using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using Telerik.WinControls; using System.Collections; using Telerik.WinControls.UI; using SafeMobileLib; namespace Safedispatch_4_0 { public partial class PTTallSettingsForm : Telerik.WinControls.UI.RadForm { public SMdb_access smdbObj = null; //voice device public int selectedOUTDevice; public string selectedOUTDeviceName = " "; public int selectedINDevice; public string selectedINDeviceName = " "; public ArrayList soundOUTDevices; public ArrayList soundINDevices; private void setLanguage() { gbAudioSettings.Text = MainForm2.returnLNGString("audioSett"); lbDevices.Text = MainForm2.returnLNGString("SoundOut"); lbInputDev.Text = MainForm2.returnLNGString("SoundInput"); lbAssingKey.Text = MainForm2.returnLNGString("hotkey") + ":"; btnSaveRadioSettings.Text = MainForm2.returnLNGString("savesetting"); this.Text = MainForm2.returnLNGString("pttallset"); } public PTTallSettingsForm() { InitializeComponent(); // set theme for the Message Box RadMessageBox.SetThemeName("TelerikMetroBlue"); smdbObj = new SMdb_access(); soundOUTDevices = new ArrayList(); soundINDevices = new ArrayList(); //load sound settings try { ArrayList tmpSound = smdbObj.GetSoundCards(0); if (tmpSound.Count > 0) { selectedOUTDeviceName = tmpSound[0].ToString(); selectedINDeviceName = tmpSound[1].ToString(); if (tmpSound.Count > 2) txAssingKey.Text = tmpSound[2].ToString(); else txAssingKey.Text = ""; } else { selectedOUTDeviceName = ""; selectedINDeviceName = ""; txAssingKey.Text = ""; } MainForm2.KeyforPTTall = txAssingKey.Text; txAssingKey.MaxLength = 1; } catch (Exception ex) { SM.Debug("Unable to load sound settings." + ex.ToString()); } setLanguage(); iniVoiceComponents(listPlayBDevices, listRecBDevices); switch (MainForm2.radioType) { case RADIOTYPE.HYT: this.Icon = global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.HytSmall24; this.BackColor = MainForm2.HyteraColor; break; case RADIOTYPE.HARRIS: this.Icon = global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.HarrisSmall; this.lbAssingKey.ForeColor = MainForm2.HarTextColor; this.lbDevices.ForeColor = MainForm2.HarTextColor; this.lbInputDev.ForeColor = MainForm2.HarTextColor; this.gbAudioSettings.GroupBoxElement.ForeColor = MainForm2.HarTextColor; break; case RADIOTYPE.ATLAS: this.Icon = global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.ATLICO32; //ATLASCHANGE this.lbAssingKey.ForeColor = MainForm2.HarTextColor; this.lbDevices.ForeColor = MainForm2.HarTextColor; this.lbInputDev.ForeColor = MainForm2.HarTextColor; this.gbAudioSettings.GroupBoxElement.ForeColor = MainForm2.HarTextColor; break; case RADIOTYPE.SIMOCO: this.Icon = global::Dispatcher.Properties.Resources.simoco_dispatch_24; break; } } private void btnSaveRadioSettings_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { smdbObj.SaveSoundCardinDB(0, ((RadListDataItem)listPlayBDevices.SelectedItem).Text, ((RadListDataItem)listRecBDevices.SelectedItem).Text, txAssingKey.Text); if ((MainForm2.radioType == RADIOTYPE.HARRIS)||(MainForm2.radioType == RADIOTYPE.ATLAS)) ((RadLabel)RadMessageBox.Instance.Controls[1]).LabelElement.ForeColor = MainForm2.HarTextColor; MainForm2.KeyforPTTall = txAssingKey.Text; RadMessageBox.Show(MainForm2.returnLNGString("setting")); this.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { SM.Debug("Unable to save settings in DB:" + ex.ToString()); } } public void iniVoiceComponents(RadListControl PlayDev, RadListControl RecDev) { // load default configuration selectedOUTDevice = -1; selectedINDevice = -1; try { AudioDeviceName dName = new AudioDeviceName(); int i = 0; foreach (String stDName in dName.getOutDevices()) { RadListDataItem ci = new RadListDataItem(stDName.Trim()); PlayDev.Items.Add(ci); sDevice dev; dev.index = i; = stDName.Trim(); soundOUTDevices.Add(dev); i++; } i = 0; foreach (String stDName in dName.getInDevices()) { RadListDataItem ci = new RadListDataItem(stDName.Trim()); RecDev.Items.Add(ci); sDevice dev; dev.index = i; = stDName.Trim(); soundINDevices.Add(dev); i++; } if (PlayDev.Items.Count > 0) { if (selectedOUTDevice < PlayDev.Items.Count) { bool found = false; foreach (sDevice dev in soundOUTDevices) { if ( { found = true; SM.Debug("Sound Device OUT found on config file dev name: " + + " with index: " + dev.index); PlayDev.SelectedIndex = dev.index; selectedOUTDevice = dev.index; } } if (!found) { PlayDev.SelectedIndex = 0; selectedOUTDevice = 0; } } else { PlayDev.SelectedIndex = 0; selectedOUTDevice = 0; } } if (RecDev.Items.Count > 0) { if (selectedINDevice < RecDev.Items.Count) { bool found = false; foreach (sDevice dev in soundINDevices) { if ( == selectedINDeviceName) { found = true; SM.Debug("Sound Device IN found on config file dev name: " + + " with index: " + dev.index); RecDev.SelectedIndex = dev.index; selectedINDevice = dev.index; } } if (!found) { RecDev.SelectedIndex = 0; selectedINDevice = 0; } } else { RecDev.SelectedIndex = 0; selectedINDevice = 0; } } } catch (Exception ex) { SM.Debug("ERROR in voice ini : " + ex.ToString()); } } private void listPlayBDevices_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, Telerik.WinControls.UI.Data.PositionChangedEventArgs e) { } } }