package; import; public class TEA { private final static long DELTA = 0x9E3779B9L; private final static long STEPS = 32; private final static long UNDELTA = 0xC6EF3720L; private static final String password = "SafeMobileBridge"; private static String encoding = "UTF-8"; private static long[] encrypted; private static long[] decrypted; private static long[] key; public TEA(String password, String encoding) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { // convert key to long key = convertByteArrayToLongArray(password.getBytes(encoding)); TEA.encoding = encoding; } public TEA(String password) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { // convert key to long key = convertByteArrayToLongArray(password.getBytes(encoding)); } public static byte[] encrypt(String toEncrypt) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { encrypted = new long[200]; key = convertByteArrayToLongArray(password.getBytes(encoding)); // convert String to long array long[] values = convertByteArrayToLongArray(toEncrypt.getBytes(encoding)); encrypted = new long[values.length]; // encipher the long array for(int i=0; i 0) { /* sum += DELTA; y += ((z << 4)+a) ^ (z+sum) ^ ((z >> 5)+b); z += ((y << 4)+c) ^ (y+sum) ^ ((y >> 5)+d); */ sum = (long)((int)(sum + DELTA) & 0xFFFFFFFFL); /* System.out.println("left: " + (ctu(z<<4) + a)); System.out.println("center: " + ctu(z + sum)); System.out.println("right: " + (ctu(z>>>5) + b)); */ y = ctu(y + ((ctu(z<<4) + a) ^ (z + sum) ^ (ctu(z>>>5) + b))); z = ctu(z + ((ctu(y<<4) + c) ^ (y + sum) ^ (ctu(y>>>5) + d))); //System.out.println("Y = " + y + " | " + "Z = " + z) ; } w[0]=y; w[1]=z; //System.out.println("Encrypted: " + y + " | " + z); } private static void decipher(long v[], long w[], long k[]) { long y=v[0],z=v[1],sum=UNDELTA, a=k[0],b=k[1], c=k[2],d=k[3],n=STEPS; /* sum = delta<<5, in general sum = delta * n */ while(n-->0) { z = ctu(z - ((ctu(y << 4)+c) ^ (y+sum) ^ (ctu(y >>> 5)+d))); y = ctu(y - ((ctu(z << 4)+a) ^ (z+sum) ^ (ctu(z >>> 5)+b))); //System.out.println("Y = " + y + " | " + "Z = " + z) ; sum -= DELTA; } w[0]=y; w[1]=z; //System.out.println("Y = " + y + " | " + "Z = " + z) ; } /* private long convertToUnsigned(long value) { return (((int) value) & 0xFFFFFFFFL); } */ private static long ctu (long value) { return (((int) value) & 0xFFFFFFFFL); } private static long[] convertByteArrayToLongArray(byte[] toConvert) { // convert string in an array of bytes byte[] by = toConvert; // get the size of long array considering that a long has 4bytes int size = (int) Math.ceil(by.length / 4); // if the size of the array is an odd number I should increase it because // encryption needs an array of two long values if(size % 2 != 0) size++; long[] values = new long[size]; // convert every string value to a long one by shifting 4 chars // a long is 4 bytes for(int i=0; i= by.length ) ? 0 : (byte) by[i+3]); byte c3 = ((i+2 >= by.length ) ? 0 : (byte) by[i+2] ); byte c2 = ((i+1 >= by.length ) ? 0 : (byte) by[i+1] ); byte c1 = ((i >= by.length ) ? 0 : (byte) by[i] ); //System.out.println("###" + c4 + " | " + c3 + " | " + c2 + " | " + c1); values[i/4] = ctu(((c4 & 0x00FFL) << 24) + ((c3 & 0x00FFL) << 16) + ((c2 & 0x00FFL) << 8) + ((c1 & 0x00FFL))); //System.out.println("##### " + (encrypted == null ? 0 : encrypted[i/4]) + " | " + values[i/4]); } return values; } private static byte[] convertLongArrayToByteArray(long[] array, boolean isDecrypt) { //String myString = ""; byte[] byteArray = new byte[array.length * 4]; byte[] byteArrayReduced; int sizeToReduce = 0; // convert every bytes from a long into a char using masks for(int i=0; i> 8); byte c3 = (byte) ((array[i] & 0x00FF0000) >> 16); byte c4 = (byte) ((array[i] & 0xFF000000) >> 24); //System.out.println("###" + array[i] + " | c4: " + c4 + " | " + c3 + " | " + c2 + " | " + c1); //* // remove last bytes containing 0 because they are unwanted information if(array.length > 1 && i==(array.length-1) && isDecrypt) { System.out.println("LAST Chunck of four"); if (c4 != 0) byteArray[i*4+3] = c4; else sizeToReduce++; if (c3 != 0) byteArray[i*4+2] = c3; else sizeToReduce++; if (c2 != 0) byteArray[i*4+1] = c2; else sizeToReduce++; if (c1 != 0) byteArray[i*4] = c1; else sizeToReduce++; } // add value because it's not the last long value else //*/ { byteArray[i*4] = c1; byteArray[i*4+1] = c2; byteArray[i*4+2] = c3; byteArray[i*4+3] = c4; } } // remove the 0's from the string, they were added when converting long //System.out.println("#### Syze to reduce : " + sizeToReduce); byteArrayReduced = new byte[byteArray.length - sizeToReduce]; for(int i=0; i<(byteArray.length - sizeToReduce); i++) byteArrayReduced[i] = byteArray[i]; /* try { myString = new String ( byteArray, encoding); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }*/ //myString = new String(byteArray); return byteArrayReduced; } }