using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Collections; namespace SafeMobileLib { public class TelemetryDecoder { private string radioID; private byte[] data; private DBtelemetryManager DBtel; private Boolean hytera; private bool[] di; public Boolean[] DI { get { return di; } set { di = value; } } public TelemetryDecoder(string radioID, byte[] data, DBtelemetryManager DBtel, Boolean hytera) { this.radioID = radioID; = data; this.DBtel = DBtel; this.hytera = hytera; if (hytera) DecodeHytPacket(data); else DecodePacket(data); } public TelemetryDecoder() { } public void DecodePacket(Byte[] data) { SM.Debug("Decoding data for telemetry"); try { //test opcode 0x10 = Announce Status; 0x0C =QueryStatusResponse if (data[2] == 0x10) { //get DI that fired up the event SM.Debug("Got telemetry opcode 0x10 =Announce Status"); di = ComputeDI(data[3]); //get old value TelemetryPOS tPOS = DBtel.GetTelemetryPOS(radioID); if (tPOS == null) { //this is first value tPOS = new TelemetryPOS(0, radioID, 0, (int)data[3]); DBtel.AddTelemetryPOS(tPOS); SM.Debug("first telemetry message for " + radioID ); } else { //update tPOS.ByteValue = tPOS.ByteValue | (int)data[3]; SM.Debug("telemetry message for " + radioID ); DBtel.UpdateTelemetryPOS(tPOS); } } else { SM.Debug("Got telemetry opcode 0x0C =QUerry response"); di = ComputeDI(data[3]); //add by bigu //get old value TelemetryPOS tPOS = DBtel.GetTelemetryPOS(radioID); if (tPOS == null) { //this is first value tPOS = new TelemetryPOS(0, radioID, 0, (int)data[3]); DBtel.AddTelemetryPOS(tPOS); SM.Debug("first telemetry message for " + radioID + " adding it to DB"); } else { //update int newByteValue = (int)data[3]; SM.Debug("telemetry message for " + radioID + " UPDATING"); tPOS.ByteValue = newByteValue; DBtel.UpdateTelemetryPOS(tPOS); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } } public void DecodeHytPacket(Byte[] data) { SM.Debug("Decoding data for Hytera telemetry"); try { //get DI that fired up the event SM.Debug("Got telemetry opcode 0xA081 = Status Report"); di = ComputeDI(data[0]); //get old value TelemetryPOS tPOS = DBtel.GetTelemetryPOS(radioID); if (tPOS == null) { //this is first value tPOS = new TelemetryPOS(0, radioID, 0, (Int16)data[0]); DBtel.AddTelemetryPOS(tPOS); SM.Debug("first telemetry message for " + radioID); } else { //update tPOS.ByteValue = (Int16)data[0]; SM.Debug("telemetry message for " + radioID); DBtel.UpdateTelemetryPOS(tPOS); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } } uint DateTo70Format(DateTime param) { long nOfSeconds; System.DateTime dt70 = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc); TimeSpan span = param - dt70; nOfSeconds = (long)span.TotalSeconds; return ((uint)nOfSeconds); } private bool[] ComputeDI(byte value) { bool[] diRet = new bool[] {false,false,false,false,false,false}; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) if (((byte) Math.Pow(2, i) & value) == Math.Pow(2, i)) diRet[i] = true; return diRet; } } }