//#define arges using System; using System.Collections; using System.Drawing; using System.Threading; using Safedispatch_4_0; using SafeMobileLib; using Dispatcher.maptab; namespace MapGoogle { //public enum MapTYPE //{ // Google = 1, // ArcGis = 2 //} public enum SymbolColor { Brown = 1, Green = 2, Red = 3 } public enum GeoMapRegionx { geoMapNorthAmerica = 1, geoMapEurope = 2, } public enum GeoMapStylex { geoMapStyleRoad = 0, geoMapStyleRoadData = 1, geoMapStyleData = 2, geoMapStyleTerrain = 3, geoMapStylePolitical = 4, geoMapStyleNight = 5, } public enum GeoDragBehaviorx { geoDragNone = 0, geoDragHand = 1, geoDragBox = 2, geoDragOther = 3, } public enum GeoPointerx { geoPointerDefault = 0, geoPointerArrow = 1, geoPointerCrosshair = 2, geoPointerIbeam = 3, geoPointerSizeNESW = 6, geoPointerSizeNS = 7, geoPointerSizeNWSE = 8, geoPointerSizeWE = 9, geoPointerUpArrow = 10, geoPointerHourglass = 11, geoPointerNoDrop = 12, geoPointerArrowHourglass = 13, geoPointerArrowQuestion = 14, geoPointerSizeAll = 15, geoPointerHand = 23, } public enum GeoUnitsx { geoMiles = 0, geoKm = 1, } public enum GeoBalloonStatex { geoDisplayNone = 0, geoDisplayName = 1, geoDisplayBalloon = 2, } public enum GeoAutoShapeTypex { geoShapeRectangle = 1, geoShapeOval = 9, geoShapeRadius = 1009, } public class Toolbarx { public int Index; //{ get; } public string Name; //{ get; } public bool Visible; //{ get; set; } } public class Toolbarsx : IEnumerable { private Toolbarx testTlb = new Toolbarx(); public Toolbarx get_Item(ref object Index) { return testTlb; } ArrayList test; public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { return (test as IEnumerable).GetEnumerator(); } } public class PlaceCategoriesx : IEnumerable { public int Count; //{ get; } public PlaceCategoryx get_Item(ref object Index) { return null; } ArrayList test; public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { return (test as IEnumerable).GetEnumerator(); } } public class PlaceCategoryx { public int Index; //{ get; } public string Name; //{ get; } public bool Visible; //{ get; set; } } public class StreetAddressx { public string City =""; //{ get; } public string Region=""; //{ get; } public string Street=""; //{ get; } public string Value=""; //{ get; } } public class Symbolsx : IEnumerable { private int NextCount = 1; private ArrayList symbolsArray = new ArrayList(); public AxMappointControlx parent; public int Count { get { return symbolsArray.Count; } } public Symbolx Add(string FileName) { Symbolx ret = new Symbolx(); NextCount++; ret.ID = (byte)NextCount; String[] param = FileName.Split("\\".ToCharArray()); if (param.Length != 0) ret.Name = param[param.Length - 1]; symbolsArray.Add(ret); return ret; } public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { return (symbolsArray as IEnumerable).GetEnumerator(); } } public class Symbolx { public short IDpriv; public short ID { get { return IDpriv; } set { IDpriv = value; } } //{ get; } public string Name =""; //{ get; set; } public void Delete() { } } public class Recordsetx { public DataSetx tmpDataset; public AxMappointControlx parent; public Hashtable PushpinHash=null; public int CountHash = -1; public bool EOF { get { if (PushpinHash == null) return true; if (CountHash < (PushpinHash.Keys.Count-1)) { CountHash++; int cnt = -1; String s = ""; foreach (String obj in PushpinHash.Keys) { cnt++; if (CountHash == cnt) { s = obj; break; } } Pushpin = (Pushpinx)PushpinHash[s]; Pushpin.parent = parent; return false; } else return true; } } public Pushpinx Pushpin; //{ get; } public void MoveFirst() { } public void MoveNext() { } } public class DataSetx { public string Name; //{ get; set; } public int RecordCount=0; public AxMappointControlx parent =null; public Recordsetx RecSet = null; public Hashtable Pushpins = new Hashtable(); public bool zoomin = true; public void Delete() { if (MainForm2.MapType == MapTYPE.Google) Pushpins.Clear(); } public void DisplayPushpinMap() { } public Recordsetx QueryAllRecords() { Recordsetx tmpRec = new Recordsetx(); tmpRec.PushpinHash = Pushpins; tmpRec.parent = parent; return tmpRec; } public void Select() { } public static string retname(short txt) { String s=""; if (txt > 1) { s = "fane"; } else { if (txt == 0) s = "STOP.png"; else if (txt == 1) s = "PIN.png"; } return s; } public void ZoomTo() { Utils.WriteLine("Zoom to was called !