using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Collections; namespace SafeMobileLib.MessageDecoders { public class LocationDecoder { public htCell_t cell; public byte result; private string radioID; public string RadioID { get { return radioID; } set { radioID = value; } } private bool DisplayConsole = true; public LocationDecoder(string radioID, byte[] data, bool displayConsole, bool testmode = false) { this.DisplayConsole = displayConsole; this.radioID = radioID; try { if (!testmode) cell = DecodePacket(data); else cell = DecodePacket_Connect_plus(data); if ( == 0) //invalid position = null; } catch (Exception e) { = null; Console.WriteLine("Error decoding data: " + Byte2String(data)); Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } } public LocationDecoder(string radioID, String[] data) { this.radioID = radioID; try { cell = DecodePacket(data); if ( == 0) //invalid position = null; } catch (Exception e) { = null; Console.WriteLine("Error decoding data: " + data); Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } } public LocationDecoder(string radioID, byte[] data, bool testmode=false) { this.radioID = radioID; try { if (!testmode) cell = DecodePacket(data); else cell = DecodePacket_Connect_plus(data); if ( == 0) //invalid position = null; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Error decoding data: " + Byte2String(data)); Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } } public LocationDecoder(byte[] data) { try { cell = DecodePacket_Connect_plus(data); if ( == 0) //invalid position = null; } catch (Exception e) { = null; Console.WriteLine("Error decoding data: " + Byte2String(data)); Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } } public htCell_t DecodePacket(String[] dataString) { htCell_t retCell = new htCell_t(); try { = ""; retCell.lng = ""; retCell.alt = "0"; retCell.di = "0"; retCell.seq_ID = ""; retCell.seqID = 0; retCell.isCSBK = false; retCell.alt = "0"; retCell.altitude = 0; retCell.heading = ""; retCell.location_time = DateTime.MinValue; retCell.activity_time = DateTime.MinValue; System.DateTime dateTime = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc); dateTime = dateTime.AddSeconds(long.Parse(dataString[0])); retCell.location_time = dateTime; retCell.spd = dataString[1]; = dataString[2]; retCell.lng = dataString[3]; try { if (dataString.Length > 4) { int alt = 0; bool result = Int32.TryParse(dataString[4], out alt); if (result) retCell.alt = dataString[4]; else retCell.heading = dataString[4]; } } catch (Exception ex) { SM.Debug("Error convert altitude:" + ex.ToString()); } try { if (dataString.Length > 5) retCell.logId = dataString[5]; } catch (Exception ex) { SM.Debug("Error convert log id:" + ex.ToString()); } } catch (Exception ex) { SM.Debug("Error on decode packet"+ex.ToString()); } return retCell; } public htCell_t DecodePacket(Byte[] data) { int i = 0, pdata; htCell_t cell = new htCell_t(); = ""; cell.lng = ""; cell.di = "0"; cell.seq_ID = ""; cell.seqID = 0; cell.alt = "0"; cell.altitude = 0; cell.heading = ""; cell.location_time = DateTime.MinValue; cell.activity_time = DateTime.MinValue; cell.triggered = false; cell.level_confidence = 0; cell.isCSBK = false; cell.spd = "0"; result = (byte)Result_Codes_ENUM.SUCCESS; byte