2022-03-14 11:53:00 +02:00
package com.safemobile.database ;
import java.io.IOException ;
import java.util.ArrayList ;
import java.util.Collections ;
import java.util.Comparator ;
import com.safemobile.lib.Contact ;
import com.safemobile.lib.Recording ;
import com.safemobile.lib.SM ;
import com.safemobile.lib.SMS ;
import com.safemobile.lib.Vehicle ;
import com.safemobile.lib.radio.Channel ;
import com.safemobile.lib.radio.Zone ;
import android.content.ContentValues ;
import android.content.Context ;
import android.database.Cursor ;
import android.database.SQLException ;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase ;
import android.provider.BaseColumns ;
import android.util.Log ;
public class DatabaseCommunication {
/* Database */
private SQLiteDatabase database ;
private DataBaseHelper myDbHelper ;
private boolean first = false , READONLY = false ; ;
private Context context ;
public DatabaseCommunication ( Context context )
this . context = context ;
// open database Connection
public void openConnection ( )
// start database connection
myDbHelper = new DataBaseHelper ( context ) ;
myDbHelper . createDataBase ( ) ;
Log . d ( " CONNECT " , " Succes connection " ) ;
catch ( IOException ioe )
throw new Error ( " Unable to create database " ) ;
// end database connection
myDbHelper = new DataBaseHelper ( context ) ;
try {
if ( database ! = null )
database . close ( ) ;
database = myDbHelper . openDataBase ( READONLY ) ;
Log . d ( " CONNECT " , " Opened Connection " ) ;
} catch ( SQLException sqle ) {
first = true ;
//throw sqle;
if ( first )
try {
if ( database ! = null )
database . close ( ) ;
database = myDbHelper . openDataBase ( READONLY ) ;
Log . d ( " CONNECT " , " Opened Connection " ) ;
} catch ( SQLException sqle ) {
first = false ;
//throw sqle;
// close database Connection
public void closeConnection ( )
database . close ( ) ;
public boolean isOpen ( )
if ( database ! = null )
return database . isOpen ( ) ;
return false ;
// get all vehicles
public ArrayList < Vehicle > getAllVehicle ( )
ArrayList < Vehicle > allVehicles = new ArrayList < Vehicle > ( ) ;
// build iterator
Cursor cursor = null ;
if ( database = = null )
Log . d ( " NULL " , " Database is null " ) ;
cursor = database . rawQuery ( " SELECT * from vehicle " , new String [ ] { } ) ;
Log . d ( " CURSOR " , " cursor created " ) ;
cursor . moveToFirst ( ) ;
while ( cursor . isAfterLast ( ) = = false )
//old = new Vehicle(int lp, String name, long driver_id, int time_route, int GPS_reporting_interval, int is_stolen)
// new = Vehicle(int sc_id, String imei, int lp, String name, long driver_id, int time_route, int GPS_reporting_interval, int is_stolen)
allVehicles . add ( new Vehicle ( 0 , " imei " , cursor . getInt ( 1 ) , cursor . getString ( 2 ) , cursor . getInt ( 3 ) , cursor . getInt ( 4 ) , cursor . getInt ( 5 ) , cursor . getInt ( 6 ) ) ) ;
// move to next record
cursor . moveToNext ( ) ;
cursor . close ( ) ;
allVehicles . add ( new Vehicle ( 0 , " imei " , 1 , " Demo103 " , 89 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ) ;
allVehicles . add ( new Vehicle ( 0 , " imei " , 1 , " Demo104 " , 101 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ) ;
allVehicles . add ( new Vehicle ( 0 , " imei " , 1 , " Demo105 " , 95 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ) ;
