# Opted out from the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine Some Tor users are sharing Archive.org link as a replacement of Cloudflared link. However there are websites which opted themselves out from the Wayback Machine. ![](../../image/iaorg_sorry.jpg) [![](../../image/__archiveorg.jpg)](https://web.archive.org/web/20210311125435/https://help.archive.org/hc/en-us/articles/360004651732-Using-The-Wayback-Machine) - Why isn't the site I'm looking for in the archive? - Site owners might have also requested that their sites be excluded from the Wayback Machine. ----- ## Blocking Internet Archive [//]: # (do not edit this line; FREEDOM) | Site Domain | Detect | | ----- | ----- | | www.quora.com | 2021/04 |