345 lines
9.0 KiB
345 lines
9.0 KiB
package com.safemobile.lib;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import com.safemobile.lib.radio.Channel;
import com.safemobile.lib.radio.Emerg;
import com.safemobile.lib.radio.IncCall;
import com.safemobile.lib.radio.RadioGW;
import com.safemobile.lib.radio.RadioStatus;
import com.safemobile.lib.radio.SUstatus;
import com.safemobile.lib.radio.Zone;
import com.safemobile.lib.radio.Zone_and_channel;
public class RadioMSG extends TCPmsg {
public int rOpcode;
public String payload="";
public ArrayList<RadioGW> RadioGWList=null;
//zone and channel;
public Zone_and_channel zac= null;
//radio status
public RadioStatus rStatus = null;
//SU stauts
public SUstatus suStatus = null;
//Incomming call
public IncCall incCall = null;
public Emerg emerg = null;
// Contacts list
public ArrayList<Contact> contacts;
public RadioMSG(TCPmsg tcp) {
String date4parsing = super.data;
String[] arr = date4parsing.split("#");
rOpcode = Integer.parseInt(arr[0]);
payload = arr[1];
case 200:
RadioGWList = new ArrayList<RadioGW>();
String[] tempArr = payload.split(";");
int count = 0;
for(int i =0; i<tempArr.length;i++)
String[] oneRadio = tempArr[i].split("&");
RadioGW rgw = new RadioGW();
rgw.ID = Integer.parseInt(oneRadio[0]);
rgw.GW_ID = Integer.parseInt(oneRadio[1]);
rgw.IMEI = oneRadio[2];
rgw.IP = oneRadio[3];
String zonelistStr =oneRadio[4];
String[] zoneArr = zonelistStr.split("@");
for(int j =0; j<zoneArr.length;j++)
Zone zon = new Zone();
String[] oneZoneArr = zoneArr[j].split(":");
//TODO check what this values are from SD
zon.dbID = Integer.parseInt(oneZoneArr[0]);
zon.id = Integer.parseInt(oneZoneArr[1]);
zon.ZoneName = oneZoneArr[2];
String channelListStr = oneZoneArr[3];
String[] channelArr = channelListStr.split(",");
for(int k =0; k < channelArr.length; k++)
Channel chn = new Channel();
String[] oneChnArr = channelArr[k].split("/");
chn.dbID = Integer.parseInt(oneChnArr[0]);
chn.id = Integer.parseInt(oneChnArr[1]);
chn.chName = oneChnArr[2];
//add channel to zone
//add zone to radio GW
count +=this.RadioGWList.size();
SM.Debug("radio","RadioGWList size:" +this.RadioGWList.size() + " total:" +count);
case OperationCodes.CHANNEL_BRDCST:
try {
zac = new Zone_and_channel();
String[] tempArr = payload.split("&");
String[] gwID_and_rgwID = tempArr[0].split("/");
zac.gwID = Integer.parseInt(gwID_and_rgwID[0]);
zac.rgwID = Integer.parseInt(gwID_and_rgwID[1]);
String[] zoneNr_and_channelNr = tempArr[1].split("/");
zac.zoneNr = Integer.parseInt(zoneNr_and_channelNr[0]);
zac.channelNr = Integer.parseInt(zoneNr_and_channelNr[1]);
} catch (Exception e) {
SM.Debug("Cmd 204 error:"+e.toString());
case OperationCodes.RADIO_STATUS_REP:
try {
rStatus = new RadioStatus();
String[] tempArr = payload.split("&");
if(tempArr.length == 4 || tempArr.length == 5) {
rStatus.status = 1;
rStatus.incCall.callStatus = Integer.parseInt(tempArr[0]);
rStatus.incCall.callType = Integer.parseInt(tempArr[1]);
rStatus.incCall.Imei = Integer.parseInt(tempArr[2]);
rStatus.incCall.callerID = Integer.parseInt(tempArr[2]);
rStatus.incCall.groupId = Integer.parseInt(tempArr[3]);
rStatus.incCall.callDestID = Integer.parseInt(tempArr[3]);
if(tempArr.length == 5)
rStatus.incCall.userID = Integer.parseInt(tempArr[4]);
else {
String[] gwID_and_rgwID = tempArr[0].split("/");
rStatus.gwID = Integer.parseInt(gwID_and_rgwID[0]);
rStatus.rgwID = Integer.parseInt(gwID_and_rgwID[1]);
rStatus.status = Integer.parseInt(tempArr[1]);
} catch (Exception e) {
SM.Debug("Cmd 199 error:"+e.toString());
case 250:
try {
suStatus = new SUstatus();
String[] tempArr = payload.split("&");
suStatus.imei = Integer.parseInt(tempArr[0]);