allVehicles . add ( new Vehicle ( 0 , " imei " , 1 , " Demo106 " , 118 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ) ;
allVehicles . add ( new Vehicle ( 0 , " imei " , 1 , " Demo107 " , 111 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ) ;
return allVehicles ;
// get all users
public ArrayList < SMS > getAllSMS ( )
ArrayList < SMS > allSMS = new ArrayList < SMS > ( ) ;
Cursor cursor = null ;
if ( database = = null )
SM . Debug ( " DBQuery " , " Database is null " ) ;
cursor = database . rawQuery ( " SELECT _id, timeGMT, imei_sour, imei_dest, mess, status from SMS " , new String [ ] { } ) ;
cursor . moveToFirst ( ) ;
while ( cursor . isAfterLast ( ) = = false )
SMS sms = new SMS ( ) ; //cursor.getInt(0), cursor.getString(1), cursor.getString(2), cursor.getString(3), cursor.getString(4), cursor.getInt(5), cursor.getInt(6));
sms . idx = cursor . getInt ( 0 ) ;
sms . timeGMT = cursor . getInt ( 1 ) ;
sms . sc_id_sour = cursor . getInt ( 2 ) ;
sms . sc_id_dest = cursor . getInt ( 3 ) ;
sms . mess = cursor . getString ( 4 ) ;
sms . status = cursor . getInt ( 5 ) ;
sms . seq_idx = " " ;
allSMS . add ( sms ) ;
// move to next record
cursor . moveToNext ( ) ;
cursor . close ( ) ;
return allSMS ;
public ArrayList < SMS > getSMS_4Imei ( long imei )
ArrayList < SMS > allSMS = new ArrayList < SMS > ( ) ;
Cursor cursor = null ;
if ( database = = null )
SM . Debug ( " DBQuery " , " Database is null " ) ;
cursor = database . rawQuery ( " SELECT _id, timeGMT, imei_sour, imei_dest, mess, status from SMS where imei_sour = " + imei + " OR imei_dest = " + imei + " ORDER BY timeGMT ASC " , new String [ ] { } ) ;
cursor . moveToFirst ( ) ;
while ( cursor . isAfterLast ( ) = = false )
SMS sms = new SMS ( ) ;
sms . idx = cursor . getInt ( 0 ) ;
sms . timeGMT = cursor . getInt ( 1 ) ;
sms . sc_id_sour = cursor . getInt ( 2 ) ;
sms . sc_id_dest = cursor . getInt ( 3 ) ;
sms . mess = cursor . getString ( 4 ) ;
sms . status = cursor . getInt ( 5 ) ;
sms . seq_idx = " " ;
allSMS . add ( sms ) ;
// move to next record
cursor . moveToNext ( ) ;
cursor . close ( ) ;
return allSMS ;
@SuppressWarnings ( { " unchecked " , " rawtypes " } )
public ArrayList < SMS > getAllLastSMS ( )
ArrayList < SMS > allLastSMS = new ArrayList < SMS > ( ) ;
Cursor cursor = null ;
if ( database = = null )
SM . Debug ( " DBQuery " , " Database is null " ) ;
ArrayList < Integer > imeis = new ArrayList < Integer > ( ) ;
cursor = database . rawQuery ( " SELECT B.imei FROM (SELECT DISTINCT imei_sour AS imei FROM SMS WHERE imei_sour>0 UNION SELECT DISTINCT imei_dest AS imei FROM SMS WHERE imei_dest>0) AS B " , new String [ ] { } ) ;
cursor . moveToFirst ( ) ;
while ( cursor . isAfterLast ( ) = = false )
/ *
Integer imei_sour = cursor . getInt ( 0 ) ;
Integer imei_dest = cursor . getInt ( 1 ) ;
if ( imei_sour ! = 0 )
if ( ! imeis . contains ( imei_sour ) )
imeis . add ( imei_sour ) ;
if ( imei_dest ! = 0 )
if ( ! imeis . contains ( imei_dest ) )
imeis . add ( imei_dest ) ;
* /
imeis . add ( cursor . getInt ( 0 ) ) ;
// move to next record
cursor . moveToNext ( ) ;
cursor . close ( ) ;
for ( Integer imei : imeis )
ArrayList < SMS > smss = getSMS_4Imei ( imei ) ;
if ( smss . size ( ) > 0 )
allLastSMS . add ( smss . get ( smss . size ( ) - 1 ) ) ;
Collections . sort ( allLastSMS , new Comparator ( ) {
public int compare ( Object o1 , Object o2 ) {
