using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Drawing; using System.Data; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using Telerik.WinControls.UI; using System.Collections; using SafeMobileLib; using Telerik.WinControls; using Telerik.WinControls.Primitives; using System.Threading; using Telerik.WinControls.Data; using Telerik.WinControls.UI.Docking; using Dispatcher.maptab.UIClasses; namespace Safedispatch_4_0 { public partial class SMSuserControl : UserControl { public enum TextStatus { SD_NO_GW = 0, UNREAD_OUT = 1, READ_OUT = 2, UNREAD_IN = 3, READ_IN = 4, UNREAD_EMAIL = 5, READ_EMAIL = 7, UNKNOWN = 6 }; private SMdb_access smdbObj; public MainForm2 parent; //language String msginboxallunit, msgoutboxallunit, msginboxunit, msgoutboxunit, msginboxgrp, msgoutboxgrp, msgRecy; String wordRecyBin, wordMoveDel,wordInbox, wordOutbox, wordFrom, wordTo, wordMarkRead, wordMarkUnRead, wordDate, wordDelete; #region Value from SD_LITE enum NodeType { trash = 0, inbox, outbox, grInbox, grOutbox, subInbox, subOutbox } ArrayList arVehSCID; ArrayList arInboxSMS; ArrayList arInboxSMSLimit2000; ArrayList arDeletedSMS; public Hashtable htSUIDwithNewSMS; private RadTreeNode selectedTreeNode = null; private NodeType selectedNodeType = NodeType.grInbox; public int selectedSC_ID = 0; public bool inboxSelec = true; private bool trashSelec = false; public int[] selectedSC_IDlist = null; //public static ConvertDT convDT; public static Hashtable htGroupsKeyNAmeValueID; private int[] slectedSMSidx; internal static Boolean isSMSLoaded = false; #endregion public SMSuserControl(MainForm2 mf2) { htGroupsKeyNAmeValueID = new Hashtable(); htSUIDwithNewSMS = new Hashtable(); arVehSCID = new ArrayList(); arInboxSMS = new ArrayList(); arDeletedSMS = new ArrayList(); parent = mf2; InitializeComponent(); SetLanguage(); #region STYLE THEMING labelReportName.ForeColor = MainForm2.LabelColor; labelUser.ForeColor = MainForm2.LabelColor; rbNewMessage.ButtonElement.ButtonFillElement.BackColor = MainForm2.ButtonColor; rbtSendQuick.ButtonElement.ButtonFillElement.BackColor = MainForm2.ButtonColor; pbReportType.Image = Utils.ChangeColor(Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.r_textmessaging, MainForm2.ButtonColor); SMSGridView.GridNavigator.GridViewElement.PagingPanelElement.ShowFastBackButton = false; SMSGridView.GridNavigator.GridViewElement.PagingPanelElement.ShowFastForwardButton = false; //SMSGridView.GridNavigator.GridViewElement.PagingPanelElement.ButtonsStripElement.S = false; SMSGridView.GridNavigator.GridViewElement.PagingPanelElement.ShowNumericalButtons = false; #endregion rlMsgStatus.Text = MainForm2.returnLNGString("msg_status"); rddlFilterMsgStatus.Items.Add(MainForm2.returnLNGString("displayall")); rddlFilterMsgStatus.Items.Add(MainForm2.returnLNGString("msg_read")); rddlFilterMsgStatus.Items.Add(MainForm2.returnLNGString("msg_unread")); rddlFilterMsgStatus.SelectedIndex = 0; // set theme for the Message Box RadMessageBox.SetThemeName("TelerikMetroBlue"); // add icons for picture box keys // add image to the dictionary if not exists if (!MainForm2.imagesDictionary.ContainsKey("s_key_r_d")) MainForm2.imagesDictionary.Add("s_key_r_d", Utils.MakeGrayscale3((Bitmap)Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.s_key_r, 0.5f)); if (!MainForm2.imagesDictionary.ContainsKey("s_key_u_d")) MainForm2.imagesDictionary.Add("s_key_u_d", Utils.MakeGrayscale3((Bitmap)Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.s_key_u, 0.5f)); if (!MainForm2.imagesDictionary.ContainsKey("s_key_del_d")) MainForm2.imagesDictionary.Add("s_key_del_d", Utils.MakeGrayscale3((Bitmap)Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.s_key_del, 0.5f)); if (!MainForm2.imagesDictionary.ContainsKey("s_key_r")) MainForm2.imagesDictionary.Add("s_key_r", Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.s_key_r); if (!MainForm2.imagesDictionary.ContainsKey("s_key_u")) MainForm2.imagesDictionary.Add("s_key_u", Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.s_key_u); if (!MainForm2.imagesDictionary.ContainsKey("s_key_del")) MainForm2.imagesDictionary.Add("s_key_del", Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.s_key_del); // create the toolTip that will be displayed when the user sets a pattern // over the hint pictureBox toolTipHelp = new ToolTip(); toolTipHelp.ToolTipTitle = ""; toolTipHelp.AutoPopDelay = 0; toolTipHelp.InitialDelay = 0; toolTipHelp.ReshowDelay = 0; toolTipHelp.IsBalloon = false; toolTipHelp.ShowAlways = true; // set the row height SMSGridView.TableElement.RowHeight = 43; this.SMSGridView.EnableAlternatingRowColor = true; this.SMSGridView.TableElement.GridViewElement.TableElement.AlternatingRowColor = Color.LightYellow; // remove border for grid this.SMSGridView.GridViewElement.DrawBorder = false; this.SMSGridView.GridViewElement.GroupPanelElement.DrawBorder = false; smdbObj = new SMdb_access(); } private void SetLanguage() { wordInbox = MainForm2.returnLNGString("Inbox"); wordOutbox = MainForm2.returnLNGString("Outbox"); wordRecyBin = MainForm2.returnLNGString("RecycleBin"); wordFrom = MainForm2.returnLNGString("Ilabel1"); wordTo = MainForm2.returnLNGString("Ilabel2"); wordDate = MainForm2.returnLNGString("rapday"); wordMoveDel = MainForm2.returnLNGString("movedel"); wordDelete = MainForm2.returnLNGString("SMSDelete"); msginboxallunit = MainForm2.returnLNGString("msginboxallunit"); msgoutboxallunit = MainForm2.returnLNGString("msgoutboxallunit"); msginboxunit = MainForm2.returnLNGString("msginboxunit"); msgoutboxunit = MainForm2.returnLNGString("msgoutboxunit"); msginboxgrp = MainForm2.returnLNGString("msginboxgrp"); msgoutboxgrp = MainForm2.returnLNGString("msgoutboxgrp"); msgRecy = MainForm2.returnLNGString("msgRecy"); wordMarkRead = MainForm2.returnLNGString("wordMarkRead"); wordMarkUnRead = MainForm2.returnLNGString("wordMarkUnRead"); SMSGridView.Columns["Source"].HeaderText = wordFrom; SMSGridView.Columns["DisplayMessage"].HeaderText = MainForm2.returnLNGString("Message"); SMSGridView.Columns["Date"].HeaderText = MainForm2.returnLNGString("Received"); SMSGridView.Columns["timeAgo"].HeaderText = MainForm2.returnLNGString("datetimefil"); SMSGridView.Columns["Color"].HeaderText = MainForm2.returnLNGString("Color"); radMenuWriteSMS.Text = MainForm2.returnLNGString("WriteSMS"); radLabelSMSstatus.Text = MainForm2.returnLNGString("SMSStatus"); rbNewMessage.Text = MainForm2.returnLNGString("newText"); tbSearch.NullText = MainForm2.returnLNGString("searchtextmessage"); rcbDeleteConfirmation.Text = MainForm2.returnLNGString("delconfirm"); searchTextBox.NullText = MainForm2.returnLNGString("type2search"); rbtSendQuick.Text = MainForm2.returnLNGString("sendmsg"); documentWindow2.Text = MainForm2.returnLNGString("msg"); labelReportName.Text = MainForm2.returnLNGString("tabSMS"); labelReportDetails.Text = MainForm2.returnLNGString("smstabDetails"); } #region SMS from SD_LITE private void btn_refreshSMS_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { RefreshALL(false); } private void SMSGridView_KeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { #region DELETE KEY if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Delete && pbDelete.Tag.Equals("selected")) { // detect if many messages are selected or not bool multiMessagesSelected = SMSGridView.SelectedRows.Count > 1; DialogResult dr2 = DialogResult.Yes; if (rcbDeleteConfirmation.Checked) { dr2 = RadMessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to delete selected " + (multiMessagesSelected ? "messages" : "message"), (multiMessagesSelected ? "Delete messages" : "Delete message"), MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, RadMessageIcon.Info); } // only if yes was pressed if (dr2 == DialogResult.Yes) { if (slectedSMSidx != null && slectedSMSidx.Length > 0) { GridViewSelectedRowsCollection selectedRows = SMSGridView.SelectedRows; foreach (GridViewDataRowInfo row in SMSGridView.SelectedRows.ToList()) { if (!trashSelec) { smdbObj.Delete_SMS(Int16.Parse(row.Cells["Idx"].Value.ToString())); } else { smdbObj.Delete_SMS_from_trash(new int[] { Int16.Parse(row.Cells["Idx"].Value.ToString()) }); } // remove item from the grid //if (row.DataBoundItem != null && row.DataBoundItem is SMSDataforGRID) // ListforGrid.Remove(row.DataBoundItem as SMSDataforGRID); SMSGridView.Rows.Remove(row); } // display no events panel if (SMSGridView.Rows.Count == 0) panelNoEvents.Visible = true; /* if (selectedSC_IDlist != null) { if (selectedSC_IDlist.Length > 0) { updateDataGrid(selectedSC_IDlist, inboxSelec, false, false, false); SelectSMSandDisplay(false); } } RefreshALL(true);*/ } //update number of message for current node updateInboxAndOutboxView(true); // notify that messages has changed parent.UpdateUnreadMessagesNumber(); } } #endregion #region UNREAD KEY else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.U && pbU.Tag.Equals("selected")) { foreach (GridViewRowInfo r in SMSGridView.SelectedRows) { smdbObj.Update_SMS( (GetTreeLevel() == TreeLevel.INBOX ? (int)TextStatus.UNREAD_IN : (int)TextStatus.UNREAD_OUT), Convert.ToInt32(r.Cells["Idx"].Value)); SMSDataforGRID gridItem = r.DataBoundItem as SMSDataforGRID; if (gridItem != null) { gridItem.Icon = global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.closedEnvelope; gridItem.Status = 0; } r.Cells["Icon"].Value = global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.closedEnvelope; r.Cells["Status"].Value = 0; } //update number of message for current node updateInboxAndOutboxView(true); // notify that messages has changed parent.UpdateUnreadMessagesNumber(); } #endregion #region READ KEY else if (e.KeyCode == Keys.R && pbR.Tag.Equals("selected")) { foreach (GridViewRowInfo r in SMSGridView.SelectedRows) { smdbObj.Update_SMS( (GetTreeLevel() == TreeLevel.INBOX ? (int)TextStatus.READ_IN : (int)TextStatus.READ_OUT), Convert.ToInt32(r.Cells["Idx"].Value)); SMSDataforGRID gridItem = r.DataBoundItem as SMSDataforGRID; if (gridItem != null) { gridItem.Icon = global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.openEnvelope; gridItem.Status = 1; } r.Cells["Icon"].Value = global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.openEnvelope; r.Cells["Status"].Value = 1; } //update number of message for current node updateInboxAndOutboxView(true); // notify that messages has changed parent.UpdateUnreadMessagesNumber(); } #endregion } private RadTreeNode getParent(RadTreeNode rtn) { RadTreeNode returnNode = rtn; if (rtn.Parent != null) { returnNode = getParent(rtn.Parent); } return returnNode; } private int[] getChildSC_ID(RadTreeNode rtn) { int[] ret = new int[0]; if (rtn != null) { if (rtn.Nodes.Count > 0) { int x = 0; int count = 0; int[][] tempArray = new int[rtn.Nodes.Count][]; foreach (RadTreeNode rtnChild in rtn.Nodes) { int[] temp = getChildSC_ID(rtnChild); tempArray[x] = temp; x++; count += temp.Length; } ret = new int[count]; int count2 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < rtn.Nodes.Count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < tempArray[i].Length; j++) { ret[count2] = tempArray[i][j]; count2++; } } } else { if (rtn.Name != null && rtn.Name != "") { if (MainForm2.vehicleHT.ContainsKey(rtn.Name)) { ret = new int[1]; ret[0] = ((Vehicle)MainForm2.vehicleHT[rtn.Name]).sc_id; } else { SM.Debug("Empty group selected3 :" + rtn.Name); } } } } return ret; } private int[] getChildSC_ID_GroupID(RadTreeNode rtn, out Boolean isAgroup) { isAgroup = false; int[] ret = new int[0]; if (rtn != null) { if (rtn.Nodes.Count > 0) { if (rtn.Name != null && rtn.Name != "") { foreach (GroupClass obj in MainForm2.GroupHash.Values) { if ( == 0) { ret = new int[1]; ret[0] = obj.cps_id; isAgroup = true; break; } } } } else { if (rtn.Name != null && rtn.Name != "") { if (MainForm2.vehicleHT.ContainsKey(rtn.Name)) { ret = new int[1]; ret[0] = ((Vehicle)MainForm2.vehicleHT[rtn.Name]).sc_id; } else { foreach (GroupClass obj in MainForm2.GroupHash.Values) { if ( == 0) { ret = new int[1]; ret[0] = obj.cps_id; isAgroup = true; break; } } if (!isAgroup) SM.Debug("Empty group selected2 :" + rtn.Name); } } } if (ret.Length == 0) { ret = getChildSC_ID(rtn); } } return ret; } public String whereCommand = ""; private Boolean Type_Inbox_for_limit2000 = true; private Int32 PageforInbox = 0; private void getInboxSMS(int[] sc_id) { PageforInbox = 0; whereCommand = "where deleted=0 AND mess not like 'Linx%.