using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Collections; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Net; using System.ComponentModel; using Telerik.WinControls; using SafeMobileLib; using SafeMobileLib.Safenet; using SafeMobileLib.MessageDecoders; namespace MotoRepeater { public class MotoRepeater_GW { public static LOGS hLog = null; public static TimeSpan timeDifference = new TimeSpan(0); public static AppType appType = AppType.SAFEDISPATCH; public static Config cfg = new Config(); public static ConsoleArgs consoleArgs; public static List radioGWs = new List(); public static Boolean isRunning = true; // Thread Timers public static InternalStatistic arsStatistic = new InternalStatistic(); public static InternalStatistic gpsStatistic = new InternalStatistic(); public static InternalStatistic pollStatistic = new InternalStatistic(); public static InternalStatistic smsStatistic = new InternalStatistic(); public static InternalStatistic telemetryStatistic = new InternalStatistic(); //private MessageBus mBus; private DataBaseInterface dbInterface; public static DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now; public static DateTime lastEntry; public static bool addressLoaded = false; private WatcherServerThread ddmsWatcher; private LocationThread LocationConnection; private SMSReceiveThread SMSReceiveConnection = null; private SMSSendThread SMSSendConnection = null; private TelemetryReceiveThread TelemetryReceiveConnection = null; private TelemetrySendThread TelemetrySendConnection = null; private TallysmanReceiveThread TallysmanReceiveConnection = null; public static System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient smsUDPclient = null; private Thread LocationThreadobj = null; private Thread ReceiveSMSThreadobj = null; private Thread SendSMSThreadobj = null; private Thread TelemetryReceiveThreadObj = null; private Thread TallysmanReceiveThreadObj = null; private Thread TelemetrySendThreadObj = null; private Thread SMSReceiveThreadObj = null; private Thread SMSSendThreadObj = null; private Thread GatewayStatusThread = null; private DBvehiclesManager vehiclesManager; // Voice MultiCast private UdpMulticast voiceMulticastSlot1Send; private UdpMulticast voiceMulticastSlot2Send; private int DialogID = 0x2222; // Wireline and LE private LinkEstablishment linkEstablishment; private Wireline wireline; public REP_STATUS _registered = REP_STATUS.stoped; public REP_STATUS registered { get { return _registered; } set { _registered = value; RegStatusChanged("RegStatusProp"); } } public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged; protected void RegStatusChanged(string name) { PropertyChangedEventHandler handler = PropertyChanged; if (handler != null) { PropertyChangedEventArgs e = new PropertyChangedEventArgs(name); handler(this, e); } } public MotoRepeater_GW() { //DB.LoadUnitInfo(gatewayID); //cfg = new Config();; /* try { udpMulticast = new UdpMulticast(cfg.msgBusIP, cfg.msgBusPort); //Console.WriteLine("Location thread successfully registered to multicast group"); udpMulticast.OnNewDataRecv += new UdpMulticast.newData4Send(udpMulticast_OnNewDataRecv); udpMulticast.StartListen(); } catch (Exception ex) { Utils.WriteLine("Location Thread Error while joining the multicast group: " + ex.ToString()); } //*/ // Get the time from Internet and then save the difference in time between the local computer time // and the internet one from Thread internetTimeThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(delegate() { timeDifference = (DT.GetNetworkTime()).Subtract(DateTime.UtcNow); })); internetTimeThread.Start(); GatewayStatusThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(delegate() { int count = 0; while (isRunning) { if(++count % 120 == 0) { Version v = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version; Int64 upTime = DateTime.Now.DateTo70Format() - startTime.DateTo70Format(); AddGatewayStatusMessage(MotoRepeater_GW.cfg.GWCODE, (registered == REP_STATUS.ddmsUP ? true : false), String.Format("Uptime:{0};Version:{1}", upTime, v.ToString())); } Thread.Sleep(500); } } )); GatewayStatusThread.Start(); } void StartGPSService() { // create thread to listen UDP LocationConnection = new LocationThread((ushort)cfg.GPS_PORT, this); #region LOCATION Received Events // add event listener for when a location is received LocationConnection.OnLocationReceived += delegate(LocationEventArgs e) { // skip this event if the units is not assigned to this gateway if (!dbInterface.UnitIsAssignedToGw(e.RadioID + "")) { Utils.WriteLine("Unit " + e.RadioID + " not assigned to this gateway", ConsoleColor.Green); return; } gpsStatistic.incoming++; OnEventToDisplayOnUI(String.Format("Position [{0:0.0000},{1:0.0000}] from {2}{3}{4}", Math.Round(e.Latitude, 4), Math.Round(e.Longitude, 4), e.RadioID , e.Altitude > 0 ? System.Environment.NewLine+ "\t Altitude [" + e.Altitude + " meters]" : "", e.LevelOfConfidence > -1 ? "" + "\t Level of confidence [" + e.LevelOfConfidence + "%]" : "")); Utils.WriteLine("POSITION TIME AFTER EVENT IS : " + e.GPSTime.ToString()); // send the poll through the messageBus dbInterface.LocationResponseReceived(e.RadioID, (new DateTime(1970, 1, 1).AddSeconds(e.GPSTime)), (int)e.Speed, e.Latitude, e.Longitude); }; // add event listener for when a poll response is received LocationConnection.OnPollReceived += delegate(LocationEventArgs e) { // skip this event if the units is not assigned to this gateway if (!dbInterface.UnitIsAssignedToGw(e.RadioID + "")) { Utils.WriteLine("Unit " + e.RadioID + " not assigned to this gateway", ConsoleColor.Green); return; } pollStatistic.incoming++; OnEventToDisplayOnUI(String.Format("Poll Res [{0:0.0000},{1:0.0000}]{3} from {2}", Math.Round(e.Latitude, 4), Math.Round(e.Longitude, 4), e.RadioID, e.Altitude > 0 ? System.Environment.NewLine + "\t Altitude [" + e.Altitude + " meters]" : "", e.LevelOfConfidence > -1 ? "" + "\t Level of confidence [" + e.LevelOfConfidence + "%]" : "")); // send the poll through the messageBus dbInterface.PollResponseReceived(e.RadioID, (new DateTime(1970, 1, 1).AddSeconds(e.GPSTime)), (int)e.Speed, e.Latitude, e.Longitude, e.seqID); }; LocationConnection.OnLocationThreadKilled += OnLocationThreadKilled; #endregion //LocationConnection.parent = this; LocationThreadobj = new Thread(new ThreadStart(LocationConnection.handleConnection)); LocationThreadobj.IsBackground = true; LocationThreadobj.Start(); } private void OnLocationThreadKilled() { // restart location thread if (LocationThreadobj.ThreadState != ThreadState.Running) { LocationThreadobj.Abort(); // restart the GPS Service StartGPSService(); } } void StartDDMSService() { ddmsWatcher = new WatcherServerThread(cfg.DDMS_IP, cfg.DDMS_PORT); ddmsWatcher.OnDdmsConnectionStatusChanged += new WatcherServerThread.ConnectionStatusDEl(ddmsWatcher_OnDdmsConnectionStatusChanged); #region ARS Received Events // add event listener for when an ARS is received ddmsWatcher.OnARSReceived += delegate(Int64 radioID, bool isON) { // skip this event if the units is not assigned to this gateway if (!dbInterface.UnitIsAssignedToGw(radioID + "")) { Utils.WriteLine("Unit " + radioID + " not assigned to