//#define jurgen using System; //using System.Collections.Generic; //using System.Linq; //using System.Text; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.IO; using Microsoft.Win32; using SafeMobileLib; namespace RegLibDLL { public class RegLib { private String parola = "ab09ads08asd8080fg09a90g08sfd808bfb08hg0j08f80"; private Int32 uid = 1738349905; private Int32 hid = 0; private Int32 handle; private String decodedMessage; private Boolean validDongle; private Boolean existsDongle; private Int16 offset = -20; private Int16 zonesIndex = 315; private Int16 reportsIndex = 316; private Int16 telemetryIndex = 317; private Int16 voiceIndex = 318; private Int16 emailGatewayIndex = 319; private Int16 unitCountIndex = 320; private Int16 mapType1Index = 325; private Int16 mapType2Index = 326; private Int16 mapType3Index = 327; private Int16 mapType4Index = 328; private Int16 safeDispatchIndex = 329; private Int16 gatewayIndex = 330; private Int16 gpsIndex = 331; private Int16 smsIndex = 332; private Int16 SDMobileIndex = 333; private Int16 jobTicketingIndex = 334; private Int16 recordingsIndex = 335; private Int16 audibleAlertsIndex = 336; private Int16 dbAccessIndex = 337; private String msgIPs = ""; private Boolean oldDongle = false; public Boolean demoMode = false; private String password = "ab09ads08asd8080fg09a90g08sfd808bfb08hg0j08f80"; private uint firstRunTime = 0; private uint lastRunTime = 0; private uint remainingDemoTime = 0; private uint demoPeriod30DaysInSec = 2592000; private uint demoPeriod14DaysInSec = 1209600; private uint demoDuration = 2 * 2592000; //private String licenseFileName = "E:\\WorkSpace_cSharp\\SafeDispatch_v4\\AppServerService\\bin\\Debug\\NSpeex2.dll"; public Boolean AIRTURKEYLIMIT = false; //=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=--= [DllImport("SDX.dll")] static extern int SDX_Find(); [DllImport("SDX.dll")] static extern int SDX_Open(int mode, Int32 uid, ref Int32 hid); [DllImport("SDX.dll")] static extern void SDX_Close(int handle); [DllImport("SDX.dll")] static extern int SDX_Read(int handle, int block_index, byte[] buffer512); [DllImport("SDX.dll")] static extern int SDX_Write(int handle, int block_index, String buffer512); //public RegLib(String pathToRegFile, bool aaaa) //{ // if (!pathToRegFile.EndsWith("\\")) // pathToRegFile += "\\"; // licenseFileName = pathToRegFile + licenseFileName; //} public RegLib() { String msg; String safemobilePath = Utils.GetRegValue("Path", "SafeMobile"); String licenseFileName = safemobilePath + "\\AppServer\\NSpeex2.dll"; if (findDongle()) { applyOffset(); openDongle(); msg = readDataFromDongle(0); msgIPs = readDataFromDongle(1); existsDongle = true; //checks that a valid message is written on the dongle int index = msg.IndexOf("SafeMobi"); if (index > 0) { String data = msg.Substring(0, index); decodedMessage = DecryptString(data, parola); validDongle = true; remainingDemoTime = 2*2592001; } else { decodedMessage = ""; validDongle = false; } } else { existsDongle = false; String data = ""; try { data = File.ReadAllText(licenseFileName); String decryptedData = DecryptString(data, password); demoMode = true; if (decryptedData.Substring(199, 10).Equals("1111111111")) { Console.WriteLine("Demo invalidated"); remainingDemoTime = 1; validDongle = false; } else { if (decryptedData.Substring(89, 10).Equals("0000000000")) { uint firstRunTime = DateTo70Format(DateTime.Now); String firstPart = decryptedData.Substring(0, 89); String middlePart = decryptedData.Substring(99, 100); String lastPart = decryptedData.Substring(209); String newData = firstPart + firstRunTime.ToString() + middlePart + firstRunTime.ToString() + lastPart; String encryptedData = EncryptString(newData, password); File.WriteAllText(licenseFileName, encryptedData); remainingDemoTime = demoDuration; } else { firstRunTime = (uint)Int32.Parse(decryptedData.Substring(89, 10)); lastRunTime = (uint)Int32.Parse(decryptedData.Substring(199, 10)); uint currentRunTime = DateTo70Format(DateTime.Now); if (currentRunTime > firstRunTime + demoDuration) { Console.WriteLine("Demo expired"); remainingDemoTime = 0; validDongle = false; } else { String firstPart = decryptedData.Substring(0, 199); String lastPart = decryptedData.Substring(209); String newData = ""; if (currentRunTime < lastRunTime)//detected user attempt to cheat, invalidating license for good { remainingDemoTime = 