mirror of https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor synced 2025-03-28 11:01:45 +00:00


This commit is contained in:
Henry Marble 2021-03-24 10:55:02 +01:00
parent c7ab500fb1
commit d52b688e31

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
| 🖼 | 🖼 | | 🖼 | 🖼 |
| --- | --- | | --- | --- |
| ![](image/matthew_prince.jpg) | ![](image/blockedbymatthewprince.jpg) | | ![](../image/matthew_prince.jpg) | ![](../image/blockedbymatthewprince.jpg) |
[Matthew Prince (@eastdakota)](https://twitter.com/eastdakota) [Matthew Prince (@eastdakota)](https://twitter.com/eastdakota)
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
"*Watching hacker skids on Github squabble about trying to bypass Cloudflare's new anti-bot systems continues to be my daily amusement.* 🍿" [t](https://twitter.com/eastdakota/status/1273277839102656515) "*Watching hacker skids on Github squabble about trying to bypass Cloudflare's new anti-bot systems continues to be my daily amusement.* 🍿" [t](https://twitter.com/eastdakota/status/1273277839102656515)
![](image/whoismp.jpg) ![](../image/whoismp.jpg)
--- ---
@ -36,9 +36,9 @@
Tha sinn a moladh gun ruig thu a-mach chun luchd-rianachd airson na seirbheisean no na làraich sònraichte a tha thu an sàs leis agus an t-eòlas agad a cho-roinn. Tha sinn a moladh gun ruig thu a-mach chun luchd-rianachd airson na seirbheisean no na làraich sònraichte a tha thu an sàs leis agus an t-eòlas agad a cho-roinn.
``` ```
[Mura h-iarr thu e, cha bhi fios aig sealbhadair làrach-lìn air an duilgheadas seo a-riamh.](PEOPLE.md) [Mura h-iarr thu e, cha bhi fios aig sealbhadair làrach-lìn air an duilgheadas seo a-riamh.](../PEOPLE.md)
![](image/liberapay.jpg) ![](../image/liberapay.jpg)
[Eisimpleir soirbheachail](https://counterpartytalk.org/t/turn-off-cloudflare-on-counterparty-co-plz/164/5).<br> [Eisimpleir soirbheachail](https://counterpartytalk.org/t/turn-off-cloudflare-on-counterparty-co-plz/164/5).<br>
Tha duilgheadas agad? [Tog do ghuth a-nis.](https://github.com/maraoz/maraoz.github.io/issues/1) Eisimpleir gu h-ìosal. Tha duilgheadas agad? [Tog do ghuth a-nis.](https://github.com/maraoz/maraoz.github.io/issues/1) Eisimpleir gu h-ìosal.
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor/
Seo eisimpleir de phoileasaidh prìobhaideachd aig nach eil am facal Cloudflare. Seo eisimpleir de phoileasaidh prìobhaideachd aig nach eil am facal Cloudflare.
[Liberland Jobs](https://archive.is/daKIr) [privacy policy](https://docsend.com/view/feiwyte): [Liberland Jobs](https://archive.is/daKIr) [privacy policy](https://docsend.com/view/feiwyte):
![](image/cfwontobey.jpg) ![](../image/cfwontobey.jpg)
Tha am poileasaidh prìobhaideachd aca fhèin aig Cloudflare. Tha am poileasaidh prìobhaideachd aca fhèin aig Cloudflare.
[Tha Cloudflare dèidheil air daoine doxxing.](https://www.reddit.com/r/GamerGhazi/comments/2s64fe/be_wary_reporting_to_cloudflare/) [Tha Cloudflare dèidheil air daoine doxxing.](https://www.reddit.com/r/GamerGhazi/comments/2s64fe/be_wary_reporting_to_cloudflare/)
@ -84,17 +84,17 @@ Ma leigeas Cloudflare am fiosrachadh agad a-mach no nach leig e leat ceangal ris
[ Cuir d'ainm ris ] [ Chan eil mi ag aontachadh ] [ Cuir d'ainm ris ] [ Chan eil mi ag aontachadh ]
``` ```
[*] [PEOPLE.md](PEOPLE.md) [*] [PEOPLE.md](../PEOPLE.md)
- Feuch gun a bhith a cleachdadh an t-seirbheis aca. Cuimhnich gu bheil Cloudflare a cumail sùil ort. - Feuch gun a bhith a cleachdadh an t-seirbheis aca. Cuimhnich gu bheil Cloudflare a cumail sùil ort.