bb = (byte)Document_Identifiers_ENUM.Immediate_Location_Request_NoCDT; byte d0 = data[0]; switch (data[0]) { // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- case (byte)Document_Identifiers_ENUM.Triggered_Location_Stop_Answer_NoCDT: case (byte)Document_Identifiers_ENUM.Triggered_Location_Answer_NoCDT: if (data[0] == (byte)Document_Identifiers_ENUM.Triggered_Location_Stop_Answer_NoCDT) { if(DisplayConsole) Console.WriteLine(Document_Identifiers_ENUM.Triggered_Location_Stop_Answer_NoCDT); } else { if (DisplayConsole) Console.WriteLine(Document_Identifiers_ENUM.Triggered_Location_Answer_NoCDT); } pdata = (int)data[1]; for (i = 2; i < data[1] + 2; i++) { switch (data[i]) { case (byte)Common_Element_Tokens_ENUM.request_id: { int length = (int)data[i + 1]; // CSBK Location has a request ID of 3 Bytes if (length == 3) cell.isCSBK = true; cell.seq_ID = Byte2String(data, i + 2, length) + ""; cell.seqID = Byte2Int64(data, i + 2, length); i = i + 1 + length; break; } case (byte)Report_Messages_Tokens_ENUM.result: case (byte)Report_Messages_Tokens_ENUM.result2: if (data[i + 1] != 0) { result = data[i + 1]; } i = data[1] + 1; // exit break; case (byte)Report_Messages_Tokens_ENUM.result1: break; } } break; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- case (byte)Document_Identifiers_ENUM.Triggered_Location_Report_NoCDT: case (byte)Document_Identifiers_ENUM.Immediate_Location_Report_NoCDT: { if (data[0] == (byte)Document_Identifiers_ENUM.Triggered_Location_Report_NoCDT) { cell.triggered = true; } pdata = (int)data[1]; Boolean parsingError = false; DateTime gps_time = DateTime.MinValue; for (i = 2; i < data[1] + 2; i++) { // stop parsing if out of bound if (i >= data.Length) break; switch (data[i]) { case (byte)Report_Messages_Tokens_ENUM.point_2d: = ProcessLat(data, i + 1, 4).ToString(); cell.lng = ProcessLng(data, i + 1 + 4, 4).ToString(); if (gps_time == DateTime.MinValue) cell.location_time = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime(); if (DisplayConsole) { Utils.WriteLine("Point_2d: " + data[i].ToString("X")); Utils.WriteLine("Lat: " + Byte2String(data, i + 1, 4) + " =" +; Utils.WriteLine("Lng: " + Byte2String(data, i + 1 + 4, 4) + " =" + cell.lng); } i += 8; break; case (byte)Report_Messages_Tokens_ENUM.circle_2d: = ProcessLat(data, i + 1, 4).ToString(); cell.lng = ProcessLng(data, i + 1 + 4, 4).ToString(); if (gps_time == DateTime.MinValue) cell.location_time = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime(); cell.radius = ProcessUFloat2B(data, i + 1 + 8); if (DisplayConsole) { Utils.WriteLine("Circle_2d: " + data[i].ToString("X")); Utils.WriteLine("Lat: " + Byte2String(data, i + 1, 4) + " =" +; Utils.WriteLine("Lng: " + Byte2String(data, i + 1 + 4, 4) + " =" + cell.lng); Utils.WriteLine("Rad: " + Byte2String(data, i + 1 + 8, 2) + " =" + cell.radius); } i += 10; break; case (byte)Report_Messages_Tokens_ENUM.point_3d: case (byte)Report_Messages_Tokens_ENUM.point_3d1: { byte opCode = data[i]; = ProcessLat(data, i + 1, 4).ToString(); cell.lng = ProcessLng(data, i + 1 + 4, 4).ToString(); if (gps_time == DateTime.MinValue) cell.location_time = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime(); cell.altitude = (int)ProcessUFloat2B(data, i + 1 + 8); if (opCode == (byte)Report_Messages_Tokens_ENUM.point_3d1) { cell.altitude_accuracy = (int)ProcessUFloat2B(data, i + 1 + 10); i += 12; } else i += 10; if (DisplayConsole) { Utils.WriteLine("Point_2d: " + data[i].ToString("X")); Utils.WriteLine("Lat: " + Byte2String(data, i + 1, 4) + " =" +; Utils.WriteLine("Lng: " + Byte2String(data, i + 1 + 4, 4) + " =" + cell.lng); Utils.WriteLine("Alt: " + Byte2String(data, i + 1 + 8, 2) + " =" + cell.altitude); Utils.WriteLine("Ala: " + Byte2String(data, i + 1 + 10, 2) + " =" + cell.altitude_accuracy); } break; } case (byte)Report_Messages_Tokens_ENUM.circle_3d: case (byte)Report_Messages_Tokens_ENUM.circle_3d1: { byte opCode = data[i]; = ProcessLat(data, i + 1, 4).ToString(); cell.lng = ProcessLng(data, i + 1 + 4, 4).ToString(); if (gps_time == DateTime.MinValue) cell.location_time = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime(); if (data.Length > i + 1 + 8) { cell.radius = ProcessUFloat2B(data, i + 1 + 8); cell.altitude = (int)ProcessUFloat2B(data, i + 1 + 10); if (opCode == (byte)Report_Messages_Tokens_ENUM.circle_3d1) { cell.altitude_accuracy = (int)ProcessUFloat2B(data, i + 1 + 12); i += 14; } else i += 12; } else i += 6; if (DisplayConsole) { Utils.WriteLine("Circle_3d: " + data[i].ToString("X")); Utils.WriteLine("Lat: " + Byte2String(data, i + 1, 4) + " =" +; Utils.WriteLine("Lng: " + Byte2String(data, i + 1 + 4, 4) + " =" + cell.lng); Utils.WriteLine("Rad: " + Byte2String(data, i + 1 + 8, 2) + " =" + cell.radius); Utils.WriteLine("Alt: " + Byte2String(data, i + 1 + 10, 2) + " =" + cell.altitude); Utils.WriteLine("Ala: " + Byte2String(data, i + 1 + 12, 2) + " =" + cell.altitude_accuracy); } break; } case (byte)Report_Messages_Tokens_ENUM.speed_vrt: //!! not tested i += 2; break; case (byte)Report_Messages_Tokens_ENUM.speed_hor: cell.spd = Math.Round((ProcessUFloat2B(data, i + 1) * 3.6)).ToString(); if (DisplayConsole) Utils.WriteLine(Report_Messages_Tokens_ENUM.speed_hor + ": " + Byte2String(data, i + 1, 2) + " =" + cell.spd); i += 2; break; case (byte)Report_Messages_Tokens_ENUM.lev_conf: //!! not tested cell.level_confidence = (int)data[i + 1]; if (DisplayConsole) Utils.WriteLine(Report_Messages_Tokens_ENUM.lev_conf + ": " + Byte2String(data, i + 1, 1) + " =" + cell.level_confidence) ; i += 1; break; case (byte)Common_Element_Tokens_ENUM.request_id: { int length = (int)data[i + 1]; // CSBK Location has a request ID of 3 Bytes if (length == 3) cell.isCSBK = true; cell.seq_ID = Byte2String(data, i + 2, length) + ""; cell.seqID = Byte2Int64(data, i + 2, length); if (DisplayConsole) Utils.WriteLine(Common_Element_Tokens_ENUM.request_id + ": " + cell.seq_ID); i = i + 1 + length; break; } case (byte)Report_Messages_Tokens_ENUM.info_time: case (byte)Report_Messages_Tokens_ENUM.info_time1: gps_time = ProcessTime(data, i + 1, 5); Console.WriteLine(Report_Messages_Tokens_ENUM.info_time + ": " + Byte2String(data, i + 1, 5) + " =" + gps_time); i += 5; break; // RESULTS case (byte)Report_Messages_Tokens_ENUM.result: case (byte)Report_Messages_Tokens_ENUM.result2: if (data[i + 1] != 0) { result = data[i + 1]; if (data[i + 1] == (byte)Result_Codes_ENUM.QUERY_INFO_NOT_ATTAINABLE || data[i + 