%' AND sc_id_sour IN ("; Type_Inbox_for_limit2000 = true; for (int i = 0; i < sc_id.Length; i++) { if (i != sc_id.Length - 1) { whereCommand += sc_id[i].ToString() + ","; } else { whereCommand += sc_id[i].ToString() + ")"; } } try { if (sc_id.Length > 0) { arInboxSMS = smdbObj.get_SMS(whereCommand, true); //arInboxSMS = smdbObj.get_SMS_with_limit(whereCommand, true, 0); } else { arInboxSMS = smdbObj.get_SMS("where deleted=0", true); whereCommand = "where deleted=0"; //arInboxSMS = smdbObj.get_SMS_with_limit("where deleted=0", true,0); } } catch (Exception ex) { SM.Debug("Error getInboxSMS:" + ex.ToString()); } } private void getOutboxSMS_ifisGroup(int[] sc_id) { PageforInbox = 0; whereCommand = "where deleted=0 AND mess not like 'Linx%.%' AND sc_id_sour=sc_id_dest and sc_id_sour=" + sc_id[0].ToString(); try { if (sc_id.Length > 0) { arInboxSMS = smdbObj.get_SMS(whereCommand, true); //arInboxSMS = smdbObj.get_SMS_with_limit(whereCommand, true, 0); } else { arInboxSMS = smdbObj.get_SMS("where deleted=0", true); whereCommand = "where deleted=0"; //arInboxSMS = smdbObj.get_SMS_with_limit("where deleted=0", true,0); } } catch (Exception ex) { SM.Debug("Error getInboxSMS:" + ex.ToString()); } } private void getOutboxSMS(int[] sc_id) { if (sc_id != null) { PageforInbox = 0; Type_Inbox_for_limit2000 = false; whereCommand = "where deleted=0 AND mess not like 'Linx%.%' and sc_id_dest IN ("; for (int i = 0; i < sc_id.Length; i++) { if (i != sc_id.Length - 1) { whereCommand += sc_id[i].ToString() + ","; } else { whereCommand += sc_id[i].ToString() + ")"; } } try { if (sc_id.Length > 0) { arInboxSMS = smdbObj.get_SMS(whereCommand, false); //arInboxSMS = smdbObj.get_SMS_with_limit(whereCommand, false,0); } else { arInboxSMS = smdbObj.get_SMS("where deleted=0", false); whereCommand = "where deleted=0"; //arInboxSMS = smdbObj.get_SMS_with_limit("where deleted=0", false,0); } } catch (Exception ex) { SM.Debug("Error getOutboxSMS:" + ex.ToString()); } } } private void SetLabelText(RadTreeNode rtn) { NodeType nt = getNodeType(rtn); if (rtn != null) { switch (nt) { case NodeType.inbox: radLabelSMSstatus.Text = msginboxallunit; break; case NodeType.outbox: radLabelSMSstatus.Text = msgoutboxallunit; break; case NodeType.trash: radLabelSMSstatus.Text = msgRecy; break; case NodeType.grInbox: radLabelSMSstatus.Text = msginboxgrp + rtn.Text; break; case NodeType.grOutbox: radLabelSMSstatus.Text = msgoutboxgrp + rtn.Text; break; case NodeType.subInbox: radLabelSMSstatus.Text = msginboxunit + rtn.Text; break; case NodeType.subOutbox: radLabelSMSstatus.Text = msgoutboxunit + rtn.Text; break; } } } private NodeType getNodeType(RadTreeNode rtn) { NodeType ret = NodeType.inbox; if (rtn.Nodes.Count > 0) { if (rtn.Parent != null) { if (inboxSelec) { ret = NodeType.grInbox; } else { ret = NodeType.grOutbox; } } else { if (inboxSelec) { ret = NodeType.inbox; } else { ret = NodeType.outbox; } if (trashSelec) { ret = NodeType.trash; } } } else { if (selectedSC_ID != 0) { if (inboxSelec) { ret = NodeType.subInbox; } else { ret = NodeType.subOutbox; } } else { if (inboxSelec) { ret = NodeType.grInbox; } else { ret = NodeType.grOutbox; } if (trashSelec) { ret = NodeType.trash; } } } return ret; } private void CheckAllInbox() { int[] scidArray = new int[arVehSCID.Count]; int i = 0; foreach (VehandID obj in arVehSCID) { try { scidArray[i] = obj.sc_id; i++; } catch (Exception ex) { SM.Debug("Ex: "+ex.ToString()); } } //Console.WriteLine("CheckAllInbox getInboxSMS"); getInboxSMS(scidArray); htSUIDwithNewSMS.Clear(); if (arInboxSMS.Count > 0) { foreach (SMSfromDB obj in arInboxSMS) { if (obj.status == (int)TextStatus.SD_NO_GW || obj.status == (int)TextStatus.UNREAD_OUT || obj.status == (int)TextStatus.UNREAD_IN || obj.status == (int)TextStatus.UNKNOWN) { if (!htSUIDwithNewSMS.Contains(obj.sc_id)) { htSUIDwithNewSMS.Add(obj.sc_id, 0); } int tempI = Convert.ToInt32(htSUIDwithNewSMS[obj.sc_id]); tempI++; htSUIDwithNewSMS[obj.sc_id] = tempI; } } } } private void update4DeletedSMS() { try { arDeletedSMS = smdbObj.get_Deleted_SMS(); } catch (Exception ex) { SM.Debug("Error update4DeletedSMS:"+ex.ToString()); } SMSGridView.Rows.Clear(); SMSGridView.Columns["Dest"].IsVisible = true; SMSGridView.Columns["Dest"].HeaderText = wordTo; SMSGridView.Columns["Source"].HeaderText = wordFrom; Bitmap img = null; Int32 stat = 0; String email = ""; ListforGrid.Clear(); foreach (SMSfromDB obj in arDeletedSMS) { string content = obj.mes; if (obj.mes.Length > 25) { //content = obj.mes.Substring(0, 25) + "..."; } if (obj.status == (int)TextStatus.SD_NO_GW || obj.status == (int)TextStatus.UNREAD_OUT || obj.status == (int)TextStatus.UNREAD_IN || obj.status == (int)TextStatus.UNKNOWN) { img = global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.trashmic1; stat = 0; email = ""; } else { if (obj.status == (int)TextStatus.UNREAD_EMAIL || obj.status == (int)TextStatus.READ_EMAIL) { img = global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.trashmic1; stat = 2; email =; } else { img = global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.trashmic1; stat = 1; email = ""; } } //set corect names string subNAmeSource = "Unknown unit name1"; if (MainForm2.VehIDHash[obj.sc_id_sour] != null) { subNAmeSource = (string)MainForm2.VehIDHash[obj.sc_id_sour]; } else { if (stat != 2) { subNAmeSource = "Dispatcher"; } else { subNAmeSource = email; } } string subNAmeDest = "Unknown unit name2"; if (MainForm2.VehIDHash[obj.sc_id_Dest] != null) { subNAmeDest = (string)MainForm2.VehIDHash[obj.sc_id_Dest]; } else { if (stat != 2) { subNAmeDest = "Dispatcher"; } else { subNAmeDest = email; } } //ListforGrid.Add(new SMSDataforGRID(obj.idx, img, subNAmeSource, subNAmeDest, content, obj.mes, convDT.GetDTLocalFromSeconds("MMM d,yyyy '-' HH:mm:ss"), stat, email)); try { String DataString =, MainForm2.DayFirst); SMSDataforGRID smsItem = new SMSDataforGRID(obj.idx, img, subNAmeSource, subNAmeDest, content, obj.mes, DataString, stat, email, obj.sc_id_sour, obj.sc_id_Dest, (new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).AddSeconds(; smsItem.Color = obj.color; ListforGrid.Add(smsItem); } catch (Exception ex) { SM.Debug("Error on gridview DateFormat:" + ex.ToString()); } } ArrayList positions = new ArrayList(); if (arInboxSMS.Count > 0) { try { SMSGridView.DataSource = null; SMSGridView.DataSource = ListforGrid; } catch (Exception ex) { SM.Debug("Error on populate grid" + ex.ToString()); } } else { SMSGridView.Rows.Clear(); //SMSGridView.Refresh(); } SMSGridView.Refresh(); SMSGridView.TableElement.ScrollToRow(0); } bool firstTime = true; volatile List ListforGrid = new List(); public void updateDataGrid(int[] sc_id, bool inbox, bool trash, Boolean jump_over_select, Boolean ifisGroup) { try { // ArrayList ar = new ArrayList(); if (!jump_over_select) { if (inbox) { getInboxSMS(sc_id); SMSGridView.Columns["Dest"].IsVisible = false; } else { if (!ifisGroup) getOutboxSMS(sc_id); else getOutboxSMS_ifisGroup(sc_id); SMSGridView.Columns["Dest"].IsVisible = false; } } if (trash) { update4DeletedSMS(); } else { SMSGridView.Rows.Clear(); ListforGrid.Clear(); if (arInboxSMS.Count <= 2000) { btn_PrevPage.Visible = false; btn_NextPage.Visible = false; foreach (SMSfromDB obj in arInboxSMS) { string subNAme = "Unknown unit name"; Bitmap img = null; Int32 stat = 0; String email = ""; // if unit is found and not a group node selected if (MainForm2.VehIDHash[obj.sc_id] != null && SMSTreeView.SelectedNode.Nodes.Count >= 0) { subNAme = (string)MainForm2.VehIDHash[obj.sc_id]; } // set name for group as destination one else subNAme = SMSTreeView.SelectedNode.Text; if (!inbox) { /* if (obj.sc_id_Dest == obj.sc_id_sour) subNAme = SMSTreeView.SelectedNode.Name; * */ //if(SMSTreeView.SelectedNode.Name.Equals("Outbox")) } string content = obj.mes; if (obj.mes.Length > 25) { //content = obj.mes.Substring(0, 25) + "..."; } if (obj.status == (int)TextStatus.SD_NO_GW || obj.status == (int)TextStatus.UNREAD_OUT || obj.status == (int)TextStatus.UNREAD_IN || obj.status == (int)TextStatus.UNKNOWN) { img = global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.closedEnvelope; stat = 0; email = ""; } else { if (obj.status == (int)TextStatus.UNREAD_EMAIL || obj.status == (int)TextStatus.READ_EMAIL) { img =; stat = 2; email =; } else { img = global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.openEnvelope; stat = 1; email = ""; } } //ListforGrid.Add(new SMSDataforGRID(obj.idx, img, subNAme, "", content, obj.mes, convDT.GetDTLocalFromSeconds("MMM d,yyyy '-' HH:mm:ss"), stat, email)); try { String DataString = ""; DataString =, MainForm2.DayFirst); //if (MainForm2.is24hours) //{ // if (MainForm2.DayFirst) // DataString = convDT.GetDTLocalFromSeconds("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss, ddd"); // else // DataString = convDT.GetDTLocalFromSeconds("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss, ddd"); //} //else //{ // if (MainForm2.DayFirst) // DataString = convDT.GetDTLocalFromSeconds("dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt, ddd"); // else // DataString = convDT.GetDTLocalFromSeconds("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt, ddd"); //} // find spaces to add a new line between them string[] split = DataString.Split(" ".ToCharArray()); if (split.Length == 4) DataString = String.Format("{0}\n{1} {2} {3}", split[0], split[1], split[2], split[3]); else if (split.Length == 3) DataString = String.Format("{0}\n{1} {2}", split[0], split[1], split[2]); else if (split.Length == 2) DataString = String.Format("{0}\n{1}", split[0], split[1]); SMSDataforGRID gridItem = new SMSDataforGRID(obj.idx, img, subNAme, "", content, obj.mes, DataString, stat, email, obj.sc_id, 0, (new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).AddSeconds(; gridItem.Color = obj.color; ListforGrid.Add(gridItem); } catch (Exception ex) { SM.Debug("Error on gridview DateFormat:" + ex.ToString()); } } } else { arInboxSMSLimit2000 = smdbObj.get_SMS_with_limit(whereCommand, Type_Inbox_for_limit2000, PageforInbox); Console.WriteLine("Page for Index value:" + PageforInbox); if (PageforInbox > 0) btn_PrevPage.Visible = true; else btn_PrevPage.Visible = false; if (arInboxSMSLimit2000.Count == 2000) btn_NextPage.Visible = true; else btn_NextPage.Visible = false; foreach (SMSfromDB obj in arInboxSMSLimit2000) { string subNAme = "Unknown unit name4"; Bitmap img = null; Int32 stat = 0; String email = ""; if (MainForm2.VehIDHash[obj.sc_id] != null) { subNAme = (string)MainForm2.VehIDHash[obj.sc_id]; } if (obj.sc_id_Dest == obj.sc_id_sour) subNAme = SMSTreeView.SelectedNode.Name; string content = obj.mes; if (obj.mes.Length > 25) { //content = obj.mes.Substring(0, 25) + "..."; } if (obj.status == (int)TextStatus.SD_NO_GW || obj.status == (int)TextStatus.UNREAD_OUT || obj.status == (int)TextStatus.UNREAD_IN || obj.status == (int)TextStatus.UNKNOWN) { img = global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.closedEnvelope; stat = 0; email = ""; } else { if (obj.status == (int)TextStatus.UNREAD_EMAIL || obj.status == (int)TextStatus.READ_EMAIL) { img =; stat = 2; email =; } else { img = global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.openEnvelope; stat = 1; email = ""; } } //ListforGrid.Add(new SMSDataforGRID(obj.idx, img, subNAme, "", content, obj.mes, convDT.GetDTLocalFromSeconds("MMM d,yyyy '-' HH:mm:ss"), stat, email)); try { String DataString = ""; DataString =, MainForm2.DayFirst); //if (MainForm2.is24hours) //{ // if (MainForm2.DayFirst) // DataString = convDT.GetDTLocalFromSeconds("dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss, ddd"); // else // DataString = convDT.GetDTLocalFromSeconds("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss, ddd"); //} //else //{ // if (MainForm2.DayFirst) // DataString = convDT.GetDTLocalFromSeconds("dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt, ddd"); // else // DataString = convDT.GetDTLocalFromSeconds("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt, ddd"); //} // find spaces to add a new line between them string[] split = DataString.Split(" ".ToCharArray()); if (split.Length == 4) DataString = String.Format("{0}\n{1} {2} {3}", split[0], split[1], split[2], split[3]); else if (split.Length == 3) DataString = String.Format("{0}\n{1} {2}", split[0], split[1], split[2]); else if (split.Length == 2) DataString = String.Format("{0}\n{1}", split[0], split[1]); SMSDataforGRID gridItem = new SMSDataforGRID(obj.idx, img, subNAme, "", content, obj.mes, DataString, stat, email, obj.sc_id, 0, (new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).AddSeconds(; gridItem.Color = obj.color; ListforGrid.Add(gridItem); } catch (Exception ex) { SM.Debug("Error on gridview DateFormat:" + ex.ToString()); } } } ArrayList positions = new ArrayList(); if (arInboxSMS.Count > 0 ) { try { SMSGridView.DataSource = null; SMSGridView.DataSource = ListforGrid; } catch (Exception ex) { SM.Debug("Error on populate grid" + ex.ToString()); } } else { SMSGridView.Rows.Clear(); SMSGridView.Refresh(); } SMSGridView.TableElement.ScrollToRow(0); } SMSGridView.Refresh(); SMSGridView.TableElement.ScrollToRow(0); } catch (Exception ex) { Utils.WriteLine(ex.ToString(), ConsoleColor.Red); } } public void updateOnlytree(Int32 _sc_id,String _vehName) { try { Int32 sc_idd = _sc_id; String vehName = _vehName; RadTreeNode selNode = SMSTreeView.SelectedNode; foreach (RadTreeNode node in SMSTreeView.Nodes) { if (node.Name.Contains("Inbox")) { foreach (RadTreeNode nodegr in node.Nodes) { if (nodegr.Nodes.Count == 0) { if (nodegr.Name.CompareTo(vehName) == 0) { selNode = nodegr; break; } } else { foreach (RadTreeNode nodein in nodegr.Nodes) { if (nodein.Name.CompareTo(vehName) == 0) { selNode = nodein; break; } } } } break; } } selNode.Text = vehName; if (htSUIDwithNewSMS.Contains(sc_idd)) { int tempI = Convert.ToInt32(htSUIDwithNewSMS[sc_idd]); tempI++; htSUIDwithNewSMS[sc_idd] = tempI; selNode.Text += " [" + htSUIDwithNewSMS[sc_idd].ToString() + "]"; selNode.Font = new Font( new FontFamily("Segoe UI"), 12, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); //selNode.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Tahoma", 9F, ((System.Drawing.FontStyle)((System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold))), System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); } else { htSUIDwithNewSMS.Add(sc_idd, 1); selNode.Text += " [" + htSUIDwithNewSMS[sc_idd].ToString() + "]"; selNode.Font = new Font( new FontFamily("Segoe UI"), 12, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); selNode.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Tahoma", 9F, ((System.Drawing.FontStyle)((System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold))), System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); } // notify that messages has changed parent.UpdateUnreadMessagesNumber(); } catch (Exception ex) { SM.Debug("Error on updating the tree:" + ex.ToString()); } } public void updateInboxAndOutboxView(Boolean fromDB) { SM.Debug("Enter on update Inbox"); arVehSCID.Clear(); if (fromDB) CheckAllInbox(); SMSTreeView.Nodes.Clear(); SMSTreeView.MultiSelect = false; RadTreeNode inboxNode = new RadTreeNode(wordInbox); inboxNode.Name = "Inbox"; inboxNode.Font = new Font( new FontFamily("Segoe UI"), 13, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); // add image to the dictionary if not exists Image img = Utils.ScaleImage(global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.s_inbox, 37, 37); if (!MainForm2.imagesDictionary.ContainsKey("s_inbox" + "_37")) MainForm2.imagesDictionary.Add("s_inbox" + "_37", Utils.ChangeColor((Bitmap)img, MainForm2.ButtonColor)); // set the icon for the unit inboxNode.Image = MainForm2.imagesDictionary["s_inbox" + "_37"]; inboxNode.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(225, 228, 219); inboxNode.ItemHeight = 40; inboxNode.AllowDrop = true; //add elements in groups GroupClass g; ArrayList arrSCidsINGroups = new ArrayList(); foreach (int i in MainForm2.GroupHash.Keys) { g = (GroupClass)MainForm2.GroupHash[i]; RadTreeNode nodeGroup = new RadTreeNode(; nodeGroup.Name =; nodeGroup.Image = Utils.ChangeColor(global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.s_group, MainForm2.ButtonColor); foreach (int scID in g.arrSc_id) { if (MainForm2.VehIDHash.ContainsKey(scID)) { RadTreeNode node1 = new RadTreeNode((string)MainForm2.VehIDHash[scID]); node1.Name = (string)MainForm2.VehIDHash[scID]; #region NODE IMAGE Car crtCar = ((Car)MainForm2.carlist[((Vehicle)MainForm2.vehicleHT[(string)MainForm2.VehIDHash[scID]]).IconID]); if (crtCar != null) { String iconPath = crtCar.listFilePath; try { Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(iconPath); Image tmp2 = bmp; //tmp.ToBitmap(); tmp2.Tag = crtCar.listFilePath; // add image to the dictionary if not exists if (!MainForm2.imagesDictionary.ContainsKey(crtCar.listFilePath + "_16")) MainForm2.imagesDictionary.Add(crtCar.listFilePath + "_16", Utils.ScaleImage(tmp2, 16, 16)); // set the icon for the unit node1.Image = MainForm2.imagesDictionary[crtCar.listFilePath + "_16"]; } catch (Exception) { SM.Debug("Grid icon could not be found [" + iconPath + "]"); node1.Image = global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.subscriber; } } #endregion arrSCidsINGroups.Add(scID); node1.ContextMenu = Menu4UnitsSMS; // set node1.Tag = scID; //test if u got new sms if (htSUIDwithNewSMS.Contains(scID)) { node1.Text += " [" + htSUIDwithNewSMS[scID].ToString() + "]"; node1.Font = new Font( new FontFamily("Segoe UI"), 12, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); //node1.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Tahoma", 9F, ((System.Drawing.FontStyle)((System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold))), System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); } else { node1.Font = new Font( new FontFamily("Segoe UI"), 12, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); //node1.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Tahoma", 9F, ((System.Drawing.FontStyle)((System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular))), System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); } nodeGroup.Nodes.Add(node1); //nodeGroup.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Tahoma", 11F, ((System.Drawing.FontStyle)((System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold))), System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); node1.AllowDrop = false; } } nodeGroup.AllowDrop = true; // set the group ID as Tag value nodeGroup.Tag = g.cps_id; // change font for group node nodeGroup.Font = new Font( new FontFamily("Segoe UI"), 13, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); //add only groups that have 1 ore more elemets if (nodeGroup.Nodes.Count > 0) inboxNode.Nodes.Add(nodeGroup); } //add groups without elements foreach (string Gname in htGroupsKeyNAmeValueID.Keys) { bool found = false; foreach (int j in MainForm2.GroupHash.Keys) { g = (GroupClass)MainForm2.GroupHash[j]; if ( == Gname) { found = true; } } if (!found) { RadTreeNode nodeGroup = new RadTreeNode(Gname.ToUpper()); nodeGroup.Name = Gname; nodeGroup.Image = Utils.ChangeColor(global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.s_group, MainForm2.ButtonColor); nodeGroup.AllowDrop = true; // set the group ID as Tag value nodeGroup.Tag = htGroupsKeyNAmeValueID[Gname]; nodeGroup.Font = new Font( new FontFamily("Segoe UI"), 13, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); //nodeGroup.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Tahoma", 11F, ((System.Drawing.FontStyle)((System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold))), System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); inboxNode.Nodes.Add(nodeGroup); } } //add elements NOT in groups foreach (VehandID obj in MainForm2.arVehSCID) { if (!arrSCidsINGroups.Contains(obj.sc_id)) { RadTreeNode node1 = new RadTreeNode((string)MainForm2.VehIDHash[obj.sc_id]); node1.Name = (string)MainForm2.VehIDHash[obj.sc_id]; node1.AllowDrop = false; node1.ContextMenu = Menu4UnitsSMS; // set the unit ID as Tag value node1.Tag = obj.sc_id; #region NODE IMAGE Car crtCar = ((Car)MainForm2.carlist[((Vehicle)MainForm2.vehicleHT[(string)MainForm2.VehIDHash[obj.sc_id]]).IconID]); if (crtCar != null) { String iconPath = crtCar.listFilePath; try { Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(iconPath); Image tmp2 = bmp; //tmp.ToBitmap(); tmp2.Tag = crtCar.listFilePath; // add image to the dictionary if not exists if (!MainForm2.imagesDictionary.ContainsKey(crtCar.listFilePath + "_16")) MainForm2.imagesDictionary.Add(crtCar.listFilePath + "_16", Utils.ScaleImage(tmp2, 16, 16)); // set the icon for the unit node1.Image = MainForm2.imagesDictionary[crtCar.listFilePath + "_16"]; } catch (Exception) { SM.Debug("Grid icon could not be found [" + iconPath + "]"); node1.Image = global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.subscriber; } } #endregion if (htSUIDwithNewSMS.Contains(obj.sc_id)) { node1.Text += " [" + htSUIDwithNewSMS[obj.sc_id].ToString() + "]"; node1.Font = new Font( new FontFamily("Segoe UI"), 12, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); //node1.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Tahoma", 9F, ((System.Drawing.FontStyle)((System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold))), System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); //node1.ForeColor = Color.Red; } else node1.Font = new Font( new FontFamily("Segoe UI"), 12, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); inboxNode.Nodes.Add(node1); } } //SMSTreeView.MultiSelect = false; SMSTreeView.Nodes.Add(inboxNode); ////////////////outBOX RadTreeNode outboxNode = new RadTreeNode(wordOutbox); outboxNode.Name = "Outbox"; outboxNode.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(225, 228, 219); outboxNode.Font = new Font( new FontFamily("Segoe UI"), 13, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); //outboxNode.