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"); String datasetCMD = ""; try { Thread p = new Thread(() => { if (MainForm2.MapType == MapTYPE.Google) { //Console.WriteLine("STEP2.1 Name:" + Name); if (!Name.Contains("corners")) { //Console.WriteLine("STEP2.2 Pushpins Count:" + Pushpins.Keys.Count); if (Pushpins.Keys.Count >= 1) { ArrayList listKeys = new ArrayList(); foreach (String obj in Pushpins.Keys) listKeys.Add(obj); listKeys.Sort(); //Console.WriteLine("STEP2.3 Create setDataset"); datasetCMD = "setDataset," + Name; lock (this) { int count = 0; foreach (String obj in listKeys) { // break because the pushpins collection was changed in other place if (!Pushpins.ContainsKey(obj)) break; count++; Vehicle veh = ((Vehicle)MainForm2.vehicleHT[((Pushpinx)Pushpins[obj]).Name]); if (veh == null) { // i have a landmark pushpin datasetCMD = datasetCMD + "," + MainForm2.FixDoubleLAT(((Pushpinx)Pushpins[obj]).Location.Latitude.ToString()) + "," + MainForm2.FixDoubleLNG(((Pushpinx)Pushpins[obj]).Location.Longitude.ToString()) + "," + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "," + MainForm2.FixComma(((Pushpinx)Pushpins[obj]).Name) + "," + "speed" + "," + "alt" + "," + "address".Replace(',', ' ') + "," + "landmarks/" + ((Pushpinx)Pushpins[obj]).GetSymbName() + "," + "false" + "," + "false" + "," + "false"; } else { DateTime positionTime = ((veh).lastValidPositionTime.ConvertGMTToLocal()).GetDTFromSeconds(); Boolean hasVoice = veh.has_voice; Boolean hasText = veh.has_text; Boolean isInCall = veh.inCall; int smsLength = SmsUtils.GetMaxNumberOfCharacters(MainForm2.radioType); #region mapCallTimeout int mapCallTimeout = 3; ((Vehicle)MainForm2.vehicleHT[((Pushpinx)Pushpins[obj]).Name]).CheckPositionInSystem(); string GatewayAndRadioID = ((Vehicle)MainForm2.vehicleHT[((Pushpinx)Pushpins[obj]).Name]).GwandRadioID; int gwType = (int)GatewayType.Unknown; if (MainForm2.radioGwHT[GatewayAndRadioID] != null) { if (((RadioGateway)MainForm2.radioGwHT[GatewayAndRadioID]).Type == (int)GatewayType.Broadband || ((RadioGateway)MainForm2.radioGwHT[GatewayAndRadioID]).Type == (int)GatewayType.Tier3Radio) { mapCallTimeout = MainForm2.MapCallTimeout; } gwType = ((RadioGateway)MainForm2.radioGwHT[GatewayAndRadioID]).Type; smsLength = SmsUtils.GetMaxNumberOfCharacters(gwType); } #endregion string iconName = ((Pushpinx)Pushpins[obj]).GetSymbName(); if (veh.is_emergency) { iconName = iconName.Replace(".png", "_FF79A6_l.png"); // check and create emergency icon MainForm2.CheckCreateEmergencyIcon(veh.IconID); }/* else if (MainForm2.Displaywithname) { iconName = iconName.Replace(".png", "_" + veh.IconID + "_" + veh.sc_id + ".png"); // check and create emergency icon MainForm2.CheckCreateNamedIcon(veh.IconID, veh.busName, veh.sc_id); }*/ datasetCMD = datasetCMD + "," + MainForm2.FixDoubleLAT(((Pushpinx)Pushpins[obj]).Location.Latitude.ToString()) + "," + MainForm2.FixDoubleLNG(((Pushpinx)Pushpins[obj]).Location.Longitude.ToString()) + "," + positionTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "," + veh.busName + "," + veh.GetSpeed() + (MainForm2.isInMile ? "mph" : "kph") + "," + veh.GetAlt() + "," + veh.GetLastAddress().Replace(',', ' ') + "," //+ ((Pushpinx)Pushpins[obj]).GetSymbName() + "," + iconName + "," + (hasVoice ? mapCallTimeout : 0) + "," + (hasText ? smsLength : 0) + "," + isInCall; } // send command if the number of units is 20 if (count > 20) { datasetCMD = datasetCMD.Replace(';', ' '); if (parent.parLive != null) parent.parLive.setdatasetBool = true; //parent.mapGoogles.ExecuteScript("window.GWTcallback('showconsole,true');"); //Console.WriteLine("STEP4 Comanda1:"+datasetCMD); Thread.Sleep(1); parent.mapGoogles.ExecuteScript("window.GWTcallback('" + datasetCMD + "');"); //Console.WriteLine("STEP4 Comanda1:"+datasetCMD); Thread.Sleep(1); /* if (zoomin) { parent.mapGoogles.ExecuteScript("window.GWTcallback('" + "putOnMap,true," + Name + "');"); //Console.WriteLine("STEP5 Comanda2:" + "putOnMap,true," + Name); } else { if (Pushpins.Keys.Count == 1) parent.mapGoogles.ExecuteScript("window.GWTcallback('" + "putOnMap,true," + Name + "');"); else parent.mapGoogles.ExecuteScript("window.GWTcallback('" + "putOnMap,false," + Name + "');"); //Console.WriteLine("STEP5 Comanda2:" + "putOnMap,false," + Name); }*/ datasetCMD = "updateDataset," + Name; count = 0; Thread.Sleep(3000); } } } datasetCMD = datasetCMD.Replace(';', ' '); if (parent.parLive != null) parent.parLive.setdatasetBool = true; //parent.mapGoogles.ExecuteScript("window.GWTcallback('showconsole,true');"); //Console.WriteLine("STEP4 Comanda1:"+datasetCMD); Thread.Sleep(1); parent.mapGoogles.ExecuteScript("window.GWTcallback('" + datasetCMD + "');"); //Console.WriteLine("STEP4 Comanda1:"+datasetCMD); Thread.Sleep(1); if (zoomin) { parent.mapGoogles.ExecuteScript("window.GWTcallback('" + "putOnMap,true," + Name + "');"); //Console.WriteLine("STEP5 Comanda2:" + "putOnMap,true," + Name); } else { if (Pushpins.Keys.Count == 1) parent.mapGoogles.ExecuteScript("window.GWTcallback('" + "putOnMap,true," + Name + "');"); else parent.mapGoogles.ExecuteScript("window.GWTcallback('" + "putOnMap,false," + Name + "');"); //Console.WriteLine("STEP5 Comanda2:" + "putOnMap,false," + Name); } /* System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); parent.mapGoogles.ExecuteScript("window.GWTcallback('" + "removeLabels," + Name + "');"); Thread.Sleep(100);*/ } else { datasetCMD = "removeDataset," + Name; parent.mapGoogles.ExecuteScript("window.GWTcallback('" + datasetCMD + "');"); Thread.Sleep(1); } } } }); //p.Start(); } catch (Exception ex) { SM.Debug("Erorr on zoom " + ex.Message + ex.StackTrace); } } } public class Shapesx : IEnumerable { public AxMappointControlx parent = null; public int Count { get { return shapeArray.Count; } } public void Clear() { shapeArray.Clear(); } public ArrayList shapeArray = new ArrayList(); private Int32 IdName = 0; public Shapex AddDrivetimeZone(Locationx Center, double Time) { return null; } public Shapex AddLine(Locationx BeginLocation, Locationx EndLocation) { Locationx[] tmpPos = new Locationx[2]; tmpPos[0] = BeginLocation; tmpPos[1] = EndLocation; Shapex tmp = new Shapex(this); tmp.parent = parent; if (MainForm2.MapType == MapTYPE.Google) { try { parent.cntShape++; tmp.Name = "shape" + parent.cntShape.ToString(); MainForm2.ShapeCMD = "setDataset," + "shape" + parent.cntShape.ToString(); MainForm2.ShapeCMD = MainForm2.ShapeCMD + "," + MainForm2.FixDoubleLAT(BeginLocation.Latitude.ToString()) + "," + MainForm2.FixDoubleLNG(BeginLocation.Longitude.ToString()) + "," + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + ",,,,,,false,false,false"; //MainForm2.ShapeCMD = MainForm2.ShapeCMD + "," + MainForm2.FixDoubleLAT(EndLocation.Latitude.ToString()) + "," + MainForm2.FixDoubleLNG(EndLocation.Longitude.ToString()) + ",,,"; MainForm2.ShapeCMD = MainForm2.ShapeCMD + "," + MainForm2.FixDoubleLAT(EndLocation.Latitude.ToString()) + "," + MainForm2.FixDoubleLNG(EndLocation.Longitude.ToString()) + ",,,,,,,false,false,false"; } catch (Exception ex) { SM.Debug("Erorr on zoom " + ex.Message); } } shapeArray.Add(tmp); return tmp; } public Shapex AddPolyline(object ArrayOfLocations) { Locationx[] tmpPos = (Locationx[])ArrayOfLocations; Shapex tmp = new Shapex(this); tmp.parent = parent; if (MainForm2.MapType == MapTYPE.Google) { parent.cntShape++; try { MainForm2.ShapeCMD = "setDataset," + "shape" + parent.cntShape.ToString(); foreach (Locationx obj in tmpPos) { MainForm2.ShapeCMD = MainForm2.ShapeCMD + "," + MainForm2.FixDoubleLAT(obj.Latitude.ToString()) + "," + MainForm2.FixDoubleLNG(obj.Longitude.ToString()) +"," + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + ",,,,,,false,false,false"; } tmp.Name = "shape" + parent.cntShape.ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { SM.Debug("Erorr on zoom " + ex.Message); } shapeArray.Add(tmp); } return tmp; } public Shapex AddShape(GeoAutoShapeTypex Type, Locationx Center, double Width, double Height) { return null; } public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { return (shapeArray as IEnumerable).GetEnumerator(); } } public class Shapex { public Shapex(Shapesx tmp) { parent = tmp.parent; Line = new LineFormatx(this); Fill = new FillFormatx(this); } public GeoAutoShapeTypex AutoShapeType; //{ get; } public FillFormatx Fill; //{ get; } public int FontColor; //{ get; set; } public double Height; //{ get; set; } public LineFormatx Line; public bool SizeVisible; //{ get; set; } public string Text; //{ get; set; } public double Width; public int ZOrderPosition; //{ get; set; } public int ID = 0; public AxMappointControlx parent = null; private string Nameprv=""; public string Name { get { return Nameprv; } set { Nameprv = value; } } public void Delete() { } public void Select() { } } public class LineFormatx { public AxMappointControlx parent = null; public LineFormatx(Shapex shapeParam) { shape = shapeParam; parent = shape.parent; } public Shapex shape; public Color color; public int ForeColor { get { return 1; /// nu citesct nici odata culaore si daca e cred ca e BLACK } set { switch (value) { case 16776960: color = Color.Aqua; break; case 16711680: color = Color.Blue; break; case 14822282: color = Color.BlueViolet; break; case 65407: color = Color.Chartreuse; break; case 3937500: color = Color.Crimson; break; case 9109504: color = Color.DarkBlue; break; case 9109643: color = Color.DarkMagenta; break; case 13749760: color = Color.DarkTurquoise; break; case 9639167: color = Color.DeepPink; break; case 16760576: color = Color.DeepSkyBlue; break; case 2263842: color = Color.ForestGreen; break; case 16711935: color = Color.Fuchsia; break; case 3145645: color = Color.GreenYellow; break; case 11823615: color = Color.HotPink; break; case 16436871: color = Color.LightSkyBlue; break; case 65280: color = Color.Lime; break; case 17919: color = Color.OrangeRed; break; case 8388736: color = Color.Purple; break; case 255: color = Color.Red; break; case 15453831: color = Color.SkyBlue; break; case 8388352: color = Color.SpringGreen; break; case 15631086: color = Color.Violet; break; } if (MainForm2.MapType == MapTYPE.Google) { parent.ListShapeCMD.Add(MainForm2.ShapeCMD); String[] listS = MainForm2.ShapeCMD.Split(",".ToCharArray()); //String PolyCMD = "poly,false," + "#" + color.R.ToString("X2") + color.G.ToString("X2") + color.B.ToString("X2") + "," + Weight + "," + listS[1]; String PolyCMD = "poly,true," + "#" + color.R.ToString("X2") + color.G.ToString("X2") + color.B.ToString("X2") + "," + Weight + "," + listS[1]; parent.ListShapeCMD.Add(PolyCMD); } } } public bool Visible; //{ get; set; } private int WeightPrv; public int Weight { get { return WeightPrv; } set { WeightPrv = value; } } } public class FillFormatx { //public int ForeColor; //{ get; set; } // nu il fac ca nu il utilize e la fel ca... culoare de sus public FillFormatx(Shapex shapeParam) { shape = shapeParam; } public