1; Console.WriteLine("Detected rollback of system time, disabling demo."); newData = firstPart + "1111111111" + lastPart; } else { remainingDemoTime = firstRunTime + demoDuration - currentRunTime; newData = firstPart + currentRunTime.ToString() + lastPart; } String encryptedData = EncryptString(newData, "ab09ads08asd8080fg09a90g08sfd808bfb08hg0j08f80"); File.WriteAllText(licenseFileName, encryptedData); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid dongle AND invalid license file. Exception: " + ex.ToString()); validDongle = false; return; } } } public RegLib(String dataToWrite) { applyOffset(); if (findDongle()) { openDongle(); writeToDongle(dataToWrite, 0); existsDongle = true; int index = dataToWrite.IndexOf("SafeMobi"); if (index > 0) { String data = dataToWrite.Substring(0, index); decodedMessage = DecryptString(data, parola); validDongle = true; } else { decodedMessage = ""; validDongle = false; } } } /// /// Returns the remaining demo time, in seconds /// /// public uint remainingTime() { return remainingDemoTime; } private uint DateTo70Format(DateTime param) { long nOfSeconds; System.DateTime dt70 = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc); TimeSpan span = param - dt70; nOfSeconds = (long)span.TotalSeconds; return ((uint)nOfSeconds); } private void applyOffset() { zonesIndex = (Int16)(zonesIndex + offset); reportsIndex = (Int16)(reportsIndex + offset); telemetryIndex = (Int16)(telemetryIndex + offset); voiceIndex = (Int16)(voiceIndex + offset); emailGatewayIndex = (Int16)(emailGatewayIndex + offset); unitCountIndex = (Int16)(unitCountIndex + offset); mapType1Index = (Int16)(mapType1Index + offset); mapType2Index = (Int16)(mapType2Index + offset); mapType3Index = (Int16)(mapType3Index + offset); mapType4Index = (Int16)(mapType4Index + offset); safeDispatchIndex = (Int16)(safeDispatchIndex + offset); gatewayIndex = (Int16)(gatewayIndex + offset); gpsIndex = (Int16)(gpsIndex + offset); smsIndex = (Int16)(smsIndex + offset); jobTicketingIndex = (Int16)(jobTicketingIndex + offset); recordingsIndex = (Int16)(recordingsIndex + offset); SDMobileIndex = (Int16)(SDMobileIndex + offset); audibleAlertsIndex = (Int16)(audibleAlertsIndex + offset); dbAccessIndex = (Int16)(dbAccessIndex + offset); } private String getDecodedMessage() { return decodedMessage; } public Boolean findDongle() { #if jurgen return true; #else int ret = SDX_Find(); if (ret >= 1) return true; return false; #endif } private Boolean openDongle() { #if jurgen return true; #else int ret = SDX_Open(1, uid, ref hid); if (ret < 0) return false; handle = ret; return true; #endif } private String readDataFromDongle(int blockNumber) { Byte[] retbuff = new byte[512]; int ret = SDX_Read(handle, blockNumber, retbuff); if (ret < 0) return ""; String sReturn = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(retbuff); return sReturn; } public Int32 writeToDongle(String dataToWrite, Int32 blockIndex) { int ret = SDX_Write(handle, blockIndex, dataToWrite); if (ret < 0) return -1; return 0; } private String DecryptString(string Message, string Passphrase) { byte[] Results; System.Text.UTF8Encoding UTF8 = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding(); MD5CryptoServiceProvider HashProvider = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider(); byte[] TDESKey = HashProvider.ComputeHash(UTF8.GetBytes(Passphrase)); TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider TDESAlgorithm = new TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider(); TDESAlgorithm.Key = TDESKey; TDESAlgorithm.Mode = CipherMode.ECB; TDESAlgorithm.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7; byte[] DataToDecrypt = Convert.FromBase64String(Message); try { ICryptoTransform Decryptor = TDESAlgorithm.CreateDecryptor(); Results = Decryptor.TransformFinalBlock(DataToDecrypt, 0, DataToDecrypt.Length); } finally { TDESAlgorithm.Clear(); HashProvider.Clear(); } return UTF8.GetString(Results); } public static string EncryptString(string Message, string Passphrase) { byte[] results; System.Text.UTF8Encoding UTF8 = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding(); MD5CryptoServiceProvider HashProvider = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider(); byte[] TDESKey = HashProvider.ComputeHash(UTF8.GetBytes(Passphrase)); TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider TDESAlgorithm = new TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider(); TDESAlgorithm.Key = TDESKey; TDESAlgorithm.Mode = CipherMode.ECB; TDESAlgorithm.Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7; byte[] DataToEncrypt = UTF8.GetBytes(Message); try { ICryptoTransform Encryptor = TDESAlgorithm.CreateEncryptor(); results = Encryptor.TransformFinalBlock(DataToEncrypt, 0, DataToEncrypt.Length); } finally { TDESAlgorithm.Clear(); HashProvider.Clear(); } return (Convert.ToBase64String(results)); } /// /// Checks for existence of dongle. /// /// true if dongle exists and false otherwise public Boolean dongleDetected() { #if jurgen return true; #else if (existsDongle) return true; return false; #endif } /// /// Checks for validity of data on dongle /// /// true if valid dongle (i.e. data) and false otherwies public Boolean validData() { #if jurgen return true; #else if (validDongle) return true; return false; #endif } /// /// Get the customer ID from the dongle /// /// A string with the customer ID or null if incorrect data on dongle public String customerID() { if (validDongle) { Int32 length = Convert.ToInt32(decodedMessage.Substring(10, 3)); return decodedMessage.Substring(13, length); } return null; } /// /// Get the customer name from the dongle /// /// A string with the customer name or null if incorrect data on dongle public String customerName() { if (validDongle) { Int32 length = Convert.ToInt32(decodedMessage.Substring(35, 3)); return decodedMessage.Substring(38, length); } return null; } /// /// Get the customer address from the dongle /// /// A string with the customer address or null if incorrect data on dongle public String customerAddress() { if (validDongle) { Int32 length = Convert.ToInt32(decodedMessage.Substring(85, 3)); return decodedMessage.Substring(88, length); } return null; } /// /// Get the customer contact person from the dongle /// /// A string with the customer contact person name or null if incorrect data on dongle public String customerContactPerson() { if (validDongle) { Int32 length = Convert.ToInt32(decodedMessage.Substring(195, 3)); return decodedMessage.Substring(198, length); } return null; } /// /// Get the zones count from the dongle /// /// number of registered zones from the dongle, and 0 if dongle not valid public int zonesCount() { #if jurgen return 2; #else if (demoMode) return 1; if (validDongle) return ((int)decodedMessage[zonesIndex]); return 0; #endif } /// /// Get the gps count from the dongle /// /// number of gps licenses from the dongle, and 0 if dongle not valid public int gpsCount() { #if jurgen return 2; #else if (demoMode) return 1; if (validDongle) return ((int)decodedMessage[gpsIndex]); return 0; #endif } /// /// Get the sms count from the dongle /// /// number of sms licenses from the dongle, and 0 if dongle not valid public int smsCount() { #if jurgen return 2; #else if (demoMode) return 1; if (validDongle) return ((int)decodedMessage[smsIndex]); return 0; #endif } /// /// Get the job ticketing count from the dongle /// /// number of job ticketing licenses from the dongle, and 0 if dongle not valid public int jobTicketingCount() { #if jurgen return 2; #else if (demoMode) return 1; if (validDongle) return ((int)decodedMessage[jobTicketingIndex]); return 0; #endif } /// /// Get the recordings count from the dongle /// /// number of recordings licenses from the dongle, and 0 if dongle not valid public int recordingsCount() { #if jurgen return 2; #else if (demoMode) return 1; if (validDongle) return ((int)decodedMessage[recordingsIndex]); return 0; #endif } /// /// Get the voip count from the dongle /// /// number of voip licences from the dongle, and 0 if dongle not valid public int voiceCount() { if (demoMode) return 1; if (validDongle) return ((int)decodedMessage[voiceIndex]); return 0; } /// /// Get the Audible Alerts count from the dongle /// /// 1 if user has audible alerts or 0 if user doesn't have audible alerts public int audibleAlertsCount() { if (demoMode) return 1; if (validDongle) return ((int)decodedMessage[audibleAlertsIndex]); return 0; } /// /// Get the DB Access count from the dongle /// /// number of voip licences from the dongle, and 0 if dongle not valid public int dbAccessCount() { if (demoMode) return 1; if (validDongle) return ((int)decodedMessage[dbAccessIndex]); return 0; } /// /// Get the email gateway count status from the dongle /// /// number of email licences from the dongle, and 0 if dongle not valid public int emailGatewayCount() { #if jurgen return 2; #else if (demoMode) return 1; if (validDongle) return ((int)decodedMessage[emailGatewayIndex]); return 0; #endif } /// /// Get the number of units from the dongle /// /// The number of units from the dongle data, or 0 if no dongle is detected public int getNumberOfUnits() { #if jurgen return 45; #else if (demoMode) return 12; //10 if (oldDongle) return 12; //10 int numberOfUnits = 0; if (validDongle) { String numbersString = decodedMessage.Substring(unitCountIndex, 5); numberOfUnits = Convert.ToInt32(numbersString); if (numberOfUnits == 12345) { AIRTURKEYLIMIT = true; return 150; } else return numberOfUnits; } return 0; #endif } /// /// Get the reports count from the dongle /// /// number of reports licences from the dongle, and 0 if dongle not valid public int reportsCount() { #if jurgen return 2; #else if (demoMode) return 1; if (validDongle) return ((int)decodedMessage[reportsIndex]); return 0; #endif } /// /// Get the telemetry count from the dongle /// /// number of telemetry licences from the dongle, and 0 if dongle not valid public int telemetryCount() { #if jurgen return 2; #else if (demoMode) return 1; if (validDongle) return ((int)decodedMessage[telemetryIndex]); return 0; #endif } /// /// Get the map type 1 count (initially Google only) from the dongle /// /// number of map type 1 licences from the dongle, and 0 if dongle not valid public int mapType1Count() { #if jurgen return 2; #else if (demoMode) return 1; if (validDongle) return ((int)decodedMessage[mapType1Index]); return 0; #endif } /// /// Get the map type 2 count from the dongle /// /// number of map type 2 licences from the dongle, and 0 if dongle not valid public int mapType2Count() { #if jurgen return 2; #else if (demoMode) return 1; if (validDongle) return ((int)decodedMessage[mapType2Index]); return 0; #endif } /// /// Get the map type 3 count from the dongle /// /// number of map type 3 licences from the dongle, and 0 if dongle not valid public int mapType3Count() { #if jurgen return 2; #else if (demoMode) return 1; if (validDongle) return ((int)decodedMessage[mapType3Index]); return 0; #endif } /// /// Get the map type 4 count from the dongle /// /// number of map type 4 licences from the dongle, and 0 if dongle not valid public int mapType4Count() { #if jurgen return 2; #else if (demoMode) return 1; if (validDongle) return ((int)decodedMessage[mapType4Index]); return 0; #endif } /// /// Get the SafeDispatch activation count from the dongle /// /// number of SafeDispatch licences from the dongle, and 0 if dongle not valid public int safeDispatchCount() { #if jurgen return 2; #else if (demoMode) return 1; if (validDongle) return ((int)decodedMessage[safeDispatchIndex]); return 0; #endif } /// /// Get the gateway activation status from the dongle /// /// true if gateway is enabled and false if gateway not enabled or incorrect data on dongle public Boolean enabledGateway() { #if jurgen return true; #else if (demoMode) return true; if (validDongle) return (decodedMessage[342].CompareTo('y') == 0); return false; #endif } /// /// Get the gateway activation count from the dongle /// /// number of gateway licences from the dongle, and 0 if dongle not valid public int gatewayCount() { #if jurgen return 2; #else if (demoMode) return 1; /*if (enabledGateway()) { oldDongle = true; return 1; } oldDongle = false;*/ if (validDongle) return ((int)decodedMessage[gatewayIndex]); return 0; #endif } /// /// Get the SDMobile activation count from the dongle /// /// number of SDMobile licences from the dongle, and 0 if dongle not valid public int SDMobileCount() { #if jurgen return 2; #else if (demoMode) return 1; /*if (enabledGateway()) { oldDongle = true; return 1; } oldDongle = false;*/ if (validDongle) return ((int)decodedMessage[SDMobileIndex]); return 0; #endif } /// /// Detects if the HID in the dongle data corresponds with the HID of the dongle itself /// /// true if HID checks out and false if HID is different or incorrect data on dongle public Boolean isCorrectHID() { #if jurgen return true; #else if (demoMode) return true; if (validDongle) { Int32 length = Convert.ToInt32(decodedMessage.Substring(320, 3)); String HID_READ = decodedMessage.Substring(323, length); return (HID_READ.CompareTo(hid.ToString()) == 0); } return false; #endif } } }