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Tahoma", 13F, ((System.Drawing.FontStyle)((System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular))), System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); Image img2 = Utils.ScaleImage(global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.s_outbox, 37, 37); // add image to the dictionary if not exists if (!MainForm2.imagesDictionary.ContainsKey("s_outbox" + "_37")) MainForm2.imagesDictionary.Add("s_outbox" + "_37", Utils.ChangeColor((Bitmap)img2, MainForm2.ButtonColor)); // set the icon for the unit outboxNode.Image = MainForm2.imagesDictionary["s_outbox" + "_37"]; outboxNode.ItemHeight = 40; outboxNode.AllowDrop = true; arrSCidsINGroups = new ArrayList(); foreach (int i in MainForm2.GroupHash.Keys) { g = (GroupClass)MainForm2.GroupHash[i]; RadTreeNode nodeGroup = new RadTreeNode(; nodeGroup.Name =; // set the group ID as Tag value nodeGroup.Tag = g.cps_id; foreach (int scID in g.arrSc_id) { if (MainForm2.VehIDHash.ContainsKey(scID)) { RadTreeNode node1 = new RadTreeNode((string)MainForm2.VehIDHash[scID]); node1.Name = (string)MainForm2.VehIDHash[scID]; arrSCidsINGroups.Add(scID); node1.AllowDrop = false; node1.ContextMenu = Menu4UnitsSMS; // set the unit ID as Tag value node1.Tag = scID; node1.Font = new Font( new FontFamily("Segoe UI"), 12, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); #region NODE IMAGE Car crtCar = ((Car)MainForm2.carlist[((Vehicle)MainForm2.vehicleHT[(string)MainForm2.VehIDHash[scID]]).IconID]); if (crtCar != null) { String iconPath = crtCar.listFilePath; try { Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(iconPath); Image tmp2 = bmp; //tmp.ToBitmap(); tmp2.Tag = crtCar.listFilePath; // add image to the dictionary if not exists if (!MainForm2.imagesDictionary.ContainsKey(crtCar.listFilePath + "_16")) MainForm2.imagesDictionary.Add(crtCar.listFilePath + "_16", Utils.ScaleImage(tmp2, 16, 16)); // set the icon for the unit node1.Image = MainForm2.imagesDictionary[crtCar.listFilePath + "_16"]; } catch (Exception) { SM.Debug("Grid icon could not be found [" + iconPath + "]"); node1.Image = global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.subscriber; } } #endregion nodeGroup.Nodes.Add(node1); } } nodeGroup.AllowDrop = true; // set font for the node group nodeGroup.Font = new Font( new FontFamily("Segoe UI"), 13, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); nodeGroup.Image = Utils.ChangeColor(global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.s_group, MainForm2.ButtonColor); //add only groups that have 1 ore more elemets if (nodeGroup.Nodes.Count > 0) outboxNode.Nodes.Add(nodeGroup); } //add groups without elements SM.Debug("GroupHash.Keys Count" + MainForm2.GroupHash.Keys.Count); foreach (string Gname in htGroupsKeyNAmeValueID.Keys) { bool found = false; foreach (int j in MainForm2.GroupHash.Keys) { g = (GroupClass)MainForm2.GroupHash[j]; if ( == Gname) { found = true; } } if (!found) { RadTreeNode nodeGroup = new RadTreeNode(Gname.ToUpper()); nodeGroup.Name = Gname.ToUpper(); nodeGroup.AllowDrop = true; // set the group ID as Tag value nodeGroup.Tag = htGroupsKeyNAmeValueID[Gname]; nodeGroup.Font = new Font( new FontFamily("Segoe UI"), 13, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); //nodeGroup.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Tahoma", 11F, ((System.Drawing.FontStyle)((System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold))), System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); nodeGroup.Image = global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.users; outboxNode.Nodes.Add(nodeGroup); } } //add elements NOT in groups foreach (VehandID obj in MainForm2.arVehSCID) { if (!arrSCidsINGroups.Contains(obj.sc_id)) { RadTreeNode node1 = new RadTreeNode((string)MainForm2.VehIDHash[obj.sc_id]); node1.Name = (string)MainForm2.VehIDHash[obj.sc_id]; node1.AllowDrop = false; node1.ContextMenu = Menu4UnitsSMS; // set the unit ID as Tag value node1.Tag = obj.sc_id; node1.Font = new Font( new FontFamily("Segoe UI"), 12, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); #region NODE IMAGE Car crtCar = ((Car)MainForm2.carlist[((Vehicle)MainForm2.vehicleHT[(string)MainForm2.VehIDHash[obj.sc_id]]).IconID]); if (crtCar != null) { String iconPath = crtCar.listFilePath; try { Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(iconPath); Image tmp2 = bmp; //tmp.ToBitmap(); tmp2.Tag = crtCar.listFilePath; // add image to the dictionary if not exists if (!MainForm2.imagesDictionary.ContainsKey(crtCar.listFilePath + "_16")) MainForm2.imagesDictionary.Add(crtCar.listFilePath + "_16", Utils.ScaleImage(tmp2, 16, 16)); // set the icon for the unit node1.Image = MainForm2.imagesDictionary[crtCar.listFilePath + "_16"]; } catch (Exception) { SM.Debug("Grid icon could not be found [" + iconPath + "]"); node1.Image = global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.subscriber; } } #endregion outboxNode.Nodes.Add(node1); } } RadTreeNode TrashNode = new RadTreeNode(wordRecyBin); TrashNode.Name = "Recycle"; TrashNode.Font = new Font( new FontFamily("Segoe UI"), 13, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); //TrashNode.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Tahoma", 13F, ((System.Drawing.FontStyle)((System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular))), System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); TrashNode.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(225, 228, 219); Image img3 = Utils.ScaleImage(global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.trash_activ, 37, 37); // add image to the dictionary if not exists if (!MainForm2.imagesDictionary.ContainsKey("trash_activ" + "_37")) MainForm2.imagesDictionary.Add("trash_activ" + "_37", Utils.ChangeColor((Bitmap)img3, MainForm2.ButtonColor)); // set the icon for the unit TrashNode.Image = MainForm2.imagesDictionary["trash_activ" + "_37"]; TrashNode.ItemHeight = 40; SMSTreeView.Nodes.Add(outboxNode); SMSTreeView.Nodes.Add(TrashNode); SMSTreeView.ExpandAll(); //reselect the previous tree node if (selectedTreeNode != null) { switch (selectedNodeType) { case NodeType.inbox: SMSTreeView.Nodes[0].Selected = true; break; case NodeType.outbox: SMSTreeView.Nodes[1].Selected = true; break; case NodeType.trash: SMSTreeView.Nodes[2].Selected = true; break; case NodeType.grInbox: SM.Debug("Reselcting inbox group:" + selectedTreeNode.Name); foreach (RadTreeNode node in SMSTreeView.Nodes[0].Nodes) { if (node.Name == selectedTreeNode.Name) { node.Selected = true; } } break; case NodeType.grOutbox: SM.Debug("Reselcting outbox group:" + selectedTreeNode.Name); foreach (RadTreeNode node in SMSTreeView.Nodes[1].Nodes) { if (node.Name == selectedTreeNode.Name) { node.Selected = true; } } break; case NodeType.subInbox: SM.Debug("Reselcting inbox subscriber:" + selectedTreeNode.Name); foreach (RadTreeNode nodeGR in SMSTreeView.Nodes[0].Nodes) { foreach (RadTreeNode node in nodeGR.Nodes) { if (node.Name == selectedTreeNode.Name) { node.Selected = true; } } if (nodeGR.Name == selectedTreeNode.Name) { nodeGR.Selected = true; } } break; case NodeType.subOutbox: SM.Debug("Reselcting outbox subscriber:" + selectedTreeNode.Text); foreach (RadTreeNode nodeGR in SMSTreeView.Nodes[1].Nodes) { foreach (RadTreeNode node in nodeGR.Nodes) { if (node.Name == selectedTreeNode.Name) { node.Selected = true; } } if (nodeGR.Name == selectedTreeNode.Name) { nodeGR.Selected = true; } } break; } } else SMSTreeView.SelectedNode = SMSTreeView.Nodes[0]; SMSTreeView_Click(SMSTreeView, null); } private String oldSelected = ""; private String oldparent = ""; private void SMSTreeView_SelectedNodeChanged(object sender, RadTreeViewEventArgs e) { SMSTreeView_Click(SMSTreeView, null); } private void SMSTreeView_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (SMSTreeView.SelectedNode == null) return; // update text for the LOGGED IN USER labelUser.Text = SMSTreeView.SelectedNode.Text.Split("[".ToCharArray())[0].ToUpper(); if (CanSendQuickTextMessage(SMSTreeView.SelectedNode)) { //rbtSendQuick.Enabled = true; rtbQuickText.Enabled = true; rtbQuickText.Text = ""; } else { //rbtSendQuick.Enabled = false; rtbQuickText.Enabled = false; rtbQuickText.Text = ""; } try { // refresh tree if desired by sending a new sms if (((SMSTreeView.SelectedNode != null) && ((oldSelected != SMSTreeView.SelectedNode.Name) || (getParent(SMSTreeView.SelectedNode).Name!=oldparent))) || sender != SMSTreeView) { oldSelected = SMSTreeView.SelectedNode.Name; oldparent = getParent(SMSTreeView.SelectedNode).Name; webBrowser1.DocumentText = ""; selectedTreeNode = SMSTreeView.SelectedNode; if (MainForm2.vehicleHT.ContainsKey(SMSTreeView.SelectedNode.Name)) { selectedSC_ID = ((Vehicle)MainForm2.vehicleHT[SMSTreeView.SelectedNode.Name]).sc_id; } else { selectedSC_ID = 0; } SM.Debug("Selected node = " + SMSTreeView.SelectedNode.Name + " with sc_id = " + selectedSC_ID); string msg = (SMSTreeView.SelectedNode.Nodes.Count > 0) ? MainForm2.returnLNGString("sendquickgroupsms") : MainForm2.returnLNGString("sendquicksms"); rtbQuickText.NullText = String.Format(msg, SMSTreeView.SelectedNode.Text.Split("[".ToCharArray())[0]); // display maximum number of characters rtbQuickText.MaxLength = SmsUtils.GetMaxNumberOfCharacters(MainForm2.radioType); if (MainForm2.vehicleHT.Contains(SMSTreeView.SelectedNode.Name)) { ((Vehicle)MainForm2.vehicleHT[SMSTreeView.SelectedNode.Name]).CheckPositionInSystem(); string GatewayAndRadioID = ((Vehicle)MainForm2.vehicleHT[SMSTreeView.SelectedNode.Name]).GwandRadioID; int gwType = (int)GatewayType.Unknown; if (MainForm2.radioGwHT[GatewayAndRadioID] != null) { gwType = ((RadioGateway)MainForm2.radioGwHT[GatewayAndRadioID]).Type; rtbQuickText.MaxLength = SmsUtils.GetMaxNumberOfCharacters(gwType); } } labelCount.Text = String.Format(MainForm2.returnLNGString("charactersLeft"), rtbQuickText.MaxLength); //txTO.Text = SMSTreeView.SelectedNode.Name; RadTreeNode inOrOutNode = getParent(SMSTreeView.SelectedNode); if (inOrOutNode.Name == "Inbox") { try { SMSGridView.Columns["Date"].HeaderText = MainForm2.returnLNGString("Received"); inboxSelec = true; SMSGridView.Columns["Source"].HeaderText = wordFrom; int[] scidArray = getChildSC_ID(SMSTreeView.SelectedNode); selectedSC_IDlist = scidArray; if (scidArray.Length > 0) { updateDataGrid(scidArray, true, false,false,false); trashSelec = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { SM.Debug("Ex:" + ex.ToString()); } } else { if (inOrOutNode.Name == "Outbox") { // this is a GROUP NODE or an unit with no group :-? SMSGridView.Columns["Date"].HeaderText = MainForm2.returnLNGString("send2"); try { inboxSelec = false; SMSGridView.Columns["Source"].HeaderText = wordTo; Boolean ifisGroup = false; int[] scidArray = getChildSC_ID_GroupID(SMSTreeView.SelectedNode, out ifisGroup); //if (SMSTreeView.SelectedNode.Nodes.Count > 0) //{ // ifisGroup = true; // scidArray = new int[] { Int16.Parse(SMSTreeView.SelectedNode.Tag.ToString()) }; //} selectedSC_IDlist = scidArray; if (scidArray.Length > 0) { updateDataGrid(scidArray, false, false,false,ifisGroup); trashSelec = false; } } catch (Exception ex) { SM.Debug("Ex:" + ex.ToString()); } } else { try { inboxSelec = false; //SMSGridView.Columns[2].HeaderText = "To/From"; int[] scidArray = getChildSC_ID(SMSTreeView.SelectedNode); updateDataGrid(scidArray, false, true,false,false); trashSelec = true; inboxSelec = false; } catch (Exception ex) { SM.Debug("Ex:" + ex.ToString()); } } } // find out what kind of node is it ... inbox/outbox group or subscriber selectedNodeType = getNodeType(selectedTreeNode); //set sms label SetLabelText(selectedTreeNode); if (SMSGridView.RowCount > 0) { //SelectSMSandDisplay(false); panelNoEvents.Visible = false; } else panelNoEvents.Visible = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { SM.Debug("Selected node exception:"+ex.ToString()); } } /// /// Verific daca activez sau nu butonul de send quick text /// in functie de nodul selectat /// /// nodul selectat /// true daca pot trimite quick text, false altfel private bool CanSendQuickTextMessage(RadTreeNode selectedTreeNode) { // enable or disable the quick text option depending on the level // of the tree view which is selected if (SMSTreeView.SelectedNode == null) return false; else if (SMSTreeView.SelectedNode.Level == 0) return false; else if (SMSTreeView.SelectedNode.Nodes.Count > 0) return true; else if (SMSTreeView.SelectedNode.GetNodeCount(true) != 0) { // Nodul este un grup // Nu permit quick text message pentru atlas, Simoco, conectPlus, turborepeater, tetra if (MainForm2.radioType == RADIOTYPE.MOTO || MainForm2.radioType == RADIOTYPE.HYT || MainForm2.radioType == RADIOTYPE.HARRIS) return true; else return false; } else { return true; } } private void SMSTreeView_DragEnded(object sender, RadTreeViewDragEventArgs e) { if (selectedNodeType == NodeType.subInbox || selectedNodeType == NodeType.subOutbox) { int[] arryS = getChildSC_ID(e.Node); if (arryS != null) { if (arryS.Length == 1) { try { if (htGroupsKeyNAmeValueID.ContainsKey(e.TargetNode.Name)) { SM.Debug("Valid drag and drop ---- moving item with sc_id " + arryS[0] + " TO group with id " + htGroupsKeyNAmeValueID[e.TargetNode.Name]); smdbObj.AddGroupElement(arryS[0], Convert.ToInt32(htGroupsKeyNAmeValueID[e.TargetNode.Name])); } else { SM.Debug("Valid drag and drop ---- moving item with sc_id " + arryS[0] + " TO inbox or outbox"); smdbObj.RemoveGroupElement(arryS[0]); } MainForm2.GroupHash = smdbObj.Select_groups(); } catch (Exception ex) { SM.Debug("Ex:" + ex.ToString()); } } else { SM.Debug("Invalid drag and drop... "); } } } updateInboxAndOutboxView(true); } private void SMSGridView_CellClick(object sender, GridViewCellEventArgs e) { if (SMSGridView.CurrentCell != null && e.Column.Name.Equals("Color") && !