2. Go to the linx-devops project and run the `create_certificate_for_domain.sh` script from `private-system-trusted-cert`, it expects an ip/domain as the first argument.
3. You need to update the Video Server in the provisioning to point to your private IP. ex:
4. The generated files must be moved to server/ssl and renamed as follows:
- device.key -> key.pem
- nginx-selfsigned.crt -> cert.pem
5. Go to https://dev.linx.safemobile.com/dispatcher/resources/help/LINXHelp.html#safemobile-certificate-import and import the certificate for your system type
6. The ANNOUNCED IP in .env must be configured to use the same private IP used in generating the certificate.
7. Run the `npm start:dev` command to start the server in dev mode.