SMS sms1 = ( SMS ) o1 ;
SMS sms2 = ( SMS ) o2 ;
if ( sms1 . timeGMT < sms2 . timeGMT )
return - 1 ;
else if ( sms1 . timeGMT > sms2 . timeGMT )
return 1 ;
return 0 ;
// return sms1.timeGMT.compareToIgnoreCase(p2.getFirstName());
} ) ;
return allLastSMS ;
public boolean insertSMS ( SMS sms )
long id = - 1 ;
if ( database = = null )
SM . Debug ( " DBQuery " , " Database is null " ) ;
ContentValues values = new ContentValues ( ) ;
values . put ( " timeGMT " , sms . timeGMT ) ;
values . put ( " imei_sour " , sms . sc_id_sour ) ;
values . put ( " imei_dest " , sms . sc_id_dest ) ;
values . put ( " mess " , sms . mess ) ;
values . put ( " status " , sms . status ) ;
id = database . insert ( " SMS " , " " , values ) ; //.rawQuery("SELECT imei_sour, imei_dest from SMS",new String [] {});
SM . Debug ( " DBQuery " , " Database Insert result: " + id ) ;
//INSERT into SMS (timeGMT, imei_sour, imei_dest, mess, status) VALUES( 1324016412, 0, 101, 'two', 1)
return ( id = = - 1 ) ? false : true ;
// get all users
public ArrayList < Recording > getAllRecordings ( )
ArrayList < Recording > allRecordings = new ArrayList < Recording > ( ) ;
Cursor cursor = null ;
if ( database = = null )
SM . Debug ( " DBQuery " , " Database is null " ) ;
cursor = database . rawQuery ( " SELECT _id, id_sour, id_dest, date, duration, filename, type from Recordings order by _id desc " , new String [ ] { } ) ;
cursor . moveToFirst ( ) ;
while ( cursor . isAfterLast ( ) = = false )
Recording rec = new Recording ( ) ;
2022-03-30 10:34:57 +03:00
rec . id = cursor . getInt ( 0 ) ;
2022-03-14 11:53:00 +02:00
rec . sourceRadioID = cursor . getInt ( 1 ) ;
rec . destinationRadioID = cursor . getInt ( 2 ) ;
rec . date = cursor . getInt ( 3 ) ;
rec . duration = cursor . getInt ( 4 ) ;
rec . filename = cursor . getString ( 5 ) ;
rec . type = cursor . getInt ( 6 ) ;
allRecordings . add ( rec ) ;
// move to next record
cursor . moveToNext ( ) ;
cursor . close ( ) ;
return allRecordings ;
// get all users
public Recording getLastRecording ( )
Cursor cursor = null ;
if ( database = = null )
SM . Debug ( " DBQuery " , " Database is null " ) ;
cursor = database . rawQuery ( " SELECT _id, id_sour, id_dest, date, duration, filename, type from Recordings order by _id desc " , new String [ ] { } ) ;
cursor . moveToFirst ( ) ;
if ( cursor . getCount ( ) > 0 )
Recording rec = new Recording ( ) ;
2022-03-30 10:34:57 +03:00
rec . id = cursor . getInt ( 0 ) ;
2022-03-14 11:53:00 +02:00
rec . sourceRadioID = cursor . getInt ( 1 ) ;
rec . destinationRadioID = cursor . getInt ( 2 ) ;
rec . date = cursor . getInt ( 3 ) ;
rec . duration = cursor . getInt ( 4 ) ;
rec . filename = cursor . getString ( 5 ) ;
rec . type = cursor . getInt ( 6 ) ;
return rec ;
return null ;
public long insertRecording ( Recording rec )
long id = - 1 ;
if ( database = = null )
SM . Debug ( " Database is null " ) ;
ContentValues values = new ContentValues ( ) ;
values . put ( " id_sour " , rec . sourceRadioID ) ;
values . put ( " id_dest " , rec . destinationRadioID ) ;
values . put ( " date " , rec . date ) ;
values . put ( " duration " , rec . duration ) ;
values . put ( " filename " , rec . filename ) ;
values . put ( " type " , rec . type ) ;
id = database . insert ( " Recordings " , " " , values ) ; //.rawQuery("SELECT imei_sour, imei_dest from SMS",new String [] {});
