CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.CreateMissingIndexes() RETURNS void AS $BODY$ BEGIN --================ -- VoiceRecordings --================ if not exists ( SELECT * FROM pg_indexes WHERE tablename = 'VoiceRecordings' and schemaname = 'public' and indexname = 'voicerecordings_time_start_idx' ) then CREATE INDEX voicerecordings_time_start_idx ON public."VoiceRecordings" USING btree (time_start); RAISE NOTICE '%', 'Created index : ''voicerecordings_time_start_idx'' !'; else RAISE NOTICE '%', 'Index ''voicerecordings_time_start_idx'' already exists for table_name = ''VoiceRecordings'' !'; end if; --================ -- car --================ if not exists ( SELECT * FROM pg_indexes WHERE tablename = 'car' and schemaname = 'public' and indexname = 'car_name_idx' ) then CREATE INDEX car_name_idx ON USING btree (name); RAISE NOTICE '%', 'Created index : ''car_name_idx'' !'; else RAISE NOTICE '%', 'Index ''car_name_idx'' already exists for table_name = ''car'' !'; end if; --================ -- geozoneinout --================ if not exists ( SELECT * FROM pg_indexes WHERE tablename = 'geozoneinout' and schemaname = 'public' and indexname = 'geozoneinout_sc_id_timegmt_idx' ) then CREATE INDEX geozoneinout_sc_id_timegmt_idx ON public.geozoneinout USING btree (sc_id, timegmt); RAISE NOTICE '%', 'Created index : ''geozoneinout_sc_id_timegmt_idx'' !'; else RAISE NOTICE '%', 'Index ''geozoneinout_sc_id_timegmt_idx'' already exists for table_name = ''geozoneinout'' !'; end if; --================ -- groups --================ if not exists ( SELECT * FROM pg_indexes WHERE tablename = 'groups' and schemaname = 'public' and indexname = 'groups_name_idx' ) then CREATE INDEX groups_name_idx ON public.groups USING btree (name); RAISE NOTICE '%', 'Created index : ''groups_name_idx'' !'; else RAISE NOTICE '%', 'Index ''groups_name_idx'' already exists for table_name = ''groups'' !'; end if; --================ -- passenger --================ if not exists ( SELECT * FROM pg_indexes WHERE tablename = 'passenger' and schemaname = 'public' and indexname = 'passenger_name_idx' ) then CREATE INDEX passenger_name_idx ON public.passenger USING btree (name); RAISE NOTICE '%', 'Created index : ''passenger_name_idx'' !'; else RAISE NOTICE '%', 'Index ''passenger_name_idx'' already exists for table_name = ''passenger'' !'; end if; --================ -- placetype --================ if not exists ( SELECT * FROM pg_indexes WHERE tablename = 'placetype' and schemaname = 'public' and indexname = 'placetype_type_name_idx' ) then CREATE INDEX placetype_type_name_idx ON public.placetype USING btree (type_name); RAISE NOTICE '%', 'Created index : ''placetype_type_name_idx'' !'; else RAISE NOTICE '%', 'Index ''placetype_type_name_idx'' already exists for table_name = ''placetype'' !'; end if; --================ -- radio_gw --================ if not exists ( SELECT * FROM pg_indexes WHERE tablename = 'radio_gw' and schemaname = 'public' and indexname = 'radio_gw_name_idx' ) then CREATE INDEX radio_gw_name_idx ON public.radio_gw USING btree (name); RAISE NOTICE '%', 'Created index : ''radio_gw_name_idx'' !'; else RAISE NOTICE '%', 'Index ''radio_gw_name_idx'' already exists for table_name = ''radio_gw'' !'; end if; if not exists ( SELECT * FROM pg_indexes WHERE tablename = 'radio_gw' and schemaname = 'public' and indexname = 'radio_gw_type_idx' ) then CREATE INDEX radio_gw_type_idx ON public.radio_gw USING btree (gw_type); RAISE NOTICE '%', 'Created index : ''radio_gw_type_idx'' !'; else RAISE NOTICE '%', 'Index ''radio_gw_type_idx'' already exists for table_name = ''radio_gw'' !'; end if; --================ -- sms --================ if not exists ( SELECT * FROM pg_indexes WHERE tablename = 'sms' and schemaname = 'public' and indexname = 'sms_timegmt_idx' ) then CREATE INDEX sms_timegmt_idx ON public.sms USING btree (timegmt); RAISE