(e.Row is GridViewTableHeaderRowInfo)) SMSGridView.ContextMenuManager.ShowContextMenu(SMSGridView.CurrentCell); else { if (PageforInbox == 0) SelectSMSandDisplay(false); else SelectSMSandDisplay(true); if (GetTreeLevel() == TreeLevel.OUTBOX && SMSGridView.SelectedRows.Count == 1) { foreach (GridViewRowInfo r in SMSGridView.SelectedRows) { smdbObj.Update_SMS( (GetTreeLevel() == TreeLevel.INBOX ? (int)TextStatus.READ_IN : (int)TextStatus.READ_OUT), Convert.ToInt32(r.Cells["Idx"].Value)); SMSDataforGRID gridItem = r.DataBoundItem as SMSDataforGRID; if (gridItem != null) { gridItem.Icon = global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.openEnvelope; gridItem.Status = 1; } r.Cells["Icon"].Value = global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.openEnvelope; r.Cells["Status"].Value = 1; } // notify that messages has changed parent.UpdateUnreadMessagesNumber(); } } } /// /// Open the context menu when the Color cell is double clicked /// private void SMSGridView_CellDoubleClick(object sender, GridViewCellEventArgs e) { if (SMSGridView.CurrentCell != null && e.Column.Name.Equals("Color") && !(e.Row is GridViewTableHeaderRowInfo)) SMSGridView.ContextMenuManager.ShowContextMenu(SMSGridView.CurrentCell); } private void SelectSMSandDisplay(Boolean with_out_refresh) { SM.Debug("Selected rows count = " + SMSGridView.SelectedRows.Count); if (SMSGridView.SelectedRows.Count > 0) { slectedSMSidx = new int[SMSGridView.SelectedRows.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < SMSGridView.SelectedRows.Count; i++) { slectedSMSidx[i] = Convert.ToInt32(SMSGridView.SelectedRows[i].Cells["Idx"].Value); } String s = (String)SMSGridView.SelectedRows[0].Cells["Message"].Value; string head = ""; string end = ""; string from = ""; string to = ""; if (inboxSelec) { from = (string)SMSGridView.SelectedRows[0].Cells["Source"].Value; if (Convert.ToInt32(SMSGridView.SelectedRows[0].Cells["Status"].Value) != (int)TextStatus.READ_OUT) { to = "Dispatcher"; } else { to = (string)SMSGridView.SelectedRows[0].Cells["email"].Value; } } else { if (Convert.ToInt32(SMSGridView.SelectedRows[0].Cells["Status"].Value) != (int)TextStatus.READ_OUT) { from = "Dispatcher"; } else { from = (string)SMSGridView.SelectedRows[0].Cells["email"].Value; } to = (string)SMSGridView.SelectedRows[0].Cells["Source"].Value; } string status = "
" + "" + wordFrom + ": " + from + "
" + wordTo + ": " + to + "
" + wordDate + ": " + (String)SMSGridView.SelectedRows[0].Cells["Date"].Value + "
" + "

"; string text = "
" + s + "
"; webBrowser1.AllowNavigation = true; webBrowser1.DocumentText = head + status + text + end; Application.DoEvents(); webBrowser1.AllowNavigation = false; if (inboxSelec) { if ((!with_out_refresh) && (Convert.ToInt32(SMSGridView.SelectedRows[0].Cells["Status"].Value) != (int)TextStatus.UNREAD_OUT)) { try { Int32 sc_idd = (Int32)SMSGridView.SelectedRows[0].Cells["sc_id_source"].Value; RadTreeNode selNode = SMSTreeView.SelectedNode; foreach (RadTreeNode node in SMSTreeView.Nodes) { if (node.Name.Contains("Inbox")) { foreach (RadTreeNode nodegr in node.Nodes) { if (nodegr.Nodes.Count == 0) { if (nodegr.Name.CompareTo((string)SMSGridView.SelectedRows[0].Cells["Source"].Value) == 0) { selNode = nodegr; break; } } else { foreach (RadTreeNode nodein in nodegr.Nodes) { if (nodein.Name.CompareTo((string)SMSGridView.SelectedRows[0].Cells["Source"].Value) == 0) { selNode = nodein; break; } } } } break; } } selNode.Text = (string)SMSGridView.SelectedRows[0].Cells["Source"].Value; if (htSUIDwithNewSMS.Contains(sc_idd)) { int tempI = Convert.ToInt32(htSUIDwithNewSMS[sc_idd]); tempI--; if (tempI == 0) htSUIDwithNewSMS.Remove(sc_idd); else htSUIDwithNewSMS[sc_idd] = tempI; if (htSUIDwithNewSMS.Contains(sc_idd)) { selNode.Text += " [" + htSUIDwithNewSMS[sc_idd].ToString() + "]"; selNode.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Tahoma", 9F, ((System.Drawing.FontStyle)((System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold))), System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); } else selNode.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Tahoma", 9F, ((System.Drawing.FontStyle)((System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular))), System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); } else selNode.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Tahoma", 9F, ((System.Drawing.FontStyle)((System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular))), System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); } catch (Exception ex) { SM.Debug("Error on updating the tree:"+ex.ToString()); } } if (Convert.ToInt32(SMSGridView.SelectedRows[0].Cells["Status"].Value) != (int)TextStatus.READ_OUT) { //mark sms as read (status 4) try { smdbObj.Update_SMS(4, Convert.ToInt32(SMSGridView.SelectedRows[0].Cells["Idx"].Value)); SMSDataforGRID gridItem = SMSGridView.SelectedRows[0].DataBoundItem as SMSDataforGRID; if (gridItem != null) { gridItem.Icon = global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.openEnvelope; gridItem.Status = (int)TextStatus.UNREAD_OUT; } SMSGridView.SelectedRows[0].Cells["Icon"].Value = global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.openEnvelope; SMSGridView.SelectedRows[0].Cells["Status"].Value = (int)TextStatus.UNREAD_OUT; // notify that messages has changed parent.UpdateUnreadMessagesNumber(); // update the tree node value // TODO } catch (Exception ex) { SM.Debug("Error UpdateSMS:" + ex.ToString()); } //only in read case made refresh } } } } private void SMSGridView_CellFormatting(object sender, CellFormattingEventArgs e) { GridCellElement cellElement = e.CellElement; GridViewDataColumn columnInfo = e.CellElement.ColumnInfo as GridViewDataColumn; if (cellElement == null || columnInfo == null) return; // do not draw border cellElement.DrawBorder = false; // do not highlight the cell on which was clicked if (e.CellElement.IsCurrent) { e.CellElement.IsCurrent = false; } if (e.CellElement.ColumnInfo.Name == "number" && string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.CellElement.Text)) { e.CellElement.Text = (e.CellElement.RowIndex + 1).ToString(); cellElement.DrawText = true; Font font3 = new Font( cellElement.Font.FontFamily, 9, FontStyle.Regular, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); cellElement.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(0x66, 0x66, 0x66); cellElement.Font = font3; cellElement.Padding = new Padding(1, 1, 3, 1); } try { if (!trashSelec) { if (e.Row.DataBoundItem as SMSDataforGRID != null) { SMSDataforGRID gridItem = e.Row.DataBoundItem as SMSDataforGRID; //if ((e.CellElement.RowIndex >= 0) && (SMSGridView.Rows[e.CellElement.RowIndex].Cells["Status"].Value != DBNull.Value)) if (gridItem.Status == 0) { //if (Convert.ToInt32(SMSGridView.Rows[e.CellElement.RowIndex].Cells["Status"].Value) == (int)TextStatus.SD_NO_GW) e.CellElement.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 10F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); } else { e.CellElement.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 10F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); } } if(cellElement is GridImageCellElement && (columnInfo.Name == "Icon")) { SMSDataforGRID gridItem = e.Row.DataBoundItem as SMSDataforGRID; if (gridItem.Status == 0) { e.CellElement.Image = global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.closedEnvelope; } else { e.CellElement.Image = global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.openEnvelope; } } } if (cellElement is GridDataCellElement && (columnInfo.Name == "timeAgo" || columnInfo.Name == "Date")) { Font font = new Font( cellElement.Font.FontFamily, 10, FontStyle.Bold, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); cellElement.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(0x66,0x66,0x66); cellElement.Font = font; } else if (cellElement is GridDataCellElement && columnInfo.Name == "Color") { cellElement.DrawText = false; GridColorCellElement colorCellElement = e.CellElement as GridColorCellElement; colorCellElement.Text = string.Empty; int colorBoxWidth = 20; int leftMargin = (this.SMSGridView.Columns["Color"].Width - colorBoxWidth) / 2; colorCellElement.ColorBox.Margin = new Padding(leftMargin, 10, 2, 10); } } catch (Exception ex) { SM.Debug("Ex:" + ex.ToString()); } } /// /// Create the context menu which will be displayed when a cell is right clicked /// This will select the options for each selection /// private void SMSGridView_ContextMenuOpening(object sender, ContextMenuOpeningEventArgs e) { GridDataCellElement cell = e.ContextMenuProvider as GridDataCellElement; if (cell == null) { return; } if (e.ContextMenuProvider is GridDataCellElement) { GridViewRowInfo row = ((GridDataCellElement)e.ContextMenuProvider).RowInfo; // get the database index of the current sms Int16 idx = 0; Int16.TryParse(row.Cells["idx"].Value.ToString(), out idx); // create the drop down menu RadDropDownMenu menu = new RadDropDownMenu(); if(cell.ColumnIndex == SMSGridView.Columns["Color"].Index) { #region COLOR ITEMS // create context menu button RadMenuItem itemNone = new RadMenuItem(MainForm2.returnLNGString("categoryNo")); // add click listener for the context menu button itemNone.Click += delegate(object s, EventArgs ev) { // set the purple color GridColorCellElement colorCellElement = cell as GridColorCellElement; colorCellElement.Value = Color.White; // update color in the DB if(idx != 0) smdbObj.ChangeSMSColor(idx, Color.White); // close the menu menu.ClosePopup(RadPopupCloseReason.Mouse); }; itemNone.Image = global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.s_categ_none; itemNone.ImageAlignment = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft; // add button to context menu menu.Items.Add(itemNone); // create context menu button RadMenuItem itemRed = new RadMenuItem(MainForm2.returnLNGString("categoryRed")); // add click listener for the context menu button itemRed.Click += delegate(object s, EventArgs ev) { // set the purple color GridColorCellElement colorCellElement = cell as GridColorCellElement; colorCellElement.Value = Color.FromArgb(167, 29, 35); // update color in the DB if (idx != 0) smdbObj.ChangeSMSColor(idx, Color.FromArgb(167, 29, 35)); // close the menu menu.ClosePopup(RadPopupCloseReason.Mouse); }; itemRed.Image = global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.s_categ_red; itemRed.ImageAlignment = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft; // add button to context menu menu.Items.Add(itemRed); // create context menu button