this gateway", ConsoleColor.Green); return; } string arsState = (isON) ? "ON" : "OFF"; Utils.WriteLine("ARS " + arsState + " from " + radioID); OnEventToDisplayOnUI("ARS " + arsState + " from " + radioID); ArsMSG ars = new ArsMSG(); ars.imei = radioID.ToString(); ars.msg = arsState; //SN_Queues.arsMsgQueue.PostItem(ars); dbInterface.ARSStateReceived(radioID, isON); //mBus.SendARS(radioID + "", arsState); if (isON) { //Thread.Sleep(1500); //LocationThread.SendTriggeredLocationSTOP(radioID.ToString(), 0xEE, true); Thread.Sleep(1000); PerformeARSon(radioID.ToString()); } }; ddmsWatcher.OnTriggeredLocationRequest += delegate(string radioID, int reportingInterval) { OnEventToDisplayOnUI("Location request [" + reportingInterval + " sec] for " + radioID); }; #endregion //ddmsWatcher.OnMessageRecv += new WatcherServerThread.MessageRecv(ddmsWatcher_OnMessageRecv); ddmsWatcher.Start(); } void ddmsWatcher_OnDdmsConnectionStatusChanged(bool isUP) { ddmsClientChanged(isUP); } private void ddmsClientChanged(bool state) { if (state) { registered = REP_STATUS.ddmsUP; //ddmsWatcher.SubscribeList(ddmsWatcher.DialogID, new List() { "101" }); ddmsWatcher.SubscribeALL(DialogID++); //ddmsWatcher.SubscribeList(0x2222, new List { "103"}); } else { registered = REP_STATUS.ddmsDOWN; } } private UdpClient udpClient; void StartSMSService() { udpClient = null; udpClient = new UdpClient(cfg.SMS_PORT); //udpClient.Client.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.ReuseAddress, true); //udpClient.Client.Bind(new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, cfg.TM_port)); //create thread for sending SMSs to the radios SMSSendConnection = new SMSSendThread((ushort)cfg.SMS_PORT, true, udpClient); SMSSendThreadObj = new Thread(new ThreadStart(SMSSendConnection.handleConnection)); SMSSendThreadObj.IsBackground = true; SMSSendThreadObj.Start(); SMSReceiveConnection = new SMSReceiveThread((ushort)cfg.SMS_PORT, udpClient); #region SMS Received Events SMSReceiveConnection.OnSMSBytesReceived += delegate(Int64 radioID, byte[] received) { // skip this event if the units is not assigned to this gateway if (!dbInterface.UnitIsAssignedToGw(radioID + "")) { Utils.WriteLine("Unit " + radioID + " not assigned to this gateway", ConsoleColor.Green); return; } smsStatistic.incoming++; dbInterface.SMSReceived(radioID, received); OnEventToDisplayOnUI("SMS from radio " + radioID); }; SMSReceiveConnection.OnSMSReceived += delegate(Int64 radioID, string message) { // skip this event if the units is not assigned to this gateway if (!dbInterface.UnitIsAssignedToGw(radioID + "")) { Utils.WriteLine("Unit " + radioID + " not assigned to this gateway", ConsoleColor.Green); return; } smsStatistic.incoming++; dbInterface.SMSReceived(radioID, message); OnEventToDisplayOnUI("SMS from radio " + radioID); }; SMSReceiveConnection.OnSMSAckReceived += delegate(byte[] received, string seq_no) { dbInterface.SMSAckReceived(received, seq_no); OnEventToDisplayOnUI("SMS ACK "); }; #endregion SMSReceiveThreadObj = new Thread(new ThreadStart(SMSReceiveConnection.handleConnection)); SMSReceiveThreadObj.IsBackground = true; SMSReceiveThreadObj.Start(); } void StartTelemetryService() { //create thread for receiving telemetry notifications from the radios TelemetryReceiveConnection = new TelemetryReceiveThread((ushort)cfg.TELEMETRY_PORT); #region TELEMETRY Received Events TelemetryReceiveConnection.OnTelemetryBytesReceived += delegate(Int64 radioID, byte[] received) { // skip this event if the units is not assigned to this gateway if (!dbInterface.UnitIsAssignedToGw(radioID + "")) { Utils.WriteLine("Unit " + radioID + " not assigned to this gateway", ConsoleColor.Green); return; } telemetryStatistic.incoming++; dbInterface.TelemetryReceived(radioID, received); OnEventToDisplayOnUI("Telemetry from radio " + radioID); }; #endregion TelemetryReceiveThreadObj = new Thread(new ThreadStart(TelemetryReceiveConnection.handleConnection)); TelemetryReceiveThreadObj.IsBackground = true; TelemetryReceiveThreadObj.Start(); //create thread for sending telemetry commands to the radios TelemetrySendConnection = new TelemetrySendThread((ushort)cfg.TELEMETRY_PORT); TelemetrySendThreadObj = new Thread(new ThreadStart(TelemetrySendConnection.handleConnection)); TelemetrySendThreadObj.IsBackground = true; TelemetrySendThreadObj.Start(); } void StartTallysmanService() { bool writeGatewayTallysmanStatus = false; //create thread for receiving Tallysman notifications from the radios TallysmanReceiveConnection = new TallysmanReceiveThread((ushort)cfg.TALLYSMAN_PORT); #region TALLYSMAN Received Events TallysmanReceiveConnection.OnLocationReceived += delegate(LocationEventArgs e) { // skip this event if the units is not assigned to this gateway if (!dbInterface.UnitIsAssignedToGw(e.RadioID + "")) { Utils.WriteLine("Unit " + e.RadioID + " not assigned to this gateway", ConsoleColor.Green); return; } gpsStatistic.incoming++; OnEventToDisplayOnUI(String.Format("Position [{0:0.0000},{1:0.0000}] from {2}{3}{4}", Math.Round(e.Latitude, 4), Math.Round(e.Longitude, 4), e.RadioID, e.Altitude > 0 ? System.Environment.NewLine + "\t Altitude [" + e.Altitude + " meters]" : "", e.LevelOfConfidence > -1 ? "" + "\t Level of confidence [" + e.LevelOfConfidence + "%]" : "")); // insert gateway status for tallysman if connected if(!writeGatewayTallysmanStatus) { writeGatewayTallysmanStatus = true; AddGatewayStatusMessage(MotoRepeater_GW.cfg.GWCODE, (registered == REP_STATUS.ddmsUP ? true : false), "TALLYSMAN CONNECTED"); } dbInterface.LocationReceived(e); }; TallysmanReceiveConnection.OnTelemetryReceived += delegate(TelemetryReceivedEventArgs e) { // skip this event if the units is not assigned to this gateway if (!dbInterface.UnitIsAssignedToGw(e.RadioID + "")) { Utils.WriteLine("Unit " + e.RadioID + " not assigned to this gateway", ConsoleColor.Green); return; } telemetryStatistic.incoming++; dbInterface.TelemetryReceived(e); OnEventToDisplayOnUI("Telemetry from radio " + e.RadioID); }; TallysmanReceiveConnection.OnTallysmanEventReceived += delegate(TallysmanEventArgs e) { // skip this event if the units is not assigned to this gateway if (!dbInterface.UnitIsAssignedToGw(e.RadioID + "")) { Utils.WriteLine("Unit " + e.RadioID + " not assigned to this gateway", ConsoleColor.Green); return; } dbInterface.TallysmanEventReceived(e); }; #endregion TallysmanReceiveThreadObj = new Thread(new ThreadStart(TallysmanReceiveConnection.handleConnection)); TallysmanReceiveThreadObj.IsBackground = true; TallysmanReceiveThreadObj.Start(); } public int GetReportingInterval(string radioId) { return dbInterface.GetReportingIntervalForUnit(radioId); } private void PerformeARSon(string SUID) { try { //get reporting interval int report_time = dbInterface.GetReportingIntervalForUnit(SUID); if (report_time != -1) { if (report_time != 0) { Thread p = new Thread(delegate() { LocationThread.SendTriggeredLocationSTOP(SUID, LocationThread.REQ_ID, false); int coun = 0; while (MotoRepeater_GW.isRunning && (coun++) < 6) { Thread.Sleep(500); } //Utils.ConsWrite(DebugMSG_Type.GPS, "Interval for SUID:" + SUID + " =" + report_time); //LocationThread.SendTriggeredLocationRequestCSBK(SUID, report_time); if (LocationThread.SendTriggeredLocationRequestWithLOC(SUID, report_time)) { OnEventToDisplayOnUI("Location request [" + report_time + " sec] for " + SUID); } }); p.Start(); } else { Utils.WriteLine("SUID:" + SUID + " interval=0 , no GPS reporting needed.", ConsoleType.GPS); } } else { Utils.WriteLine("SUID:" + SUID + " not found in DB / not assigned here", ConsoleType.GPS); } } catch (Exception ex) { Utils.WriteLine("SUID:" + SUID + " ERROR in PerformeARSon", ConsoleType.ARS); Utils.WriteLine(ex.ToString(), ConsoleType.ALL); } } public void StartLinkEstablishment() { // start Voice MultiCast for SafeDispatch if (MotoRepeater_GW.appType == AppType.SAFEDISPATCH) { int dbIDSlot1 = 0; int dbIDSlot2 = 0; // check what slots are registered in order to wireline register foreach (RadioGateway rg in MotoRepeater_GW.radioGWs) { if (rg.Imei == 1) dbIDSlot1 = rg.Id; else if (rg.Imei == 2) dbIDSlot2 = rg.Id; } // do not create link Establishment if no gateway for any slot if (dbIDSlot1 == 0 && dbIDSlot2 == 0) return; // save REPEATER IP and peer ID from the DB MotoRepeater_GW.cfg.MASTER_IP = MotoRepeater_GW.radioGWs[0].Ip; // update the master Repeater IP inside the config file Config.UpdateConfigParameter("NAI", "masterRepeaterIP", MotoRepeater_GW.cfg.MASTER_IP); //start voice bus for send if (dbIDSlot1 > 0) { string voiceMulticastIP4SendSlot1 = "224.10." + MotoRepeater_GW.cfg.GWID + "." + dbIDSlot1; voiceMulticastSlot1Send = new UdpMulticast(voiceMulticastIP4SendSlot1, 17234); Utils.WriteLine("Slot 1 voice multicast " + voiceMulticastIP4SendSlot1, ConsoleColor.Yellow); } if (dbIDSlot2 > 0) { string voiceMulticastIP4SendSlot2 = "224.10." + MotoRepeater_GW.cfg.GWID + "." + dbIDSlot2; voiceMulticastSlot2Send = new UdpMulticast(voiceMulticastIP4SendSlot2, 17234); Utils.WriteLine("Slot 2 voice multicast " + voiceMulticastIP4SendSlot2, ConsoleColor.Yellow); } } // create Link Establishment object linkEstablishment = new LinkEstablishment(MotoRepeater_GW.cfg.MASTER_IP, MotoRepeater_GW.cfg.MASTER_PORT, MotoRepeater_GW.cfg.PEER_ID, MotoRepeater_GW.cfg.PEER_PORT, LinkEstablishment.SystemReleaseNumber.R23A, MotoRepeater_GW.cfg.SYSTEM_TYPE); linkEstablishment.SetMyselfPeerPort(MotoRepeater_GW.cfg.PEER_PORT); linkEstablishment.SetSystemType(MotoRepeater_GW.cfg.SYSTEM_TYPE); // register only desired slots linkEstablishment.SetRegisteredSlots(Wireline.SlotNumber.BothSlots); // add event listener for when the link establishment is up linkEstablishment.OnRegistrationResponseReceived += delegate(Boolean isValid) { OnEventToDisplayOnUI(String.Format("Link Establishment is {0}", isValid ? "up" : "down"));//"successful" : "unsuccessful")); if(!isValid) OnEventToDisplayOnUI(String.Format("Please check Internet connection or Repeater IP & Port configuration")); }; wireline = new Wireline(linkEstablishment); // add event listener for when a station changes it's status wireline.OnRadioStatusChanged += delegate(Int64 radioID, MotoRepeater.Wireline.SlotNumber slot, Boolean isEnabled) { dbInterface.RadioEnableDisableStatusReceived(radioID, slot, isEnabled); OnEventToDisplayOnUI(String.Format("Radio {1} is {0}", (isEnabled ? "Enable" : "Disable"), radioID)); }; // add event listener for when an emergency is received wireline.OnEmergencyChanged += delegate(Int64 radioID, MotoRepeater.Wireline.SlotNumber slot) { OnEventToDisplayOnUI(String.Format("Emergency from {0}", radioID)); dbInterface.EmergencyReceived(radioID, slot); // send poll request for this unit LocationThread.SendPollRequest(radioID+""); }; wireline.OnRegistrationReceived += delegate(Boolean