# QR Code Scanner for iOS Scans QR codes using the device's camera and returns a string value. ## Installation 1. Install [CocoaPods](https://cocoapods.org). 2. Add the following dependency in your **Podspec** file: ~~~ruby pod 'QR-Code-Scanner-iOS', '~> 1.0' ~~~ 3. Run `pod install`. ## Usage ~~~swift import UIKit import QRCodeScanner class MyViewController: UIViewController, QRCodeScanViewControllerDelegate { /// Start the QR code scan func scanQRCode() { // Create an instance of QRCodeScanViewController let viewController = QRCodeScanViewController.create() // Set itself as delegate viewController.delegate = self // Present the view controller self.present(viewController, animated: true) } // MARK: QRCodeScanViewControllerDelegate /// Called when the camera scans a QR code /// - Parameters: /// - viewController: View controller that scanned the QR code /// - value: String encoded in the QR code func qrCodeScanViewController(_ viewController: QRCodeScanViewController, didScanQRCode value: String) { // Dismiss the view controller viewController.dismiss(animated: true) { // Show an alert with the scanned value let alert = UIAlertController(title: "Scanned value", message: value, preferredStyle: .alert) alert.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "OK", style: .default, handler: nil)) self.present(alert, animated: true) } } } ~~~