RadMenuItem itemGreen = new RadMenuItem(MainForm2.returnLNGString("categoryGreen")); // add click listener for the context menu button itemGreen.Click += delegate(object s, EventArgs ev) { // set the purple color GridColorCellElement colorCellElement = cell as GridColorCellElement; colorCellElement.Value = Color.FromArgb(55, 126, 45); // update color in the DB if (idx != 0) smdbObj.ChangeSMSColor(idx, Color.FromArgb(55, 126, 45)); // close the menu menu.ClosePopup(RadPopupCloseReason.Mouse); }; itemGreen.Image = global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.s_categ_green; itemGreen.ImageAlignment = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft; // add button to context menu menu.Items.Add(itemGreen); // create context menu button RadMenuItem itemBlue = new RadMenuItem(MainForm2.returnLNGString("categoryBlue")); // add click listener for the context menu button itemBlue.Click += delegate(object s, EventArgs ev) { // set the purple color GridColorCellElement colorCellElement = cell as GridColorCellElement; colorCellElement.Value = Color.FromArgb(40, 81, 142); // update color in the DB if (idx != 0) smdbObj.ChangeSMSColor(idx, Color.FromArgb(40, 81, 142)); // close the menu menu.ClosePopup(RadPopupCloseReason.Mouse); }; itemBlue.Image = global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.s_categ_blue; itemBlue.ImageAlignment = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft; // add button to context menu menu.Items.Add(itemBlue); // create context menu button RadMenuItem itemYellow = new RadMenuItem(MainForm2.returnLNGString("categoryYellow")); // add click listener for the context menu button itemYellow.Click += delegate(object s, EventArgs ev) { // set the purple color GridColorCellElement colorCellElement = cell as GridColorCellElement; colorCellElement.Value = Color.FromArgb(255, 249, 104); // update color in the DB if (idx != 0) smdbObj.ChangeSMSColor(idx, Color.FromArgb(255, 249, 104)); // close the menu menu.ClosePopup(RadPopupCloseReason.Mouse); }; itemYellow.Image = global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.s_categ_yellow; itemYellow.ImageAlignment = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft; // add button to context menu menu.Items.Add(itemYellow); // create context menu button RadMenuItem itemOrange = new RadMenuItem(MainForm2.returnLNGString("categoryOrange")); // add click listener for the context menu button itemOrange.Click += delegate(object s, EventArgs ev) { // set the purple color GridColorCellElement colorCellElement = cell as GridColorCellElement; colorCellElement.Value = Color.FromArgb(173, 77, 13); // update color in the DB if (idx != 0) smdbObj.ChangeSMSColor(idx, Color.FromArgb(173, 77, 13)); // close the menu menu.ClosePopup(RadPopupCloseReason.Mouse); }; itemOrange.Image = global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.s_categ_orange; itemOrange.ImageAlignment = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft; // add button to context menu menu.Items.Add(itemOrange); // create context menu button RadMenuItem itemPurple = new RadMenuItem(MainForm2.returnLNGString("categoryPurple")); // add click listener for the context menu button itemPurple.Click += delegate(object s, EventArgs ev) { // set the purple color GridColorCellElement colorCellElement = cell as GridColorCellElement; colorCellElement.Value = Color.FromArgb(77, 49, 141); // update color in the DB if (idx != 0) smdbObj.ChangeSMSColor(idx, Color.FromArgb(77, 49, 141)); // close the menu menu.ClosePopup(RadPopupCloseReason.Mouse); }; itemPurple.Image = global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.s_categ_purple; itemPurple.ImageAlignment = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft; // add button to context menu menu.Items.Add(itemPurple); #endregion } else { // detect if many messages are selected or not bool multiMessagesSelected = SMSGridView.SelectedRows.Count > 1; #region DELETE MENU ITEM // create context menu button RadMenuItem itemDelete = new RadMenuItem(multiMessagesSelected ? MainForm2.returnLNGString("delmsgs") : MainForm2.returnLNGString("delmsg")); // add click listener for the context menu button itemDelete.Click += delegate(object s, EventArgs ev) { DialogResult dr2 = DialogResult.Yes; if (rcbDeleteConfirmation.Checked) { dr2 = RadMessageBox.Show(MainForm2.returnLNGString("delselected") +" " + (multiMessagesSelected ? MainForm2.returnLNGString("mss") : MainForm2.returnLNGString("ms")) +"?", itemDelete.Text, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, RadMessageIcon.Info); } // only if yes was pressed if (dr2 == DialogResult.Yes) { if (slectedSMSidx != null && slectedSMSidx.Length > 0) { GridViewSelectedRowsCollection selectedRows = SMSGridView.SelectedRows; foreach (GridViewDataRowInfo roww in SMSGridView.SelectedRows.ToList()) { if (!trashSelec) { smdbObj.Delete_SMS(Int16.Parse(roww.Cells["Idx"].Value.ToString())); } else { smdbObj.Delete_SMS_from_trash(new int[] { Int16.Parse(roww.Cells["Idx"].Value.ToString()) }); } // remove item from the grid SMSGridView.Rows.Remove(roww); } } } //update number of message for current node updateInboxAndOutboxView(true); // notify that messages has changed parent.UpdateUnreadMessagesNumber(); // close the menu menu.ClosePopup(RadPopupCloseReason.Mouse); }; //itemDelete.Image = global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.s_categ_none; itemDelete.ImageAlignment = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft; #endregion #region COPY TEXT MENU ITEM // create context menu button RadMenuItem itemCopy = new RadMenuItem(MainForm2.returnLNGString("copyMsg")); // add click listener for the context menu button itemCopy.Click += delegate(object s, EventArgs ev) { Clipboard.SetText(row.Cells["Message"].Value.ToString()); // close the menu menu.ClosePopup(RadPopupCloseReason.Mouse); }; //itemCopy.Image = global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.s_categ_none; itemCopy.ImageAlignment = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft; #endregion #region WRITE TEXT MENU ITEM // create context menu button RadMenuItem itemWrite = new RadMenuItem(MainForm2.returnLNGString("writeNewMsg")); // add click listener for the context menu button itemWrite.Click += delegate(object s, EventArgs ev) { // write new sms //nsf = new NewSmsForm(this, SMSmode.New4Unit, MainForm2.VehIDHash, MainForm2.vehicleHT, row.Cells["Source"].Value.ToString(), "", smdbObj); nsf = new NewSmsForm(this, SMSmode.New4Unit, MainForm2.VehIDHash, MainForm2.vehicleHT, row.Cells["Source"].Value.ToString(), "", smdbObj); nsf.FormClosed += new FormClosedEventHandler(nsf_FormClosed); nsf.Show(); nsf.BringToFront(); if (nsf.WindowState == FormWindowState.Minimized) nsf.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; // close the menu menu.ClosePopup(RadPopupCloseReason.Mouse); }; //itemCopy.Image = global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.s_categ_none; itemWrite.ImageAlignment = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft; #endregion #region FORWARD TEXT MENU ITEM // create context menu button RadMenuItem itemForward = new RadMenuItem(MainForm2.returnLNGString("FWmsg")); // add click listener for the context menu button itemForward.Click += delegate(object s, EventArgs ev) { // forward the sms btn_forwardSMS_Click(s, ev); // close the menu menu.ClosePopup(RadPopupCloseReason.Mouse); }; //itemCopy.Image = global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.s_categ_none; itemForward.ImageAlignment = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft; #endregion #region REPLY TEXT MENU ITEM // create context menu button RadMenuItem itemReply = new RadMenuItem(MainForm2.returnLNGString("replyMsg")); // add click listener for the context menu button itemReply.Click += delegate(object s, EventArgs ev) { // reply the sms nsf = new NewSmsForm(this, SMSmode.Reply, MainForm2.VehIDHash, MainForm2.vehicleHT, row.Cells["Source"].Value.ToString(), "", smdbObj); nsf.FormClosed += new FormClosedEventHandler(nsf_FormClosed); nsf.Show(); nsf.BringToFront(); if (nsf.WindowState == FormWindowState.Minimized) nsf.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; // close the menu menu.ClosePopup(RadPopupCloseReason.Mouse); }; //itemCopy.Image = global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.s_categ_none; itemReply.ImageAlignment = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft; #endregion #region RESTORE TEXT MENU ITEM // create context menu button RadMenuItem itemRestore = new RadMenuItem(MainForm2.returnLNGString("restoreMsg")); // add click listener for the context menu button itemRestore.Click += delegate(object s, EventArgs ev) { smdbObj.UnDelete_SMS(Convert.ToInt32(row.Cells["Idx"].Value)); // close the menu menu.ClosePopup(RadPopupCloseReason.Mouse); updateDataGrid(selectedSC_IDlist, inboxSelec, true, false, false); }; //itemCopy.Image = global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.s_categ_none; itemRestore.ImageAlignment = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft; #endregion #region MARK UNREAD MENU ITEM bool isReadAtLeastOne = false; foreach (GridViewRowInfo r in SMSGridView.SelectedRows) { if (Convert.ToInt32(r.Cells["Status"].Value.ToString()) == (int)TextStatus.UNREAD_OUT) isReadAtLeastOne = true; } // create context menu button RadMenuItem itemMarkUnread = new RadMenuItem(multiMessagesSelected ? MainForm2.returnLNGString("markSelMsgsAsUnread") : MainForm2.returnLNGString("markSelMsgAsUnread")); // add click listener for the context menu button itemMarkUnread.Click += delegate(object s, EventArgs ev) { foreach (GridViewRowInfo r in SMSGridView.SelectedRows) { smdbObj.Update_SMS( (GetTreeLevel() == TreeLevel.INBOX ? (int)TextStatus.UNREAD_IN : (int)TextStatus.UNREAD_OUT), Convert.ToInt32(r.Cells["Idx"].Value)); SMSDataforGRID gridItem = r.DataBoundItem as SMSDataforGRID; if (gridItem != null) { gridItem.Icon = global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.closedEnvelope; gridItem.Status = 0; } r.Cells["Icon"].Value = global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.closedEnvelope; r.Cells["Status"].Value = 0; } // close the menu menu.ClosePopup(RadPopupCloseReason.Mouse); //update number of message for current node updateInboxAndOutboxView(true); // notify that messages has changed parent.UpdateUnreadMessagesNumber(); }; itemMarkUnread.Image = global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.closedEnvelope; itemMarkUnread.ImageAlignment = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft; #endregion #region MARK ALL UNREAD MENU ITEM // create context menu button RadMenuItem itemMarkAllUnread = new RadMenuItem("Mark all as unread"); // add click listener for the context menu button itemMarkAllUnread.Click += delegate(object s, EventArgs ev) { DialogResult dr2 = RadMessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to mark all messages" + " as unread?", "Mark all as unread", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, RadMessageIcon.Info); // only if yes was pressed if (dr2 == DialogResult.Yes) { foreach (GridViewRowInfo r in SMSGridView.Rows) { //mark sms as unread (status 3) for inbox smdbObj.Update_SMS(3, Convert.ToInt32(r.Cells["Idx"].Value)); SMSDataforGRID gridItem = r.DataBoundItem as SMSDataforGRID; if (gridItem != null) { gridItem.Icon = global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.closedEnvelope; gridItem.Status = 0; } r.Cells["Icon"].Value = global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.closedEnvelope; r.Cells["Status"].Value = 0; } } // close the menu menu.ClosePopup(RadPopupCloseReason.Mouse); //update number of message for current node updateInboxAndOutboxView(true); // notify that