Shapex shape; public int ForeColor { set { } } public bool Visible; //{ get; set; } } public class Locationx { public bool Highlight; //{ get; set; } public bool IsHighlightable; //{ get; } public double Latitude; //{ get; } public double Longitude; //{ get; } public string Name; //{ get; } public PlaceCategoryx PlaceCategory; //{ get; } public StreetAddressx StreetAddress = new StreetAddressx(); //{ get; } public double DistanceTo(Locationx From) { double pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795; double rad = 180 / pi; double dist = (3958 * pi * Math.Sqrt((Latitude - From.Latitude) * (Latitude - From.Latitude) + Math.Cos(Latitude / rad) * Math.Cos(From.Latitude / rad) * (Longitude - From.Longitude) * (Longitude - From.Longitude)) / 180); return Math.Round(((dist * 1.609344) * 1000))/1000; } public ArrayList FindNearby(double Distance) { return null; } public void GoTo() { } } public class Pushpinx { public AxMappointControlx parent=null; private GeoBalloonStatex BalloonStatePriv = GeoBalloonStatex.geoDisplayNone; public DataSetx ActualDataset = null; public int dimPush = 25; public GeoBalloonStatex BalloonState { get { return BalloonStatePriv; } set { BalloonStatePriv = (GeoBalloonStatex)value; } } public bool Highlight { set { } } private string Nameprv; public string Name { get { return Nameprv; } set { Nameprv = value; } } private string Noteprv; public Locationx Locationprv; public Locationx Location { get { return Locationprv; } set { Locationprv = value; } } public string Note { get { return Noteprv; } set { Noteprv = (String)value; } } private short Symbolprv = -1; public short Symbol { get { return Symbolprv; } set { if (MainForm2.MapType == MapTYPE.Google) Symbolprv = value; } } public String GetSymbName() { String s = ""; if (Symbolprv > 1) { foreach (Symbolx obj in parent.ActiveMap.Symbols) if (obj.ID == Symbolprv) { s = obj.Name; s = s.ToLower(); s = s.Replace(".ico", ".png"); s = s.Replace(".bmp", ".png"); //if ((s.Length > 3) && (s[2] == '_')) if(s.Contains("arrow")) { //s = s.Remove(0, 3); s = "images/" + s; } break; } } else { if (Symbolprv == 0) s = "STOP.png"; else if (Symbolprv == 1) s = "PIN.png"; } return s; } public void Delete() { if (MainForm2.MapType == MapTYPE.Google) { if (ActualDataset != null) { ActualDataset.Pushpins.Remove(Name); } } } public void Select() { } public void MoveTo(DataSetx NewDataSet) { if (MainForm2.MapType == MapTYPE.Google) { if ((Math.Round(Locationprv.Latitude) == 0) && (Math.Round(Locationprv.Longitude) == 0)) { ;} else { if (NewDataSet.Pushpins[Name] != null) NewDataSet.Pushpins.Remove(Name); NewDataSet.Pushpins.Add(Name, this); NewDataSet.RecordCount++; } if ((ActualDataset != null) && (ActualDataset.Name != NewDataSet.Name)) ActualDataset.Pushpins.Remove(Name); ActualDataset = NewDataSet; } } } public class DataSetsx : IEnumerable { public AxMappointControlx parent; private ArrayList datasetArray = new ArrayList(); public DataSetx AddPushpinSet(string Name) { DataSetx tmp = new DataSetx(); tmp.Name = Name; tmp.parent = parent; datasetArray.Add(tmp); return tmp; } public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { return (datasetArray as IEnumerable).GetEnumerator(); } } public class FindResultsx : IEnumerable { public ArrayList rezArray= new ArrayList(); public int Count { get { return rezArray.Count; } } public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { return (rezArray as IEnumerable).GetEnumerator(); } } public class Mapx { public Mapx() { Application = new Application(this); } public Application Application =null; public double Altitude; public DataSetsx DataSets = new DataSetsx(); public GeoDragBehaviorx DragBehavior; //{ get; set; } public Boolean refaddr = true; private Locationx LocationPrv; public Locationx Location { get { return