isValid, Wireline.SlotNumber slot) { OnEventToDisplayOnUI(String.Format("Wireline registered on {0}", slot)); }; wireline.OnCallStatusReceived += delegate(Int64 sourceID, Int64 targertID, int callType, int callStatus, Wireline.SlotNumber slot) { string callTypee = Definitions.GetCallStatus4UI(callStatus); if ((CallType)callType == CallType.ALLCALL) OnEventToDisplayOnUI(String.Format("{0} {1} from {2}", Definitions.GetCallType4UI(callType), Definitions.GetCallStatus4UI(callStatus), sourceID)); else OnEventToDisplayOnUI(String.Format("{0} {1} from {2} to {3}", Definitions.GetCallType4UI(callType), Definitions.GetCallStatus4UI(callStatus), sourceID, targertID)); dbInterface.CallStatusBroadcastReceived(sourceID, targertID, (CallType)callType, (CallStatus)callStatus, slot); }; wireline.OnAudioFrameReceived += delegate(byte[] audioFrame, Wireline.SlotNumber slot) { // send the voice on appropiate voice multicast if (slot == Wireline.SlotNumber.Slot1) voiceMulticastSlot1Send.Send(audioFrame, audioFrame.Length); else voiceMulticastSlot2Send.Send(audioFrame, audioFrame.Length); }; // start registration via LE linkEstablishment.StartLinkEstablishment(); } public void StopLinkEstablishment() { if (linkEstablishment != null) linkEstablishment.StopLinkEstablishment(); } private void WirelineReg() { List listReg = new List(); listReg.Add(new MotoRepeater.Wireline.RegEntry(MotoRepeater.Wireline.AddressType.AllIndividualCall, 1, 0xFFFFFF)); //reg.regEntriesList.Add(new MotoRepeater.Wireline.RegEntry(MotoRepeater.Wireline.AddressType.AllTalkgroupCall, 1, 16772654)); wireline.Register(Wireline.SlotNumber.Slot1, listReg); } private void AddGatewayStatusMessage(Int64 gwCode, bool connected, string message) { //add gateway status!! GWstatus gws = new GWstatus(); gws.gw_id = gwCode + ""; gws.status = connected ? 1 : 0; gws.message = message; SN_Queues.gwstatusQueue.PostItem(gws); } public void Start() { Thread threadGatewayStart = new Thread(new ThreadStart(GatewayHandler)); threadGatewayStart.Start(); Version v = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version; AddGatewayStatusMessage(MotoRepeater_GW.cfg.GWCODE, (registered == REP_STATUS.ddmsUP ? true : false), "Started [" + v.ToString() + "]"); // display the current Date to the console and register for midnight event // in order to display the new date each time OnEventToDisplayOnUI("Gateway started on " + DateTime.Today.ToLongDateString()); MidnightNotifier.ItsMidnight += (s, e) => { OnEventToDisplayOnUI("Today is " + DateTime.Today.ToLongDateString()); }; MidnightNotifier.UserChangedDate += (s, e) => { //MotoRepeater_GW.l }; } public void Stop() { AddGatewayStatusMessage(MotoRepeater_GW.cfg.GWCODE, false, "Stopping"); Thread.Sleep(400); isRunning = false; StopLinkEstablishment(); if (dbInterface != null) dbInterface.Stop(); if (LocationConnection != null) LocationConnection.StopLocationThread(); if (ddmsWatcher != null) ddmsWatcher.Stop(); if (udpClient != null) udpClient.Close(); } private void GatewayHandler() { try { if (appType == AppType.SAFEDISPATCH) dbInterface = new DataBaseSD(); else if (appType == AppType.SAFENET) { dbInterface = new DataBaseSN(); ((DataBaseSN)dbInterface).OnGPSInsertedBlocked += delegate () { OnGPSInsertedBlocked?.Invoke(); }; } // add event listener for when a Poll request is received dbInterface.OnPollRequestReceived += delegate(object sender, PollRequestEventArgs e) { pollStatistic.outgoing++; OnEventToDisplayOnUI(String.Format("POLL request for {0}", e.RadioID)); if(e.SeqID != 0) LocationThread.SendPollRequest(e.RadioID.ToString(), (byte)e.SeqID); else