SM . Debug ( " DBQuery " , " Database Insert result: " + id ) ;
//INSERT into SMS (timeGMT, imei_sour, imei_dest, mess, status) VALUES( 1324016412, 0, 101, 'two', 1)
return id ;
public boolean removeRecording ( Recording rec )
long id = - 1 ;
if ( database = = null )
SM . Debug ( " Database is null " ) ;
ContentValues values = new ContentValues ( ) ;
values . put ( " id_sour " , rec . sourceRadioID ) ;
values . put ( " id_dest " , rec . destinationRadioID ) ;
values . put ( " date " , rec . date ) ;
values . put ( " duration " , rec . duration ) ;
values . put ( " filename " , rec . filename ) ;
values . put ( " type " , rec . type ) ;
2022-03-30 10:34:57 +03:00
id = database . delete ( " Recordings " , " _id= " + rec . id , null ) ;
2022-03-14 11:53:00 +02:00
SM . Debug ( " DBQuery " , " Database Remove result: " + id ) ;
//INSERT into SMS (timeGMT, imei_sour, imei_dest, mess, status) VALUES( 1324016412, 0, 101, 'two', 1)
return ( id = = - 1 ) ? false : true ;
// get all Contacts
public ArrayList < Contact > getAllContacts ( boolean TRBO )
ArrayList < Contact > allContacts = new ArrayList < Contact > ( ) ;
Cursor cursor = null ;
if ( database = = null )
SM . Debug ( " DBQuery " , " Database is null " ) ;
cursor = database . rawQuery ( " SELECT _id, call_id, name, call_type from contacts order by call_id asc " , new String [ ] { } ) ;
if ( cursor ! = null )
cursor . moveToFirst ( ) ;
while ( cursor . isAfterLast ( ) = = false )
Contact contact = new Contact ( ) ;
contact . id = cursor . getInt ( 1 ) ;
contact . name = cursor . getString ( 2 ) ;
String type = cursor . getString ( 3 ) ;
if ( type . equals ( " Private Call " ) )
contact . contactType = Contact . PRIVATE ;
else if ( type . equals ( " Group Call " ) )
contact . contactType = Contact . GROUP ;
allContacts . add ( contact ) ;
// move to next record
cursor . moveToNext ( ) ;
cursor . close ( ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
// table doesn't exist so I have to create and populate it
createContactsTable ( ) ;
populateContactsTable ( TRBO ) ;
return allContacts ;
// get all Contacts
public ArrayList < Zone > getAllZones ( boolean TRBO )
ArrayList < Zone > allZones = new ArrayList < Zone > ( ) ;
Cursor cursor = null ;
if ( database = = null )
SM . Debug ( " DBQuery " , " Database is null " ) ;
cursor = database . rawQuery ( " SELECT _id, position, name, type, zone_id from zonechannel order by zone_id asc, type desc " , new String [ ] { } ) ;
if ( cursor ! = null )
cursor . moveToFirst ( ) ;
ArrayList < Channel > listChannels = new ArrayList < Channel > ( ) ;
while ( cursor . isAfterLast ( ) = = false )
// add zone to list
if ( cursor . getString ( 3 ) . equals ( " zone " ) )
Zone z = new Zone ( ) ;
z . channelList = new ArrayList < Channel > ( ) ;
z . dbID = cursor . getInt ( 1 ) ;
z . ZoneName = cursor . getString ( 2 ) ;
z . id = cursor . getInt ( 4 ) ;
// add channels to zone
z . channelList = listChannels ;
// clear channels list
listChannels = new ArrayList < Channel > ( ) ;
// add zone
allZones . add ( z ) ;
// add channel to corresponding list
Channel c = new Channel ( ) ;
c . id = cursor . getInt ( 1 ) ;
c . chName = cursor . getString ( 2 ) ;
c . id = cursor . getInt ( 1 ) ;
// add channel to zone if exists or add it to the list
for ( Zone zone : allZones )