NOTICE '%', 'Created index : ''sms_timegmt_idx'' !'; else RAISE NOTICE '%', 'Index ''sms_timegmt_idx'' already exists for table_name = ''sms'' !'; end if; --================ -- subscriber --================ if not exists ( SELECT * FROM pg_indexes WHERE tablename = 'subscriber' and schemaname = 'public' and indexname = 'subscriber_imei_idx' ) then CREATE INDEX subscriber_imei_idx ON public.subscriber USING btree (imei); RAISE NOTICE '%', 'Created index : ''subscriber_imei_idx'' !'; else RAISE NOTICE '%', 'Index ''subscriber_imei_idx'' already exists for table_name = ''subscriber'' !'; end if; --================ -- subscriber_alarm --================ if not exists ( SELECT * FROM pg_indexes WHERE tablename = 'subscriber_alarm' and schemaname = 'public' and indexname = 'subscriber_alarm_sc_id_idx' ) then CREATE INDEX subscriber_alarm_sc_id_idx ON public.subscriber_alarm USING btree (sc_id); RAISE NOTICE '%', 'Created index : ''subscriber_alarm_sc_id_idx'' !'; else RAISE NOTICE '%', 'Index ''subscriber_alarm_sc_id_idx'' already exists for table_name = ''subscriber_alarm'' !'; end if; --================ -- subscriber_stun --================ if not exists ( SELECT * FROM pg_indexes WHERE tablename = 'subscriber_stun' and schemaname = 'public' and indexname = 'subscriber_stun_sc_id_idx' ) then CREATE INDEX subscriber_stun_sc_id_idx ON public.subscriber_stun USING btree (sc_id); RAISE NOTICE '%', 'Created index : ''subscriber_stun_sc_id_idx'' !'; else RAISE NOTICE '%', 'Index ''subscriber_stun_sc_id_idx'' already exists for table_name = ''subscriber_stun'' !'; end if; --================ -- telemetry --================ if not exists ( SELECT * FROM pg_indexes WHERE tablename = 'telemetry' and schemaname = 'public' and indexname = 'telemetry_alarm_idx' ) then CREATE INDEX telemetry_alarm_idx ON public.telemetry USING btree (alarm); RAISE NOTICE '%', 'Created index : ''telemetry_alarm_idx'' !'; else RAISE NOTICE '%', 'Index ''telemetry_alarm_idx'' already exists for table_name = ''telemetry'' !'; end if; if not exists ( SELECT * FROM pg_indexes WHERE tablename = 'telemetry' and schemaname = 'public' and indexname = 'telemetry_name_idx' ) then CREATE INDEX telemetry_name_idx ON public.telemetry USING btree (name); RAISE NOTICE '%', 'Created index : ''telemetry_name_idx'' !'; else RAISE NOTICE '%', 'Index ''telemetry_name_idx'' already exists for table_name = ''telemetry'' !'; end if; if not exists ( SELECT * FROM pg_indexes WHERE tablename = 'telemetry' and schemaname = 'public' and indexname = 'telemetry_sc_id_idx' ) then CREATE INDEX telemetry_sc_id_idx ON public.telemetry USING btree (sc_id); RAISE NOTICE '%', 'Created index : ''telemetry_sc_id_idx'' !'; else RAISE NOTICE '%', 'Index ''telemetry_sc_id_idx'' already exists for table_name = ''telemetry'' !'; end if; if not exists ( SELECT * FROM pg_indexes WHERE tablename = 'telemetry' and schemaname = 'public' and indexname = 'telemetry_sc_id__digital_nr_idx' ) then CREATE INDEX telemetry_sc_id__digital_nr_idx ON public.telemetry USING btree (sc_id, digital_nr); RAISE NOTICE '%', 'Created index : ''telemetry_sc_id__digital_nr_idx'' !'; else RAISE NOTICE '%', 'Index ''telemetry_sc_id__digital_nr_idx'' already exists for table_name = ''telemetry'' !'; end if; --==================== -- telemetry history --==================== if not exists ( SELECT * FROM pg_indexes WHERE tablename = 'telemetry_history' and schemaname = 'public' and indexname = 'telemetry_history_sc_id_idx' ) then CREATE INDEX telemetry_history_sc_id_idx ON public.telemetry_history USING btree (sc_id); RAISE NOTICE '%', 'Created index : ''telemetry_history_sc_id_idx'' !'; else RAISE NOTICE '%', 'Index ''telemetry_history_sc_id_idx'' already exists for table_name = ''telemetry_history'' !'; end if; --================ -- user_radio --================ if not exists ( SELECT * FROM pg_indexes WHERE tablename = 