<?php header('HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found'); header('Referrer-Policy: no-referrer'); define('NOWTIME_U', gmdate('U')); $vi_json = $_GET['json']??$_POST['json']; $vi_query = $_GET['q']??$_POST['q']; $vi_opt_sm = ($_GET['sm'] == 'a' || $_POST['sm'] == 'a') ? 'a' : 't'; $vi_opt_inclcf = $_GET['cf']??$_POST['cf']; $vi_opt_inclcf = isset($vi_opt_inclcf) ? true : false; $vi_opt_limitlg = $_GET['lg']??$_POST['lg']; if (!preg_match("/^([a-z]{2})$/", $vi_opt_limitlg)) { $vi_opt_limitlg = ''; } $vi_opt_timeA = $_GET['tia']??$_POST['tia']; if (!preg_match("/^2([0-9]{3})\-([0-9]{2})\-([0-9]{2})$/", $vi_opt_timeA)) { $vi_opt_timeA = ''; } //A-> $vi_opt_timeB = $_GET['tib']??$_POST['tib']; if (!preg_match("/^2([0-9]{3})\-([0-9]{2})\-([0-9]{2})$/", $vi_opt_timeB)) { $vi_opt_timeB = ''; } //<-B $vi_internal_tia = $vi_internal_tib = ''; if ($vi_opt_timeA != '') { $vi_internal_tia = gmdate('U', strtotime($vi_opt_timeA . ' 00:00:00')); if ($vi_internal_tia > NOWTIME_U) { $vi_internal_tia = NOWTIME_U; } } if ($vi_opt_timeB != '') { $vi_internal_tib = gmdate('U', strtotime($vi_opt_timeB . ' 23:59:59')); if ($vi_internal_tib > NOWTIME_U) { $vi_internal_tib = NOWTIME_U; } } if (isset($vi_query)) { $vi_query = cleanse_str($vi_query); if (is_attackable_str($vi_query)) { $vi_query = ''; } } $vi_showquery = htmlspecialchars($vi_query, ENT_QUOTES); $sql_Result = []; if (strlen($vi_query) >= 2) { $sqlme = @new mysqli('localhost', 'REDACTED', 'REDACTED', 'REDACTED'); if ($sqlme->connect_errno) { echo ('DB ERROR TRY AGAIN LATER'); exit; } $sql_Query = 'SELECT * FROM REDACTED WHERE '; $sql_Pcs = []; $sql_smt = ($vi_opt_sm == 'a') ? 'who' : 'body'; if (!$vi_opt_inclcf) { $sql_Pcs[] = "iscf = '0' "; } if ($vi_opt_limitlg != '') { $sql_Pcs[] = "lang = '{$vi_opt_limitlg}' "; } if ($vi_internal_tia != '') { $sql_Pcs[] = "`when` >= '{$vi_internal_tia}' "; } if ($vi_internal_tib != '') { $sql_Pcs[] = "`when` <= '{$vi_internal_tib}' "; } foreach (explode(' ', $vi_query) as $w) { if (strlen($w) <= 1) { continue; } if (strpos($w, 'author:') === 0) { $w = str_replace('author:', '', $w); if (strlen($w) < 2) { continue; } $sql_Pcs[] = "who LIKE '%{$w}%' "; continue; } if (strpos($w, '-author:') === 0) { $w = str_replace('-author:', '', $w); if (strlen($w) < 2) { continue; } $sql_Pcs[] = "who NOT LIKE '%{$w}%' "; continue; } if (strpos($w, '-') === 0) { $w = str_replace('-', '', $w); if (strlen($w) < 2) { continue; } $sql_Pcs[] = "{$sql_smt} NOT LIKE '%{$w}%' "; continue; } $sql_Pcs[] = "{$sql_smt} LIKE '%{$w}%' "; } if ($result = $sqlme->query($sql_Query . implode('AND ', $sql_Pcs) . ' ORDER BY `when` DESC LIMIT 500;')) { while ($g = $result->fetch_array()) { $sql_Result[] = $g; } } $sqlme->close(); } if (isset($vi_json)) { header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8'); $finalRESP = []; if ($vi_showquery == '') { $finalRESP = ['method' => ['POST', 'GET'], 'accept_param' => ['q' => ['type' => 'string', 'value' => 'any', 'note' => 'Required'], 'sm' => ['type' => 'string', 'value' => ['a' => 'Account', 't' => 'Toot'], 'note' => 'default is t'], 'cf' => ['type' => 'existence', 'value' => 'any'], 'lg' => ['type' => 'string', 'value' => '2 letter'], 'tia' => ['type' => 'date', 'value' => 'Y-m-d'], 'tib' => ['type' => 'date', 'value' => 'Y-m-d']], 'example' => ['GET' => ['/?json&q=friend', '/?json&cf&lg=en&q=news']]]; } else { foreach ($sql_Result as $g) { $finalRESP[] = ['url' => $g['url'], 'who' => $g['who'], 'when' => $g['when'], 'iscf' => $g['iscf'], 'lang' => $g['lang'], 'body' => str_replace(' ', ' ', $g['body']) ]; } } echo (json_encode($finalRESP)); exit; } else { header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8'); $finalRESP = ''; foreach ($sql_Result as $g) { $finalRESP.