1] == (byte)Result_Codes_ENUM.QUERY_INFO_NOT_CURRENTLY_ATTAINABLE) { = "0"; cell.lng = "0"; cell.spd = "0"; gps_time = DateTime.UtcNow; if (DisplayConsole) Utils.WriteLine("QUERY_INFO_NOT_ATTAINABLE"); } else { parsingError = true; if (DisplayConsole) Utils.WriteLine("Error = " + ProcessError(data[i + 1])); } } i = data[1] + 1; // exit break; case (byte)Report_Messages_Tokens_ENUM.result1: result = data[i + 1]; break; case (byte)Report_Messages_Tokens_ENUM.direction_hor: i += 1; break; default: Console.WriteLine("Unknown: 0x" + data[i].ToString("X")); break; } } if (!parsingError) { cell.location_time = gps_time; } } break; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- default: Console.WriteLine("UNDEFINED 0x" + data[0].ToString("X")); break; } return cell; } public htCell_t DecodePacket_Connect_plus(Byte[] data) { int i = 0, pdata; htCell_t cell = new htCell_t(); = ""; cell.lng = ""; cell.di = "0"; cell.heading = ""; cell.isCSBK = false; cell.location_time = DateTime.MinValue; cell.activity_time = DateTime.MinValue; switch (data[0]) { // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- case (byte)Document_Identifiers_ENUM.Triggered_Location_Stop_Answer_NoCDT: case (byte)Document_Identifiers_ENUM.Triggered_Location_Answer_NoCDT: if (data[0] == (byte)Document_Identifiers_ENUM.Triggered_Location_Stop_Answer_NoCDT) { if (DisplayConsole) Console.WriteLine(Document_Identifiers_ENUM.Triggered_Location_Stop_Answer_NoCDT); } else { if (DisplayConsole) Console.WriteLine(Document_Identifiers_ENUM.Triggered_Location_Answer_NoCDT); } pdata = (int)data[1]; for (i = 2; i < data[1] + 2; i++) { switch (data[i]) { case (byte)Common_Element_Tokens_ENUM.request_id: { int length = (int)data[i + 1]; // CSBK Location has a request ID of 3 Bytes if (length == 3) cell.isCSBK = true; cell.seq_ID = Byte2String(data, i + 2, length) + ""; i = i + 1 + length; break; } case (byte)Report_Messages_Tokens_ENUM.result: case (byte)Report_Messages_Tokens_ENUM.result2: if (DisplayConsole) Utils.WriteLine("Result: " + Byte2String(data, i + 1, 1)); if (data[i + 1] != 0) { if (DisplayConsole) Utils.WriteLine("Error = " + ProcessError(data[i + 1])); } i = data[1] + 1; // exit break; case (byte)Report_Messages_Tokens_ENUM.result1: if (DisplayConsole) Utils.WriteLine("Result: OK"); break; case (byte)Report_Messages_Tokens_ENUM.SU_IPv4: radioID = ProcessSU_ID(data, i + 1).ToString(); i += 4; break; } } break; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- case (byte)Document_Identifiers_ENUM.Triggered_Location_Report_NoCDT: case (byte)Document_Identifiers_ENUM.Immediate_Location_Report_NoCDT: { if (data[0] == (byte)Document_Identifiers_ENUM.Triggered_Location_Report_NoCDT) { cell.triggered = true; Console.WriteLine(Document_Identifiers_ENUM.Triggered_Location_Report_NoCDT); } else Console.WriteLine(Document_Identifiers_ENUM.Immediate_Location_Report_NoCDT); pdata = (int)data[1]; Boolean parsingError = false; DateTime gps_time = DateTime.MinValue; for (i = 2; i < data[1] + 2; i++) { switch (data[i]) { case (byte)Report_Messages_Tokens_ENUM.point_2d: = ProcessLat(data, i + 1, 4).ToString(); cell.lng = ProcessLng(data, i + 1 + 4, 4).ToString(); if (gps_time == DateTime.MinValue) cell.location_time = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime(); if (DisplayConsole) { Utils.WriteLine("Point_2d: " + data[i].ToString("X")); Utils.WriteLine("Lat: " + Byte2String(data, i + 1, 4) + " =" +; Utils.WriteLine("Lng: " + Byte2String(data, i + 1 + 4, 4) + " =" + cell.lng); } i += 8; break; case (byte)Report_Messages_Tokens_ENUM.circle_2d: = ProcessLat(data, i + 1, 4).ToString(); cell.lng = ProcessLng(data, i + 1 + 4, 4).ToString(); if (gps_time == DateTime.MinValue) cell.location_time = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime(); cell.radius = ProcessUFloat2B(data, i + 1 + 8); if (DisplayConsole) { Utils.WriteLine("Circle_2d: " + data[i].ToString("X")); Utils.WriteLine("Lat: " + Byte2String(data, i + 1, 4) + " =" +; Utils.WriteLine("Lng: " + Byte2String(data, i + 1 + 4, 4) + " =" + cell.lng); Utils.WriteLine("Rad: " + Byte2String(data, i + 1 + 8, 2) + " =" + cell.radius); } i += 10; break; case (byte)Report_Messages_Tokens_ENUM.point_3d: case (byte)Report_Messages_Tokens_ENUM.point_3d1: { byte opCode = data[i]; = ProcessLat(data, i + 1, 4).ToString(); cell.lng = ProcessLng(data, i + 1 + 4, 4).ToString(); if (gps_time == DateTime.MinValue) cell.location_time = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime(); cell.altitude = (int)ProcessUFloat2B(data, i + 1 + 8); if (opCode == (byte)Report_Messages_Tokens_ENUM.point_3d1) { cell.altitude_accuracy = (int)ProcessUFloat2B(data, i + 1 + 10); i += 12; } else i += 10; if (DisplayConsole) { Utils.WriteLine("Point_2d: " + data[i].ToString("X")); Utils.WriteLine("Lat: " + Byte2String(data, i + 1, 4) + " =" +; Utils.WriteLine("Lng: " + Byte2String(data, i + 1 + 4, 4) + " =" + cell.lng); } break; } case (byte)Report_Messages_Tokens_ENUM.circle_3d: case (byte)Report_Messages_Tokens_ENUM.circle_3d1: { byte opCode = data[i]; = ProcessLat(data, i + 1, 4).ToString(); cell.lng = ProcessLng(data, i + 1 + 4, 4).ToString(); if (gps_time == DateTime.MinValue) cell.location_time = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime(); cell.radius = ProcessUFloat2B(data, i + 1 + 8); cell.altitude = (int)ProcessUFloat2B(data, i + 1 + 10); if (opCode == (byte)Report_Messages_Tokens_ENUM.circle_3d1) { cell.altitude_accuracy = (int)ProcessUFloat2B(data, i + 1 + 12); i += 14; } else i += 12; if (DisplayConsole) { Utils.WriteLine("Circle_3d: " + data[i].ToString("X")); Utils.WriteLine("Lat: " + Byte2String(data, i + 1, 4) + " =" +; Utils.WriteLine("Lng: " + Byte2String(data, i + 1 + 4, 4) + " =" + cell.lng); Utils.WriteLine("Rad: " + Byte2String(data, i + 1 + 8, 2) + " =" + cell.radius); Utils.WriteLine("Alt: " + Byte2String(data, i + 1 + 10, 2)); Utils.WriteLine("Ala: " + Byte2String(data, i + 1 + 12, 2)); } break; } case (byte)Report_Messages_Tokens_ENUM.speed_vrt: //!! not tested if (DisplayConsole) Utils.WriteLine(Report_Messages_Tokens_ENUM.speed_vrt + ": " + Byte2String(data, i + 1, 2)); i += 2; break; case (byte)Report_Messages_Tokens_ENUM.speed_hor: cell.spd = Math.Round((ProcessUFloat2B(data, i + 1) * 3.6)).ToString(); if (DisplayConsole) Utils.WriteLine(Report_Messages_Tokens_ENUM.speed_hor + ": " + Byte2String(data, i + 1, 2) + " =" + cell.spd); i += 2; break; case (byte)Common_Element_Tokens_ENUM.request_id: { int length = (int)data[i + 1]; // CSBK Location has