'user_radio' and schemaname = 'public' and indexname = 'user_radio_userid_idx' ) then CREATE INDEX user_radio_userid_idx ON public.user_radio USING btree (user_id); RAISE NOTICE '%', 'Created index : ''user_radio_userid_idx'' !'; else RAISE NOTICE '%', 'Index ''user_radio_userid_idx'' already exists for table_name = ''user_radio'' !'; end if; if not exists ( SELECT * FROM pg_indexes WHERE tablename = 'user_radio' and schemaname = 'public' and indexname = 'user_radio_radioid_idx' ) then CREATE INDEX user_radio_radioid_idx ON public.user_radio USING btree (radio_id); RAISE NOTICE '%', 'Created index : ''user_radio_radioid_idx'' !'; else RAISE NOTICE '%', 'Index ''user_radio_radioid_idx'' already exists for table_name = ''user_radio'' !'; end if; --================ -- users --================ if not exists ( SELECT * FROM pg_indexes WHERE tablename = 'users' and schemaname = 'public' and indexname = 'user_login_idx' ) then CREATE INDEX user_login_idx ON public.users USING btree (login); RAISE NOTICE '%', 'Created index : ''user_login_idx'' !'; else RAISE NOTICE '%', 'Index ''user_login_idx'' already exists for table_name = ''users'' !'; end if; if not exists ( SELECT * FROM pg_indexes WHERE tablename = 'users' and schemaname = 'public' and indexname = 'user_usertype_idx' ) then CREATE INDEX user_usertype_idx ON public.users USING btree (user_type); RAISE NOTICE '%', 'Created index : ''user_usertype_idx'' !'; else RAISE NOTICE '%', 'Index ''user_usertype_idx'' already exists for table_name = ''users'' !'; end if; --================ -- userSettings --================ if not exists ( SELECT * FROM pg_indexes WHERE tablename = 'userSettings' and schemaname = 'public' and indexname = 'usersettings_userid_idx' ) then CREATE INDEX usersettings_userid_idx ON public."userSettings" USING btree (user_id); RAISE NOTICE '%', 'Created index : ''usersettings_userid_idx'' !'; else RAISE NOTICE '%', 'Index ''usersettings_userid_idx'' already exists for table_name = ''userSettings'' !'; end if; if not exists ( SELECT * FROM pg_indexes WHERE tablename = 'userSettings' and schemaname = 'public' and indexname = 'usersettings_key_idx' ) then CREATE INDEX usersettings_key_idx ON public."userSettings" USING btree (key); RAISE NOTICE '%', 'Created index : ''usersettings_key_idx'' !'; else RAISE NOTICE '%', 'Index ''usersettings_key_idx'' already exists for table_name = ''userSettings'' !'; end if; if not exists ( SELECT * FROM pg_indexes WHERE tablename = 'userSettings' and schemaname = 'public' and indexname = 'usersettings_userid_key_idx' ) then CREATE INDEX usersettings_userid_key_idx ON public."userSettings" USING btree (user_id, key); RAISE NOTICE '%', 'Created index : ''usersettings_userid_key_idx'' !'; else RAISE NOTICE '%', 'Index ''usersettings_userid_key_idx'' already exists for table_name = ''userSettings'' !'; end if; --================ -- vehicle_group --================ if not exists ( SELECT * FROM pg_indexes WHERE tablename = 'vehicle_group' and schemaname = 'public' and indexname = 'vehicle_group_sc_id_grp_ip_idx' ) then CREATE INDEX vehicle_group_sc_id_grp_ip_idx ON public.vehicle_group USING btree (sc_id, grp_ip); RAISE NOTICE '%', 'Created index : ''vehicle_group_sc_id_grp_ip_idx'' !'; else RAISE NOTICE '%', 'Index ''vehicle_group_sc_id_grp_ip_idx'' already exists for table_name = ''vehicle_group'' !'; end if; --================ -- zonepoints --================ if not exists ( SELECT * FROM pg_indexes WHERE tablename = 'zonepoints' and schemaname = 'public' and indexname = 'zonepoints_zoneid_idx' ) then CREATE INDEX zonepoints_zoneid_idx ON public.zonepoints USING btree (zone_id); RAISE NOTICE '%', 'Created index : ''zonepoints_zoneid_idx'' !'; else RAISE NOTICE '%', 'Index ''zonepoints_zoneid_idx'' already exists for table_name = ''zonepoints'' !'; end if; END; $BODY$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE