2023-06-07 12:50:24 +00:00
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const Server = require('socket.io');
const path = require('node:path');
const fs = require('node:fs');
let https;
try {
https = require('node:https');
} catch (err) {
console.log('https support is disabled!');
const mediasoup = require('mediasoup');
2025-03-03 22:30:41 +02:00
const isUdpEnabled = process.env.ENABLE_UDP === 'true';
const isTcpEnabled = process.env.ENABLE_TCP === 'true';
const isUdpPreferred = process.env.PREFER_UDP === 'true';
2025-03-05 23:37:35 +02:00
const isTcpPreferred = process.env.PREFER_TCP === 'true';
let currentConnectionType = isUdpPreferred ? 'udp' : 'tcp';
2023-06-07 12:50:24 +00:00
let worker;
* videoCalls - Dictionary of Object(s)
* '<callId>': {
* router: Router,
* initiatorAudioProducer: Producer,
* initiatorVideoProducer: Producer,
* receiverVideoProducer: Producer,
* receiverAudioProducer: Producer,
* initiatorProducerTransport: Producer Transport,
* receiverProducerTransport: Producer Transport,
* initiatorConsumerVideo: Consumer,
* initiatorConsumerAudio: Consumer,
* initiatorConsumerTransport: Consumer Transport
* initiatorSocket
* receiverSocket
* }
let videoCalls = {};
let socketDetails = {};
app.get('/', (_req, res) => {
app.use('/sfu', express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'public')));
// SSL cert for HTTPS access
const options = {
key: fs.readFileSync(process.env.SERVER_KEY, 'utf-8'),
cert: fs.readFileSync(process.env.SERVER_CERT, 'utf-8'),
const httpsServer = https.createServer(options, app);
const io = new Server(httpsServer, {
allowEIO3: true,
origins: ['*:*'],
httpsServer.listen(process.env.PORT, () => {
console.log('Video server listening on port:', process.env.PORT);
const peers = io.of('/');
const createWorker = async () => {
try {
worker = await mediasoup.createWorker({
rtcMinPort: parseInt(process.env.RTC_MIN_PORT),
rtcMaxPort: parseInt(process.env.RTC_MAX_PORT),
console.log(`[createWorker] worker pid ${worker.pid}`);
worker.on('died', (error) => {
// This implies something serious happened, so kill the application
console.error('mediasoup worker has died', error);
setTimeout(() => process.exit(1), 2000); // exit in 2 seconds
return worker;
} catch (error) {
console.error(`[createWorker] | ERROR | error: ${error.message}`);
// We create a Worker as soon as our application starts
worker = createWorker();
// This is an Array of RtpCapabilities
// https://mediasoup.org/documentation/v3/mediasoup/rtp-parameters-and-capabilities/#RtpCodecCapability
// list of media codecs supported by mediasoup ...
// https://github.com/versatica/mediasoup/blob/v3/src/supportedRtpCapabilities.ts
const mediaCodecs = [
kind: 'audio',
mimeType: 'audio/opus',
clockRate: 48000,
channels: 2,
kind: 'video',
mimeType: 'video/VP8',
clockRate: 90000,
parameters: {
'x-google-start-bitrate': 1000,
channels: 2,
kind: 'video',
mimeType: 'video/VP9',
clockRate: 90000,
parameters: {
'profile-id': 2,
'x-google-start-bitrate': 1000,
kind: 'video',
mimeType: 'video/h264',
clockRate: 90000,
parameters: {
'packetization-mode': 1,
'profile-level-id': '4d0032',
'level-asymmetry-allowed': 1,
'x-google-start-bitrate': 1000,
kind: 'video',
mimeType: 'video/h264',
clockRate: 90000,
parameters: {
'packetization-mode': 1,
'profile-level-id': '42e01f',
'level-asymmetry-allowed': 1,
'x-google-start-bitrate': 1000,
const closeCall = (callId) => {
try {
if (callId && videoCalls[callId]) {
delete videoCalls[callId];
console.log(`[closeCall] | callId: ${callId}`);
} catch (error) {
console.error(`[closeCall] | ERROR | callId: ${callId} | error: ${error.message}`);
- Handlers for WS events
- These are created only when we have a connection with a peer
peers.on('connection', async (socket) => {
console.log('[connection] socketId:', socket.id);
// After making the connection successfully, we send the client a 'connection-success' event
socket.emit('connection-success', {
socketId: socket.id,
// It is triggered when the peer is disconnected
socket.on('disconnect', () => {
const callId = socketDetails[socket.id];
console.log(`disconnect | socket ${socket.id} | callId ${callId}`);
delete socketDetails[socket.id];
- This event creates a room with the roomId and the callId sent
- It will return the rtpCapabilities of that room
- If the room already exists, it will not create it, but will only return rtpCapabilities
socket.on('createRoom', async ({ callId }, callback) => {
let callbackResponse = null;
try {
// We can continue with the room creation process only if we have a callId
if (callId) {
console.log(`[createRoom] socket.id ${socket.id} callId ${callId}`);
if (!videoCalls[callId]) {
videoCalls[callId] = { router: await worker.createRouter({ mediaCodecs }) };
console.log(`[createRoom] Generate Router ID: ${videoCalls[callId].router.id}`);
videoCalls[callId].receiverSocket = socket;
} else {
videoCalls[callId].initiatorSocket = socket;
socketDetails[socket.id] = callId;
// rtpCapabilities is set for callback
callbackResponse = {
rtpCapabilities: videoCalls[callId].router.rtpCapabilities,
} else {
console.log(`[createRoom] missing callId: ${callId}`);
} catch (error) {
console.error(`[createRoom] | ERROR | callId: ${callId} | error: ${error.message}`);
} finally {
- Client emits a request to create server side Transport
- Depending on the sender, a producer or consumer is created is created on that router
- It will return parameters, these are required for the client to create the RecvTransport
from the client.
- If the client is producer(sender: true) then it will use parameters for device.createSendTransport(params)
- If the client is a consumer(sender: false) then it will use parameters for device.createRecvTransport(params)
socket.on('createWebRtcTransport', async ({ sender }, callback) => {
try {
const callId = socketDetails[socket.id];
console.log(`[createWebRtcTransport] socket ${socket.id} | sender ${sender} | callId ${callId}`);
if (sender) {
if (!videoCalls[callId].receiverProducerTransport && !isInitiator(callId, socket.id)) {
videoCalls[callId].receiverProducerTransport = await createWebRtcTransportLayer(callId, callback);
} else if (!videoCalls[callId].initiatorProducerTransport && isInitiator(callId, socket.id)) {
videoCalls[callId].initiatorProducerTransport = await createWebRtcTransportLayer(callId, callback);
} else {
console.log(`producerTransport has already been defined | callId ${callId}`);
} else if (!sender) {
if (!videoCalls[callId].receiverConsumerTransport && !isInitiator(callId, socket.id)) {
videoCalls[callId].receiverConsumerTransport = await createWebRtcTransportLayer(callId, callback);
} else if (!videoCalls[callId].initiatorConsumerTransport && isInitiator(callId, socket.id)) {
videoCalls[callId].initiatorConsumerTransport = await createWebRtcTransportLayer(callId, callback);
} catch (error) {
`[createWebRtcTransport] | ERROR | callId: ${socketDetails[socket.id]} | sender: ${sender} | error: ${
- The client sends this event after successfully creating a createSendTransport(AS PRODUCER)
- The connection is made to the created transport
socket.on('transport-connect', async ({ dtlsParameters }) => {
try {
const callId = socketDetails[socket.id];
if (typeof dtlsParameters === 'string') dtlsParameters = JSON.parse(dtlsParameters);
console.log(`[transport-connect] socket ${socket.id} | callId ${callId}`);
isInitiator(callId, socket.id)
? await videoCalls[callId].initiatorProducerTransport.connect({ dtlsParameters })
: await videoCalls[callId].receiverProducerTransport.connect({ dtlsParameters });
} catch (error) {
console.error(`[transport-connect] | ERROR | callId: ${socketDetails[socket.id]} | error: ${error.message}`);
- The event sent by the client (PRODUCER) after successfully connecting to receiverProducerTransport/initiatorProducerTransport
- For the router with the id callId, we make produce on receiverProducerTransport/initiatorProducerTransport
- Create the handler on producer at the 'transportclose' event