// if channel is in this zone
if ( zone . id = = cursor . getInt ( 4 ) )
// create list if not exists
if ( zone . channelList = = null )
zone . channelList = new ArrayList < Channel > ( ) ;
// add channel to list;
zone . channelList . add ( c ) ;
// move to next record
cursor . moveToNext ( ) ;
cursor . close ( ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
// table doesn't exist so I have to create and populate it
createZoneChannelTable ( ) ;
populateZoneChannelTable ( TRBO ) ;
return allZones ;
public void writeConfigFileZonesAndChannels ( ArrayList < Zone > zones ) {
// delete all values from zonechannel table
database . execSQL ( " DELETE FROM zonechannel where 1=1 " ) ;
for ( Zone zone : zones ) {
// insert zone into database
database . execSQL ( " INSERT INTO zonechannel (position, name, type, zone_id) VALUES ( " + zone . id + " ,' " + zone . ZoneName + " ', " +
" 'zone' " + " , " + zone . id + " ) " ) ;
// add channels for current zone
for ( Channel ch : zone . channelList ) {
database . execSQL ( " INSERT INTO zonechannel (position, name, type, zone_id) VALUES ( " + ch . id + " ,' " + ch . chName + " ', " +
" 'channel' " + " , " + ch . id + " ) " ) ;
public void writeConfigFileContacts ( ArrayList < Contact > contacts ) {
// delete all values from contacts table
database . execSQL ( " DELETE FROM contacts where 1=1 " ) ;
for ( Contact contact : contacts ) {
// insert contact into database
database . execSQL ( " INSERT INTO contacts (call_id, name, call_type) VALUES ( " + contact . id + " ,' " + contact . name + " ',' " +
contact . contactType + " ') " ) ;
public void createZoneChannelTable ( )
// create table
String sqlDataStore = " create table if not exists " +
" zonechannel " + " ( " + BaseColumns . _ID + " integer primary key autoincrement, "
+ " position " + " INTEGER , "
+ " name " + " text not null, "
+ " type " + " text not null, "
+ " zone_id " + " INTEGER not null) " ;
database . execSQL ( sqlDataStore ) ;
public void populateZoneChannelTable ( boolean TRBO )
// populate table
if ( TRBO )
database . execSQL ( " INSERT INTO zonechannel (position, name, type, zone_id) VALUES (1,'Zone1','zone',1) " ) ;
database . execSQL ( " INSERT INTO zonechannel (position, name, type, zone_id) VALUES (1,'Channel1','channel',1) " ) ;
database . execSQL ( " INSERT INTO zonechannel (position, name, type, zone_id) VALUES (2,'Channel2','channel',1) " ) ;
database . execSQL ( " INSERT INTO zonechannel (position, name, type, zone_id) VALUES (3,'Channel3','channel',1) " ) ;
database . execSQL ( " INSERT INTO zonechannel (position, name, type, zone_id) VALUES (4,'Channel4','channel',1) " ) ;
database . execSQL ( " INSERT INTO zonechannel (position, name, type, zone_id) VALUES (5,'Channel5','channel',1) " ) ;
database . execSQL ( " INSERT INTO zonechannel (position, name, type, zone_id) VALUES (6,'Channel6','channel',1) " ) ;
database . execSQL ( " INSERT INTO zonechannel (position, name, type, zone_id) VALUES (3,'Zone2','zone',3) " ) ;
database . execSQL ( " INSERT INTO zonechannel (position, name, type, zone_id) VALUES (1,'Ch5[Z2]','channel',3) " ) ;
database . execSQL ( " INSERT INTO zonechannel (position, name, type, zone_id) VALUES (2,'Ch6[Z2]','channel',3) " ) ;
database . execSQL ( " INSERT INTO zonechannel (position, name, type, zone_id) VALUES (1,'Zone1','zone',1) " ) ;