suStatus.status = Integer.parseInt(tempArr[1]);
} catch (Exception e) {
SM.Debug("Cmd 250 error:"+e.toString());
case 125:
case OperationCodes.CALL_STATUS_BRDCST:
try {
incCall = new IncCall();
incCall.opCode = rOpcode;
String[] tempArr = payload.split("&");
String[] gwID_and_rgwID_imei = tempArr[0].split("/");
incCall.gwID = Integer.parseInt(gwID_and_rgwID_imei[0]);
incCall.rgwID = Integer.parseInt(gwID_and_rgwID_imei[1]);
incCall.Imei = Long.parseLong(gwID_and_rgwID_imei[2]);
incCall.callStatus = Integer.parseInt(tempArr[1]);
incCall.callType = Integer.parseInt(tempArr[2]);
incCall.groupId = Integer.parseInt(tempArr[3]);
incCall.userID = Integer.parseInt(tempArr[4]);
} catch (Exception e) {
SM.Debug("Cmd 125, 126 error:"+e.toString());
case 121:
case 122:
case 123:
try {
incCall = new IncCall();
incCall.opCode = rOpcode;
incCall.callStatus = Integer.parseInt(payload.substring(payload.length()-1, payload.length()));
} catch (Exception e) {
SM.Debug("Cmd 121, 122, 123 error:"+e.toString());
try {
System.out.println("############ tmpARR: " + payload );
incCall = new IncCall();
incCall.opCode = rOpcode;
String[] tempArr = payload.split("&");
String[] gwID_and_rgwID_imei = tempArr[0].split("/");
incCall.gwID = Integer.parseInt(gwID_and_rgwID_imei[0]);
incCall.rgwID = Integer.parseInt(gwID_and_rgwID_imei[1]);
incCall.callStatus = Integer.parseInt(tempArr[1]);
incCall.callType = Integer.parseInt(tempArr[2]);
incCall.groupId = Integer.parseInt(tempArr[3]);
} catch (Exception e) {
SM.Debug("Cmd 121, 122, 123 error:"+e.toString());
case 115:
case 116:
case 117:
try {
incCall = new IncCall();
incCall.opCode = rOpcode;
incCall.callStatus = Integer.parseInt(payload.substring(payload.length()-1, payload.length()));
} catch (Exception e) {
SM.Debug("Cmd 115,116,117 error:"+e.toString());
try {
incCall = new IncCall();
String[] tempArr = payload.split("&");
incCall.opCode = rOpcode;
String[] gwID_and_rgwID_imei = tempArr[0].split("/");
incCall.gwID = Integer.parseInt(gwID_and_rgwID_imei[0]);
incCall.rgwID = Integer.parseInt(gwID_and_rgwID_imei[1]);
incCall.callStatus = 3;
incCall.callType = Integer.parseInt(tempArr[2]);
incCall.groupId = Integer.parseInt(tempArr[3]);
} catch (Exception e) {
SM.Debug("Cmd 115, 116, 117 error:"+e.toString());
case OperationCodes.CALL_TYPE_REP:
try {
incCall = new IncCall();
incCall.opCode = rOpcode;
String[] tempArr = payload.split("/");
incCall.callType = Integer.parseInt(tempArr[0]);
incCall.callStatus = Integer.parseInt(tempArr[1]);
SM.Debug("GOT CHANGE CALL TYPE MSG", incCall.opCode + " # " + incCall.callType + " # " + incCall.callStatus);
} catch (Exception e) {
SM.Debug("Cmd 115,116,117 error:"+e.toString());
case 172:
try {
incCall = new IncCall();
incCall.opCode = rOpcode;
String[] tempArr = payload.split("/");
incCall.mic = new Mic();
incCall.mic.mic_type = Integer.parseInt(tempArr[0]);
incCall.mic.signal_type = Integer.parseInt(tempArr[1]);
incCall.mic.mic_state = Integer.parseInt(tempArr[2]);
incCall.mic.mic_gain = Integer.parseInt(tempArr[3]);
SM.Debug("GOT Mic state changed", incCall.opCode + " # " + incCall.mic.mic_state);
} catch (Exception e) {
SM.Debug("Cmd 172 error:"+e.toString());
case OperationCodes.EMERGENCY_REP:
try {
emerg = new Emerg();
String[] tempArr = payload.split("/");
emerg.function = Integer.parseInt(tempArr[0]);
emerg.status = Integer.parseInt(tempArr[1]);
// emerg.userID = Integer.parseInt(tempArr[2]);
} catch (Exception e) {
SM.Debug("Cmd 230 error:"+e.toString());
case OperationCodes.CONTACTS_REP:
SM.Debug("Parsing Contacts");
contacts = Contact.parseTCPMsg(payload);
catch(Exception ex)
SM.Exception("Exception parse Contacts", ex.toString());
//SM.Debug("RadioMSG", "Done parsing");