= '<tr><td class="sh"><a href="' . $g['url'] . '" rel="noreferer" target="_blank">' . $g['who'] . '</a>' . ($g['iscf'] ? '🌩' : '') . '<br><i>' . humanTiming($g['when']) . ' ago / ' . $g['lang'] . '</i></td><td class="xp">' . htmlspecialchars(htmlspecialchars_decode(str_replace(' ', ' ', $g['body']), ENT_QUOTES), ENT_QUOTES) . '</td></tr>'; } $ui_sma = ($vi_opt_sm == 'a') ? ['', ' selected'] : [' selected', '']; $ui_cfc = ($vi_opt_inclcf) ? ' checked' : ''; $finish = <<<HTMLDATA <html> <head> <title>🐘</title> <style> html{background:#f3f6fa}div#ha{background:#e4e9f0;position:fixed;top:0;left:0;right:0;padding:18px 0;z-index:10}div#ha form{padding:0 20px}div#ub{margin-top:40px;background:#e4e9f0;position:absolute;left:0;right:0}details summary,button[type=submit]{cursor:pointer}form input[name=q],button[type=submit]{font-size:20px}button[type=submit]{background:transparent;border:0}div#mb table{width:80%;border-collapse:collapse}div#mb table tr:nth-child(2n){background:#f8fbff}div#mb td.sh{white-space:nowrap}div#mb td.xp{width:99%;padding:10px 0 10px 20px;word-wrap:anywhere} </style> </head> <body> <div id="ha"> <form action="./" method="POST"> <input type="text" name="q" size="60" minlength="2" value="{$vi_showquery}" autofocus required> <button type="submit">🔎</button><br> <details> <summary>Advanced</summary> <p> Search mode: <select name="sm"> <option value="t"{$ui_sma[0]}>Toots</option> <option value="a"{$ui_sma[1]}>Account</option> </select><br> <br><br> <label><input type="checkbox" name="cf"{$ui_cfc}> Include <a href="https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor" target="_blank">Cloudflared Mastodon</a> servers to search result</label><br> <br><br> Limit language code: <input type="text" name="lg" size="4" minlength="2" maxlength="2" value="{$vi_opt_limitlg}"> (e.g <i>de</i>)<br> <br><br> Limit time range:<br> <label for="tia">Newer than </label><input type="date" id="tia" name="tia" value="{$vi_opt_timeA}"><br> <label for="tib">Older than </label><input type="date" id="tib" name="tib" value="{$vi_opt_timeB}"><br> <br> <hr> <ul> <li> cat pic (search toots about "cat" and "pic")</li> <li> my friend <b>-</b>enemy <b>-</b>joke (search "my" and "friend" toots but not include "enemy" "joke")</li> <li> news <b>-author</b>:bot <b>-author</b>:blog (search "news" but not from author named "*bot*" "*blog*")</li> <li> <b>author</b>:friend@my.site (show only about friend@my.site)</li> <li> Max limit: 500 search results</li> </ul> </p> </details> </form> </div> <br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br> <div id="mb"> <table>{$finalRESP}</table> </div> <div id="ub"> <ul> <li> Search: Mastodon public toots & Accounts</li> <li> API: <a href="./?json">API guide</a></li> <li> Index: Toots older than 7 months will be removed</li> <li> Privacy: No collection (search keyword, IP, whatever)</li> <li> <a href="http://qyo4hcmvxiysc6zrxdn6rhofgkroyoygszkljw5izwdqklxfantseiyd.onion/">Tor</a> </ul> </div> </body> </html> HTMLDATA; } echo (str_replace("\n", '', $finish));