LocationThread.SendPollRequest(e.RadioID.ToString()); }; // add event listener for when a radio needs to be enabled/disabled dbInterface.OnRadioEnableDisableRequest += delegate(object sender, RadioEnableDisableRequestEventArgs e) { OnEventToDisplayOnUI(String.Format("Radio {0} Request for {1}", (e.Enabled ? "Enable" : "Disble"), e.RadioID)); if (e.Enabled) wireline.EnableRadioOnSlot(e.RadioID, e.Slot); else wireline.DisableRadioOnSlot(e.RadioID, e.Slot); }; // add event listener for when an emergency needs to be acknowledged dbInterface.OnEmergencyAckRequest += delegate(object sender, EmergencyAckEventArgs e) { OnEventToDisplayOnUI(String.Format("Emergency ACK for {0}", e.RadioID)); wireline.EmergencyACKOnSlot(e.RadioID, e.Slot); }; // add event listener for when the gateway needs to report its channel dbInterface.OnChannelQuery += delegate(object sender, ChannelQueryEventArgs e) { dbInterface.SendChannelBroadcastMessage(e.RadioGwID); }; dbInterface.OnSMSRequestReceived += delegate(object sender, SMSRequestEventArgs e) { smsStatistic.outgoing++; OnEventToDisplayOnUI(String.Format("SMS to radio {0}", e.RadioID)); SMSSendConnection.SendSMS(e.RadioID + "", e.message, e.isACKWanted, e.seqID); }; dbInterface.OnGroupSMSRequestReceived += delegate(object sender, SMSRequestEventArgs e) { smsStatistic.outgoing++; OnEventToDisplayOnUI(String.Format("SMS to group {0}", e.RadioID)); SMSSendConnection.SendSMSGroup(e.GroupID + "", e.message, e.isACKWanted, e.seqID); }; dbInterface.OnTelemetryRequestReceived += delegate(object sender, TelemetryRequestEventArgs e) { telemetryStatistic.outgoing++; OnEventToDisplayOnUI(String.Format("Telemetry to radio {0}", e.RadioID)); TelemetrySendConnection.sendTelemetryCommand(e.RadioID, e.GPIO, e.Type, (int)e.seqID); }; StartDDMSService(); Thread.Sleep(100); StartGPSService(); Thread.Sleep(100); StartSMSService(); Thread.Sleep(100); StartTelemetryService(); Thread.Sleep(100); StartTallysmanService(); /* #region PRIVATECALL // intercept events for Private Call dbInterface.OnInitPrivateCallRequest += delegate(Int64 radioID, string broadcastAddress, Wireline.SlotNumber slot) { wireline.InitiatePrivateCallOnSlot(radioID, slot); }; dbInterface.OnEndPrivateCallRequest += delegate(Int64 radioID, string broadcastAddress, Wireline.SlotNumber slot) { wireline.EndPrivateCallOnSlot(radioID, slot); }; #endregion #region GROUPCALL // intercept events for Group Call dbInterface.OnInitGroupCallRequest += delegate(Int64 groupID, string broadcastAddress, Wireline.SlotNumber slot) { wireline.InitiateGroupCallOnSlot(groupID, slot); }; dbInterface.OnEndGroupCallRequest += delegate(Int64 groupID, string broadcastAddress, Wireline.SlotNumber slot) { wireline.EndGroupCallOnSlot(groupID, slot); }; #endregion #region ALLCALL // intercept events for All Call dbInterface.OnInitAllCallRequest += delegate(string broadcastAddress, Wireline.SlotNumber slot) { wireline.InitiateAllCallOnSlot(slot); }; dbInterface.OnEndAllCallRequest += delegate(string broadcastAddress, Wireline.SlotNumber slot) { wireline.EndAllCallOnSlot(slot); }; #endregion */ //registered = REP_STATUS.started; } catch (Exception ex) { registered = REP_STATUS.stoped; Utils.WriteLine("Exception in starting repeater thread." + ex.ToString(), ConsoleColor.Red); } } public delegate void EventToDisplayOnUIDEl(string msg); public event EventToDisplayOnUIDEl OnEventToDisplayOnUI; public delegate void GPSInsertedBlockedDel(); public event GPSInsertedBlockedDel OnGPSInsertedBlocked; } public enum REP_STATUS { started = 0x00, stoped = 0x01, ddmsUP = 0x02, ddmsDOWN = 0x03 }; }