mirror of https://codeberg.org/crimeflare/cloudflare-tor synced 2025-03-28 11:01:45 +00:00

Update 'cloudflare_inc/cloudflare_members.md'

This commit is contained in:
include 2020-11-13 07:07:37 +01:00
parent 1d3482cf48
commit 23298ef635

View File

@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
| Alice Yang | Employee | |
| Alison Baum | Special Projects | |
| Alissa Starzak | Public Policy, Washington DC | |
| Aliza Knox | Head of APAC, Singapore | |
| Aliza Knox | Head of Cloudflare Asia | https://twitter.com/alizaknox |
| Aljona Tcherniavskaia | Marketing Globalization Strategist | |
| Allati El Henson | Lead Brand Designer | |
| Allen Lai | Head of Support | |
@ -244,7 +244,7 @@
| Chaat Butsunturn | Customer Development | |
| Chad Schaefer | Customer Development | |
| Chad Skinner | Corporate Counsel | |
| Chad Toerien | Customer Development | |
| Chad Toerien | Account Executive | https://twitter.com/ChadToerien<br>https://www.instagram.com/chadtoerien/ |
| Chandra Mohan Raju | Data Engineering | |
| Charlie Andrews | Systems Engineer | |
| Chase Robinson | Security Compliance Analyst | |
@ -326,13 +326,13 @@
| Daniel Stinson-Diess | Security Engineer | |
| Daniel Weidman | Engineering Manager | |
| Daniel Wesonga | Customer Development | |
| Daniella Vallurupalli | Communications | daniella@cloudflare.com |
| Daniella Vallurupalli | Communications | daniella@cloudflare.com<br>https://twitter.com/BellaTweetz |
| Danielle Vanzura | Employee | |
| Dao Quang Minh | Employee | |
| Darwin D. Wu | Employee | |
| Dastagiri Reddy | Data Engineer | |
| Dave Jewell | Employee | |
| Dave Steer | Marketing | |
| Dave Steer | Marketing | https://twitter.com/davesteer |
| David Conrad | Technical Staff | |
| David Fenton | Group, Australia | |
| David Fritsch | Web Engineer | |
@ -459,7 +459,6 @@
| Gerry Dunn | Sales Leader | |
| Gideon Redelinghuys | Systems Reliability Engineer | |
| Gigi Chiu | Employee | |
| Gilberto Bertin | Systems Engineer | |
| Giuliana DeAngelis | Customer Success Manager | |
| Gloria Marcu | Support Engineer | |
| Grace Lin | Special Projects | |
@ -520,8 +519,7 @@
| Jacob H. Haven | Systems Engineer | |
| Jacob Vincent | Customer Development | |
| Jacqueline Lim | Team Coordinator, Singapore | |
| Jade Q. Wang | Developer Relations | |
| Jade Wang | Employee | https://opencollective.com/jadewang<br>https://twitter.com/_devrel/status/1004055740808491008 |
| Jade (Q.) Wang | Developer Relations | https://twitter.com/qiqing<br>https://opencollective.com/jadewang<br>http://blog.jadism.com/ |
| Jaime Cochran | Security Analyst | |
| Jaime Sparr | Visual Designer | |
| Jake Anderson | Head of Marketing | |
@ -593,7 +591,7 @@
| Jeremy Udit | Systems Reliability Engineer | |
| Jeremy Wagner-Kaiser | Systems Engineer | |
| Jerome Chen | Partner Engineer | |
| Jerome Fleury | Director of Network Engineering | |
| Jerome Fleury | Director of Network Engineering | jf@cloudflare.com<br>https://twitter.com/Jerome_UZ<br>https://fleury.net/<br>https://github.com/jejenone |
| Jessamine Bailey | Data Center Operations | |
| Jesse Kipp | Systems Engineer | |
| Jesse Sapakie | Revenue Accountant | |
@ -620,7 +618,6 @@
| Joery Van Druten | Marketing | |
| John Adams | Senior UX Designer | |
| John Arndt | Customer Development | |
| John B. Roberts | Platform Lead | |
| John Bauer | Systems Engineer | |
| John Esterline | Technical Support Engineer | |
| John Fawcett | Systems Engineer | +1-469-387-5077<br>jrf0110@gmail.com<br>5336 Krueger Ln. Austin, TX, 78723 |
@ -655,7 +652,6 @@