- ["I'm in your TLS, sniffin' your passworz"](image/iminurtls.jpg) - ["I'm in your TLS, sniffin' your passworz"](../image/iminurtls.jpg)
- Lorg làrach-lìn eile. Tha roghainnean eile agus cothroman air an eadar-lìn! - Lorg làrach-lìn eile. Tha roghainnean eile agus cothroman air an eadar-lìn!
- Thoir air do charaidean Tor a chleachdadh gach latha. - Thoir air do charaidean Tor a chleachdadh gach latha.
- Bu chòir gun urra a bhith mar inbhe an eadar-lìn fhosgailte! - Bu chòir gun urra a bhith mar inbhe an eadar-lìn fhosgailte!
- [Thoir fa-near nach eil am pròiseact Tor a còrdadh ris a phròiseact seo.](HISTORY.md) - [Thoir fa-near nach eil am pròiseact Tor a còrdadh ris a phròiseact seo.](../HISTORY.md)
</details> </details>
@ -112,10 +112,10 @@ Ma leigeas Cloudflare am fiosrachadh agad a-mach no nach leig e leat ceangal ris
| Ainm | Leasaiche | Taic | Can Bloc | An urrainn fios a chuir | Chrome | | Ainm | Leasaiche | Taic | Can Bloc | An urrainn fios a chuir | Chrome |
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
| [Bloku Cloudflaron MITM-Atakon](subfiles/about.bcma.md) | #Addon | [ ? ](README.md) | **Tha** | **Tha** | **Tha** | | [Bloku Cloudflaron MITM-Atakon](../subfiles/about.bcma.md) | #Addon | [ ? ](README.md) | **Tha** | **Tha** | **Tha** |
| [Ĉu ligoj estas vundeblaj al MITM-atako?](subfiles/about.ismm.md) | #Addon | [ ? ](README.md) | Chan eil | **Tha** | **Tha** | | [Ĉu ligoj estas vundeblaj al MITM-atako?](../subfiles/about.ismm.md) | #Addon | [ ? ](README.md) | Chan eil | **Tha** | **Tha** |
| [Ĉu ĉi tiuj ligoj blokos Tor-uzanton?](subfiles/about.isat.md) | #Addon | [ ? ](README.md) | Chan eil | **Tha** | **Tha** | | [Ĉu ĉi tiuj ligoj blokos Tor-uzanton?](../subfiles/about.isat.md) | #Addon | [ ? ](README.md) | Chan eil | **Tha** | **Tha** |
| [Block Cloudflare MITM Attack](https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/attachment/ticket/24351/block_cloudflare_mitm_attack-<br>[**DELETED BY TOR PROJECT**](HISTORY.md) | nullius | [ ? ](tool/block_cloudflare_mitm_fx), [Link](README.md) | **Tha** | **Tha** | Chan eil | | [Block Cloudflare MITM Attack](https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/attachment/ticket/24351/block_cloudflare_mitm_attack-<br>[**DELETED BY TOR PROJECT**](../HISTORY.md) | nullius | [ ? ](tool/block_cloudflare_mitm_fx), [Link](README.md) | **Tha** | **Tha** | Chan eil |
| [TPRB](http://34ahehcli3epmhbu2wbl6kw6zdfl74iyc4vg3ja4xwhhst332z3knkyd.onion/) | Sw | [ ? ](http://34ahehcli3epmhbu2wbl6kw6zdfl74iyc4vg3ja4xwhhst332z3knkyd.onion/) | **Tha** | **Tha** | Chan eil | | [TPRB](http://34ahehcli3epmhbu2wbl6kw6zdfl74iyc4vg3ja4xwhhst332z3knkyd.onion/) | Sw | [ ? ](http://34ahehcli3epmhbu2wbl6kw6zdfl74iyc4vg3ja4xwhhst332z3knkyd.onion/) | **Tha** | **Tha** | Chan eil |
| [Detect Cloudflare](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/detect-cloudflare/) | Frank Otto | [ ? ](https://github.com/traktofon/cf-detect) | Chan eil | **Tha** | Chan eil | | [Detect Cloudflare](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/detect-cloudflare/) | Frank Otto | [ ? ](https://github.com/traktofon/cf-detect) | Chan eil | **Tha** | Chan eil |
