clickme	click me
ethx0000	Ethical Issues
ethx0001	Don't support this company which is void of ethics
ethx0002	Your company isn't trustworthy. You claim to enforce DMCA but have many lawsuits for not doing so.
ethx0003	They only censor those who question their ethics.
ethx0004	I guess the truth is inconvenient and better hidden from public view.
ethx1n0000	CloudFlare spams people
ethx1n0001	Cloudflare is sending spam emails to non-Cloudflare users.
ethx1n0002	Only send emails to subscribers who've opted in
ethx1n0003	When the user say "stop", then stop sending email
ethx1n0004	It's that simple. But Cloudflare doesn't care.
ethx1n0005	Cloudflare said using their service can stop all spammers or attackers.
ethx1n0006	How can we stop Cloudflare without activating Cloudflare?
ethx2n0000	Remove user's review
ethx2n0001	Cloudflare censor negative reviews.
ethx2n0002	If you post anti-Cloudflare text on Twitter, you have a chance to get a reply from Cloudflare employee with "No, it's not" message.
ethx2n0003	If you post a negative review on any review site, they will try to censor it.
ethx3n0000	Share user's private information
ethx3n0001	Cloudflare has a massive harassment problem.
ethx3n0002	Cloudflare shares personal information of those who complain about hosted sites.
ethx3n0003	They sometimes ask you to provide your true ID.
ethx3n0004	If you don't want to get harassed, assaulted, swatted or killed, you better stay away from Cloudflared websites.
ethx4n0000	Corporate solicitation of charitable contributions
ethx4n0001	CloudFlare is asking for charitable contributions.
ethx4n0002	It's quite appalling that an American corporation would ask for charity alongside non-profit organizations that have good causes.
ethx4n0003	If you like blocking people or wasting other people's time, you might want to order some pizzas for Cloudflare employees.
ethx5n0000	Terminating sites
ethx5n0001	What will you do if your site goes down suddenly?
ethx5n0002	There are reports that Cloudflare is deleting user's configuration or stopping service without any warning, silently.
ethx5n0003	We suggest you find better provider.
ethx6n0000	Browser vendor discrimination
ethx6n0001	CloudFlare gives preferential treatment to those using Firefox while giving hostile treatment to users of non-Tor-Browser over Tor.
ethx6n0002	Tor users of who rightfully refuse to execute non-free javascript also receive hostile treatment.
ethx6n0003	This access inequality is a network neutrality abuse and an abuse of power.
ethx6n0004	Left: Tor Browser , Right: Chrome. Same IP address.
ethx6n0005	Left: Tor Browser Javascript Disabled, Cookie Enabled
ethx6n0006	Right: Chrome Javascript Enabled, Cookie Disabled
ethx6n0007	QuteBrowser(minor browser) without Tor (Clearnet IP)
ethx6n0008	Browser
ethx6n0009	Access treatment
ethx6n0010	Javascript enabled
ethx6n0011	Javascript disabled
ethx6n0012	Cookie disabled
ethx6n0013	access permitted
ethx6n0014	access degraded
ethx6n0015	access denied
ethx6n0016	Why not use Audio button to solve easy challenge?
ethx6n0017	Yes, there is an audio button, but it always doesn't work over Tor.
ethx6n0018	You will get this message when you click it
ethx6n0019	Try again later
ethx6n0020	Your computer or network may be sending automated queries.
ethx6n0021	To protect our users, we can't process your request right now.
ethx6n0022	For more details visit our help page
ethx7n0000	Voter suppression
ethx7n0001	Voters in US states register to vote ultimately through the state secretary's website in the state of their residence.
ethx7n0002	Republican-controlled state secretary offices engage in voter suppression by proxying the state secretary's website through Cloudflare.
ethx7n0003	Cloudflare's hostile treatment of Tor users, its MITM position as a centralized global point of surveillance, and its detrimental role overall makes prospective voters reluctant to register.
ethx7n0004	Liberals in particular tend to embrace privacy.
ethx7n0005	Voter registration forms collect sensitive information about a voter's political leaning, personal physical address, social security number, and date of birth.
ethx7n0006	Most states only make a subset of that information publicly available, but Cloudflare sees all that information when someone registers to vote.
ethx7n0007	Note that paper registration does not circumvent Cloudflare because the secretary of state data entry staff workers will likely use the Cloudflare website to enter the data.
ethx7n0008 is a famous website for gathering votes and take action.
ethx7n0009	people everywhere are starting campaigns, mobilizing supporters, and working with decision makers to drive solutions.
ethx7n0010	Unfortunately, many people cannot view at all due to Cloudflare's aggressive filter.
ethx7n0011	They are being blocked from signing the petition, thus excluding them from a democratic process.
ethx7n0012	Using other non-cloudflared platform such as OpenPetition helps remedy the problem.
ethx7n0013	Cloudflare's "Athenian Project" offers free enterprise-level protection to state and local election websites.
ethx7n0014	They said "their constituents can access election information and voter registration" but this is a lie because many people just can't browse the site at all.
ethx8n0000	Ignoring user's preference
ethx8n0001	If you opt-out something, you expect that you receive no email about it.
ethx8n0002	Cloudflare ignore user's preference and share data with third-party corporations without customer's consent.
ethx8n0003	If you're using their free plan, they sometimes send email to you asking to buy monthly subscription.
ethx9n0000	Lying about deleting user's data
ethx9n0001	According to this ex-cloudflare customer's blog, Cloudflare is lying about deleting accounts.
ethx9n0002	Nowadays, many companies keep your data after you've closed or removed your account.
ethx9n0003	Most of good companies do mention about it in their privacy policy.
ethx9n0004	Cloudflare? No.
ethx9n0005	CloudFlare sent me confirmation that they'd removed my account.
ethx9n0006	I received an email from CloudFlare "because I am a customer"
ethx9n0007	Cloudflare didn't know about the word "remove".
ethx9n0008	If it is really removed, why this ex-customer got an email?
ethx9n0009	He also mentioned that Cloudflare's privacy policy doesn't mention about it.
ethx9n0010	Their new privacy policy doesn't make any mention of retaining data for a year.
ethx9n0011	How can you trust Cloudflare if their privacy policy is a LIE?
ethx10n0000	Keep your personal information
ethx10n0001	Deleting Cloudflare account is hard level.
ethx10n0002	Submit a support ticket using the "Account" category,
ethx10n0003	and request account deletion in the message body.
ethx10n0004	You must have no domains or credit cards attached to your account prior to requesting deletion.
ethx10n0005	You will receive this confirmation email.
ethx10n0006	"We have begun to process your deletion request" but "We will continue to store your personal information".
ethx10n0007	Can you "trust" this?
pleasenext	Please continue to next page
cfvoices	Cloudflare Voices