socket.on('transport-produce', async ({ kind, rtpParameters, appData }, callback) => {
try {
const callId = socketDetails[socket.id];
if (typeof rtpParameters === 'string') rtpParameters = JSON.parse(rtpParameters);
console.log(`[transport-produce] callId: ${callId} | kind: ${kind} | socket: ${socket.id}`);
if (kind === 'video') {
if (!isInitiator(callId, socket.id)) {
videoCalls[callId].receiverVideoProducer = await videoCalls[callId].receiverProducerTransport.produce({
videoCalls[callId].receiverVideoProducer.on('transportclose', () => {
console.log('transport for this producer closed', callId);
// Send back to the client the Producer's id
callback &&
id: videoCalls[callId].receiverVideoProducer.id,
} else {
videoCalls[callId].initiatorVideoProducer = await videoCalls[callId].initiatorProducerTransport.produce({
videoCalls[callId].initiatorVideoProducer.on('transportclose', () => {
console.log('transport for this producer closed', callId);
callback &&
id: videoCalls[callId].initiatorVideoProducer.id,
} else if (kind === 'audio') {
if (!isInitiator(callId, socket.id)) {
videoCalls[callId].receiverAudioProducer = await videoCalls[callId].receiverProducerTransport.produce({
videoCalls[callId].receiverAudioProducer.on('transportclose', () => {
console.log('transport for this producer closed', callId);
// Send back to the client the Producer's id
callback &&
id: videoCalls[callId].receiverAudioProducer.id,
} else {
videoCalls[callId].initiatorAudioProducer = await videoCalls[callId].initiatorProducerTransport.produce({
videoCalls[callId].initiatorAudioProducer.on('transportclose', () => {
console.log('transport for this producer closed', callId);
// Send back to the client the Producer's id
callback &&
id: videoCalls[callId].initiatorAudioProducer.id,
const socketToEmit = isInitiator(callId, socket.id)
? videoCalls[callId].receiverSocket
: videoCalls[callId].initiatorSocket;
// callId - Id of the call
// kind - producer type: audio/video
socketToEmit?.emit('new-producer', { callId, kind });
} catch (error) {
console.error(`[transport-produce] | ERROR | callId: ${socketDetails[socket.id]} | error: ${error.message}`);
- The client sends this event after successfully creating a createRecvTransport(AS CONSUMER)
- The connection is made to the created consumerTransport
socket.on('transport-recv-connect', async ({ dtlsParameters }) => {
try {
const callId = socketDetails[socket.id];
console.log(`[transport-recv-connect] socket ${socket.id} | callId ${callId}`);
if (typeof dtlsParameters === 'string') dtlsParameters = JSON.parse(dtlsParameters);
// await videoCalls[callId].consumerTransport.connect({ dtlsParameters });
if (!isInitiator(callId, socket.id)) {
await videoCalls[callId].receiverConsumerTransport.connect({ dtlsParameters });
} else if (isInitiator(callId, socket.id)) {
await videoCalls[callId].initiatorConsumerTransport.connect({ dtlsParameters });
} catch (error) {
console.error(`[transport-recv-connect] | ERROR | callId: ${socketDetails[socket.id]} | error: ${error.message}`);
- The customer consumes after successfully connecting to consumerTransport
- The previous step was 'transport-recv-connect', and before that 'createWebRtcTransport'
- This event is only sent by the consumer
- The parameters that the consumer consumes are returned
- The consumer does consumerTransport.consume(params)
socket.on('consume', async ({ rtpCapabilities }, callback) => {
const callId = socketDetails[socket.id];
const socketId = socket.id;
console.log(`[consume] socket ${socketId} | callId: ${callId}`);
if (typeof rtpCapabilities === 'string') rtpCapabilities = JSON.parse(rtpCapabilities);
videoParams: await consumeVideo({ callId, socketId, rtpCapabilities }),
audioParams: await consumeAudio({ callId, socketId, rtpCapabilities }),
- Event sent by the consumer after consuming to resume the pause
- When consuming on consumerTransport, it is initially done with paused: true, here we will resume
- For the initiator we resume the initiatorConsumerAUDIO/VIDEO and for receiver the receiverConsumerAUDIO/VIDEO