| [True Sight](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/detect-cloudflare-plus/) | claustromaniac | [ ? ](https://github.com/claustromaniac/detect-cloudflare-plus) | Chan eil | **Tha** | Chan eil | | [True Sight](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/detect-cloudflare-plus/) | claustromaniac | [ ? ](https://github.com/claustromaniac/detect-cloudflare-plus) | Chan eil | **Tha** | Chan eil |
@ -139,38 +139,38 @@ Ma leigeas Cloudflare am fiosrachadh agad a-mach no nach leig e leat ceangal ris
</summary> </summary>
![](image/word_cloudflarefree.jpg) ![](../image/word_cloudflarefree.jpg)
- Na cleachd fuasgladh Cloudflare, Ùine. - Na cleachd fuasgladh Cloudflare, Ùine.
- Faodaidh tu a dhèanamh nas fheàrr na sin, ceart? [Seo mar a bheir thu air falbh fo-sgrìobhaidhean, planaichean, raointean no cunntasan Cloudflare.](https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/200167776-Removing-subscriptions-plans-domains-or-accounts) - Faodaidh tu a dhèanamh nas fheàrr na sin, ceart? [Seo mar a bheir thu air falbh fo-sgrìobhaidhean, planaichean, raointean no cunntasan Cloudflare.](https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/200167776-Removing-subscriptions-plans-domains-or-accounts)
| 🖼 | 🖼 | | 🖼 | 🖼 |
| --- | --- | | --- | --- |
| ![](image/htmlalertcloudflare.jpg) | ![](image/htmlalertcloudflare2.jpg) | | ![](../image/htmlalertcloudflare.jpg) | ![](../image/htmlalertcloudflare2.jpg) |
- Ag iarraidh barrachd luchd-ceannach? Tha fios agad dè a nì thu. Tha sanas "os cionn na loidhne". - Ag iarraidh barrachd luchd-ceannach? Tha fios agad dè a nì thu. Tha sanas "os cionn na loidhne".
- [Halo, sgrìobh thu “Tha sinn a toirt aire mhòr do dhìomhaireachd ”ach fhuair mi“ Error 403 Forbidden Anonymous Proxy Not Allowed ”.](https://it.slashdot.org/story/19/02/19/0033255/stop-saying-we-take-your-privacy-and-security-seriously) Carson a tha thu a bacadh Tor Or VPN? [Agus carson a tha thu a cur bacadh air puist-d sealach?](http://nomdjgwjvyvlvmkolbyp3rocn2ld7fnlidlt2jjyotn3qqsvzs2gmuyd.onion/mail/) - [Halo, sgrìobh thu “Tha sinn a toirt aire mhòr do dhìomhaireachd ”ach fhuair mi“ Error 403 Forbidden Anonymous Proxy Not Allowed ”.](https://it.slashdot.org/story/19/02/19/0033255/stop-saying-we-take-your-privacy-and-security-seriously) Carson a tha thu a bacadh Tor Or VPN? [Agus carson a tha thu a cur bacadh air puist-d sealach?](http://nomdjgwjvyvlvmkolbyp3rocn2ld7fnlidlt2jjyotn3qqsvzs2gmuyd.onion/mail/)
![](image/anonexist.jpg) ![](../image/anonexist.jpg)
- Le bhith a cleachdadh Cloudflare meudaichidh e cothroman brisidh. Chan urrainn do luchd-tadhail faighinn chun làrach-lìn agad ma tha an frithealaiche agad sìos no ma tha Cloudflare shìos. - Le bhith a cleachdadh Cloudflare meudaichidh e cothroman brisidh. Chan urrainn do luchd-tadhail faighinn chun làrach-lìn agad ma tha an frithealaiche agad sìos no ma tha Cloudflare shìos.