a request ID of 3 Bytes if (length == 3) cell.isCSBK = true; cell.seq_ID = Byte2String(data, i + 2, length) + ""; i = i + 1 + length; break; } case (byte)Report_Messages_Tokens_ENUM.info_time: case (byte)Report_Messages_Tokens_ENUM.info_time1: gps_time = ProcessTime(data, i + 1, 5); if (DisplayConsole) Utils.WriteLine(Report_Messages_Tokens_ENUM.info_time + ": " + Byte2String(data, i + 1, 5) + " =" + gps_time); i += 5; break; // RESULTS case (byte)Report_Messages_Tokens_ENUM.result: case (byte)Report_Messages_Tokens_ENUM.result2: if (data[i + 1] != 0) { result = data[i + 1]; if (data[i + 1] == (byte)Result_Codes_ENUM.QUERY_INFO_NOT_ATTAINABLE || data[i + 1] == (byte)Result_Codes_ENUM.QUERY_INFO_NOT_CURRENTLY_ATTAINABLE) { = "0"; cell.lng = "0"; cell.spd = "0"; gps_time = DateTime.UtcNow; if (DisplayConsole) Utils.WriteLine("QUERY_INFO_NOT_ATTAINABLE"); } else { parsingError = true; if (DisplayConsole) Utils.WriteLine("Error = " + ProcessError(data[i + 1])); } } i = data[1] + 1; // exit break; case (byte)Report_Messages_Tokens_ENUM.result1: break; case (byte)Report_Messages_Tokens_ENUM.SU_IPv4: radioID = ProcessSU_ID(data, i + 1).ToString(); i += 4; break; default: break; } } if (!parsingError) { cell.location_time = gps_time; } } break; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- default: Console.WriteLine("UNDEFINED 0x" + data[0].ToString("X")); break; } return cell; } public void UpdateDBDirect(DBsubsOperationManager DBsub) { DBsub.insertDIRECTWithAltitude(radioID,, cell.lng, (Int32)DateTo70Format(cell.location_time), cell.spd, cell.di, "", cell.alt, cell.logId); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Aux functions // ------------------------------------------------------------------- uint DateTo70Format(DateTime param) { long nOfSeconds; System.DateTime dt70 = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc); TimeSpan span = param - dt70; nOfSeconds = (long)span.TotalSeconds; return ((uint)nOfSeconds); } public string Byte2String(byte[] data) { string sdata = ""; int i; try { for (i = 0; i < data.Length; i++) { int ii; ii = (int)data[i]; sdata += "0x" + ii.ToString("X") + " "; } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Error converting to string!\n"+e.ToString()); } return sdata; } public string Byte2String(byte[] data, int startIndex, int len) { string sdata = ""; int i; if (startIndex > data.Length) return ""; for (i = startIndex; i < startIndex + len && i < data.Length; i++) { int ii; ii = (int)data[i]; sdata += "0x" + ii.ToString("X") + " "; } return sdata; } /* convert a byte array to the corresponding Int64*/ public Int64 Byte2Int64(byte[] data, int startIndex, int len) { Int64 val = 0; int i, j = len; if (startIndex > data.Length) return -1; for (i = startIndex; i < startIndex + len && i < data.Length; i++) { Int64 ii; ii = (Int64)data[i]; val = val + ii * (Int64)(Math.Pow(256, --j)); } return val; } private string ProcessError(Byte err) { switch (err) { case (byte)Result_Codes_ENUM.SUCCESS: return "" + Result_Codes_ENUM.SUCCESS; case (byte)Result_Codes_ENUM.UNSUPPORTED_VERSION: return "" + Result_Codes_ENUM.UNSUPPORTED_VERSION; case (byte)Result_Codes_ENUM.SYNTAX_ERROR: return "" + Result_Codes_ENUM.SYNTAX_ERROR; case (byte)Result_Codes_ENUM.PROTOCOL_ELEMENT_NOT_SUPPORTED: return "" + Result_Codes_ENUM.PROTOCOL_ELEMENT_NOT_SUPPORTED; case (byte)Result_Codes_ENUM.PROTOCOL_ELEMENT_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE: return "" + Result_Codes_ENUM.PROTOCOL_ELEMENT_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE; case (byte)Result_Codes_ENUM.QUERY_INFO_NOT_ATTAINABLE: return "" + Result_Codes_ENUM.QUERY_INFO_NOT_ATTAINABLE; case (byte)Result_Codes_ENUM.QUERY_INFO_NOT_CURRENTLY_ATTAINABLE: return "" + Result_Codes_ENUM.QUERY_INFO_NOT_CURRENTLY_ATTAINABLE; case (byte)Result_Codes_ENUM.REPORTING_WILL_STOP: return "" + Result_Codes_ENUM.REPORTING_WILL_STOP; case (byte)Result_Codes_ENUM.NO_SUCH_REQUEST: return "" + Result_Codes_ENUM.NO_SUCH_REQUEST; case (byte)Result_Codes_ENUM.DUPLICATE_REQUEST_ID: return "" + Result_Codes_ENUM.DUPLICATE_REQUEST_ID; } return "Unknown err"; } private double ProcessUFloat2B(Byte[] data, int startIndex) { int aux = data[startIndex]; aux &= 0xff; int int_part = 0; int float_part = 0; int i = 0; // get the int part while ((aux & 0x80) != 0) { int_part |= (aux ^ 0x80); int_part <<= 7; i++; aux = data[startIndex + i]; aux &= 0xff; } int_part |= aux; // ignore the float part i++; aux = data[startIndex + i]; aux &= 0xff; while ((aux & 0x80) != 0) { float_part |= (aux ^ 0x80); float_part <<= 7; i++; aux = data[startIndex + i]; aux &= 0xff; } float_part |= aux; return (double)int_part; } private DateTime ProcessTime(Byte[] data, int startIndex, int len) { // (yyyy*2^26) + (MM*2^22) + (DD*2^17) + (hh*2^12) + (mm*2^6) + ss Byte B1 = data[startIndex]; Byte B2 = data[startIndex + 1]; Byte B3 = data[startIndex + 2]; Byte B4 = data[startIndex + 3]; Byte B5 = data[startIndex + 4]; int hh, mm, ss, YY, MM, DD; ss = B5 & 0x3F; // remove first 2b mm = B4 & 0x0F; mm <<= 2; mm |= ((B5 >> 6) & 0x03); hh = B3 & 0x01; hh <<= 4; hh |= ((B4 & 0xf0) >> 4); DD = B3 & 0x3E; DD >>= 1; MM = B2 & 0x03; MM <<= 2; MM |= ((B3 >> 6) & 0x03); YY = B1; YY <<= 6; YY |= ((B2 >> 2) & 0x3F); return new DateTime(YY, MM, DD, hh, mm, ss, DateTimeKind.Utc); } private double ProcessLat(Byte[] data, int startIndex, int len) { bool sign = false; if ((data[startIndex] & 0x80) != 0) { sign = true; } ulong l = (ulong)data[startIndex]; if (sign) l ^= 0x80; // remove the sign l <<= 8; l |= (ulong)data[startIndex + 1]; l <<= 8; l |= (ulong)data[startIndex + 2]; l <<= 8; l |= (ulong)data[startIndex + 3]; double ld = (double)l; ld *= 90; ld /= 1024; ld /= 1024; ld /= 1024; ld /= 2; if (sign) ld *= -1; return ld; } private double ProcessLng(Byte[] data, int startIndex, int len) { bool sign = false; if ((data[startIndex] & 0x80) != 0) { sign = true; } ulong l = (ulong)data[startIndex]; if (sign) l ^= 0x80; // remove the sign l <<= 8; l |= (ulong)data[startIndex + 1]; l <<= 8; l |= (ulong)data[startIndex + 2]; l <<= 8; l |= (ulong)data[startIndex + 3]; double ld = (double)l; ld *= 360; ld /= 1024; ld /= 1024; ld /= 1024; ld /= 4; if (sign) { ld = 180 - ld; ld *= -1; } return ld; } private int ProcessSU_ID(Byte[] data, int startIndex) { Byte B1 = data[startIndex]; Byte B2 = data[startIndex + 1]; Byte B3 = data[startIndex + 2]; Byte B4 = data[startIndex + 3]; int radioID = B4 + B3 * 256 + B2 * 256 * 256; return radioID; } } }