"].Get("MapType").ToLower(); if ((MainForm2.googlemaptype == "") || (MainForm2.googlemaptype == " ")) MainForm2.googlemaptype ="map"; if (MainForm2.googlemaptype.Contains("map")) MainForm2.MapHtmlName = "SfmbMapsMainMap.html"; else if (MainForm2.googlemaptype.Contains("hybrid")) MainForm2.MapHtmlName = "SfmbMapsMain.html"; else if (MainForm2.googlemaptype.Contains("satellite")) MainForm2.MapHtmlName = "SfmbMapsMainSatelitte.html"; REC_IP = source.Configs["Recordings"].Get("IP"); REC_port = source.Configs["Recordings"].Get("Port"); REC_audio_port = source.Configs["Recordings"].Get("AudioPort"); try { if (!source.Configs["Update"].Contains("autoupdate")) source.Configs["Update"].Set("autoupdate", true); autoupdate = source.Configs["Update"].GetBoolean("autoupdate"); if (source.Configs["Update"].Contains("develop")) isDevelope = source.Configs["Update"].GetBoolean("develop"); } catch (Exception ex) { Utils.WriteLine("AUTOUPDATE " + ex.ToString(), ConsoleColor.Red); } //MSG_BUS_IP = source.Configs["MessageBus"].Get("ip"); //MSg_BUS_port = source.Configs["MessageBus"].Get("port"); RegsPort = Convert.ToInt32(source.Configs["MessageBus"].Get("registport")); MSg_BUS_port = GetStringValue("MessageBus", "port", "0"); if (source.Configs["Server"].Contains("localIP")) LocalIP = source.Configs["Server"].Get("localIP"); try { MainForm2.uniqueID = Convert.ToInt32(source.Configs["MessageBus"].Get("uniqueid")); if (source.Configs["MessageBus"].Contains("hasfailover")) hasFailover = source.Configs["MessageBus"].GetBoolean("hasfailover"); } catch { SM.Debug("Unable to read UniqueID"); MainForm2.uniqueID = 1; } try { MapCallTimeout = Convert.ToInt32(source.Configs["Google"].Get("mapCallTimeout")); } catch { SM.Debug("Unable to read mapCallTimeout"); MapCallTimeout = 10; } try { MapDebugConsole = Convert.ToBoolean(source.Configs["Google"].Get("mapDebugConsole")); } catch { SM.Debug("Unable to read mapDebugConsole"); MapDebugConsole = false; } try { MapRestart = Convert.ToBoolean(source.Configs["Google"].Get("mapRestart")); MapRestartMinutes = Convert.ToInt64(source.Configs["Google"].Get("mapRestartMinutes")); } catch { SM.Debug("Unable to read mapRestart"); MapRestart = false; MapRestartMinutes = 60; } try { ReverseGeoOSM = source.Configs["Google"].Get("ReverseGeoOSM"); IPAddress addr = null; bool result = IPAddress.TryParse(ReverseGeoOSM, out addr); if (ReverseGeoOSM.Length < 3) ReverseGeoOSM = defaultOSM; } catch { SM.Debug("Unable to read ReverseGeoOSM"); ReverseGeoOSM = defaultOSM; } try { maxPositionsForMap = Convert.ToInt32(source.Configs["Google"].Get("maxPositionsForMap")); if (maxPositionsForMap == 0) maxPositionsForMap = 300; } catch { SM.Debug("Unable to read maxPositionsForMap"); maxPositionsForMap = 300; } try { maxAlertsNumber = Convert.ToInt32(source.Configs["User"].Get("maxAlertsNumber")); if (maxAlertsNumber == 0) maxAlertsNumber = 25; } catch { SM.Debug("Unable to read maxAlertsNumber"); maxAlertsNumber = 25; } V_MSG_BUS_port = source.Configs["VoiceMessageBus"].Get("port"); Login = source.Configs["User"].Get("Login"); Pass = source.Configs["User"].Get("Password"); Lang = source.Configs["User"].Get("Language"); try { if (source.Configs["User"].Contains("appServerMonitoring")) appServerMonitoring = source.Configs["User"].GetBoolean("appServerMonitoring"); } catch(Exception ex) { appServerMonitoring = true; } try { if (source.Configs["User"].Contains("appServerPopUp")) appServerPopUp = source.Configs["User"].GetBoolean("appServerPopUp"); } catch (Exception ex) { appServerMonitoring = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ArgumentException("Error read config"); } SM.Debug("LoadSetup file OK !"); } public Config() { //LoadConfig(); } public void SavePass(String login,String pass,String langidx) { source = new IniConfigSource(CFG_FILE); source.Configs["User"].Set("Login",login); source.Configs["User"].Set("Password", pass); source.Configs["User"].Set("Language", langidx); // Save the INI file source.Save(); } public void SaveMapType(String maptypename) { source = new IniConfigSource(CFG_FILE); source.Configs["Google"].Set("MapType", maptypename); // Save the INI file source.Save(); } public String GetCodeLogRemoveX(String code) { try { String codeStr = code; StringBuilder inSb = new StringBuilder(codeStr); StringBuilder outSb = new StringBuilder(codeStr.Length - 2); int key = 145; int key2 = 85; char c; for (int i = 1; i < codeStr.Length - 1; i++) { c = inSb[i]; if ((i - 1) % 2 == 0) c = (char)(c ^ key); else c = (char)(c ^ key2); outSb.Append(c); } return outSb.ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { SM.Debug("Error convert password:" + ex.ToString()); return ""; } } public String GetCodeLogPutX(String code) { try { String codeStr = code; StringBuilder inSb = new StringBuilder(codeStr); StringBuilder outSb = new StringBuilder(codeStr.Length + 2); int key = 145; int key2 = 85; char c; outSb.Append('X'); for (int i = 0; i < codeStr.Length; i++) { c = inSb[i]; if (i % 2 == 0) c = (char)(c ^ key); else c = (char)(c ^ key2); outSb.Append(c); } outSb.Append('X'); return outSb.ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { SM.Debug("Error convert password:" + ex.ToString()); return ""; } } /// /// Get an int value from the configuration file. The desired value is identifiec by /// the key and the header under which is placed is pointed by the header. Also a default /// value can be set in case the value doesn't exist and needs to be created before /// beeing returned /// /// Header unde which the desired config parameter is placed /// The Key that designates the desired config parameter /// A default value that will be used and returned in case the /// config file doesn't have a value for the parameter /// Parameter value from the config file, or the default value in case it doesn't /// exist private Int32 GetInt32Value(String header, String key, Int32 defaultValue) { if (!source.Configs[header].Contains(key)) source.Configs[header].Set(key, defaultValue); return source.Configs[header].GetInt(key); } /// /// Get a string value from the configuration file. The desired value is identifiec by /// the key and the header under which is placed is pointed by the header. Also a default /// value can be set in case the value doesn't exist and needs to be created before /// beeing returned /// /// Header unde which the desired config parameter is placed /// The Key that designates the desired config parameter /// A default value that will be used and returned in case the /// config file doesn't have a value for the parameter /// Parameter value from the config file, or the default value in case it doesn't /// exist private String GetStringValue(String header, String key, String defaultValue) { if (!source.Configs[header].Contains(key)) source.Configs[header].Set(key, defaultValue); return source.Configs[header].GetString(key); } /// /// Get a boolean value from the configuration file. The desired value is identifiec by /// the key and the header under which is placed is pointed by the header. Also a default /// value can be set in case the value doesn't exist and needs to be created before /// beeing returned /// /// Header unde which the desired config parameter is placed /// The Key that designates the desired config parameter /// A default value that will be used and returned in case the /// config file doesn't have a value for the parameter /// Parameter value from the config file, or the default value in case it doesn't /// exist private Boolean GetBooleanValue(String header, String key, Boolean defaultValue) { if (!source.Configs[header].Contains(key)) source.Configs[header].Set(key, defaultValue); return source.Configs[header].GetBoolean(key); } public void UpdateConfigParameter(string category, string option, string value) { try { if (source.Configs[category] == null) source.Configs.Add(category); if (source.Configs[category] != null) source.Configs[category].Set(option, value); // Save the INI file source.Save(); } catch (Exception ex) { Utils.WriteLine("Update Config Parameters: " + ex.ToString(), ConsoleColor.Red); } } } }