- [An robh thu dha-rìribh a smaoineachadh nach deach Cloudflare sìos a-riamh?](https://www.ibtimes.com/cloudflare-down-not-working-sites-producing-504-gateway-timeout-errors-2618008) [Another](https://twitter.com/Jedduff/status/1097875615997399040) [sample](https://twitter.com/search?f=tweets&vertical=default&q=Cloudflare%20is%20having%20problems). [Need more](PEOPLE.md)? - [An robh thu dha-rìribh a smaoineachadh nach deach Cloudflare sìos a-riamh?](https://www.ibtimes.com/cloudflare-down-not-working-sites-producing-504-gateway-timeout-errors-2618008) [Another](https://twitter.com/Jedduff/status/1097875615997399040) [sample](https://twitter.com/search?f=tweets&vertical=default&q=Cloudflare%20is%20having%20problems). [Need more](../PEOPLE.md)?
![](image/cloudflareinternalerror.jpg) ![](../image/cloudflareinternalerror.jpg)
- Le bhith a cleachdadh Cloudflare gus an“ seirbheis API ”agad,“ frithealaiche ùrachadh bathar-bog ”no“ RSS feed ”a mhilleadh, nì e cron air an neach-ceannach agad. Chuir neach-ceannach fios thugad agus thuirt e “Chan urrainn dhomh an API agad a chleachdadh tuilleadh”, agus chan eil dad a dh fhios agad dè a tha a dol. Faodaidh Cloudflare bacadh a chuir air do neach-ceannach gu sàmhach. A bheil thu a smaoineachadh gu bheil e ceart gu leòr? - Le bhith a cleachdadh Cloudflare gus an“ seirbheis API ”agad,“ frithealaiche ùrachadh bathar-bog ”no“ RSS feed ”a mhilleadh, nì e cron air an neach-ceannach agad. Chuir neach-ceannach fios thugad agus thuirt e “Chan urrainn dhomh an API agad a chleachdadh tuilleadh”, agus chan eil dad a dh fhios agad dè a tha a dol. Faodaidh Cloudflare bacadh a chuir air do neach-ceannach gu sàmhach. A bheil thu a smaoineachadh gu bheil e ceart gu leòr?
- Tha mòran de sheirbheis cleachdaiche leughadair RSS agus leughadair RSS air-loidhne. Carson a tha thu a foillseachadh RSS feed mura h-eil thu a leigeil le daoine ballrachd a ghabhail? - Tha mòran de sheirbheis cleachdaiche leughadair RSS agus leughadair RSS air-loidhne. Carson a tha thu a foillseachadh RSS feed mura h-eil thu a leigeil le daoine ballrachd a ghabhail?
![](image/rssfeedovercf.jpg) ![](../image/rssfeedovercf.jpg)
- A bheil feum agad air teisteanas HTTPS? Cleachd "Let's Encrypt" no dìreach ceannaich e bho chompanaidh CA. - A bheil feum agad air teisteanas HTTPS? Cleachd "Let's Encrypt" no dìreach ceannaich e bho chompanaidh CA.