| Josh Enders | Operations Engineer | |
| Joshua Kroll | Systems Engineer | |
| Joshua Liebow-Feeser | Information Security Engineer | |
| Joshua Motta | Special Projects | |
| Joshua Watts | Business Development | |
| Jovi Zhangwei | Systems Engineer | |
| Ju Hyung Song | Business Development (APAC) | |
@ -681,7 +677,7 @@
| Kalpana Ravinarayanan | Employee | |
| Kamilla Amirova | Solutions Engineer | |
| Kanika Rastogi | Employee | |
| Kari Linder | Designer | |
| Kari Linder | Designer | https://twitter.com/kkblinder<br>https://dribbble.com/karilinder |
| Karim Dik | Employee | |
| Karl Ehr | Head of Technical Operations | |
| Karl Henrik Smith | Business Development | |
@ -711,7 +707,7 @@
| Kenny Chan | Web Engineer | |
| Kenny Luong | Employee | |
| Kent Shultz | Systems Reliability Engineer | |
| Kenton Varda | Tech Lead for Cloudflare Workers | https://sandstorm.io/about |
| Kenton Varda | Tech Lead for Cloudflare Workers | kenton@cloudflare.com<br>https://twitter.com/KentonVarda<br>https://www.linkedin.com/in/kenton-varda-5b96a2a4<br>https://github.com/kentonv<br>https://sandstorm.io/about |
| Kevin Chen | Business Development | |
| Kevin Dompig | Technical Program Manager | |
| Kevin Gallagher | Systems Reliability Engineer | |
@ -719,7 +715,6 @@
| Kevin Klapak | Technical Support Engineer | |
| Kevin Stinger | Security Channel Manager | |
| Kevin Wang | Product Manager | |
| Kevin Wilson | Visual Designer | |
| Kevin Xu | Employee | |
| Khaled AlSaleh | Employee | |
| Khanh Dao | Tax Manager | |
@ -803,7 +798,6 @@
| Marek Majkowski | Systems Engineer | marek@cloudflare.com<br>https://twitter.com/majek04<br>https://idea.popcount.org/ |
| Marek Vavrusa | Systems Engineer | |
| Margo Brown | Q1 Marketing Partner | |
| Maria Karaivanova | Business Development | |
| Marianna Ilagan | Internal Events Coordinator | |
| Marina Harper | HR Administrator | |
| Marina Jeon | Demand Generation Specialist | |
@ -815,7 +809,7 @@
| Marshall Montana | Employee | |
| Marshall Portwood | Enterprise Account Executive | |
| Martijn Gonlag | Support Engineer | |
| Martin J. Levy | Network Strategy | |
| Martin J. Levy | Network Strategy | martin.levy@gmail.com<br>https://www.facebook.com/people/Martin-J-Levy/506131573<br>https://mahtin.com/<br>https://twitter.com/mahtin<br>PGP: 7EA139C40C1C842F9D41AAF94A34925D05172859 |
| Martin Marks | Systems Engineer | |
| Marty Strong | Technical Support Engineer | |
| Mary Mac Williams | Event Coordinator | |
@ -920,7 +914,6 @@
| Nicholas Allen | Employee | |
| Nicholas Comer | Systems Engineer | |
| Nicholas Platais | Business Development | |
| Nick Balestra-Foster | Frontend Platform Engineer | |
| Nick Gongorek | Channel Sales Leader | |
| Nick Jones | Protocols Team | |
| Nick Legger | Employee | |
@ -936,7 +929,7 @@
| Nikole Phillips | Data Analyst | |
| Nikon Rasumov | Employee | |
| Nina Wang | Head of Tax | |
| Nitin Bantwal Rao | Special Projects | |
| Nitin (Bantwal) Rao | Special Projects | nitin.rao@sloan.mit.edu<br>https://twitter.com/NitinBRao<br>https://leverageddabbler.com/<br>http://www.linkedin.com/in/nitinrao<br>http://www.facebook.com/nitin.rao |
| Noah Garrett Wallach | Network Engineer | |
| Noah Neuman | Enterprise Account Executive | |
| Norm Slaught | Customer Development | |
@ -964,7 +957,7 @@
| Paul Southwell | Enterprise Sales | |
| Paul Taulborg | Employee | |
| Paul Underwood | Employee | |
| Pavel Odintsov | Systems Engineer | |
| Pavel Odintsov | DNS Engineer | https://twitter.com/odintsov_pavel<br>https://www.stableit.ru/ |
