#/!bin/bash ## PREBUILD PROCESS # check dist dir to be present and empty if [ ! -d "dist" ]; then ## MAKE DIR mkdir "dist" echo "Directory dist created." else ## CLEANUP rm -fr dist/* fi if [ -d "node_modules" ]; then rm -fr node_modules fi # Install dependencies #npm install ## PROJECT NEEDS echo "Building app... from $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)" #npm run-script build #cp -r {.env,app.js,package.json,server,public} dist/ cp -r . dist/ #Add version control for pm2 cd dist #Add version control for pm2 version=$(git describe) file_pkg="package.json" key=" \"version\": \"" count=$(echo ${version%%-*} | grep -o "\." | wc -l) if (( $count > 1 )); then version=${version%%-*} else version="${version%%-*}.0" fi if [ -f "$file_pkg" ] && [ ! -z "$version" ]; then version=" \"version\": \"$version\"," sed -i "s|^.*$key.*|${version//\//\\/}|g" $file_pkg text=$(cat $file_pkg | grep -c "$version") if [ $text -eq 0 ]; then echo "Version couldn't be set" else echo "Version $version successfully applied to App" fi fi ## POST BUILD cd -