- A bheil feum agad air frithealaiche DNS? Nach urrainn dhut an frithealaiche agad fhèin a stèidheachadh? Dè mun deidhinn: [Hurricane Electric Free DNS](https://dns.he.net/), [Dyn.com](https://dyn.com/dns/), [1984 Hosting](https://www.1984hosting.com/), [Afraid.Org (Sguab às do chunntas ma chleachdas tu TOR)](https://freedns.afraid.org/) - A bheil feum agad air frithealaiche DNS? Nach urrainn dhut an frithealaiche agad fhèin a stèidheachadh? Dè mun deidhinn: [Hurricane Electric Free DNS](https://dns.he.net/), [Dyn.com](https://dyn.com/dns/), [1984 Hosting](https://www.1984hosting.com/), [Afraid.Org (Sguab às do chunntas ma chleachdas tu TOR)](https://freedns.afraid.org/)
- A 'coimhead airson seirbheis aoigheachd? An-asgaidh a-mhàin? Dè mun deidhinn: [Onion Service](http://vww6ybal4bd7szmgncyruucpgfkqahzddi37ktceo3ah7ngmcopnpyyd.onion/en/security/network-security/tor/onionservices-best-practices), [Free Web Hosting Area](https://freewha.com/), [Autistici/Inventati Web Site Hosting](https://www.autinv5q6en4gpf4.onion/services/website), [Github Pages](https://pages.github.com/), [Surge](https://surge.sh/) - A 'coimhead airson seirbheis aoigheachd? An-asgaidh a-mhàin? Dè mun deidhinn: [Onion Service](http://vww6ybal4bd7szmgncyruucpgfkqahzddi37ktceo3ah7ngmcopnpyyd.onion/en/security/network-security/tor/onionservices-best-practices), [Free Web Hosting Area](https://freewha.com/), [Autistici/Inventati Web Site Hosting](https://www.autinv5q6en4gpf4.onion/services/website), [Github Pages](https://pages.github.com/), [Surge](https://surge.sh/)
- [Roghainnean eile an àite Cloudflare](subfiles/cloudflare-alternatives.md) - [Roghainnean eile an àite Cloudflare](../subfiles/cloudflare-alternatives.md)
- A bheil thu a cleachdadh“ cloudflare-ipfs.com ”? [A bheil fios agad gu bheil Cloudflare IPFS dona?](PEOPLE.md) - A bheil thu a cleachdadh“ cloudflare-ipfs.com ”? [A bheil fios agad gu bheil Cloudflare IPFS dona?](../PEOPLE.md)
- Stàlaich Balla-teine Iarrtas Lìn leithid OWASP agus Fail2Ban air an fhrithealaiche agad agus cuir air dòigh e gu ceart. - Stàlaich Balla-teine Iarrtas Lìn leithid OWASP agus Fail2Ban air an fhrithealaiche agad agus cuir air dòigh e gu ceart.
- Chan e fuasgladh a th ann am Blocking Tor. Na cuir peanas air a h-uile duine dìreach airson droch chleachdaichean beaga. - Chan e fuasgladh a th ann am Blocking Tor. Na cuir peanas air a h-uile duine dìreach airson droch chleachdaichean beaga.
@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ Chan eil 100% tèarainte no 100% prìobhaideach air an eadar-lìn agus teicneòl
- Nach eil thu airson Tor a chleachdadh? Faodaidh tu brabhsair sam bith a chleachdadh le deamhan Tor. - Nach eil thu airson Tor a chleachdadh? Faodaidh tu brabhsair sam bith a chleachdadh le deamhan Tor.
- [Thoir fa-near nach eil seo a còrdadh ri pròiseact Tor.](https://support.torproject.org/tbb/tbb-9/) Cleachd Tor Browser ma tha e comasach dhut sin a dhèanamh. - [Thoir fa-near nach eil seo a còrdadh ri pròiseact Tor.](https://support.torproject.org/tbb/tbb-9/) Cleachd Tor Browser ma tha e comasach dhut sin a dhèanamh.
- [Mar a chleachdas tu Chromium le Tor](subfiles/chromium_tor.md) - [Mar a chleachdas tu Chromium le Tor](../subfiles/chromium_tor.md)
Bruidhnidh sinn mu phrìobhaideachd bathar-bog eile. Bruidhnidh sinn mu phrìobhaideachd bathar-bog eile.