LocationPrv; } set { LocationPrv = value; } } public GeoMapStylex MapStyle; //{ get; set; } public PlaceCategoriesx PlaceCategories = new PlaceCategoriesx(); public bool Saved; //{ get; set; } public Shapesx Shapes = new Shapesx(); public Symbolsx Symbols = new Symbolsx(); public AxMappointControlx parent; public Pushpinx AddPushpin(Locationx AtLocation, string Name) { Pushpinx tmpPush = new Pushpinx(); tmpPush.Location = AtLocation; tmpPush.Name = Name; tmpPush.parent = parent; return tmpPush; } public double Distance(Locationx StartLocation, Locationx EndLocation) { return 0; } public Pushpinx FindPushpin(string Name) { Pushpinx tmp = null; foreach (DataSetx obj in DataSets) { if (obj.Pushpins[Name] != null) { tmp = (Pushpinx)obj.Pushpins[Name]; break; } } return tmp; } public Locationx GetLocation(double Latitude, double Longitude, double Altitude) { Locationx tmpLoc = new Locationx(); tmpLoc.Latitude = Latitude; tmpLoc.Longitude = Longitude; return tmpLoc; } public void GoToLatLong(double Latitude, double Longitude, double Altitude) { } public double LocationToX(Locationx Where) { return Where.Longitude; } public double LocationToY(Locationx Where) { return Where.Latitude; } public void Save() { } public Locationx XYToLocation(int X, int Y) { return null; } } public class AxMappointControlx { public AxMappointControlx(CefSharpChromiumWebBrowser mapGoogleParam, String tabNameParam, int HeightParam, int WidthParam) { mapGoogles = mapGoogleParam; tabName = tabNameParam.Replace(' ','_'); Height = HeightParam; Width = WidthParam; addrcmd = ""; } public void UpdatemapGoogles(CefSharpChromiumWebBrowser mapGoogleParam) { mapGoogles = mapGoogleParam; } public ArrayList ListShapeCMD = new ArrayList(); public int cntShape = 0; public String tabName; public int Height=100; public int Width=100; public Double latCenter=0; public Double lngCenter=0; public int zoom = 12; public Mapx ActiveMap;//{ get; } // public Boolean PingGoogle = false; public String addrcmd = ""; public GeoPointerx MousePointer { set { } } public Toolbarsx Toolbars = new Toolbarsx(); public GeoUnitsx Units { set { } } public System.Drawing.Size Size; //{ get; } public CefSharpChromiumWebBrowser mapGoogles; public String OldCommand=""; public MainForm2 parent; public Safedispatch_4_0.LiveTab parLive; public Safedispatch_4_0.HistoryTab parHist; public String contentrep = ""; public String contentplay = ""; public Int32 firstRef = 0; public System.Windows.Forms.Timer timerRef=null; public System.ComponentModel.Container components = new System.ComponentModel.Container(); public void RefreshMap(int HeightParam, int WidthParam) { String safemobileDirPath = System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath.Replace('\\', '/').Replace(" ", "%20"); safemobileDirPath = safemobileDirPath.Replace("#", "%23"); string mapHtmlName = "file:///" + safemobileDirPath + "/resource/" + MainForm2.MapHtmlName; Height = HeightParam; Width = WidthParam; if (((Width - 20) > 100) && ((Height - 20) > 100)) { try { if (firstRef < 1) //aici era 2 { SM.Debug("Load data From localDISK 1111111111"); mapGoogles.LoadWebPage(mapHtmlName); Utils.WriteLine(mapHtmlName, ConsoleColor.Red); firstRef++; } } catch (Exception ex) { SM.Debug("Intra pe CATCH in LOAD MAP" + ex.ToString()); if (parLive != null) parLive.maxloadcnt++; mapGoogles.LoadWebPage(mapHtmlName); SM.Debug(mapHtmlName); } } } public Mapx NewMap(object template) { Mapx map = new Mapx(); map.Shapes.parent = this; map.DataSets.parent = this; map.parent = this; ActiveMap = map; return map; } public Mapx OpenMap(string fileName) { return null; } public void SaveMap() { } public void SaveMapAs(string fileName) { } } public class Application { public Application(Mapx mapParam) { ActiveMap = mapParam; } public Mapx ActiveMap; //{ get; } public void Quit() { } } }