| Pei Ching Lee | Employee | |
| Peng Zhang | Systems Engineer | |
| Pete Clayton | People Team | |
@ -1169,7 +1162,7 @@
| Susan Lin | Lead Product Designer | |
| Susan Tran | Accountant | |
| Suyash Sharma | Customer Development | |
| Suzanne Aldrich | Solutions Engineer Team Lead | https://twitter.com/SuzanneAldrich |
| Suzanne Aldrich | Solutions Engineer Team Lead | suzanne@sjaconsulting.com<br>projects@sjaconsulting.com<br>707-267-7752<br>https://www.sjaconsulting.com/<br>https://github.com/suzannealdrich<br>https://twitter.com/SuzanneAldrich |
| Sven Sauleau | Developer | https://twitter.com/svensauleau<br>https://sauleau.com/<br>hello@sauleau.com<br>sven@sauleau.com<br>sven@cloudflare.com |
| Swirvithan L. Gooding-Splatt | Intern | |
| Sydney Staff | Employee | |
@ -1212,7 +1205,7 @@
| Timothy Polich | Systems Engineer | |
| Tingting (Teresa) Huang | Strategy and Development | |
| Tobias Rohrle | Solutions Engineer | |
| Tom Arnfeld | Systems Engineer | |
| Tom Arnfeld | Systems Engineer | https://twitter.com/tarnfeld<br>http://tarnfeld.com/<br>http://uk.linkedin.com/in/tarnfeld/<br>https://github.com/tarnfeld |
| Tom Brightbill | Customer Success | |
| Tom Lam | Employee | |
| Tom Lianza | Engineering Manager | https://twitter.com/tlianza<br>https://www.linkedin.com/in/tlianza<br>btc:1BcB611ZvQ5Qkyeupc87ZFuw9crJ9ZbtcN |
@ -1257,7 +1250,7 @@
| Vinent Mugabo | Employee | |
| Visith Bou | Customer Development | |
| Vivek Ganti | Product Marketing | |
| Vlad Krasnov | Systems Engineer | |
| Vlad Krasnov | Systems Engineer | brendan@cloudflare.com<br>https://twitter.com/thecomp1ler<br>https://www.linkedin.com/in/vlad-krasnov-2a00a666<br>https://github.com/vkrasnov |
| Vojtech Miksu | Front End Engineer | |
| Vu Long Tran | Customer Success, Singapore | |
| Wanda Chiu | Software Engineer | |
@ -1265,7 +1258,7 @@
| Warren Nelson | Systems Engineer | |
| Warren Rickards | Customer Success | |
| Warren Robins | EMEA Customer Development | |
| Watson B. Ladd | Crypto Team | |
| Watson (B.) Ladd | Crypto Team | watson@cloudflare.com<br>https://twitter.com/WatsonLadd<br>https://kc2kdm.com/<br>https://github.com/wbl |
| Welly Tandiono | Solutions Engineer | |
| Wenz Xing | Special Projects Intern | |
| Wesley Shi | Systems Engineer | |
@ -1316,9 +1309,18 @@
| Name | Else |
| --- | --- |
Alex Vidal | https://twitter.com/aviddy<br>Austin, TX<br>alexvidal@khanacademy.org |
Tim Strazzere | https://twitter.com/timstrazz<br>https://rednaga.io/ |
Yichun Zhang (章亦春) | https://twitter.com/agentzh<br>agentzh@gmail.com<br>yichun@openresty.com |
| Alex Vidal | https://twitter.com/aviddy<br>Austin, TX<br>alexvidal@khanacademy.org |
| Chris Joel | https://twitter.com/0xcda7a |
| Gilberto Bertin | gilberto@isovalent.com<br>https://twitter.com/akajibi<br>https://github.com/jibi |
| Joshua Motta | https://twitter.com/joshuamotta |
| John B. Roberts | https://twitter.com/pencoyd<br>https://clock.pencoyd.com/ |
| Kevin Wilson | https://twitter.com/entemper |
| Maria Karaivanova | Business Development | https://twitter.com/mariakar<br>https://whylabs.ai/ |
| Matt Bernhard | umbernhard@gmail.com<br>bernhard@voting.works<br>https://twitter.com/umbernhard<br>https://mbernhard.com/<br>https://github.com/umbernhard |
| Nick Balestra-Foster | https://twitter.com/nickbalestra<br>https://nick.balestrafoster.com/ |
| Sebastien Pahl | https://twitter.com/sebp |
| Tim Strazzere | https://twitter.com/timstrazz<br>https://rednaga.io/ |
| Yichun Zhang (章亦春) | https://twitter.com/agentzh<br>agentzh@gmail.com<br>yichun@openresty.com |