messages has changed parent.UpdateUnreadMessagesNumber(); }; itemMarkAllUnread.Image = global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.closedEnvelope; itemMarkAllUnread.ImageAlignment = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft; #endregion #region MARK READ MENU ITEM bool isUnReadAtLeastOne = false; foreach (GridViewRowInfo r in SMSGridView.SelectedRows) { if (Convert.ToInt32(r.Cells["Status"].Value.ToString()) == (int)TextStatus.SD_NO_GW) isUnReadAtLeastOne = true; } // create context menu button RadMenuItem itemMarkRead = new RadMenuItem(multiMessagesSelected ? MainForm2.returnLNGString("markMsgsAsRead") : MainForm2.returnLNGString("markMsgAsRead")); // add click listener for the context menu button itemMarkRead.Click += delegate(object s, EventArgs ev) { foreach (GridViewRowInfo r in SMSGridView.SelectedRows) { smdbObj.Update_SMS( (GetTreeLevel() == TreeLevel.INBOX ? (int)TextStatus.READ_IN : (int)TextStatus.READ_OUT), Convert.ToInt32(r.Cells["Idx"].Value)); SMSDataforGRID gridItem = r.DataBoundItem as SMSDataforGRID; if (gridItem != null) { gridItem.Icon = global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.openEnvelope; gridItem.Status = 1; } r.Cells["Icon"].Value = global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.openEnvelope; r.Cells["Status"].Value = 1; } // close the menu menu.ClosePopup(RadPopupCloseReason.Mouse); //update number of message for current node updateInboxAndOutboxView(true); // notify that messages has changed parent.UpdateUnreadMessagesNumber(); }; itemMarkRead.Image = global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.openEnvelope; itemMarkRead.ImageAlignment = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft; #endregion #region MARK ALL READ MENU ITEM // create context menu button RadMenuItem itemMarkAllRead = new RadMenuItem("Mark all as read"); // add click listener for the context menu button itemMarkAllRead.Click += delegate(object s, EventArgs ev) { DialogResult dr2 = RadMessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to mark all messages" + " as read?", "Mark all as read", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, RadMessageIcon.Info); // only if yes was pressed if (dr2 == DialogResult.Yes) { foreach (GridViewRowInfo r in SMSGridView.Rows) { //mark sms as unread (status 3) for inbox smdbObj.Update_SMS(1, Convert.ToInt32(r.Cells["Idx"].Value)); SMSDataforGRID gridItem = r.DataBoundItem as SMSDataforGRID; if (gridItem != null) { gridItem.Icon = global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.openEnvelope; gridItem.Status = 1; } r.Cells["Icon"].Value = global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.openEnvelope; r.Cells["Status"].Value = 1; } } // close the menu menu.ClosePopup(RadPopupCloseReason.Mouse); //update number of message for current node updateInboxAndOutboxView(true); // notify that messages has changed parent.UpdateUnreadMessagesNumber(); }; itemMarkAllRead.Image = global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.openEnvelope; itemMarkAllRead.ImageAlignment = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft; #endregion // display the context menu based on the level of the tree where is selected switch(GetTreeLevel()) { case TreeLevel.INBOX: { // add mark as unread option if needed if (isReadAtLeastOne) menu.Items.Add(itemMarkUnread); if(isUnReadAtLeastOne) menu.Items.Add(itemMarkRead); menu.Items.Add(new RadMenuSeparatorItem()); //menu.Items.Add(itemMarkAllUnread); //menu.Items.Add(itemMarkAllRead); //menu.Items.Add(new RadMenuSeparatorItem()); menu.Items.Add(itemWrite); menu.Items.Add(itemForward); menu.Items.Add(itemReply); menu.Items.Add(new RadMenuSeparatorItem()); // add delete button to context menu menu.Items.Add(itemDelete); if (!multiMessagesSelected) menu.Items.Add(itemCopy); break; } case TreeLevel.OUTBOX: { // add mark as unread option if needed if (isReadAtLeastOne) menu.Items.Add(itemMarkUnread); if (isUnReadAtLeastOne) menu.Items.Add(itemMarkRead); menu.Items.Add(new RadMenuSeparatorItem()); //menu.Items.Add(itemMarkAllUnread); //menu.Items.Add(itemMarkAllRead); //menu.Items.Add(new RadMenuSeparatorItem()); menu.Items.Add(itemWrite); menu.Items.Add(itemForward); menu.Items.Add(new RadMenuSeparatorItem()); // add delete button to context menu menu.Items.Add(itemDelete); if (!multiMessagesSelected) menu.Items.Add(itemCopy); break; } case TreeLevel.TRASH: { menu.Items.Add(itemRestore); menu.Items.Add(new RadMenuSeparatorItem()); // add delete button to context menu menu.Items.Add(itemDelete); break; } case TreeLevel.UNKNOWN: { break; } } } // add the menu to the cell context menu e.ContextMenu = menu; } } private enum TreeLevel { INBOX, OUTBOX, TRASH, UNKNOWN }; /// /// Get level at which the SMS Tree View is selected (placed) /// /// An enum value representing the Tree Level private TreeLevel GetTreeLevel() { try { // detect if inbox, outbox or trash is selected if (SMSTreeView.SelectedNode.Level == 0) { // The Group is selected if (SMSTreeView.SelectedNode.Name.ToLower().Equals("inbox")) return TreeLevel.INBOX; else if (SMSTreeView.SelectedNode.Name.ToLower().Equals("outbox")) return TreeLevel.OUTBOX; else return TreeLevel.TRASH; } else if (SMSTreeView.SelectedNode.Level == 1) { // a group is selected if (SMSTreeView.SelectedNode.Parent.Name.ToLower().Equals("inbox")) return TreeLevel.INBOX; else if (SMSTreeView.SelectedNode.Parent.Name.ToLower().Equals("outbox")) return TreeLevel.OUTBOX; else return TreeLevel.TRASH; } else if (SMSTreeView.SelectedNode.Level == 2) { // a unit is selected if (SMSTreeView.SelectedNode.Parent.Parent.Name.ToLower().Equals("inbox")) return TreeLevel.INBOX; else if (SMSTreeView.SelectedNode.Parent.Parent.Name.ToLower().Equals("outbox")) return TreeLevel.OUTBOX; else return TreeLevel.TRASH; } } catch (Exception ex) { Utils.WriteLine(ex.ToString(), ConsoleColor.Red); } return TreeLevel.UNKNOWN; } private int selectedIndex = 0; private void RefreshALL(Boolean withoutTreeRefresh) { // save previous selected row if (SMSGridView.SelectedRows.Count > 0) selectedIndex = SMSGridView.SelectedRows[0].Index; if (!trashSelec) { if (selectedSC_IDlist != null) { if (selectedSC_IDlist.Length > 0) { updateDataGrid(selectedSC_IDlist, inboxSelec, false,false,false); } } else { SM.Debug("Error in refresh ...selectedSC_IDlist is NULL"); } } else { updateDataGrid(selectedSC_IDlist, false, true,false,false); } if (!withoutTreeRefresh) updateInboxAndOutboxView(true); if(SMSGridView.Rows.Count > selectedIndex) { SMSGridView.Rows[selectedIndex].IsSelected = true; } } #endregion #region SMS buttons events private NewSmsForm nsf = null; private void btn_write_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { //open write sms form nsf = new NewSmsForm(this,SMSmode.New, MainForm2.VehIDHash, MainForm2.vehicleHT, "", "", smdbObj); nsf.FormClosed += new FormClosedEventHandler(nsf_FormClosed); nsf.Show(); nsf.BringToFront(); if (nsf.WindowState == FormWindowState.Minimized) nsf.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; } catch (Exception ex) { SM.Debug("Cann't show new SMS form" + ex.ToString()); } } void nsf_FormClosed(object sender, FormClosedEventArgs e) { // skip if the form was closed with X or other way if (nsf != null && nsf.DialogResult != DialogResult.OK) return; System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(200); // force to take again all the messages oldSelected = ""; SMSTreeView_Click(rtbQuickText, null); /* updateDataGrid(selectedSC_IDlist, inboxSelec, false,false,false); //webBrowser1.DocumentText = ""; if (SMSGridView.RowCount > 0) { SelectSMSandDisplay(false); }*/ nsf = null; } private void btn_forwardSMS_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (SMSGridView.SelectedRows.Count > 0) { //opne new form String text = (String)SMSGridView.SelectedRows[0].Cells["Message"].Value; nsf = new NewSmsForm(this, SMSmode.Forward, MainForm2.VehIDHash, MainForm2.vehicleHT, "", text, smdbObj); nsf.FormClosed += new FormClosedEventHandler(nsf_FormClosed); nsf.Show(); nsf.BringToFront(); if (nsf.WindowState == FormWindowState.Minimized) nsf.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; } } catch (Exception ex) { SM.Debug("Cann't show new SMS form" + ex.Message); } } private void btn_deleteSMS_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (slectedSMSidx != null && slectedSMSidx.Length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < slectedSMSidx.Length; i++) { SM.Debug("Deleting SMS with index :" + slectedSMSidx[i]); try { if (!trashSelec) { smdbObj.Delete_SMS(slectedSMSidx[i]); } else { smdbObj.Delete_SMS_from_trash(new int[] {slectedSMSidx[i]}); } } catch (Exception ex) { SM.Debug("Delete SMS"+ex.ToString()); } } if (selectedSC_IDlist != null) { if (selectedSC_IDlist.Length > 0) { updateDataGrid(selectedSC_IDlist, inboxSelec, false,false,false); SelectSMSandDisplay(false); } } RefreshALL(true); } } #endregion #region aux functions private ArrayList sc_id4SMS; private ArrayList getAllsc_idFromSelection() { ArrayList v_sc_idList = new ArrayList(); foreach (RadTreeNode node in SMSTreeView.SelectedNodes) { int[] scidArray = getChildSC_ID(node); for (int i = 0; i < scidArray.Length; i++) { if (!v_sc_idList.Contains(scidArray[i])) { v_sc_idList.Add(scidArray[i]); } } } return v_sc_idList; } #endregion #region send&predefine buttons events public void SendSMS(string text, int sc_id, int sched_timegmt) { parent.SendSmsOnMBus(text, sc_id, sched_timegmt); } public void SendSMSGroupMotorola(string text, int cps_id, int sched_timegmt, Int32 sc_id_for_test) { try { if ((MainForm2.VehIDHash[sc_id_for_test] != null) && (MainForm2.vehicleHT[MainForm2.VehIDHash[sc_id_for_test].ToString()] != null)) { ((Vehicle)MainForm2.vehicleHT[MainForm2.VehIDHash[sc_id_for_test].ToString()]).CheckPositionInSystem(); String Totrans = "#142#" + ((Vehicle)MainForm2.vehicleHT[MainForm2.VehIDHash[sc_id_for_test].ToString()]).GwandRadioID + "." + cps_id + "#" + text + "#" + sched_timegmt + "#"; parent.Send_UDP_cmd(Totrans, 0, 0); ((Vehicle)MainForm2.vehicleHT[MainForm2.VehIDHash[sc_id_for_test].ToString()]).EventLists.Add(new Alarms(rep_type.SMSSEND, DateTime.Now, "", text)); parent.DisplayToast(MainForm2.returnLNGString("txtMsgToGrp") + cps_id, "" + MainForm2.returnLNGString("grpmsj") + " " + "" + text + "" + " " + MainForm2.returnLNGString("wasSentToGW") + ""); } } catch (Exception ex) { SM.Debug("Send SMS error on hash:" + ex.ToString()); } } public void SendSMSGroup(string text, int cps_id, int sched_timegmt) { try { parent.SendSMSGroup(text, cps_id, sched_timegmt, SMSTreeView.SelectedNode.Text); } catch (Exception ex) { SM.Debug("Send SMS Group error:" + ex.ToString()); } } #endregion private void radMenuWriteSMS_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { SMSmode mode = SMSmode.Reply; if (selectedTreeNode != null) { if (selectedTreeNode.Name != "") { mode = SMSmode.Reply; } } else { mode = SMSmode.New4Unit; } // skip case when no tree view item is selected if (SMSTreeView.SelectedNode == null) return; // write new sms nsf = new NewSmsForm(this, mode, MainForm2.VehIDHash, MainForm2.vehicleHT, SMSTreeView.SelectedNode.Name, "", smdbObj); nsf.FormClosed += new FormClosedEventHandler(nsf_FormClosed); nsf.Show(); nsf.BringToFront(); if (nsf.WindowState == FormWindowState.Minimized) nsf.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal; } private void btn_NextPage_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { PageforInbox++; int[] tmp = null; updateDataGrid(tmp, Type_Inbox_for_limit2000, false, true,false); } private void btn_PrevPage_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { PageforInbox--; int[] tmp = null; updateDataGrid(tmp, Type_Inbox_for_limit2000, false, true,false); } private Boolean cusaufara = true; private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //private RadTreeNode selectedTreeNode = null; RadTreeNode selNode = SMSTreeView.SelectedNode; selNode.Collapse(); if (cusaufara) { selNode.Text += "(" + "20" + ")"; selNode.