database . execSQL ( " INSERT INTO zonechannel (position, name, type, zone_id) VALUES (456,'DMO TG1','channel',1) " ) ;
database . execSQL ( " INSERT INTO zonechannel (position, name, type, zone_id) VALUES (457,'DMO TG2','channel',1) " ) ;
database . execSQL ( " INSERT INTO zonechannel (position, name, type, zone_id) VALUES (458,'DMO TG3','channel',1) " ) ;
database . execSQL ( " INSERT INTO zonechannel (position, name, type, zone_id) VALUES (459,'DMO TG4','channel',1) " ) ;
public void createContactsTable ( )
// create table
String sqlDataStore = " create table if not exists " +
" contacts " + " ( " + BaseColumns . _ID + " integer primary key autoincrement, "
+ " call_id " + " INTEGER , "
+ " name " + " text not null, "
+ " call_type " + " text not null) " ;
database . execSQL ( sqlDataStore ) ;
public void populateContactsTable ( boolean TRBO )
if ( TRBO )
database . execSQL ( " INSERT INTO contacts (call_id, name, call_type) VALUES (101,'UNIT101','Private Call') " ) ;
database . execSQL ( " INSERT INTO contacts (call_id, name, call_type) VALUES (102,'UNIT102','Private Call') " ) ;
database . execSQL ( " INSERT INTO contacts (call_id, name, call_type) VALUES (103,'UNIT103','Private Call') " ) ;
database . execSQL ( " INSERT INTO contacts (call_id, name, call_type) VALUES (104,'BASE104','Private Call') " ) ;
database . execSQL ( " INSERT INTO contacts (call_id, name, call_type) VALUES (114,'BASE114','Private Call') " ) ;
database . execSQL ( " INSERT INTO contacts (call_id, name, call_type) VALUES (124,'BASE124','Private Call') " ) ;
database . execSQL ( " INSERT INTO contacts (call_id, name, call_type) VALUES (1,'Call1','Group Call') " ) ;
database . execSQL ( " INSERT INTO contacts (call_id, name, call_type) VALUES (2,'Call2','Group Call') " ) ;
database . execSQL ( " INSERT INTO contacts (call_id, name, call_type) VALUES (101,'UNIT101','Private Call') " ) ;
database . execSQL ( " INSERT INTO contacts (call_id, name, call_type) VALUES (102,'UNIT102','Private Call') " ) ;
database . execSQL ( " INSERT INTO contacts (call_id, name, call_type) VALUES (103,'UNIT103','Private Call') " ) ;
database . execSQL ( " INSERT INTO contacts (call_id, name, call_type) VALUES (456,'DMO TG1','Group Call') " ) ;
database . execSQL ( " INSERT INTO contacts (call_id, name, call_type) VALUES (457,'DMO TG2','Group Call') " ) ;
database . execSQL ( " INSERT INTO contacts (call_id, name, call_type) VALUES (458,'DMO TG3','Group Call') " ) ;
database . execSQL ( " INSERT INTO contacts (call_id, name, call_type) VALUES (459,'DMO TG4','Group Call') " ) ;
public long insertContact ( Contact contact )
long id = - 1 ;
if ( database = = null )
SM . Debug ( " Database is null " ) ;
ContentValues values = new ContentValues ( ) ;
values . put ( " call_id " , contact . id ) ;
values . put ( " name " , contact . name ) ;
values . put ( " call_type " , contact . contactType ) ;
id = database . insert ( " contacts " , " " , values ) ; //.rawQuery("SELECT imei_sour, imei_dest from SMS",new String [] {});
SM . Debug ( " DBQuery " , " Database Insert result: " + id ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
SM . Exception ( " DB[Insert Contact] " , " Could not insert into DB " ) ;
//INSERT into SMS (timeGMT, imei_sour, imei_dest, mess, status) VALUES( 1324016412, 0, 101, 'two', 1)
return id ;