@ -377,12 +377,12 @@ Mar sin tha sinn a moladh gu h-àrd clàr a-mhàin. Chan eil dad eile.
- ~~Dèan aithris air bug air rianadair mozilla, ag innse dhaibh gun a bhith a cleachdadh Cloudflare.~~ Bha aithisg air bug air bugzilla. Chaidh mòran dhaoine a phostadh an dragh, ach chaidh am biast fhalach leis an rianaire ann an 2018. - ~~Dèan aithris air bug air rianadair mozilla, ag innse dhaibh gun a bhith a cleachdadh Cloudflare.~~ Bha aithisg air bug air bugzilla. Chaidh mòran dhaoine a phostadh an dragh, ach chaidh am biast fhalach leis an rianaire ann an 2018.
- Faodaidh tu DoH a dhì-cheadachadh ann am Firefox. - Faodaidh tu DoH a dhì-cheadachadh ann am Firefox.
- [Atharraich solaraiche DNS bunaiteach de firefox](subfiles/change-firefox-dns.md) - [Atharraich solaraiche DNS bunaiteach de firefox](../subfiles/change-firefox-dns.md)
![](image/firefoxdns.jpg) ![](../image/firefoxdns.jpg)
- [Ma tha thu airson DNS neo-ISP a chleachdadh, smaoinich air a bhith a cleachdadh seirbheis OpenNIC Tier2 DNS no gin de sheirbheisean DNS neo-Cloudflare.](https://wiki.opennic.org/start) - [Ma tha thu airson DNS neo-ISP a chleachdadh, smaoinich air a bhith a cleachdadh seirbheis OpenNIC Tier2 DNS no gin de sheirbheisean DNS neo-Cloudflare.](https://wiki.opennic.org/start)
![](image/opennic.jpg) ![](../image/opennic.jpg)
- Cuir bacadh air Cloudflare le DNS. [Crimeflare DNS](https://dns.crimeflare.eu.org/) - Cuir bacadh air Cloudflare le DNS. [Crimeflare DNS](https://dns.crimeflare.eu.org/)
- Faodaidh tu Tor a chleachdadh mar resolver DNS. [Mura h-eil thu nad eòlaiche Tor, faighnich ceist an seo.](https://tor.stackexchange.com/) - Faodaidh tu Tor a chleachdadh mar resolver DNS. [Mura h-eil thu nad eòlaiche Tor, faighnich ceist an seo.](https://tor.stackexchange.com/)
@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ Mar sin tha sinn a moladh gu h-àrd clàr a-mhàin. Chan eil dad eile.
- Far a bheil e iomchaidh, ceangail ris na buidhnean sin air an stòr seo - faodaidh seo a bhith na àite airson a bhith ag obair còmhla mar bhuidhnean. - Far a bheil e iomchaidh, ceangail ris na buidhnean sin air an stòr seo - faodaidh seo a bhith na àite airson a bhith ag obair còmhla mar bhuidhnean.
- [Tòisich coop a bheir seachad roghainn brìoghmhor neo-chorporra an àite Cloudflare.](subfiles/cloudflare-alternatives.md) - [Tòisich coop a bheir seachad roghainn brìoghmhor neo-chorporra an àite Cloudflare.](../subfiles/cloudflare-alternatives.md)
- Leig fios thugainn mu roghainnean sam bith eile gus cuideachadh le bhith a toirt seachad iomadh dìon ioma-thaobhach an aghaidh Cloudflare. - Leig fios thugainn mu roghainnean sam bith eile gus cuideachadh le bhith a toirt seachad iomadh dìon ioma-thaobhach an aghaidh Cloudflare.
@ -464,4 +464,4 @@ Chan eil dad ri teachd mu dheidhinn seo. Tha sinn air chall mu thràth.
### A-nis, dè a rinn thu an-diugh? ### A-nis, dè a rinn thu an-diugh?
![](image/stopcf.jpg) ![](../image/stopcf.jpg)