socket.on('consumer-resume', () => {
try {
const callId = socketDetails[socket.id];
const isInitiatorValue = isInitiator(callId, socket.id);
console.log(`[consumer-resume] callId: ${callId} | isInitiator: ${isInitiatorValue}`);
const consumerVideo = isInitiatorValue
? videoCalls[callId].initiatorConsumerVideo
: videoCalls[callId].receiverConsumerVideo;
const consumerAudio = isInitiatorValue
? videoCalls[callId].initiatorConsumerAudio
: videoCalls[callId].receiverConsumerAudio;
} catch (error) {
`[consumer-resume] | ERROR | callId: ${socketDetails[socket.id]} | isInitiator: ${isInitiator} | error: ${
socket.on('close-producer', ({ callId, kind }) => {
try {
if (isInitiator(callId, socket.id)) {
console.log(`[close-producer] initiator --EMIT--> receiver | callId: ${callId} | kind: ${kind}`);
videoCalls[callId].receiverSocket.emit('close-producer', { callId, kind });
} else {
console.log(`[close-producer] receiver --EMIT--> initiator | callId: ${callId} | kind: ${kind}`);
videoCalls[callId].initiatorSocket.emit('close-producer', { callId, kind });
} catch (error) {
console.error(`[close-producer] | ERROR | callId: ${socketDetails[socket.id]} | error: ${error.message}`);
const canConsume = ({ callId, producerId, rtpCapabilities }) => {
return !!videoCalls[callId].router.canConsume({
const consumeVideo = async ({ callId, socketId, rtpCapabilities }) => {
// Handlers for consumer transport https://mediasoup.org/documentation/v3/mediasoup/api/#consumer-on-transportclose
if (isInitiator(callId, socketId) && videoCalls[callId].receiverVideoProducer) {
const producerId = videoCalls[callId].receiverVideoProducer.id;
if (!canConsume({ callId, producerId, rtpCapabilities })) return null;
videoCalls[callId].initiatorConsumerVideo = await videoCalls[callId].initiatorConsumerTransport.consume({
paused: true,
return {
id: videoCalls[callId].initiatorConsumerVideo.id,
kind: 'video',
rtpParameters: videoCalls[callId].initiatorConsumerVideo.rtpParameters,
} else if (videoCalls[callId].initiatorVideoProducer) {
const producerId = videoCalls[callId].initiatorVideoProducer.id;
if (!canConsume({ callId, producerId, rtpCapabilities })) return null;
videoCalls[callId].receiverConsumerVideo = await videoCalls[callId].receiverConsumerTransport.consume({
paused: true,
return {
id: videoCalls[callId].receiverConsumerVideo.id,
kind: 'video',
rtpParameters: videoCalls[callId].receiverConsumerVideo.rtpParameters,
} else {
return null;
const consumeAudio = async ({ callId, socketId, rtpCapabilities }) => {
try {
// Handlers for consumer transport https://mediasoup.org/documentation/v3/mediasoup/api/#consumer-on-transportclose
if (isInitiator(callId, socketId) && videoCalls[callId].receiverAudioProducer) {
const producerId = videoCalls[callId].receiverAudioProducer.id;
if (!canConsume({ callId, producerId, rtpCapabilities })) return null;
videoCalls[callId].initiatorConsumerAudio = await videoCalls[callId].initiatorConsumerTransport.consume({
paused: true,
return {
id: videoCalls[callId].initiatorConsumerAudio.id,
kind: 'audio',
rtpParameters: videoCalls[callId].initiatorConsumerAudio.rtpParameters,
} else if (videoCalls[callId].initiatorAudioProducer) {
const producerId = videoCalls[callId].initiatorAudioProducer.id;
if (!canConsume({ callId, producerId, rtpCapabilities })) return null;
videoCalls[callId].receiverConsumerAudio = await videoCalls[callId].receiverConsumerTransport.consume({
paused: true,
return {
id: videoCalls[callId].receiverConsumerAudio.id,
kind: 'audio',
rtpParameters: videoCalls[callId].receiverConsumerAudio.rtpParameters,
} else {
return null;
} catch (error) {
console.error(`[consumeAudio] | ERROR | error: ${error}`);
const isInitiator = (callId, socketId) => {
return videoCalls[callId]?.initiatorSocket?.id === socketId;
- Called from at event 'createWebRtcTransport' and assigned to the consumer or producer transport
- It will return parameters, these are required for the client to create the RecvTransport
from the client.