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Tahoma", 9F, ((System.Drawing.FontStyle)((System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold))), System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); cusaufara = false; } else { selNode.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Tahoma", 9F, ((System.Drawing.FontStyle)((System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular))), System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); cusaufara = true; } selNode.Expand(); } /// /// Filter the text message grid when search text box changes its text /// private FilterDescriptor prevValueFilter = null; private void tbSearch_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (tbSearch.Text.Length == 0) { pbSearch.Image = Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.s_search; pbSearch.Cursor = Cursors.Default; } else { pbSearch.Image = Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.s_delete; pbSearch.Cursor = Cursors.Hand; } FilterDescriptor valueFilter = new FilterDescriptor("Message", FilterOperator.Contains, tbSearch.Text); //while (SMSGridView.FilterDescriptors.Count > 0) // SMSGridView.FilterDescriptors.RemoveAt(0); // remove previous filter if exists if (prevValueFilter != null) SMSGridView.FilterDescriptors.Remove(prevValueFilter); SMSGridView.FilterDescriptors.Add(valueFilter); // save filter for the next one prevValueFilter = valueFilter; } /// /// Reset the search text box text /// private void pbSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if(tbSearch.Text.Length > 0) tbSearch.Text = ""; } #region PICTURE BOX MAP PIN /// /// Enable or disable the clicks on keys and then changes in grid view /// private void pbKeys_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { PictureBox s = (PictureBox)sender; if (s.Tag.Equals("selected")) { s.Tag = "unselected"; if(s == pbR) s.Image = MainForm2.imagesDictionary["s_key_r_d"]; else if (s == pbU) s.Image = MainForm2.imagesDictionary["s_key_u_d"]; else if (s == pbDelete) s.Image = MainForm2.imagesDictionary["s_key_del_d"]; } else { s.Tag = "selected"; if (s == pbR) s.Image = MainForm2.imagesDictionary["s_key_r"]; else if (s == pbU) s.Image = MainForm2.imagesDictionary["s_key_u"]; else if (s == pbDelete) s.Image = MainForm2.imagesDictionary["s_key_del"]; } } /// /// Display the Tooltip when the mouse is over the picture box /// private void pbKeys_MouseEnter(object sender, EventArgs e) { PictureBox s = (PictureBox)sender; toolTipHelp.ToolTipTitle = "Current state: " + (((PictureBox)sender).Tag.Equals("selected") ? "Active" : "Inactive"); toolTipHelp.Show( String.Format("When active, the stroke on " + Environment.NewLine + (s == pbR ? "R key will mark as read the message" : (s == pbU ? "U key will mark as unread the message" : "Del key will delete the message"))) ,(PictureBox)sender, 50000); } /// /// Hide the tooltip when the mouse leaves the picture box /// private void pbKeys_MouseLeave(object sender, EventArgs e) { toolTipHelp.Hide((PictureBox)sender); } #endregion /// /// Quick way to send a text message to a desired unit /// private void rbtSendQuick_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // skip case when no tree view item is selected if (SMSTreeView.SelectedNode == null && SMSTreeView.SelectedNode.Tag != null) return; Int16 scID = 0; Int16.TryParse(SMSTreeView.SelectedNode.Tag.ToString(), out scID); if (scID > 0 && SMSTreeView.SelectedNode.Nodes.Count == 0) { SendSMS(rtbQuickText.Text, scID, (int)DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().DateTo70Format()); } else { SendSMSGroup(rtbQuickText.Text, scID, (int)DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().DateTo70Format()); } rtbQuickText.ResetText(); //rtbQuickText.Text = ""; rtbQuickText.Focus(); rbtSendQuick.Enabled = false; SMSTreeView_Click(rbtSendQuick, null); } /// /// Send text message when enter key was pressed /// private void rtbQuickText_KeyUp(object sender, KeyEventArgs e) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter && rtbQuickText.Text != "") rbtSendQuick.PerformClick(); } /// /// Change background color of the button when it becomes enable or disabled /// private void rbtSendQuick_EnabledChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (rbtSendQuick.Enabled) rbtSendQuick.ButtonElement.ButtonFillElement.BackColor = MainForm2.ButtonColor; else rbtSendQuick.ButtonElement.ButtonFillElement.BackColor = MainForm2.ButtonColorDisabled; } private void SMSuserControl_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // disable the Send Quick message button rbtSendQuick.Enabled = false; isSMSLoaded = true; VisualSettings.loadUserVisualSettings(this.Name, this.documentWindow2, MainForm2.HashVal); updateInboxAndOutboxView(true); Color focusColor = Color.Black; MainForm2.RestartMEM += 30000000; } /// /// Event handler for when the left tab panel needs to be docked/transfor in floating state. /// This will cancel this event in order to prevent the stupid case with hiding the dock window /// private void radDock1_DockStateChanging(object sender, DockStateChangingEventArgs e) { e.Cancel = true; } /// /// Catches the event when /// the user inputs/deletes a character in/from the search box, /// and the vehicles list is refreshed accordingly /// private void searchTextBox_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { SMSTreeView.Filter = null; SMSTreeView.Filter = searchTextBox.Text; } /// /// Change background color for the row according to its state and theme /// private void SMSGridView_RowFormatting(object sender, RowFormattingEventArgs e) { e.RowElement.DrawFill = true; e.RowElement.NumberOfColors = 1; if (e.RowElement.IsSelected) e.RowElement.BackColor = MainForm2.GridSelectedRow; else e.RowElement.BackColor = (e.RowElement.RowInfo.Index % 2 == 0 ? Color.White : MainForm2.GridAlternateRow); SMSDataforGRID sms = e.RowElement.Data.DataBoundItem as SMSDataforGRID; if (sms != null && sms.DateTime.CompareTo(DateTime.UtcNow) > 0 && !e.RowElement.IsSelected) { e.RowElement.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(225,255,210); } if (sms != null && sms.Status == 0) { e.RowElement.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 10F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); //e.RowElement.VisualCells[2].Image = global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.closedEnvelope; } else { e.RowElement.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 10F, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, ((byte)(0))); //e.RowElement.VisualCells[2].Image = global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.openEnvelope; } } /// /// Change background color for the row according to its state and theme /// private void SMSTreeView_NodeFormatting(object sender, TreeNodeFormattingEventArgs e) { if (e.NodeElement.IsSelected) { e.NodeElement.DrawFill = true; e.NodeElement.BackColor = MainForm2.GridSelectedRow; e.NodeElement.NumberOfColors = 1; } else e.NodeElement.DrawFill = false; } #region CHANGE TABS BACKGROUND private DockWindow oldDockWindow = null; private void radDock1_ActiveWindowChanging(object sender, DockWindowCancelEventArgs e) { // reset the background icon for the previous tab e.OldWindow.TabStripItem.BackColor = Color.White; e.OldWindow.TabStripItem.DrawFill = true; e.OldWindow.TabStripItem.NumberOfColors = 1; // reset the background for the new window e.NewWindow.TabStripItem.DrawFill = true; e.NewWindow.TabStripItem.NumberOfColors = 1; e.NewWindow.TabStripItem.BackColor = MainForm2.TabSelectedColor; // save old dock window oldDockWindow = e.OldWindow; } private void radDock1_ActiveWindowChanged(object sender, DockWindowEventArgs e) { // reset the background icon for the previous tab oldDockWindow.TabStripItem.BackColor = Color.White; oldDockWindow.TabStripItem.DrawFill = true; oldDockWindow.TabStripItem.NumberOfColors = 1; e.DockWindow.TabStripItem.DrawFill = true; e.DockWindow.TabStripItem.NumberOfColors = 1; e.DockWindow.TabStripItem.BackColor = MainForm2.TabSelectedColor; } #endregion private void rcbDeleteConfirmation_ToggleStateChanged(object sender, StateChangedEventArgs args) { VisualSettings.InsertUpdateHTforVisualItems(this.Name, ((RadCheckBox)sender).Name, ((RadCheckBox)sender).Checked.ToString()); } private void SMSGridView_CustomSorting(object sender, GridViewCustomSortingEventArgs e) { int descriptorIndex = -1; // search the Date column and get it's descriptor Index for (int i = 0; i < this.SMSGridView.SortDescriptors.Count; i++) { if (SMSGridView.SortDescriptors[i].PropertyName == "Date") { descriptorIndex = i; break; } } // custom sort the ticket column if (descriptorIndex != -1) { // get data bound items for the two rows SMSDataforGRID sms1 = e.Row1.DataBoundItem as SMSDataforGRID; SMSDataforGRID sms2 = e.Row2.DataBoundItem as SMSDataforGRID; // compare based on the sms time int sortResult = sms1.DateTime.CompareTo(sms2.DateTime); // invert result if set sort descriptor is descending if (sortResult != 0) { if (this.SMSGridView.SortDescriptors[descriptorIndex].Direction == ListSortDirection.Descending) sortResult = -sortResult; } // set sort result e.SortResult = sortResult; } // do not handle the sorting for other columns else e.Handled = false; } private void rtbQuickText_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (CanSendQuickTextMessage(SMSTreeView.SelectedNode)) rbtSendQuick.Enabled = (rtbQuickText.Text.Length != 0); // update the number of characters labelCount.Text = String.Format(MainForm2.returnLNGString("charactersLeft"), rtbQuickText.MaxLength - rtbQuickText.Text.Length); } private void rddlFilterMsgStatus_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, Telerik.WinControls.UI.Data.PositionChangedEventArgs e) { // clear status filter SMSGridView.FilterDescriptors.Remove("Status"); // Create a composite file descriptor with OR logic FilterDescriptor valueFilter = new FilterDescriptor(); // if display all is selected I can exit if (rddlFilterMsgStatus.SelectedIndex == 0) { return; } else if(rddlFilterMsgStatus.SelectedIndex == 1) { // read messages needs to be displayed /* statusDescriptor.FilterDescriptors.Add(new FilterDescriptor("Icon", FilterOperator.IsEqualTo, global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.openEnvelope)); statusDescriptor.FilterDescriptors.Add(new FilterDescriptor("Status", FilterOperator.IsEqualTo, 1));*/ valueFilter = new FilterDescriptor("Status", FilterOperator.IsLike, "1"); /* statusDescriptor.FilterDescriptors.Add(new FilterDescriptor("Status", FilterOperator.IsEqualTo, (int)TextStatus.READ_OUT));*/ } else { //r.Cells["Icon"].Value = global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.closedEnvelope; // read messages needs to be displayed // for each selected status add a custom filedescroptor /* statusDescriptor.FilterDescriptors.Add(new FilterDescriptor("Icon", FilterOperator.IsEqualTo, global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.closedEnvelope)); statusDescriptor.FilterDescriptors.Add(new FilterDescriptor("Status", FilterOperator.IsEqualTo,0));/* statusDescriptor.FilterDescriptors.Add(new FilterDescriptor("Status", FilterOperator.IsEqualTo, (int)TextStatus.UNREAD_OUT));*/ valueFilter = new FilterDescriptor("Status", FilterOperator.IsLike, "0"); } SMSGridView.FilterDescriptors.Add(valueFilter); } private void SMSGridView_FilterChanged(object sender, GridViewCollectionChangedEventArgs e) { /* SMSGridView.DataSource = null; SMSGridView.DataSource = ListforGrid;*/ } } }