- If the client is producer(sender: true) then it will use parameters for device.createSendTransport(params)
- If the client is a consumer(sender: false) then it will use parameters for device.createRecvTransport(params)
const createWebRtcTransportLayer = async (callId, callback) => {
try {
console.log(`[createWebRtcTransportLayer] callId: ${callId}`);
// https://mediasoup.org/documentation/v3/mediasoup/api/#WebRtcTransportOptions
const webRtcTransport_options = {
listenIps: [
ip: process.env.IP, // Listening IPv4 or IPv6.
announcedIp: process.env.ANNOUNCED_IP, // Announced IPv4 or IPv6 (useful when running mediasoup behind NAT with private IP).
2025-03-03 22:30:41 +02:00
enableUdp: isUdpEnabled,
enableTcp: isTcpEnabled,
preferUdp: isUdpPreferred,
2025-03-05 23:37:35 +02:00
preferTcp: isTcpPreferred,
iceConsentTimeout: 3
2023-06-07 12:50:24 +00:00
// https://mediasoup.org/documentation/v3/mediasoup/api/#router-createWebRtcTransport
let transport = await videoCalls[callId].router.createWebRtcTransport(webRtcTransport_options);
2025-03-05 23:37:35 +02:00
// `iceselectedtuplechange`: Fires when ICE switches transport (e.g., UDP → TCP).
2025-03-03 22:30:41 +02:00
transport.on('iceselectedtuplechange', (selectedTuple) => {
const { protocol } = selectedTuple;
2025-03-05 23:37:35 +02:00
if (currentConnectionType !== protocol) {
console.warn(`⚠️ ${currentConnectionType.toUpperCase()} blocked! Switching to ${protocol.toUpperCase()} for callId: ${callId}`);
currentConnectionType = protocol;
2025-03-03 22:30:41 +02:00
2025-03-05 23:37:35 +02:00
// `icestatechange`: Fires when ICE connection state changes (e.g., new, connected, failed).
transport.on('icestatechange', (iceState) => {
console.log(`[ICE STATE CHANGE] callId: ${callId} | State: ${iceState}`);
if (iceState === 'failed' || iceState === 'disconnected') {
console.warn(`⚠️ ICE failure detected for callId: ${callId}! Possible UDP blockage.`);
2025-03-03 22:30:41 +02:00
2023-06-07 12:50:24 +00:00
// Handler for when DTLS(Datagram Transport Layer Security) changes
transport.on('dtlsstatechange', (dtlsState) => {
console.log(`transport | dtlsstatechange | calldId ${callId} | dtlsState ${dtlsState}`);
if (dtlsState === 'closed') {
// Handler if the transport layer has closed (for various reasons)
transport.on('close', () => {
console.log(`transport | closed | calldId ${callId}`);
const params = {
id: transport.id,
iceParameters: transport.iceParameters,
iceCandidates: transport.iceCandidates,
dtlsParameters: transport.dtlsParameters,
// Send back to the client the params
callback({ params });
// Set transport to producerTransport or consumerTransport
return transport;
} catch (error) {
`[createWebRtcTransportLayer] | ERROR | callId: ${socketDetails[socket.id]} | error: ${error.message}`
callback({ params: { error } });